  * Generate a front end module and return it as string
  * @param mixed  $intId     A module ID or a Model object
  * @param string $strColumn The name of the column
  * @return string The module HTML markup
 protected static function getFrontendModuleAjax($intId, $strColumn = 'main')
     if (!is_object($intId) && !strlen($intId)) {
         return '';
     if (is_object($intId)) {
         $objRow = $intId;
     } else {
         $objRow = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intId);
         if ($objRow === null) {
             return '';
     // Check the visibility (see #6311)
     if (!\Controller::isVisibleElement($objRow)) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objRow->type);
     // Return if the class does not exist
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         \System::log('Module class "' . $strClass . '" (module "' . $objRow->type . '") does not exist', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         return '';
     $objRow->typePrefix = 'mod_';
     $objModule = new $strClass($objRow, $strColumn);
     $strBuffer = AjaxInput::get('g') == '1' ? $objModule->generate() : $objModule->generateAjax();
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'] as $callback) {
             $strBuffer = \System::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback}[1]($objRow, $strBuffer, $objModule);
     return $strBuffer;
  * Parse the template
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && ($this->invisible || $this->start > 0 && $this->start > time() || $this->stop > 0 && $this->stop < time())) {
         return '';
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->news_module);
     if ($objModule === null) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $this->strColumn);
     // Overwrite spacing and CSS ID
     $objModule->origSpace = $objModule->space;
     $objModule->space = $this->space;
     $objModule->origCssID = $objModule->cssID;
     $objModule->cssID = $this->cssID;
     // Override news filter settings
     $objModule->news_filterCategories = $this->news_filterCategories;
     $objModule->news_filterDefault = $this->news_filterDefault;
     $objModule->news_filterPreserve = $this->news_filterPreserve;
     return $objModule->generate();
Exemple #3
  * Parse the template
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && ($this->invisible || $this->start != '' && $this->start > time() || $this->stop != '' && $this->stop < time())) {
         return '';
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->module);
     if ($objModule === null) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     /** @var Module $objModule */
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $this->strColumn);
     $cssID = deserialize($objModule->cssID, true);
     // Override the CSS ID (see #305)
     if (!empty($this->cssID[0])) {
         $cssID[0] = $this->cssID[0];
     // Merge the CSS classes (see #6011)
     if (!empty($this->cssID[1])) {
         $cssID[1] = trim($cssID[1] . ' ' . $this->cssID[1]);
     $objModule->cssID = $cssID;
     return $objModule->generate();
  * Parse the template
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && ($this->invisible || $this->start > 0 && $this->start > time() || $this->stop > 0 && $this->stop < time())) {
         return '';
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->module);
     if ($objModule === null) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $this->strColumn);
     // create new cssID array
     $cssID = array();
     // set the ID
     $cssID[0] = $this->cssID[0] ?: $objModule->cssID[0];
     // merge the classes
     $arrElementClasses = explode(' ', $this->cssID[1]);
     $arrModuleClasses = explode(' ', $objModule->cssID[1]);
     $cssID[1] = implode(' ', array_unique(array_merge($arrModuleClasses, $arrElementClasses)));
     // Overwrite spacing and CSS ID
     $objModule->space = $this->space;
     $objModule->cssID = $cssID;
     return $objModule->generate();
 protected function compile()
     $objContentStart = \Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM tl_content WHERE pid=? AND type=? ORDER BY sorting")->limit(1)->execute($this->pid, 'formhybridStart');
     if ($objContentStart->numRows === 0) {
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($objContentStart->formhybridModule);
