Exemple #1

require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc';
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$db->Query("SELECT bademail, reason FROM bounced WHERE count > 0 ORDER BY bademail");
while (list($e, $r) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    list($t, $domain) = explode("@", strtolower($e), 2);
    if (!$domains[$domain]) {
        $domains[$domain] = $r;
echo "<pre>";
echo print_r($domains);
echo "</pre>";
echo count($domains) . "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach ($domains as $domain => $reason) {
    $p = popen('/usr/bin/host -t mx ' . $domain, 'r');
    $contents = trim(fread($p, 1024));
    $mxrecords = explode("\n", $contents);
    if (count($mxrecords)) {
        $db->Query("SELECT bademail FROM bounced WHERE bademail LIKE '%@{$domain}'");
        list($domains_mx[$domain][0]) = $db->FetchRow();
        foreach ($mxrecords as $mx) {
            if (!$mx) {
        $db->Query("SELECT ipaddress FROM urldata WHERE userID='{$uID}' AND name='{$tracker}' AND ({$mletime} - 2419200) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hitdate) ORDER BY ipaddress");
    if ($mode == "week") {
        $db->Query("SELECT ipaddress FROM urldata WHERE userID='{$uID}' AND name='{$tracker}' AND ({$mletime} - 604800) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hitdate) ORDER BY ipaddress");
    if ($mode == "day") {
        $db->Query("SELECT ipaddress FROM urldata WHERE userID='{$uID}' AND name='{$tracker}' AND ({$mletime} - 86400) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hitdate) ORDER BY ipaddress");
    if ($mode == "hour") {
        $db->Query("SELECT ipaddress FROM urldata WHERE userID='{$uID}' AND name='{$tracker}' AND ({$mletime} - 3600) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(hitdate) ORDER BY ipaddress");
$ipprev = "";
$unique = 0;
$total = $db->rows;
while (list($ipaddress) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    if ($ipaddress != $ipprev) {
    $ipprev = $ipaddress;
<title>Url Tracking Statistics</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css_mlp.css" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table width="300" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
Exemple #3
                $time = time();
                $hash = substr(sha1($time . $number . 'ks754gSkn86dgSbd7d'), 0, 5);
                header("Location: clientreply.php?time={$time}&hash={$hash}&html={$html}&n={$number}");
if (!$db->Query("SELECT email, subject, message, open FROM tickets WHERE number='{$number}' ORDER BY id DESC")) {
    exit('Ticket number was not found. Incorrectly entered number or was deleted from our database. <a href="openticket.php">Open a new Ticket</a>');
$emails = $subjects = $messages = array();
while (list($email, $subject, $message, $status) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    if (!$status) {
        exit('This ticket is closed. If you wish to open a new ticket <a href="openticket.php">Click Here</a>.');
    $emails[] = $email;
    $subjects[] = $subject;
    $messages[] = htmlentities($message);
$foundemail = false;
if (count($emails)) {
    foreach ($emails as $email) {
        if ($email != 'admin-reply') {
            $foundemail = true;
Exemple #4
This Email Alert was turned on by you.
If you wish to turn future alerts like
this off, log into your Profile and
uncheck the appropriate Email Alert
checkbox then save your Profile Settings.

