Exemple #1
function admin_database_make()
    if (@$_SESSION['rights']['admin']['database']['backup'] or @$_SESSION['rights']['superadmin']) {
        $backup_obj = new MySQL_Backup();
        $backup_obj->server = MYSQL_HOST;
        $backup_obj->username = MYSQL_USER;
        $backup_obj->password = MYSQL_PASS;
        $backup_obj->database = MYSQL_DATABASE;
        $backup_obj->tables = array();
        $backup_obj->drop_tables = true;
        $backup_obj->struct_only = false;
        $backup_obj->comments = true;
        $backup_obj->fname_format = 'd_m_y__H_i_s';
        if (!$backup_obj->Execute(MSB_DOWNLOAD, '', false)) {
    } else {
        table(ERROR, NO_ADMIN_RIGHTS);
 if ($do == "backup") {
     $backup_obj = new MySQL_Backup();
     $backup_obj->server = $pixieconfig['host'];
     $backup_obj->username = $pixieconfig['user'];
     $backup_obj->password = $pixieconfig['pass'];
     $backup_obj->database = $pixieconfig['db'];
     $backup_obj->tables = array();
     $backup_obj->drop_tables = true;
     $backup_obj->struct_only = false;
     $backup_obj->comments = true;
     $backup_obj->backup_dir = '../files/sqlbackups/';
     $backup_obj->fname_format = 'd_m_Y-H-i-s';
     $filename = date("d_m_Y-H-i-s") . ".sql.gz";
     $task = MSB_SAVE;
     $use_gzip = true;
     if (!$backup_obj->Execute($task, '', $use_gzip)) {
         $message = $backup_obj->error;
     } else {
         $messageok = $lang['backup_ok'];
         logme($lang['backup_ok'], "no", "save");
         safe_update("pixie_settings", "last_backup = '{$filename}'", "settings_id = '1'");
         $prefs = get_prefs();
 if (isset($del)) {
     if (file_exists("../files/sqlbackups/" . $del)) {
         $current = safe_field('last_backup', 'pixie_settings', "settings_id='1'");
         if ($current != $del) {
             $delk = file_delete("../files/sqlbackups/" . $del);
         } else {
Exemple #3
 public function accion_copiaseg($datos = array(), $estruc = false, $version = 'CED')
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../class/mysql_backup.class.php';
     $backup_obj = new MySQL_Backup();
     //----------------------- EDIT - REQUIRED SETUP VARIABLES -----------------------
     $backup_obj->server = FS_DB_HOST;
     $backup_obj->port = FS_DB_PORT;
     $backup_obj->username = FS_DB_USER;
     $backup_obj->password = FS_DB_PASS;
     $backup_obj->database = FS_DB_NAME;
     //Tables you wish to backup. All tables in the database will be backed up if this array is null.
     $backup_obj->tables = $datos;
     //------------------------ END - REQUIRED SETUP VARIABLES -----------------------
     //-------------------- OPTIONAL PREFERENCE VARIABLES ---------------------
     //Add DROP TABLE IF EXISTS queries before CREATE TABLE in backup file.
     $backup_obj->drop_tables = true;
     //Only structure of the tables will be backed up if true.
     $backup_obj->struct_only = $estruc;
     //Include comments in backup file if true.
     $backup_obj->comments = true;
     //Directory on the server where the backup file will be placed. Used only if task parameter equals MSB_SAVE.
     $backup_obj->backup_dir = $this->crear_dir();
     //Default file name format.
     $backup_obj->fname_format = "d-m-Y_H-i-s";
     //--------------------- END - OPTIONAL PREFERENCE VARIABLES ---------------------
     //---------------------- EDIT - REQUIRED EXECUTE VARIABLES ----------------------
      * Task:
      *    MSB_STRING - Return SQL commands as a single output string.
      *    MSB_SAVE - Create the backup file on the server.
      *    MSB_DOWNLOAD - Download backup file to the user's computer.
     $task = MSB_SAVE;
     //Optional name of backup file if using 'MSB_SAVE' or 'MSB_DOWNLOAD'. If nothing is passed, the default file name format will be used.
     $filename = "_" . $version . "_FacturaSctipts_V" . $this->version();
     //Use GZip compression if using 'MSB_SAVE' or 'MSB_DOWNLOAD'?
