function proccess_streams($stream_name = 'all')
    if ($stream_name == 'all') {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `mv_streams` LIMIT 0, 5000";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `mv_streams` WHERE `name` ={$stream_name}";
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_READ);
    $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_WRITE);
    $result = $dbr->query($sql);
    $skip_list = unserialize(file_get_contents(ARCHIVE_ORG_SKIP_LIST));
    while ($stream = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) {
        $local_fl = MV_DOWNLOAD_DIR . $stream->name . '.flv';
        $remote_fl = MV_ARCHIVE_ORG_DL . $stream->name . '/' . $stream->name . '.flv';
        if (is_file($local_fl) . META_DATA_EXT && is_file($local_fl)) {
            // check db table for updated mv_flash_low_quality ref
            $sql = " SELECT * FROM `mv_stream_files` WHERE `stream_id`='" . $stream->id . "' " . " AND `file_desc_msg`='mv_flash_low_quality'";
            $resFcheck = $dbr->query($sql);
            if ($dbr->numRows($resFcheck) == 0) {
                // grab duration from mv_ogg_low_quality
                $sql = " SELECT * FROM `mv_stream_files` WHERE `stream_id`='" . $stream->id . "' " . " AND `file_desc_msg`='mv_ogg_low_quality'";
                $rdur = $dbr->query($sql);
                $dur_val = 0;
                if ($dbr->numRows($rdur)) {
                    $ogg_file = $dbr->fetchObject($rdur);
                    $dur_val = $ogg_file->duration;
                $dbw->insert('mv_stream_files', array('stream_id' => $stream->id, 'duration' => $dur_val, 'file_desc_msg' => 'mv_flash_low_quality', 'path_type' => 'url_anx', 'path' => MV_BASE_MEDIA_SERVER_PATH . $stream->name . ".flv'"));
                print $dbw->lastQuery();
                print "insert {$stream->name}.flv\n";
                // $dbw->query($sql);
            } else {
                $file = $dbr->fetchObject($resFcheck);
                $dbr->update('mv_stream_files', array('path' => MV_BASE_MEDIA_SERVER_PATH . $stream->name . '.flv'), array('id' => $file->id), __METHOD__, array('LIMIT' => 1));
        // lets just skip local files for now and try to remove incomplete mannually
        if (isset($skip_list[$stream->name])) {
            print "skipping:" . $stream->name . "\n";
        // senate_proceeding_08-01-07/senate_proceeding_08-01-07.flv
        // check local file size matches remote:
        if (is_file($local_fl)) {
            print "file {$local_fl} present (skipping size check)\n";
            /*if( filesize($local_fl)!=remotefsize($remote_fl)){
            			echo ' local:'. hr_bytes(filesize($local_fl)). 
            					' != remote:' . hr_bytes(remotefsize($remote_fl))."\n";
            			echo '(skipping): ' . "\n";
            			//curldownload($remote_fl, $local_fl);				
            			echo ' sizes match: ' . hr_bytes(filesize($local_fl)) .'='.