Thank You,
http://freeadplanet.com Staff
Open a Ticket: http://freeadplanet.com/openticket.php
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$bademails = array();
if ($db->Query("SELECT bademail FROM bounced WHERE 1 ORDER BY bademail")) {
    while (list($b) = $db->FetchRow()) {
        $bademails[] = $b;
if ($db->Query("SELECT datelastreset FROM reset WHERE datelastreset < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)")) {
    $db->Query("UPDATE reset SET datelastreset='{$midnight}' LIMIT 1");
    echo "Begin new fap_billing day midnight={$midnight}\n";
    // downgrade after grace period - or mail bill
    $db->Query("SELECT email, fname, lname, username, pass, affid, datelastbilled FROM users WHERE status='2'");
    $users = $db->result;
    while (list($email, $fname, $lname, $username, $password, $affid, $datelastbilled) = mysqli_fetch_row($users)) {
        $num_days = DateDiff(mysql_datetime_to_timestamp($datelastbilled), time(), 'd');
        $num_days = round($num_days);
        if ($num_days >= $days_grace_period) {
            downgrade_member($email, $fname, $lname, $username, $password, $affid, $datelastbilled, $headers, $db);
Exemple #5

include "../mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access();
// get all banners
$db->Query("SELECT banner FROM banners WHERE 1 ORDER BY banner");
while (list($banner) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    list($tmp, $banners[]) = explode("/", $banner);
// get all ads
$db->Query("SELECT adimage FROM ads WHERE adimage!='none' ORDER BY adimage");
while (list($banner) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    list($tmp, $banners[]) = explode("/", $banner);
if ($dir = opendir("_signs")) {
    while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
            $files[] = $file;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
    for ($j = 0, $found = 0; $j < count($banners); $j++) {
        if (stristr($banners[$j], $files[$i])) {
            $found = 1;
    if (!$found) {
Exemple #6
if ($e and $t and $db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$c}' LIMIT 1")) {
    exit($h1 . 'This credit link was already earned.' . $h2);
$unmixup = unmixup($c);
$seed = substr($unmixup, 0, 10);
$userID = substr($unmixup, 10, 10);
$raw = substr($unmixup, 20);
$urlID = substr($raw, 0, strlen($raw) - 1);
$type = substr($raw, strlen($raw) - 1);
$f = 0;
if ($h != makehash($unmixup)) {
    $f = 1;
    $userlink = 'http://planetxmail.com/soloads.php?list=cred';
} else {
    if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
        list($userlink) = $db->FetchRow();
if ($e) {
    if ($f) {
        exit($h1 . '<b>Hash check failed.</a> Make sure you copy and paste the link properly.' . $h2);
    if ($e != makehash($unmixup . $h)) {
        exit($h1 . 'Earn Hash check FAILED.' . $h2);
    if ($db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$c}' LIMIT 1")) {
        exit($h1 . 'This credit link was already earned.' . $h2);
    if (!$db->Query("SELECT status, listname, listownerID, username, email, listemail FROM users WHERE userID='{$userID}' LIMIT 1")) {
        exit($h1 . 'user ID not found.' . $h2);
Exemple #7

require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc';
require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/validationfunctions.php';
$unmixup = unmixup($c);
$e = makehash($unmixup . $h);
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$url = '';
if (!$db->Query("SELECT link FROM earnedlinks WHERE link='{$c}' LIMIT 1")) {
    if ($db->Query("SELECT id, crediturl, datemailed FROM soloads WHERE receipt != '' AND crediturl != '' AND datemailed > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY) ORDER BY MD5(RAND()) LIMIT 1")) {
        list($soloadID, $urlID, $datemailed) = $db->FetchRow();
        if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
            list($url) = $db->FetchRow();
            $db->Query("INSERT INTO iframe_stats (soloadID, urlID, counter, url, datemailed, lastupdate) VALUES ('{$soloadID}','{$urlID}','1','{$url}','{$datemailed}',NOW())\n                  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE counter=counter+1, lastupdate=NOW()");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Planet X Mail - Credit Earner</title>
function bt(){setTimeout('ri()', 10000);}
function ri(){location.href="http://planetxmail.com/earn.php?c=<?php 
echo $c;
echo $h;
Exemple #8

require_once '/home/nulled/config.inc';
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$db->Query("SELECT listname, listhash FROM listurls WHERE 1 ORDER BY listname");
$lists = array();
while (list($listname, $listhash) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $lists[$listhash] = $listname;
if ($notValid = trim($_GET['notValid'])) {