     if ($objModule === null) {
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     // Return if the class does not exist
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         static::log('Module class "' . $strClass . '" (module "' . $objModule->type . '") does not exist', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         return '';
     $objArticle = \ArticleModel::findByPk($this->pid);
     if ($objArticle === null) {
     global $objPage;
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $objArticle->inColumn);
     $objModule->renderStop = true;
     $objModule->startModule = $_SESSION[FormSession::FORMHYBRID_FORMSESSION_START_KEY][$objPage->id . '_' . $objModule->formHybridDataContainer];
     $this->Template->content = $objModule->generate();
 public static function addSubscriptions(Order $objOrder, $arrTokens)
     $strEmail = $objOrder->getBillingAddress()->email;
     $objAddress = $objOrder->getShippingAddress() ?: $objOrder->getBillingAddress();
     $arrItems = $objOrder->getItems();
     $objSession = \Session::getInstance();
     if (!($intModule = $objSession->get('isotopeCheckoutModuleIdSubscriptions'))) {
         return true;
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intModule);
     foreach ($arrItems as $item) {
         switch ($objModule->iso_direct_checkout_product_mode) {
             case 'product_type':
                 $objFieldpalette = FieldPaletteModel::findBy('iso_direct_checkout_product_type', Standard::findAvailableByIdOrAlias($item->product_id)->type);
                 $objFieldpalette = FieldPaletteModel::findBy('iso_direct_checkout_product', $item->product_id);
         if ($objFieldpalette !== null && $objFieldpalette->iso_addSubscription) {
             if ($objFieldpalette->iso_subscriptionArchive && (!$objFieldpalette->iso_addSubscriptionCheckbox || \Input::post('subscribeToProduct_' . $item->product_id))) {
                 $objSubscription = Subscription::findOneBy(array('email=?', 'pid=?', 'activation!=?', 'disable=?'), array($strEmail, $objFieldpalette->iso_subscriptionArchive, '', 1));
                 if (!$objSubscription) {
                     $objSubscription = new Subscription();
                 if ($objFieldpalette->iso_addActivation) {
                     $strToken = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
                     $objSubscription->disable = true;
                     $objSubscription->activation = $strToken;
                     if (($objNotification = Notification::findByPk($objFieldpalette->iso_activationNotification)) !== null) {
                         if ($objFieldpalette->iso_activationJumpTo && ($objPageRedirect = \PageModel::findByPk($objFieldpalette->iso_activationJumpTo)) !== null) {
                             $arrTokens['link'] = \Environment::get('url') . '/' . \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($objPageRedirect->row()) . '?token=' . $strToken;
                         $objNotification->send($arrTokens, $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE']);
                 $arrAddressFields = \Config::get('iso_addressFields');
                 if ($arrAddressFields === null) {
                     $arrAddressFields = serialize(array_keys(static::getIsotopeAddressFields()));
                 foreach (deserialize($arrAddressFields, true) as $strName) {
                     $objSubscription->{$strName} = $objAddress->{$strName};
                 $objSubscription->email = $strEmail;
                 $objSubscription->pid = $objFieldpalette->iso_subscriptionArchive;
                 $objSubscription->tstamp = $objSubscription->dateAdded = time();
                 $objSubscription->quantity = \Input::post('quantity');
                 $objSubscription->order_id = $objOrder->id;
     return true;
  * Display a wildcard in the back end
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'BE') {
         $objTemplate = new \BackendTemplate('be_wildcard');
         $objTemplate->wildcard = '### ' . utf8_strtoupper($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['FMD']['newslist_plus'][0]) . ' ###';
         $objTemplate->title = $this->headline;
         $objTemplate->id = $this->id;
         $objTemplate->link = $this->name;
         $objTemplate->href = 'contao/main.php?do=themes&amp;table=tl_module&amp;act=edit&amp;id=' . $this->id;
