public function send(Msg $msg) { // Get template file path. $templatePath = SPrintF('Notifies/Jabber/%s.tpl', $msg->getTemplate()); $smarty = JSmarty::get(); if (!$smarty->templateExists($templatePath)) { throw new jException('Template file not found: ' . $templatePath); } $smarty->assign('Config', Config()); foreach (array_keys($msg->getParams()) as $paramName) { $smarty->assign($paramName, $msg->getParam($paramName)); } try { $message = $smarty->fetch($templatePath); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new jException(SPrintF("Can't fetch template: %s", $templatePath), $e->getCode(), $e); } $recipient = $msg->getParam('User'); if (!$recipient['Params']['NotificationMethods']['Jabber']['Address']) { throw new jException("JabberID not found for user: "******"Couldn't add task to queue: " . $result); case 'exception': throw new jException("Couldn't add task to queue: " . $result->String); case 'array': return TRUE; default: throw new jException("Unexpected error."); } }
function add($params) { $re = $this->db->exec("insert into `progress` set \n\t\t\t\tbusiness_id=:business_id,\n\t\t\t\tprocess_id=:process_id,\n\t\t\t\tnote=:note,\n\t\t\t\tdate_end=:date_end,\n\t\t\t\tcreate_time=now()\n\t\t\t", $params); if ($re == 1) { include 'msg.php'; $msg = new Msg($params['business_id'], 'business'); $msg->pushMessage('工商注册', '尊敬的客户你的工商注册进度更新了'); } return $re; }
public function delete($id) { try { $msg = new Msg($id); if (UserHelper::getProfileId() != $msg->getReceiver() and !UserHelper::isEditor()) { throw new fValidationException('not allowed'); } $msg->delete(); $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'success')); } catch (fException $e) { $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'failure', 'message' => $e->getMessage())); } }
public function beforeSave() { if ($this->id && $this->id == $this->parent_id) { $this->parent_id = 0; \Msg::add('Категория не может быть сама себе родителем'); } }
public function editorAction($module) { if (!file_exists(Module::getModulePath($module) . '/generatorHash.php')) { Msg::add('Этот модуль был создан без помощи генератора. Возможности его изменения ограничены и могут привести к порче модуля', 'danger'); } $this->view->page(['data' => compact('module')]); }
public function actionNewmsg() { $model = new Msg(); if (isset($_POST['Msg'])) { $model->uid = Yii::app()->user->id; $model->time = time(); $model->state = 1; $model->attributes = $_POST['Msg']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect_message('私信发送成功!', 'success', '3', $this->createUrl('msg/inbox')); } } $fans = Follow::model()->findAll('touid = ' . Yii::app()->user->id); $data = array('model' => $model, 'fans' => $fans); $this->render('newmsg', $data); }
/** * loop through twitter messages, put them to database and send them to qaul app */ function twitter_process_messages($data, $type) { foreach ($data as $item) { // check if message already exists $msg = MsgQuery::create()->filterByTwitterid($item->id_str)->findOne(); if (!$msg) { // save message in data base $msg = new Msg(); $msg->setType($type); $msg->setName($item->user->screen_name); $msg->setMsg($item->text); $msg->setIp(get_qaul_setting('ip')); $msg->setTime($item->created_at); $msg->setStatus(0); $msg->setTwitterid($item->id_str); $msg->save(); // send message to qaul app twitter_send2qaul($msg); } } }
public function actionDelete($id) { //$this->loadModel($id)->delete(); $model = Msg::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model->delete()) { //添加成功时候的提示信息设置 /** *setFlash getFlash hasFlash 几个方法 */ Yii::app()->user->setFlash('shanchu', '删除成功!'); } $this->redirect('./index.php?r=backend/msg/index'); }
function message($key = "message.defaultMessage", $scope = "global") { $retval = ""; $sessionMsg = Session::load(MSG_SCOPE, $scope); if (!empty($sessionMsg)) { reset($sessionMsg); $retval .= Msg::get("message.extra.warning"); foreach ($sessionMsg as $message) { $retval .= "<div>".$message["string"]."