    $notValid = urldecode($notValid);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>Planet X Mail - Request Safelist List</title>
a:link { color: #000; text-decoration: none; }
a:visited { color: #000; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color: #FF0000; text-decoration: underline; }
a:active { color: #000; text-decoration: none; }

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 12px;
Exemple #9

include "../mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access();
echo "<pre>";
if ($mode == "userID") {
    // check form duplicate userIDs
    $db->Query("SELECT userID FROM users WHERE 1 ORDER BY userID");
    while (list($userID) = $db->FetchRow()) {
        $uIDs[] = $userID;
        //echo $userID."\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($uIDs); $i++) {
        if ($uIDs[$i] == $prev) {
            $dups[] = $uIDs[$i];
        $prev = $uIDs[$i];
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($dups); $i++) {
        echo $dups[$i] . "\n";
// check form duplicate username, listownerID, listname
if ($mode == "userID|listownerID|listname") {
    $db->Query("SELECT username, listownerID, listname FROM users WHERE 1 ORDER BY listownerID, listname, username");
    while (list($username, $listownerID, $listname) = $db->FetchRow()) {
        $usernames[] = strtolower($username);
        $listownerIDs[] = $listownerID;
        $listnames[] = strtolower($listname);
Exemple #10
$db = new MySQL_Access("mle");
$db->Query("SELECT listownerID, username FROM listowner WHERE username != 'demoit' ORDER BY username");
$result = $db->result;
while (list($listownerID, $listownername) = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
    if (!$db->Query("SELECT listname FROM listconfig WHERE listownerID='{$listownerID}'")) {
        exit("ERROR: listownerID={$listownerID} NOT FOUND\n");
    $result2 = $db->result;
    while (list($listname) = mysqli_fetch_row($result2)) {
        if ($db->Query("SELECT id FROM orders WHERE listname='{$listname}' AND listownername='{$listownername}'")) {
            if ($db->rows > 1) {
                echo "------> DUP FOUND: {$listname}, {$listownername}\n";
            } else {
                list($ids[]) = $db->FetchRow();
                echo "OK: {$listname}, {$listownername}\n";
        } else {
            if ($db->Query("SELECT id FROM extended WHERE listname='{$listname}' AND listownername='{$listownername}'")) {
                list($ex_ids[]) = $db->FetchRow();
                echo "OK EX: {$listname}, {$listownername}\n";
            } else {
                echo "-------------------------> NOT FOUND: {$listname}, {$listownername}\n";
$db->Query("SELECT id FROM orders WHERE 1 ORDER BY id");
while (list($id) = $db->FetchRow()) {
Exemple #11

include "phpsecure/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access("mle");
$months = array("", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
$db->Query("SELECT datesubmitted FROM soloads WHERE mop!='' ORDER BY datesubmitted DESC");
$i = 0;
while (list($date) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    list($year[$i], $month[$i], $day[$i]) = preg_split("/[- ]/", $date);
$numAds = count($year);
$db->Query("SELECT datesubmitted FROM soloads WHERE mop!='' AND mailed='0'");
$newAd = $db->rows;
<title>Solo AD Totals</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="x.css" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300;URL=satotal.php">
<table border="0" width="120" align="center" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
    <td bgcolor="lightblue">Date:</td>
    <td bgcolor="lightblue">SoloAds</td>
if ($newAd) {
    echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"yellow\" align=\"right\"><font size=\"+1\">New AD!</font></td></tr>";
Exemple #12

include "../mlpsecure/sessionsecurelistowner.inc";
include "../mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
include "../mlpsecure/config/config.inc";
include "../mlpsecure/validationfunctions.php";
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$db->Query("SELECT userID, password, email, username FROM users WHERE userID='{$_SESSION['aauserID']}' LIMIT 1");
$linkData = $db->FetchRow();
$removelink = "http://planetxmail.com/mle/enternewpassword.php?uID={$linkData['0']}&pID={$linkData['1']}&list={$_SESSION['aalistname']}&id={$_SESSION['aalistownerID']}";
$db->Query("SELECT fromname, fromemail FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$_SESSION['aalistname']}' AND listownerID='{$_SESSION['aalistownerID']}'");
$listemails = $db->FetchRow();
$message = file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/lostpassmessage.txt');
$message = str_replace('[link]', $removelink, $message);
$subject = $_SESSION['aalistname'] . ' - Lost Password';