         return $objTemplate->parse();
     // set news categories from filter
     if (\Input::get('newscategories')) {
         $this->news_archives = explode(',', \Input::get('newscategories'));
         $this->filterActive = true;
     $this->news_archives = $this->sortOutProtected(deserialize($this->news_archives));
     // Return if there are no archives
     if (!is_array($this->news_archives) || empty($this->news_archives)) {
         return '';
     $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_CATEGORIES'] = $this->news_filterCategories ? true : false;
     $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_DEFAULT'] = deserialize($this->news_filterDefault, true);
     $GLOBALS['NEWS_FILTER_PRESERVE'] = $this->news_filterPreserve;
     if ($this->news_filterModule) {
         $this->objFilter = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->news_filterModule);
     $this->news_categories = array();
     // set news categories from filter
     if (\Input::get('categories')) {
         $this->news_categories = explode(',', \Input::get('categories'));
         $this->filterActive = true;
     // Show the event reader if an item has been selected
     if (!$this->news_showInModal && $this->news_readerModule > 0 && (isset($_GET['news']) || \Config::get('useAutoItem') && isset($_GET['auto_item']))) {
         return $this->getFrontendModule($this->news_readerModule, $this->strColumn);
     // filter
     if (\Input::get('startDate')) {
         $this->startDate = strtotime(\Input::get('startDate') . ' 00:00:00');
         $this->filterActive = true;
     if (\Input::get('endDate')) {
         $this->endDate = strtotime(\Input::get('endDate') . ' 23:59:59');
         $this->filterActive = true;
     if (\Input::get('searchKeywords')) {
         $this->strKeywords = trim(\Input::get('searchKeywords'));
         $this->filterActive = true;
         $this->filterSearch = true;
     return parent::generate();
 public static function adjustPalettesForLists(\DataContainer $objDc)
     if (($objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($objDc->id)) !== null) {
         $arrDca =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module'];
         if (\HeimrichHannot\Haste\Util\Module::isSubModuleOf($objModule->type, 'HeimrichHannot\\FrontendEdit\\ModuleList')) {
             $arrDca['palettes'][MODULE_FRONTENDEDIT_MEMBER_LIST] = str_replace('filterArchives', 'filterGroups', $arrDca['palettes'][MODULE_FRONTENDEDIT_MEMBER_LIST]);
             // override labels for suiting a list module
             $arrDca['fields']['formHybridAddDefaultValues']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_module']['formHybridAddDefaultFilterValues'];
             $arrDca['fields']['formHybridDefaultValues']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_module']['formHybridDefaultFilterValues'];
 public function modifyPalette()
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'));
     $arrDc =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module'];
     // submission -> already done in formhybrid
     // confirmation
     $arrFieldsToHide = array('formHybridConfirmationMailSender', 'formHybridConfirmationMailSubject', 'formHybridConfirmationMailText', 'formHybridConfirmationMailTemplate', 'formHybridConfirmationMailAttachment');
     if (in_array('avisota-core', \ModuleLoader::getActive()) && $objModule->reg_activate_plus && $objModule->formHybridConfirmationAvisotaMessage) {
         $arrDc['subpalettes']['reg_activate_plus'] = str_replace($arrFieldsToHide, array_map(function () {
             return '';
         }, $arrFieldsToHide), $arrDc['subpalettes']['reg_activate_plus']);
         $arrDc['subpalettes']['reg_activate_plus'] = str_replace('formHybridConfirmationAvisotaMessage', 'formHybridConfirmationAvisotaMessage,formHybridConfirmationAvisotaSalutationGroup', $arrDc['subpalettes']['reg_activate_plus']);
Exemple #10
 public function onload(DataContainer $dc)
     if (\Input::get('table') == 'tl_module' && \Input::get('act') == 'edit') {
         $module = \ModuleModel::findByPk($dc->id);
         if ($module && $module->type == 'Merger2') {
             $GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'system/modules/merger2/html/merger2.js';
             if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == 'tl_module') {