</div>\n"; } } else { $retval = Msg::get("message.extra.tooltip").Msg::get($key); } return $retval; }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取微信ACCESS_TOKEN * @return Ambigous|bool */ private static function _getAccessToken() { $url = '' . WECHAT_APPID . '&secret=' . WECHAT_APPSECRET; $accessToken = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取ACCESS_TOKEN失败'); } $accessToken['time'] = time(); $accessTokenJson = json_encode($accessToken); //存入数据库 $db = new mysql(); $db->connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBNAME); $sql = "update accesstoken set access_token='" . $accessTokenJson . "' where id=1"; $db->query($sql); return $accessToken; }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取微信ACCESS_TOKEN * @return Ambigous|bool */ private function _getAccessToken() { $url = '' . WECHAT_APPID . '&secret=' . WECHAT_APPSECRET; $accessToken = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取ACCESS_TOKEN失败'); } $accessToken['time'] = time(); $accessTokenJson = json_encode($accessToken); //存入数据库 /** * 这里通常我会把access_token存起来,然后用的时候读取,判断是否过期,如果过期就重新调用此方法获取,存取操作请自行完成 * * 请将变量$accessTokenJson给存起来,这个变量是一个字符串 */ return $accessToken; }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取js sdk api_ticket * @return Ambigous|bool */ private static function _getJsapiTicket() { $accessToken = AccessToken::getAccessToken(); $url = "" . $accessToken; $JsapiTicket = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($JsapiTicket['ticket'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取js ticket失败'); } $JsapiTicket['time'] = time(); $JsapiTicketJson = json_encode($JsapiTicket); //存入数据库 $db = new mysql(); $db->connect(DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASSWORD, DBNAME); $sql = "update jsapiticket set ticket='" . $JsapiTicketJson . "' where id=1"; $db->query($sql); return $JsapiTicket; }
public function parseRequest($request) { if (!empty($request[$this->colName]['pass']) && !empty($request[$this->colName]['pass'])) { if (empty($request[$this->colName]['pass'])) { \Msg::add('Вы не ввели пароль в первое поле', 'danger'); return FALSE; } if (empty($request[$this->colName]['repeat'])) { \Msg::add('Вы не ввели пароль во второе поле', 'danger'); return FALSE; } if ($request[$this->colName]['pass'] != $request[$this->colName]['repeat']) { \Msg::add('Введенные пароли не совадают', 'danger'); return FALSE; } $this->activeForm->model->{$this->colName} = \App::$cur->users->hashpass($request[$this->colName]['pass']); } }
public function init() { \App::$cur->view->customAsset('js', '/static/moduleAsset/UserForms/js/formCatcher.js'); if (!empty($_POST['UserForms'])) { foreach ($_POST['UserForms'] as $form_id => $inputs) { $form = \UserForms\Form::get((int) $form_id); if (!$form) { continue; } $formRecive = new \UserForms\Recive(); $formRecive->user_id = (int) \Users\User::$cur->id; $formRecive->form_id = (int) $form_id; $data = []; $error = false; foreach ($form->inputs as $input) { if (isset($inputs['input' . $input->id])) { $data['input' . $input->id] = htmlspecialchars($inputs['input' . $input->id]); } elseif ($input->required) { $error = true; Msg::add('Вы не заполнили поле: ' . $input->label); } else { $data['input' . $input->id] = ''; } } if (!$error) { $formRecive->data = json_encode($data); $formRecive->save(); } } if (!$error && !empty(App::$cur->config['site']['email'])) { $text = ''; foreach ($form->inputs as $input) { if (isset($inputs['input' . $input->id])) { $text .= "<b>{$input->label}:</b> " . htmlspecialchars($inputs['input' . $input->id]) . "<br />"; } } if ($text) { $text = 'Дата получения по серверному времени: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '<br />Заполненые поля:<br />' . $text; Tools::sendMail('noreply@' . INJI_DOMAIN_NAME, App::$cur->config['site']['email'], $form->name, $text); } } Tools::redirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'Ваша форма была успешно отправлена', 'success'); } }
function datetime($format, Date $date) { // TODO you can only use dd MM yy yyyy HH mm ss $format = Msg::get($format); $patterns[0] = '/dd/'; $patterns[1] = '/MM/'; $patterns[2] = '/yyyy/'; $patterns[3] = '/yy/'; $patterns[4] = '/HH/'; $patterns[5] = '/mm/'; $patterns[6] = '/ss/'; $replacements[6] = sprintf("%02d", $date->date); $replacements[5] = sprintf("%02d", $date->month); $replacements[4] = sprintf("%04d", $date->year); $replacements[3] = sprintf("%02d", $date->year % 100); $replacements[2] = sprintf("%02d", $date->hour); $replacements[1] = sprintf("%02d", $date->minute); $replacements[0] = sprintf("%02d", $date->second); echo preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $format); }