     $use_gzip = true;
     //--------------------- END - REQUIRED EXECUTE VARIABLES ----------------------
     //-------------------- NO NEED TO ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE --------------------
     return $backup_obj->Execute($task, $filename, $use_gzip);
Exemple #4
function nulluhr()
    global $db;
    $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_messages WHERE fromdel = 1 AND del = 1');
    $result = $db->query('SELECT ID FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user WHERE (ondelete < ' . time() . ' AND ondelete != 0) OR (status = 0 AND registerdate < ' . (time() - DELETE_UNAKTIV * 86400) . ')');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $result = $db->query('SELECT ID, money FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user LEFT JOIN ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_ranks ON (rID = rankID)');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($row['money'] != '') {
            $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_user_stats SET money = money + ' . $row['money'] . ' WHERE userID = ' . $row['ID']);
    if (BACKUP_AKTIV) {
        $last = $db->result(DB_PRE . 'ecp_stats', 'lastdbbackup', '1');
        if (BACKUP_CYCLE == 'day' or $last + (BACKUP_CYCLE == 'month' ? 2592000 : 604800) < time()) {
            $backup_obj = new MySQL_Backup();
            $backup_obj->server = MYSQL_HOST;
            $backup_obj->username = MYSQL_USER;
            $backup_obj->password = MYSQL_PASS;
            $backup_obj->database = MYSQL_DATABASE;
            $backup_obj->tables = array();
            $backup_obj->drop_tables = true;
            $backup_obj->struct_only = false;
            $backup_obj->comments = true;
            $backup_obj->fname_format = 'd_m_y__H_i_s';
            $string = get_random_string(8, 2);
            if ($backup_obj->Execute(MSB_SAVE, 'uploads/forum/' . $string . '.sql.gz', true)) {
                $m = new XMail();
                // set from address and name
                // add to address and name
                // set subject
                // set text/plain version of message
                $m->Text(DATE . ': ' . date('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
                // add attachment ('text/plain' file)
                $m->Attach(date('Y_m_d') . '.sql.gz', 'application/x-gzip');
                $f = 'uploads/forum/' . $string . '.sql.gz';
                $id = MIME::unique();
                // add inline attachment '$f' file with ID '$id'
                $m->Attach(file_get_contents($f), FUNC::mime_type($f), null, null, null, 'attachment', $id);
                if (SMTP_AKTIV) {
                    $c = $m->Connect(SMTP_HOST, (int) SMTP_PORT, SMTP_USER, SMTP_PASS, 'tls', 10, 'localhost', null, 'plain');
                    //or die(print_r($m->Result));
                if ($m->Send(SMTP_AKTIV ? $c : null)) {
                    $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_stats SET lastdbbackup = ' . strtotime('today 00:00:00'));
                unlink('uploads/forum/' . $string . '.sql.gz');
    $result = $db->query('SELECT attachID, strname FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_attachments WHERE (tID = 0 OR bID = 0) AND uploadzeit < ' . (time() - 1000));
    while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc()) {
        @unlink('upload/forum/' . $row['attachID'] . '_' . $row['strname']);
    $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_attachments WHERE (tID = 0 OR bID = 0) AND uploadzeit < ' . (time() - 1000));
    // Buchungen durchf�hren
    $buchresult = $db->query('SELECT `ID`, `verwendung`, `intervall`, `betrag`, `nextbuch`, `tagmonat` FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse_auto WHERE nextbuch <= \'' . time() . '\'');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($buchresult)) {
        $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse_transaktion (`geld`, `verwendung`, `datum`, `userID`) VALUES
                 (-' . $row['betrag'] . ', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['verwendung']) . '\', ' . time() . ', 0)');
        $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse SET kontostand = kontostand - ' . $row['betrag']);
        switch ($row['tagmonat']) {
            case 1:
                $nextdate = strtotime('+ ' . (int) $row['intervall'] . ' month');
            case 15:
                $nextdate = strtotime('+ ' . (int) $row['intervall'] . ' month');
            case 28:
                $nextdate = strtotime('+ ' . (int) $row['intervall'] . ' month');
        $db->query('UPDATE ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_clankasse_auto SET `nextbuch` = \'' . $nextdate . '\'');
    $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_forum_search WHERE datum < ' . (time() - 86400));
    $result = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(sID) as anzahl, sID FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_server_stats GROUP BY sID');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        if ($row['anzahl'] > SERVER_MAX_LOG) {
            $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . DB_PRE . 'ecp_server_stats WHERE sID = ' . $row['sID'] . ' ORDER BY datum ASC LIMIT ' . ($row['anzahl'] - SERVER_MAX_LOG));
Exemple #5
// now you have access to all CMS API
// only root user can backup the database
if (!is_root()) {
require SYS_DIR . 'class.db.backup.php';
// load maintenance configuration
require 'config.php';
$backup = new MySQL_Backup();
$backup->server = DB_HOST;
$backup->username = DB_USER;
$backup->password = DB_PASSWORD;
$backup->database = DB_NAME;
// backup all tables on 'backup' dir
$backup->tables = array();
$backup->backup_dir = BACKUPDIR;
$backup->fname_format = 'Ymd-His';
$task = (int) $_GET['task'];
$run = $backup->Execute($task);
if (!$run) {
    $output = $backup->error;
} else {
    $output = 'Operation completed successfully at <strong>' . date('H:i:s') . '</strong><em> (Local Server Time)</em>.';
    if ($task == MSB_SAVE) {
        notify_request("backup", (bool) $run, $output);
    } else {
        if ($task == MSB_STRING) {
            echo $output . '<br /><pre>' . $run . '</pre>';
Exemple #6
                if (is_dir($file)) {
                    $createZip->addDirectory($basename . "/" . $zipPath);
                } else {
                    $fileContents = file_get_contents($file);
                    $createZip->addFile($fileContents, $basename . "/" . $zipPath);
if (isset($configBackupDB) && is_array($configBackupDB) && count($configBackupDB) > 0) {
    foreach ($configBackupDB as $db) {
        $backup = new MySQL_Backup();
        $backup->server = $db['server'];
        $backup->username = $db['username'];
        $backup->password = $db['password'];
        $backup->database = $db['database'];
        #$backup->tables   = $db['tables'];
        $backup->backup_dir = $configBackupDir;
        $sqldump = $backup->Execute(MSB_STRING, "", false);
        $createZip->addFile($sqldump, $db['database'] . '-' . date('d-m-y') . '-' . date('H-i-s') . '.sql');
$fileName = $configBackupDir . $backupName;
$fd = fopen($fileName, "wb");
$out = fwrite($fd, $createZip->getZippedfile());
// Dump done now lets email the user
if (isset($configEmail) && !empty($configEmail)) {
    mailAttachment($fileName, $configEmail, '*****@*****.**', 'Backup Script', '*****@*****.**', 'Backup - ' . $backupName, "Backup file is attached");