$header = "From: {$listemails[0]} <{$listemails[1]}>";
if (@mail($linkData[2], $subject, $message, $header)) {
    header("Location: changepasswordsent.php?username={$linkData[3]}&email={$linkData[2]}&aauserID={$_SESSION['aauserID']}");
} else {
    $notValid = "ERROR: Mail server is down.  Try again later.";
Exemple #13
 list($eccm) = popen2('cat /sys/devices/system/edac/mc/mc0/ce_count');
 $mem[] = 'ErrorCount:            ' . $eccm;
 $df = popen2('df -h');
 $mdstat = parse_mdstat(popen2('cat /proc/mdstat'));
 $nginx = parse_server_prog(popen2('ps aux | grep nginx: | grep -v grep'), 'nginx:');
 $php5fpm = parse_server_prog(popen2('ps aux | grep php-fpm | grep -v grep'), 'php-fpm');
 $uptime = pws(popen2('uptime'));
 $uptime[0] = str_replace('load average:', '', $uptime[0]);
 $postfix = parse_postfix(popen2('ps aux | grep postfix | grep -v grep'));
 $postfix_queue_size = popen2("find {$postfix_queue}/active -type f -print | wc -l");
 $postfix[] = $postfix_queue_size[0] .= ' active queue';
 $postfix_queue_size = popen2("find /{$postfix_queue}/deferred -type f -print | wc -l");
 $postfix[] = $postfix_queue_size[0] .= ' deferred queue';
 $mysql = parse_mysql(popen2('ps aux | grep mysql | grep -v grep'));
 $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM queue WHERE 1");
 list($mle_queue_num) = $db->FetchRow();
 $mysql[] = $mle_queue_num . ' mle.queue';
 $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bounced WHERE 1");
 list($mle_bounced_num) = $db->FetchRow();
 $mysql[] = $mle_bounced_num . ' mle.bounced';
 $db->Query("SELECT totalcount, bouncedcount FROM mailcount WHERE id='1'");
 list($mle_totalcount_num, $mle_bouncedcount_num) = $db->FetchRow();
 $mysql[] = $mle_bouncedcount_num . ' mle.mc.bounced';
 $mysql[] = $mle_totalcount_num . ' mle.mc.total';
 $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM soloads WHERE receipt != '' AND datemailed='0000-00-00 00:00:00'");
 list($mle_pending_soloads) = $db->FetchRow();
 $mysql[] = $mle_pending_soloads . ' mle.soloads';
 $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mailqueue WHERE 1");
 list($fap_queue_num) = $db->FetchRow();
 $mysql[] = $fap_queue_num . ' fap.queue';
Exemple #14
 $db->Query("SELECT username, listownerID, email FROM listowner WHERE username!='demoit' AND username!='PlanetXMail' ORDER BY username");
 $listowners = $db->result;
 $numListowners = $db->rows;
 while (list($listownername, $listownerID, $listowneremail) = mysqli_fetch_row($listowners)) {
     $db->Query("SELECT listname, listtype FROM listmanager WHERE created='1' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' ORDER BY listname");
     $lists = $db->result;
     while (list($listname, $listtype) = mysqli_fetch_row($lists)) {
         if ($listtype != "Newsletter [closedlist]") {
             $emailquery = " AND listemail!='' AND listemail NOT LIKE '%unconfirmed'";
         } else {
             $emailquery = "";
         $db->Query("SELECT listemail FROM users WHERE status='mem' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' AND verified='yes'{$emailquery}");
         $numMem = $db->rows;
         if ($numMem) {
             while (list($mem) = $db->FetchRow()) {
                 $totalMem[] = strtolower($mem);
         $db->Query("SELECT listemail FROM users WHERE status='pro' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' AND verified='yes'{$emailquery}");
         $numPro = $db->rows;
         if ($numPro) {
             while (list($mem) = $db->FetchRow()) {
                 $totalPro[] = strtolower($mem);
         $db->Query("SELECT listemail FROM users WHERE status='exe' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' AND verified='yes'{$emailquery}");
         $numExe = $db->rows;
         if ($numExe) {
             while (list($mem) = $db->FetchRow()) {
                 $totalExe[] = strtolower($mem);
Exemple #15
 function send_activated_listemail_mail($id, $list, $listemail, $uID)
     $classloaded_MySQL_Access = 1;
     include "mlpsecure/config/config.inc";
     include "mlpsecure/validationfunctions.php";
     $db = new MySQL_Access();
     $db->Query("SELECT username, fname, lname FROM users WHERE userID='{$uID}'");
     list($usernamelink, $fname, $lname) = $db->FetchRow();
     $db->Query("SELECT fromname, fromemail, adminemail FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}'");
     list($fromname, $fromemail, $adminemail) = $db->FetchRow();
     $db->Query("SELECT subsuccess FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$list}' AND listownerID='{$id}'");
     list($message) = $db->FetchRow();
     $db->Query("SELECT listhash FROM listurls WHERE listownerID='{$id}' AND listname='{$list}'");
     list($listhash) = $db->FetchRow();
     $subject = "{$list} - List Address ACTIVATION successful.";