public function init() { $callbacksData = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'Callbacks', FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if (!empty($callbacksData)) { $callback = new \Callbacks\Callback(); $error = false; if (empty($callbacksData['text'])) { $error = true; Msg::add('Вы не написали текст отзыва'); } else { $callback->text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($callbacksData['text'])); } if (empty($callbacksData['name'])) { $error = true; Msg::add('Вы не указали свое имя'); } else { $callback->name = htmlspecialchars($callbacksData['name']); } if (empty($callbacksData['phone'])) { $error = true; Msg::add('Вы не указали свой номер телефона'); } else { $callback->phone = htmlspecialchars($callbacksData['phone']); } $files = filter_var($_FILES['Callbacks'], FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if (!empty($files['tmp_name']['photo'])) { $callback->image_file_id = App::$cur->files->upload(['name' => $files['name']['photo'], 'tmp_name' => $files['tmp_name']['photo']]); } $callback->mail = htmlspecialchars($callbacksData['mail']); $callback->type_id = (int) $callbacksData['type']; if (!$error) { $callback->save(); if (!empty(App::$cur->config['site']['email'])) { $subject = 'Новый отзыв'; $text = 'Вы можете его посмотреть по этому адресу: <a href = "http://' . idn_to_utf8(INJI_DOMAIN_NAME) . '/admin/callbacks">http://' . idn_to_utf8(INJI_DOMAIN_NAME) . '/admin/callbacks</a>'; Tools::sendMail('noreply@' . INJI_DOMAIN_NAME, App::$cur->config['site']['email'], $subject, $text); } Tools::redirect('/', 'Ваш отзыв был получен и появится после обработки администратором', 'success'); } } }
/** * @descrpition 从微信服务器获取微信API_TICKET * @return Ambigous|bool */ private static function _getApiTicket(){ $accessToken = AccessToken::getAccessToken(true); $url = "$accessToken"; $apiTicket = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if(!isset($apiTicket['ticket'])){ return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_API_TICKET, '获取API_TICKET失败'); } $apiTicket['time'] = time(); $apiTicketJson = json_encode($apiTicket); //存入数据库 /** * 这里通常我会把api_ticket存起来,然后用的时候读取,判断是否过期,如果过期就重新调用此方法获取,存取操作请自行完成 * * 请将变量$apiTicketJson给存起来,这个变量是一个字符串 */ $f = fopen(self::_fileName2Store(), 'w+'); fwrite($f, $apiTicketJson); fclose($f); return $apiTicket; }
} elseif ($year) { LogStats::monthly($table, $year); } else { LogStats::yearly($table); } if ($table == 'record') { include_once "../model/Query/Page/Record.php"; $logQ = new Query_Page_Record(); } else { include_once "../model/Query/Page/Access.php"; $logQ = new Query_Page_Access(); $profiles = array(OPEN_PROFILE_ADMINISTRATOR => _("Administrator"), OPEN_PROFILE_ADMINISTRATIVE => _("Administrative"), OPEN_PROFILE_DOCTOR => _("Doctor")); } if (!$logQ->select($year, $month, $day)) { $logQ->close(); echo Msg::info(_("No logs in this date.")); include_once "../layout/footer.php"; exit; } $thead = array(_("#"), _("Access Date"), _("Login")); if ($table == 'record') { $thead[] = _("Table"); $thead[] = _("Operation"); $thead[] = _("Data"); } else { $thead[] = _("Profile"); } $options = array('align' => 'center', 0 => array('align' => 'right')); $tbody = array(); for ($i = 1; $log = $logQ->fetch(); $i++) { $row = $i . '.';
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getMsg0() { return $this->hasOne(Msg::className(), ['id' => 'msg']); }
* Retrieving get vars */ $idMember = intval($_GET["id_member"]); $surname1 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname1"]); $surname2 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname2"]); $firstName = Check::safeText($_GET["first_name"]); /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete Staff Member"); require_once "../layout/header.php"; /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Staff Members") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_staff"); unset($links); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/staff_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete staff member, %s %s %s?"), $firstName, $surname1, $surname2)); $tbody[] = Form::hidden("id_member", $idMember); $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo Msg::hint('* ' . _("Note: The del function will delete the related user too (if exists).")); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
/** *@descrpition 从文件中获取access_token * @return string */ private static function _getFromFile() { if (self::_existsToken()) { if (self::_expriseToken()) { //重新获取一次access_token,并且将文件删除,重新向文件里面写一次 $url = '' . WECHAT_APPID . '&secret=' . WECHAT_APPSECRET; $accessToken = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取ACCESS_TOKEN失败'); } unlink('token.txt'); file_put_contents('token.txt', $accessToken['access_token']); } else { $accessToken = file_get_contents('token.txt'); } } else { $url = '' . WECHAT_APPID . '&secret=' . WECHAT_APPSECRET; $accessToken = Curl::callWebServer($url, '', 'GET'); if (!isset($accessToken['access_token'])) { return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN, '获取ACCESS_TOKEN失败'); } file_put_contents('token.txt', $accessToken['access_token']); } return $accessToken['access_token']; }