                 $blnDisabled = !\Input::post('merger_container');
             } else {
                 $blnDisabled = !$module->merger_container;
             $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['fields']['cssID']['eval']['disabled'] = $blnDisabled;
             $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['fields']['space']['eval']['disabled'] = $blnDisabled;
Exemple #11
  * Parse the template
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->module);
     if ($objModule === null) {
         return '';
     $strClass = $this->findFrontendModule($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule);
     // Overwrite spacing and CSS ID
     $objModule->space = $this->space;
     $objModule->cssID = $this->cssID;
     return $objModule->generate();
Exemple #12
 protected function joinModule($column, $moduleId, &$sections)
     $module = \ModuleModel::findByPk($moduleId);
     if (!$module || $module->type != 'Merger2') {
     $data = deserialize($module->merger_data, true);
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         if (!$row['disabled']) {
             if (in_array($row['content'], array('article', 'inherit_articles', 'inherit_all_articles', 'inherit_articles_fallback', 'inherit_all_articles_fallback'))) {
                 $sections[] = $column;
             } elseif ($row['content']) {
                 $this->joinModule($column, $row['content'], $sections);
 public function modifyPalette()
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'));
     $arrDca =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module'];
     if (\HeimrichHannot\Haste\Util\Module::isSubModuleOf($objModule->type, 'HeimrichHannot\\PinBoard\\ModulePinBoard')) {
         $objModule->formHybridDataContainer = 'tl_news';
         $objModule->formHybridPalette = 'pinboard';
         $objModule->showInitialResults = true;
         $objModule->addDetailsCol = true;
         $objModule->sortingMode = OPTION_FORMHYBRID_SORTINGMODE_FIELD;
         if (!$objModule->itemSorting) {
             $objModule->itemSorting = 'date_desc';
         if (!$objModule->updateDeleteConditions) {
             $objModule->updateDeleteConditions = deserialize(array(array('field' => 'memberAuthor', 'value' => '{{user::id}}')));
         if (!$objModule->additionalWhereSql) {
             $objModule->additionalWhereSql = '(tl_news.published=1 OR tl_news.memberAuthor="{{user::id}}")';
         $arrDca['fields']['jumpToCreate']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'w50 clr';
         $arrDca['fields']['createMemberGroups']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'w50 clr';
         $arrDca['fields']['jumpToEdit']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'w50';
     if (\HeimrichHannot\Haste\Util\Module::isSubModuleOf($objModule->type, 'HeimrichHannot\\PinBoard\\ModulePinBoardEditor')) {
         $objModule->formHybridDataContainer = 'tl_news';
         $objModule->formHybridPalette = 'pinboard';
         if (!$objModule->updateDeleteConditions) {
             $objModule->updateDeleteConditions = serialize(array(array('field' => 'memberAuthor', 'value' => '{{user::id}}')));
         if (!$objModule->formHybridDefaultValues) {
             $objModule->formHybridDefaultValues = serialize(array(array('field' => 'date', 'value' => '{{date::U}}', 'label' => ''), array('field' => 'time', 'value' => '{{date::U}}', 'label' => ''), array('field' => 'source', 'value' => 'default', 'label' => ''), array('field' => 'type', 'value' => 'pinboard', 'label' => ''), array('field' => 'memberAuthor', 'value' => '{{user::id}}', 'label' => ''), array('field' => 'useMemberAuthor', 'value' => true, 'label' => '')));
         $arrDca['fields']['setPageTitle']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'w50 clr';
     if (\HeimrichHannot\Haste\Util\Module::isSubModuleOf($objModule->type, 'HeimrichHannot\\PinBoard\\ModulePinBoardReader')) {
         $objModule->formHybridDataContainer = 'tl_news';
         $objModule->formHybridPalette = 'pinboard';
         if (!$objModule->itemTemplate) {
             $objModule->itemTemplate = 'formhybrid_reader_pinboard';
  * Add column set field to the colsetStart content element.
  * We need to do it dynamically because subcolumns creates its palette dynamically.
  * @param \DataContainer $dataContainer The data container driver.