     $message = wordwrap($message, $email_wordwrap_length);
     $validator = strrev(substr(md5($uID), 0, 5));
     $usr = strrev($uID);
     $unsublink = "http://planetxmail.com/mle/rl.php?u={$usr}&v={$validator}";
     $loginlink = "http://planetxmail.com/mle/login.php?l={$listhash}";
     $message = str_replace("[unsubscribe_link]", "{$unsublink}\n", $message);
     $message = str_replace("[list_name]", $list, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[program_name]", $program_name, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[admin_email_address]", $adminemail, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[login_link]", $loginlink, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[user_name]", $usernamelink, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[first_name]", $fname, $message);
     $message = str_replace("[last_name]", $lname, $message);
     $db->Query("UPDATE users SET listemail='{$listemail}' WHERE userID='{$uID}'");
     @mail($listemail, $subject, $message, "From: {$fromname} <*****@*****.**>");
     return true;
Exemple #16

include "/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access("mle");
$listownerID = "1019244831";
$listname = "THEMUSTARDSEED";
# list to merge to
$listname_to_move = "SharedProfitClub";
# list to move and merger
$db->Query("SELECT userID, username FROM users WHERE listownerID='{$listownerID}' ORDER BY username");
$i = 0;
while (list($uID, $u) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $users[$i][0] = $uID;
    $users[$i][1] = strtolower($u);
// collect duplicate userIDs
for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
    if ($prevuser == $users[$i][1]) {
        $dupuserIDs[] = $users[$i][0];
    $prevuser = $users[$i][1];
echo "<pre>";
echo "Will delete these userIDs\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dupuserIDs); $i++) {
    echo "{$dupuserIDs[$i]}\n";
echo "\nTotal: " . count($dupuserIDs) . "\n\n";
Exemple #17

require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/sessionsecure.inc';
require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/aftermail.php';
require_once '/home/nulled/config.inc';
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$seconds_to_wait = 7;
if ($db->Query("SELECT crediturl FROM soloads WHERE receipt != '' AND crediturl != '' AND datemailed > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 5 DAY) ORDER BY MD5(RAND()) LIMIT 2")) {
    list($urlID1) = $db->FetchRow();
    list($urlID2) = $db->FetchRow();
    if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID1}' LIMIT 1")) {
        list($url1) = $db->FetchRow();
    if ($db->Query("SELECT url FROM userlinks WHERE id='{$urlID2}' LIMIT 1")) {
        list($url2) = $db->FetchRow();
$header = $div . '
  Thank You for Submitting your AD ... Please Wait ' . $seconds_to_wait . ' seconds so you can move on to mail on ...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<title>Planet X Mail - After Mail Earn Credits</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://freeadplanet.com/jsm.js"></script>
function uh(){if(jsm.ajax.connection.readyState==4){if(jsm.ajax.connection.status==200){jsm.byId('header').innerHTML=jsm.ajax.connection.responseText;}else{jsm.byId('header').innerHTML='<b>ERROR: Loading website failed.</b>';}}}
Exemple #18
     @mail($email, $subject, $mess, $headers);
     if ($email != $listowneremail) {
         @mail($listowneremail, $subject, $message, $headers);
 $subject = 'Payment Due for your Additional Mailing List.';
 $message = file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/pxm_ebill.txt');
 // get all extended orders
 $db->Query("SELECT id, listownername, listtype, nummembers, price, datesubmitted, listname FROM extended WHERE verified='yes' AND paid='0' AND listownername != 'planetxmail'");
 $orders = $db->result;
 while (list($id, $listownername, $listtype, $nummembers, $price, $date, $listname) = mysqli_fetch_row($orders)) {
     if ($day % 5) {
     $db->Query("SELECT email, listowneremail FROM orders WHERE listownername='{$listownername}' LIMIT 1");
     list($email, $listowneremail) = $db->FetchRow();
     $paylink = "http://planetxmail.com/listpayment.php?id={$id}&ex=1&listtype=" . rawurlencode($listtype);
     $mess = str_replace(array('[paylink]', '[listowner]', '[listname]', '[listtype]', '[nummembers]', '[price]', '[senddate]', '[date]'), array($paylink, $listownername, $listname, $listtype, $nummembers, $price, $senddate, $date), $message);
     @mail($email, $subject, $mess, $headers);
     if ($email != $listowneremail) {
         @mail($listowneremail, $subject, $mess, $headers);
     @mail('*****@*****.**', $subject, $mess, $headers);
 // mail to me over due list payments over 24 days
 $db->Query("SELECT username, listownerID FROM listowner WHERE username != 'demoit' AND username != 'planetxmail'");