document.forms[0].action = "../admin/theme_preview.php"; document.forms[0].target = "secondary"; document.forms[0].submit(); } function editTheme() { document.forms[0].action = "../admin/theme_new.php"; document.forms[0].target = ""; document.forms[0].submit(); } /*]]>*///--> </script> <?php echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Preview Theme"), '#', null, array('onclick' => 'previewTheme(); return false;')) . ' | ' . HTML::link(_("Preload CSS file"), '../admin/theme_preload_css.php', isset($idTheme) ? array('id_theme' => $idTheme, 'copy' => 'Y') : null)); echo HTML::rule(); echo Form::errorMsg(); /** * New form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/theme_new.php')); require_once "../admin/theme_fields.php"; echo HTML::end('form'); echo Msg::hint('* ' . _("Note: The fields with * are required.")); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); /** * Destroy form values and errors */ Form::unsetSession(); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
require_once "../lib/Check.php"; /** * Retrieving get vars */ $idUser = intval($_GET["id_user"]); $login = $_GET["login"]; /** * Show page */ $title = _("Delete User"); require_once "../layout/header.php"; /** * Breadcrumb */ $links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Users") => $returnLocation, $title => ""); echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_user"); unset($links); /** * Form */ echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/user_del.php')); $tbody = array(); $tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete user, %s?"), $login)); $row = Form::hidden("id_user", $idUser); $tbody[] = $row; $tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken()); $options = array('class' => 'center'); echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options); echo HTML::end('form'); echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation)); require_once "../layout/footer.php";
/** * @descrpition 图文 - 先调用self::newsItem()再调用本方法 * @param $fromusername * @param $tousername * @param $item 数组,每个项由self::newsItem()返回 * @param $funcFlag 默认为0,设为1时星标刚才收到的消息 * @return string */ public static function news($fromusername, $tousername, $item, $funcFlag = 0) { //多条图文消息信息,默认第一个item为大图,注意,如果图文数超过10,则将会无响应 if (count($item) >= 10) { $request = array('fromusername' => $fromusername, 'tousername' => $tousername); return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_NEWS_ITEM_COUNT_MORE_TEN, '图文消息的项数不能超过10条', $request); } $template = <<<XML <xml> <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName> <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName> <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime> <MsgType><![CDATA[news]]></MsgType> <ArticleCount>%s</ArticleCount> <Articles> %s </Articles> <FuncFlag>%s</FuncFlag> </xml> XML; return sprintf($template, $fromusername, $tousername, time(), count($item), implode($item), $funcFlag); }
<?php foreach (Msg::get() as $msg) { ?> <div class="alert alert-<?php echo $msg['status']; ?> alert-dismissable"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <strong><?php switch ($msg['status']) { case 'success': echo 'Успех!'; break; case 'danger': case 'warning': echo 'Внимание!'; break; default: echo 'Информация.'; } ?> </strong> <?php echo $msg['text']; ?> </div> <?php } Msg::flush();
/** * @descrpition 分发请求 * @param $request * @return array|string */ public static function switchType(&$request) { $data = array(); switch ($request['msgtype']) { //事件 case 'event': $request['event'] = strtolower($request['event']); switch ($request['event']) { //关注 case 'subscribe': //二维码关注 if (isset($request['eventkey']) && isset($request['ticket'])) { $data = self::eventQrsceneSubscribe($request); //普通关注 } else { $data = self::eventSubscribe($request); } break; //扫描二维码 //扫描二维码 case 'scan': $data = self::eventScan($request); break; //地理位置 //地理位置 case 'location': $data = self::eventLocation($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 点击菜单拉取消息时的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 点击菜单拉取消息时的事件推送 case 'click': $data = self::eventClick($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 