<?php $client = new Mosquitto\Client(); $client->onConnect('connect'); $client->onDisconnect('disconnect'); $client->onSubscribe('subscribe'); $client->onMessage('message'); $client->connect("localhost", 1883, 5); $client->onLog('logger'); $client->subscribe('#', 1); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $client->loop(); } $client->unsubscribe('#'); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $client->loop(); } function connect($r, $message) { echo "I got code {$r} and message {$message}\n"; } function subscribe() { echo "Subscribed to a topic\n"; } function unsubscribe() { echo "Unsubscribed from a topic\n"; } function message($message) {
function on_disconnect() { global $_HOST, $_PORT, $_USERNAME; // Display notice/confirmation of being disconnected. echo 'Client disconnected.' . PHP_EOL; echo 'Will attempt to reconnect in 5s.' . PHP_EOL; sleep(5); // Create a new $client object. echo 'Trying to reconnect...' . PHP_EOL; $client = new Mosquitto\Client(); $client->connect($_HOST, $_PORT); // Bind callbacks $client->onConnect('on_connect'); $client->onDisconnect('on_disconnect'); $client->onSubscribe('on_subscribe'); $client->onMessage('on_message'); for (;;) { $client->loop(); } }
<?php $c = new Mosquitto\Client(); $c->onConnect(function ($code, $message) { echo "I'm connected\n"; }); $c->connect('localhost', 1883, 60); $c->subscribe('#', 1); $c->onMessage(function ($m) { var_dump($m); }); $socket = $c->getSocket(); $base = new EventBase(); $ev = new Event($base, $socket, Event::READ | Event::PERSIST, 'cb', $base); function cb($fd, $what, $arg) { global $c; echo "Triggered\n"; var_dump(func_get_args()); $c->loop(); } $ev->add(); $base->dispatch();
} require "Modules/user/user_model.php"; $user = new User($mysqli, $redis, null); require_once "Modules/feed/feed_model.php"; $feed = new Feed($mysqli, $redis, $feed_settings); require_once "Modules/input/input_model.php"; $input = new Input($mysqli, $redis, $feed); require_once "Modules/process/process_model.php"; $process = new Process($mysqli, $input, $feed, $user->get_timezone($mqtt_server['userid'])); $mqtt_client = new Mosquitto\Client(); $mqtt_client->setCredentials($mqtt_server['user'], $mqtt_server['password']); $connected = false; $mqtt_client->onConnect('connect'); $mqtt_client->onDisconnect('disconnect'); $mqtt_client->onSubscribe('subscribe'); $mqtt_client->onMessage('message'); $mqtt_client->connect($mqtt_server['host'], $mqtt_server['port'], 5); $topic = $mqtt_server['basetopic'] . "/#"; echo "Subscribing to: " . $topic . "\n"; $log->warn("Subscribing to: " . $topic); $mqtt_client->subscribe($topic, 2); while (true) { $mqtt_client->loop(); } function connect($r, $message) { global $connected, $log; $connected = true; echo "Connected to MQTT server with code {$r} and message {$message}\n"; global $log; $log->warn("Connecting to MQTT server: {$message}: code: {$r}");
{ public $id; public $state = false; public $msg; public static function factory(Mosquitto\Message $msg, $state = false) { $message = new Message(); $message->state = $state; $message->msg = $msg; $message->id = $msg->mid; return $message; } } $client = new Mosquitto\Client('client.terminal.onpublish', false); $client->onMessage(function ($msg) { print_r(array('receive', $msg)); MQ::addReceive($msg); }); $client->onPublish(function ($mid) { MQ::confirm($mid); print_r(array('comfirm publish', MQ::$publish[$mid])); }); $client->onConnect(function ($rc, $msg) { print_r(array('rc' => $rc, 'message' => $msg)); }); $client->connect('localhost', 1883, 60); sleep(1); $client->subscribe('/test/publish', 1); $msg = Message::factory(new Mosquitto\Message()); $msg->msg->topic = '/test/publish'; $msg->msg->payload = 'hello from on publish'; $msg->msg->qos = 1;