 $listowners = $db->result;
 while (list($listownername, $listownerID) = mysqli_fetch_row($listowners)) {
     $db->Query("SELECT listname FROM listmanager WHERE created='1' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}'");
Exemple #19
include "/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/phpsecure/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access("mle");
$i = 1;
$listownerID = "";
$listname = "";
$whichemail = "listemail";
// should be email or listemail
if (!$db->Query("SELECT {$whichemail} FROM users WHERE {$whichemail}!='' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' ORDER BY {$whichemail}")) {
    echo "List or Owner not found. Or number emails found is 0";
$emails = $db->result;
echo "<pre>";
while (list($email) = mysqli_fetch_row($emails)) {
    $db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE {$whichemail}='{$email}' AND {$whichemail}!='' AND {$listownerID}='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}'");
    list($count) = $db->FetchRow();
    if ($count > 1) {
        $db->Query("DELETE FROM users WHERE {$whichemail}='{$email}' AND {$whichemail}!='' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' LIMIT 1");
        echo "\n{$whichemail}='{$email}' : LIMIT {$i}, -1\n";
        $db->Query("SELECT {$whichemail} FROM users WHERE {$whichemail}!='' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}' ORDER BY {$whichemail} LIMIT {$i}, -1");
        $emails = $db->result;
        $i -= 2;
    } else {
        echo ".";
echo "</pre>";
Exemple #20
     echo "{$site_abbr} affid={$affid} was set to status=2 and mailed a bill\n";
 // mature commissions
 $db->Query("SELECT id, dateofsale FROM commissions WHERE matured='0' AND dateofsale < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$commissions_days_mature} DAY)");
 $commissions = $db->result;
 while (list($id, $dateofsale) = mysqli_fetch_row($commissions)) {
     $db->Query("UPDATE commissions SET matured='1' WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1");
     echo "{$site_abbr} commission id:{$id} matured=1\n";
 // delete expired purchased ads - except soloads
 $db->Query("SELECT id, affid, type, id_ad FROM ad_purchased WHERE type != 'soload' AND datecreated < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {$days_purchases_expire} DAY) ORDER BY datecreated");
 $ads = $db->result;
 while (list($id, $affid, $type, $id_ad) = mysqli_fetch_row($ads)) {
     if ($type == 'banner') {
         $db->Query("SELECT image FROM ad_banners WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1");
         list($img) = $db->FetchRow();
         if ($img) {
         $db->Query("DELETE FROM ad_banners WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1");
     } else {
         if ($type == 'billboard') {
             $db->Query("SELECT image FROM ad_billboards WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1");
             list($img) = $db->FetchRow();
             if ($img) {
             $db->Query("DELETE FROM ad_billboards WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1");
         } else {
             if ($type == 'spotlight') {
                 $db->Query("DELETE FROM ad_spotlights WHERE id='{$id_ad}' AND affid='{$affid}' LIMIT 1");
Exemple #21
$numRecords = $dupUsernames = 0;
$IDs = array();
$usernames = array();
$db_connect = 1;
$sql_file = "list.txt";
$uid = "AZ";
$listname = "GlobalBusinessList";
$listownerID = "1458613339";
include "/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access();
// check if uid is taken
$db->Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE RIGHT(userID, 2)='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
list($uid_taken) = $db->FetchRow();
if ($uid_taken) {
    echo "uid = {$uid} ... which is already taken!";
$fp = fopen($sql_file, "r");
$index = 0;
echo "<pre>";
while (!feof($fp)) {
    $parts = array();
    $fields = array();
    $line = trim(fgets($fp, 4096));
    if (!$line) {
    /******* use for inserts */
Exemple #22
$total_all = $curr_year = 0;
$str_years = '';
if (count($argv) > 1) {
    foreach ($argv as $y) {
        if (!in_array($y, $allowed_years)) {
        $str_years .= $y . ' ';
        $months = array_merge($months, get_months($y));
} else {
    $str_years = date('y');
    $months = array_merge(get_months(date('y')));
$db->Query("SELECT DISTINCT product FROM transactions WHERE 1");
while (list($p) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $p2 = $p;
    switch ($p) {
        case 'cb_referral':
            $p2 = 'CB REF';
        case 'directad':
            $p2 = 'DirAD';
        case 'digipanel_license':
            $p2 = 'DP';
        case 'elp_mem_monthly':
            $p2 = 'ELP R';
        case 'elp_mem_signup':
Exemple #23

