  * Sends an email notification with the details of the transaction error
  * @param  string $subject email subject line
  * @param  array  $data    transaction data
  * @return void          
 protected function send_error_to_admin($subject, $data = array())
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/eventslib.php';
     $admin = get_admin();
     $site = get_site();
     $message = sprintf("%s: Transaction #%d failed. %s \n\n", $site->fullname, $this->_transaction->get_id(), $subject);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $message .= "{$key} => {$value}\n";
     // Update the transaction with the error message details
     $eventdata = new stdClass();
     $eventdata->component = 'local_moodec';
     $eventdata->name = 'payment_gateway';
     $eventdata->userfrom = $admin;
     $eventdata->userto = $admin;
     $eventdata->subject = $this->_gatewayName . " ERROR: " . $subject;
     $eventdata->fullmessage = $message;
     $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
     $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = '';
     $eventdata->smallmessage = '';
Exemple #2
  * Constructor will check if any SESSION or COOKIE exists and will load that data if so.
  * Otherwise, an empty cart is initialised
 function __construct()
     // By default, the cart is empty
     $this->_products = array();
     $this->_cartTotal = 0;
     $this->_transactionId = null;
     $sessionTime = 0;
     $sessionProducts = array();
     $sessionCartTotal = 0;
     $sessionVersion = '';
     $sessionData = array();
     $cookieTime = 0;
     $cookieProducts = array();
     $cookieCartTotal = 0;
     $cookieVersion = '';
     $cookieData = array();
     // SESSION is preferred over the COOKIE
     if (isset($_SESSION[self::STORAGE_ID])) {
         list($sessionVersion, $sessionData) = unserialize($_SESSION[self::STORAGE_ID]);
         // we check if the version is current, before setting extracting the data
         // this way if it's old, we won't throw an error for a missing field
         if ($sessionVersion === self::CART_VERSION) {
             list($sessionProducts, $sessionCartTotal, $sessionTransactionId, $sessionTime) = $sessionData;
         } else {
             // if the session is not the current cart version, we destroy it
     // Now we do the same for the cookie
     if (isset($_COOKIE[self::STORAGE_ID])) {
         list($cookieVersion, $cookieData) = unserialize($_COOKIE[self::STORAGE_ID]);
         if ($sessionVersion === self::CART_VERSION) {
             // Get cart from the cookies
             list($cookieProducts, $cookieCartTotal, $cookieTransactionId, $cookieTime) = $cookieData;
         } else {
             // if the cookie is not the current cart version, we destroy it
     // Check which is newer; the session, or the cookie
     if ($cookieTime < $sessionTime) {
         // If session is newer, then we set the cart properties from the session
         $this->_products = $sessionProducts;
         $this->_cartTotal = $sessionCartTotal;
         $this->_transactionId = $sessionTransactionId;
         $this->_lastUpdated = $sessionTime;
     } else {
         if (!!$cookieTime) {
             // otherwise, we set the cart to the cookie vars
             $this->_products = $cookieProducts;
             $this->_cartTotal = $cookieCartTotal;
             $this->_transactionId = $cookieTransactionId;
             $this->_lastUpdated = $cookieTime;
     // We run through all the products in the cart and load the info
     foreach ($this->_products as $pID => $vID) {
         $newProduct = local_moodec_get_product($pID);
         // If any product is variable, but the variation ID is stored as 0
         // That means the product WAS simple, but has been changed.
         // Therefore we clear the cart, as this could cause errors.
         if ($newProduct->get_type() === PRODUCT_TYPE_VARIABLE && $vID === 0) {
     // When we create the cart, check if there is a transaction associated with it,
     // and if there is, check if it is complete.
     // If the transaction is complete, then this cart has been purchased,
     // so we need to clear it.
     if (!!$this->get_transaction_id()) {
         try {
             $transaction = new MoodecTransaction($this->get_transaction_id());
             if ($transaction->get_status() === MoodecTransaction::STATUS_COMPLETE) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // If there is an exception, then we want to clear the transaction
             // so we will be given a new one
             $this->_transactionId = null;
Exemple #3

 * Moodec DPS Gateway
 * @package     local
 * @subpackage  local_moodec
 * @author      Thomas Threadgold
 * @copyright   2015 LearningWorks Ltd
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../config.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/moodec/lib.php';
$transactionID = required_param('id', PARAM_INT);
// plugin instance id
$transaction = new MoodecTransaction($transactionID);
// If the transaction is already completed, we do not want to do it again
if ($transaction->get_status() === MoodecTransaction::STATUS_COMPLETE) {
    redirect(new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/local/moodec/pages/cart.php'));
$gateway = new MoodecGatewayDPS($transaction);
$response = $gateway->begin();
// abort if DPS returns an invalid response
if ($response->attributes()->valid != '1') {
    print_error('error_dpsinitiate', 'local_moodec');
} else {
    // otherwise, redirect to the DPS provided URI
$cart = new MoodecCart();
if ($cart->is_empty()) {
    redirect(new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/local/moodec/pages/cart.php'));
// Check if the products in the cart are valid, store the ones that are not
// (so we can notify the user they've been removed)
$removedProducts = $cart->refresh();
// Check if a transaction has already been made for this cart
if (!!$cart->get_transaction_id()) {
    // Get the existing transaction if the cart has recorded one
    $transaction = new MoodecTransaction($cart->get_transaction_id());
    // We reset the transaction, in case the items in the cart have changed
} else {
    // Otherwise create a new transaction
    $transaction = new MoodecTransaction();
// Set the transactionId in the cart to that of the transaction
// We do this in case the transaction reset created a new transaction
// Or, to add the transaction id to the cart if one didn't already exist
// We need to add all the products in the cart to the transaction
foreach ($cart->get() as $pID => $vID) {
    // Get the product in the cart
    $product = local_moodec_get_product($pID);
    // Add the product to the transaction, relative to variation
    if ($product->get_type() === PRODUCT_TYPE_VARIABLE) {
        $transaction->add($pID, $product->get_variation($vID)->get_price(), $vID);
    } else {
        $transaction->add($pID, $product->get_price());
  * This function is called for each data row to allow processing of the
  * purchase_date value.
  * @param object $values Contains object with all the values of record.
  * @return $string Return status formatted like as per the transaction class
 function col_status($values)
     $t = new MoodecTransaction((int) $values->id);
     return $t->get_status(true);
Exemple #6
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/moodec/lib.php';
$params = array();
// Get the ID of the user to be displayed
$transactionID = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
if (!!$transactionID) {
    $params['id'] = $transactionID;
$context = context_system::instance();
// Set PAGE variables
$PAGE->set_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/local/moodec/pages/transaction/view.php', $params);
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('transactions_title', 'local_moodec'), new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/local/moodec/pages/transaction/index.php'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('transaction_view_title', 'local_moodec', array('id' => $transactionID)));
// Force the user to login/create an account to access this page
$transaction = new MoodecTransaction($transactionID);
if ((int) $USER->id !== $transaction->get_user_id()) {
    require_capability('local/moodec:viewalltransactions', $context);
// Check if the theme has a moodec pagelayout defined, otherwise use standard
if (array_key_exists('moodec_transaction_view', $PAGE->theme->layouts)) {
} else {
    if (array_key_exists('moodec', $PAGE->theme->layouts)) {
    } else {
// Get the renderer for this page
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('local_moodec');