点击菜单跳转链接时的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 点击菜单跳转链接时的事件推送 case 'view': $data = self::eventView($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 扫码推事件的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 扫码推事件的事件推送 case 'scancode_push': $data = self::eventScancodePush($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框的事件推送 case 'scancode_waitmsg': $data = self::eventScancodeWaitMsg($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 弹出系统拍照发图的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 弹出系统拍照发图的事件推送 case 'pic_sysphoto': $data = self::eventPicSysPhoto($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 弹出拍照或者相册发图的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 弹出拍照或者相册发图的事件推送 case 'pic_photo_or_album': $data = self::eventPicPhotoOrAlbum($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 弹出微信相册发图器的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 弹出微信相册发图器的事件推送 case 'pic_weixin': $data = self::eventPicWeixin($request); break; //自定义菜单 - 弹出地理位置选择器的事件推送 //自定义菜单 - 弹出地理位置选择器的事件推送 case 'location_select': $data = self::eventLocationSelect($request); break; //取消关注 //取消关注 case 'unsubscribe': $data = self::eventUnsubscribe($request); break; //群发接口完成后推送的结果 //群发接口完成后推送的结果 case 'masssendjobfinish': $data = self::eventMassSendJobFinish($request); break; //模板消息完成后推送的结果 //模板消息完成后推送的结果 case 'templatesendjobfinish': $data = self::eventTemplateSendJobFinish($request); break; default: return Msg::returnErrMsg(MsgConstant::ERROR_UNKNOW_TYPE, '收到了未知类型的消息', $request); break; } break; //文本 //文本 case 'text': $data = self::text($request); break; //图像 //图像 case 'image': $data = self::image($request); break; //语音 //语音 case 'voice': $data = self::voice($request); break; //视频 //视频 case 'video': $data = self::video($request); break; //小视频 //小视频 case 'shortvideo': $data = self::shortvideo($request); break; //位置 //位置 case 'location': $data = self::location($request); break; //链接 //链接 case 'link': $data = self::link($request); break; default: return ResponsePassive::text($request['fromusername'], $request['tousername'], '收到未知的消息,我不知道怎么处理'); break; } return $data; }
if ($history->getSpouseChildsStatusHealth()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Spouse and Childs Status Health")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getSpouseChildsStatusHealth())); } if ($history->getFamilyIllness()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Family Illness")); echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getFamilyIllness())); } echo HTML::rule(); /** * Show closed medical problems */ echo HTML::section(2, _("Closed Medical Problems List:")); $problemQ = new Query_Page_Problem(); if (!$problemQ->selectProblems($idPatient, true)) { echo Msg::info(_("No closed medical problems defined for this patient.")); echo HTML::rule(); } while ($problem = $problemQ->fetch()) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Order Number")); echo HTML::para($problem->getOrderNumber()); if ($problem->getIdMember()) { $staffQ = new Query_Staff(); if ($staffQ->select($problem->getIdMember())) { $staff = $staffQ->fetch(); if ($staff) { echo HTML::section(3, _("Attending Physician")); echo HTML::para($staff->getSurname1() . ' ' . $staff->getSurname2() . ', ' . $staff->getFirstName()); } $staffQ->freeResult(); }
function post() { parent::post(); Msg::remove(); $this->serverDatas["messages"] = $this->messages; echo '<div id="serverDatas" style="display:none">'.JSON::encode($this->serverDatas)."</div>\n"; }
public function actionDoDelMsg() { $msg_id = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('msg_id'); $model = new Msg(); $msg = $model->loadMsg($msg_id); $return = $msg->delMsg(); YiicmsHelper::goBack(); #echo $return; }
function output($template = 'output', $backup_path = null) { if ($this->hasMethod(__FUNCTION__)) { return $this->override(__FUNCTION__, array($template, $backup_path)); } $targetUser = $targetContent = null; if ($this->targetUserId) { $targetUser = $this->POD->getPerson(array('id' => $this->targetUserId)); } if ($this->targetContentId) { if ($this->targetContentType == 'content') { $targetContent = $this->POD->getContent(array('id' => $this->targetContentId)); } else { if ($this->targetContentType == 'comment') { $targetContent = $this->POD->getComment(array('id' => $this->targetContentId)); } } } parent::output($template, array('alert' => $this, 'targetUser' => $targetUser, 'targetContent' => $targetContent), 'alerts', $backup_path); }