include "../mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access("elp");
$db->Query("SELECT amount FROM elpownertrans WHERE 1");
while (list($amount) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $total += $amount;
echo $total;
Exemple #24
             if ($type == 2 and !$db->Query("SELECT url, affid FROM ad_billboards WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
                 $urlID_failed = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($type == 3 and !$db->Query("SELECT url, affid FROM ad_targeted WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
                     $urlID_failed = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 4 and !$db->Query("SELECT url, affid FROM ad_banners WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
                         $urlID_failed = 1;
                     } else {
                         if ($type == 5 and !$db->Query("SELECT url, affid FROM ad_exits WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
                             $urlID_failed = 1;
                         } else {
                             if ($type == 9 and !$db->Query("SELECT url, affid FROM urls WHERE id='{$urlID}' LIMIT 1")) {
                                 $urlID_failed = 1;
                             } else {
                                 list($userlink, $urlaffid) = $db->FetchRow();
 if ($e) {
     if ($hash_failed) {
         $header = 'Hash check failed. Make sure you copy and paste the link properly. <u>Do not try to tamper with urls.</u>' . $h2;
     } else {
         if ($urlID_failed) {
             $header = 'urlID failed. Make sure you copy and paste the link properly. <u>Do not try to tamper with urls.</u>' . $h2;
         } else {
Exemple #25

include "/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/phpsecure/classes.inc";
$db = new MySQL_Access("pxm");
$db->Query("SELECT product, amount, mop, receipt, dateofsale FROM transactions WHERE product!='cb_referral' AND mop='clickbank' AND dateofsale LIKE '2003-%' ORDER BY dateofsale");
echo "<pre>";
$totalamount = 0;
while (list($product, $amount, $mop, $receipt, $dateofsale) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $totalamount += $amount;
    echo "{$product}, {$amount}, {$mop}, {$receipt}, {$dateofsale}\n";
echo "\n\nTotal Amount: {$totalamount}</pre>";
Exemple #26
 $result_lists = $db->result;
 while (list($listname, $fromname, $listowneremail_2, $subconfirm) = mysqli_fetch_row($result_lists)) {
     echo "Working with listname:{$listname}\n";
     if ($listowneremail_1) {
         $listowneremail = $listowneremail_1;
     } else {
         if ($listowneremail_2) {
             $listowneremail = $listowneremail_2;
         } else {
             $listowneremail = '*****@*****.**';
     $headers = "From: {$fromname} <*****@*****.**>";
     $listID = "listname='{$listname}' AND listownerID='{$listownerID}'";
     $db->Query("SELECT listhash FROM listurls WHERE {$listID} LIMIT 1");
     list($listhash) = $db->FetchRow();
     $db->Query("UPDATE listconfig SET adminmailcount='0' WHERE {$listID} LIMIT 1");
     // determine if newsletter or not
     $newsletter = 1;
     if ($db->Query("SELECT paylinkparams FROM listmanager WHERE listtype='Safelist [openlist]' AND {$listID} LIMIT 1")) {
         $newsletter = 0;
         list($paylinkparams) = $db->FetchRow();
         list($paypal, $egold, $clickbankusername, $clickbanksignuppro, $clickbanksignupexe, $clickbankrenewalpro, $clickbankrenewalexe, $clickbankupgradepro, $clickbankupgradeexe, $egoldaltpass, $dobillingcheck, $renewaltype, $clickbankcgikey, $cleanmembers) = explode('|', $paylinkparams);
     // delete members that have not logged in
     // after 3, 6, 9, 12 months or 0 = never delete
     $months_inactive = 0;
     if (!$newsletter) {
         switch ($cleanmembers) {
             case 0:
                 $months_inactive = 0;
Exemple #27

require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/config/classes.inc';
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$vhash = substr(sha1('fK#4_b87HwZOOOg!gDDuw' . $_GET['id']), 0, 5);
if (isset($_GET['h']) and $vhash == trim($_GET['h'])) {
    $db->Query("SELECT link FROM links WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1");
    list($link) = $db->FetchRow();
    $_link = urlencode($link);
    $hash = substr(sha1('fK#4_b87HwZOOOg!gDDuw' . $link), 0, 5);
    header('Location: showlink.php?link=' . $_link . '&h=' . $hash);
$db->Query("SELECT id, description, link FROM links ORDER BY id DESC");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>FREE LINK EXCHANGE!  Fast and Easy Exposure!</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="x.css" />
// we do not like frame breaking, but for this we need it in order for it to work.