        } else {
            // check if flash file exists:
            // $sql ="SELECT * FROM `mv_stream_files` WHERE `stream_id`=" .$stream->id
            // ao_file_flash_flv
            if (remotefsize($remote_fl) < 100000) {
                print "remote file: {$remote_fl} < 100k  (skipping) \n";
                $skip_list[$stream->name] = true;
            echo "DL it: {$remote_fl} \n";
            if (curldownload($remote_fl, $local_fl)) {
                echo 'succesfully grabed ' . $remote_fl . "\n";
        if (!is_file($local_fl) . META_DATA_EXT) {
            echo "gennerating flv metadata\n";
            $flv = new MyFLV();
            try {
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
            echo "done with .meta (" . filesize($local_fl . META_DATA_EXT) . ") \n";
        // add to skip list
        if (is_file($local_fl) . META_DATA_EXT && is_file($local_fl)) {
            $skip_list[$stream->name] = true;
        file_put_contents(ARCHIVE_ORG_SKIP_LIST, serialize($skip_list));
function do_request()
    $file_req = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'file', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $time_req = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 't', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    //try to grab the file from /filename format
    if ($file_req == '') {
        if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
            $pathparts = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
            $file_req = strpos($pathparts[count($pathparts) - 1], '?') !== false ? substr($pathparts[count($pathparts) - 1], 0, strpos($pathparts[count($pathparts) - 1], '?')) : $pathparts[count($pathparts) - 1];
    //additional filtering to avoid directory traversing:
    $file_req = str_replace(array('../', './'), '', $file_req);
    if ($file_req == '') {
        die('error: missing file name');
    $file_loc = BASE_LOCAL_CLIP_PATH . '/' . $file_req;
    if (!is_file($file_loc)) {
        die('error: requested file not found:' . $file_loc);
    //if 't' is empty no seeking necessary:
    if ($time_req == '') {
        header('Content-type: ' . FLASH_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE);
        header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file_loc));
    } else {
        //@@todo support more time request formats
        if (strpos($time_req, '/') !== false) {
            list($start_time_ntp, $end_time_ntp) = explode('/', $time_req);
            $start_sec = npt2seconds($start_time_ntp);
            $end_sec = npt2seconds($end_time_ntp);
        } else {
            $start_sec = npt2seconds($time_req);
            $end_sec = null;
            if ($start_sec == 0) {
        if ($start_sec > $end_sec) {
            die('error: requested invalid time range');
        //print "DO: $start_sec $end_sec \n";
        require_once 'MvFlv.php';
        //open up the metavid Flv object:
        $flv = new MyFLV();
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
        header('Content-type: ' . FLASH_VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE);
        $one_year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
        header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $one_year) . " GM");
        //small meta file to parse no big deal:
        list($start_byte, $end_byte) = $flv->getKeyFrameByteTimes($start_sec, $end_sec);
        //send out content length:
        header('Content-Length: ' . ($end_byte - $start_byte));
        $flv->play($start_byte, $end_byte);
        //$end = microtime(true);
        //file_put_contents('/tmp/time.log', "<hr/>EXTRACT METADATA PROCESS TOOK " . number_format(($end-$start), 2) . " seconds<br />");
function update_flv_meta()
    $path = '/metavid/video_archive/';
    $flist = scandir($path);
    require_once '../skins/mv_embed/flvServer/MvFlv.php';
    foreach ($flist as $local_fl) {
        print "lf: is_file(" . $path . $local_fl . ")\n";
        if (is_file($path . $local_fl) && substr($local_fl, -3) == 'flv') {
            //check for .meta
            if (!is_file($path . $local_fl . '.meta')) {
                echo "generating flv metadata for {$path}{$local_fl} \n";
                $flv = new MyFLV();
                try {
                    $flv->open($path . $local_fl);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
                echo "done with .meta (" . filesize($path . $local_fl . META_DATA_EXT) . ") \n";
 //give time for the proccess to start up
 while (is_process_running($pid)) {
     print "running trascode: " . hr_bytes(filesize($local_fl)) . "\n";
 //now it should be there
 if (is_file($local_fl)) {
     //flv is found
     print "flv found: " . $mvMountedDest . $stream_name . ".flv \n";
     //check for .meta
     if (!is_file($local_fl . META_DATA_EXT)) {
         echo "gennerating flv metadata for {$local_fl} \n";
         $flv = new MyFLV();
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             die("<pre>The following exception was detected while trying to open a FLV file:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "</pre>");
         echo "done with .meta (" . filesize($local_fl . META_DATA_EXT) . ") \n";
     //update db:
     //remove the old local_file:
     if ($genNewFlv) {
         unlink($mvMountedDest . $stream_name . '.flv');
         unlink($mvMountedDest . $stream_name . '.flv' . META_DATA_EXT);
         //move file to "live" location
         rename($local_fl, $mvMountedDest . $stream_name . '.flv');
         rename($local_fl . META_DATA_EXT, $mvMountedDest . $stream_name . '.flv' . META_DATA_EXT);