// this page is not ment to be shared in framed earn pages anyhow ...
if (top.location != location) top.location.href = document.location.href;
a {
  font-size: 14px;
  text-decoration: none;
Exemple #28
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require_once '/home/nulled/config.inc';
require_once '/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/mlpsecure/validationfunctions.php';
// $test = true;
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$db = new MySQL_Access('mle');
$bademails = array();
$db->Query("SELECT bademail, reason FROM bounced WHERE count > 0 AND reason LIKE '%Name service error%' ORDER BY reason");
while (list($e, $r) = $db->FetchRow()) {
    $bademails[$e] = $r;
foreach ($bademails as $email => $reason) {
    if ($notValid = EmailFormat($email)) {
        echo "{$email} - {$notValid}\n";
    $db->Query("UPDATE users SET email='' WHERE email='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE users SET listemail='' WHERE listemail='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE listmanager SET adminemail='' WHERE adminemail='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE listowner SET email='' WHERE email='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE listconfig SET adminemailaddress='' WHERE adminemailaddress='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE orders SET email='' WHERE email='{$email}'");
    $db->Query("UPDATE users SET email='' WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1");
    $db->Query("UPDATE users SET email='' WHERE email='{$email}' LIMIT 1");
Exemple #29
 if ($dbug) {
     echo "col -> {$col}\n";
 // determine column and DB based on first letter in userID
 if ($_col == 'C' or $_col == 'L') {
     $user_col = 'userID';
 } else {
     $user_col = 'affid';
 // extract email from mle or fap if exists, if not exist abort, move on to next file
 if ($db->Query("SELECT {$col} FROM users WHERE {$user_col} = '{$userID}' AND {$col} != '' LIMIT 1")) {
     list($email) = $db->FetchRow();
 } else {
 if ($dbug) {
     echo "email -> {$email} :: DB -> {$db->GetDBName()}\n";
 $reason = get_reason($filename);
 // determine if this is a quota bounce or not, and set db column to update in mle.bounced table
 if (stristr($contents, 'full') or stristr($contents, 'quota')) {
     $bounced_col = 'mailboxfull';
     $reason = $reason ? "Mailbox is Over Quota!\n" . $reason : 'Mailbox is Over Quota.';
 } else {
     $bounced_col = 'count';
     $reason = $reason ? "Mailbox is Bouncing!\n" . $reason : 'Mailbox is Bouncing!';
Exemple #30
     exit("id={$id} not found in pxm.orders");
 if (!$db->Query("SELECT listownerID FROM listowner WHERE listownerID='{$listownerID}'")) {
     exit("listownerID={$listownerID} not found in mle.listowner");
 } else {
     if (!$db->Query("SELECT username FROM listowner WHERE username='******'")) {
         exit("listownername={$listownername} not found in mle.listowner");
     } else {
         if (!$db->Query("SELECT listname FROM listmanager WHERE listname='{$listname}'")) {
             exit("listname={$listname} not found in mle.listmanager");
         } else {
             if (!$db->Query("SELECT listhash FROM listurls WHERE listownerID='{$listownerID}' AND listname='{$listname}'")) {
                 exit("listhash not found in mle.listurls");
             } else {
                 list($listhash) = $db->FetchRow();
 if (!($header = @file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/header.txt'))) {
     exit('unable to read: header.txt');
 if (!($footer = @file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/footer.txt'))) {
     exit('unable to read: footer.txt');
 if (!($subconfirm = @file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/subconfirm.txt'))) {
     exit('unable to read: subconfirm.txt');
 if (!($subsuccess = @file_get_contents('/home/nulled/www/planetxmail.com/mle/messages/subsuccess.txt'))) {
     exit('unable to read: subsuccess.txt');