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
 public function appendColumnsetIdToPalette($dataContainer)
     if ($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['subcolumns'] != 'bootstrap_customizable') {
     if ($dataContainer->table == 'tl_content') {
         $model = \ContentModel::findByPK($dataContainer->id);
         if ($model->sc_type > 0) {
             \MetaPalettes::appendFields($dataContainer->table, 'colsetStart', 'colset', array('columnset_id'));
     } else {
         $model = \ModuleModel::findByPk($dataContainer->id);
         if ($model->sc_type > 0) {
             if ($model->sc_type > 0) {
                 $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['palettes']['subcolumns'] = str_replace('sc_type,', 'sc_type,columnset_id,', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['palettes']['subcolumns']);
Exemple #15
  * Parse the template
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && ($this->invisible || $this->start != '' && $this->start > time() || $this->stop != '' && $this->stop < time())) {
         return '';
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->module);
     if ($objModule === null) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $this->strColumn);
     // Overwrite spacing and CSS ID
     $objModule->space = $this->space;
     $objModule->cssID = $this->cssID;
     return $objModule->generate();
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function generate()
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->module);
     if ($objModule === null || !static::isVisibleElement($objModule)) {
         return '';
     $strClass = \Module::findClass($objModule->type);
     if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
         return '';
     $objModule->typePrefix = 'ce_';
     /** @var \Module $objModule */
     $objModule = new $strClass($objModule, $this->strColumn);
     // Overwrite spacing and CSS ID
     $objModule->origSpace = $objModule->space;
     $objModule->space = $this->space;
     $objModule->origCssID = $objModule->cssID;
     $objModule->cssID = $this->cssID;
     return $objModule->generate();
 public function modifyPalette($objDc)
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'));
     $arrDca =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module'];
     switch ($objModule->type) {
         case 'iso_direct_checkout':
             if ($objModule->iso_direct_checkout_product_mode == 'product_type') {
                 $arrDca['palettes']['iso_direct_checkout'] = str_replace('iso_direct_checkout_products,', 'iso_direct_checkout_product_types,iso_listingSortField,iso_listingSortDirection,', $arrDca['palettes']['iso_direct_checkout']);
                 // fix field labels
                 $arrDca['fields']['iso_listingSortField']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_module']['iso_direct_checkout_listingSortField'];
                 $arrDca['fields']['iso_listingSortDirection']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_module']['iso_direct_checkout_listingSortDirection'];
             $arrDca['fields']['iso_shipping_modules']['inputType'] = 'select';
             $arrDca['fields']['iso_shipping_modules']['eval']['includeBlankOption'] = true;
             $arrDca['fields']['iso_shipping_modules']['eval']['multiple'] = false;
             $arrDca['fields']['iso_shipping_modules']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'w50';
             $arrDca['fields']['formHybridTemplate']['default'] = 'formhybrid_direct_checkout';
 public function modifyFieldPalette()
     if (($objFieldPalette = \HeimrichHannot\FieldPalette\FieldPaletteModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'))) === null) {
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($objFieldPalette->pid);
     $arrDca =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_fieldpalette'];
     switch ($objModule->type) {
         case 'iso_direct_checkout':
             if (in_array('isotope_plus', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) {
                 $arrDca['subpalettes']['iso_addSubscription'] = str_replace('iso_subscriptionArchive', 'iso_subscriptionArchive,iso_addSubscriptionCheckbox', $arrDca['subpalettes']['iso_addSubscription']);
             // no break!
         // no break!
         case 'iso_checkout':
             if ($objFieldPalette->iso_addActivation) {
                 $arrDca['subpalettes']['iso_addSubscription'] = str_replace('iso_addActivation', 'iso_addActivation,iso_activationNotification,iso_activationJumpTo', $arrDca['subpalettes']['iso_addSubscription']);
 public static function replaceRelation(array $arrRelation, $strTag)
     $params = preg_split('/::/', $strTag);
     if (!isset($arrRelation['insertTagLink']) || !isset($arrRelation['table'])) {
         return false;
     $relParams = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $arrRelation['insertTagLink']);
     $relParams = preg_split('/::/', $relParams);
     // check if given relation inserttag is provided
     if ($relParams[0] != $params[0]) {
         return false;
     $pageId = null;
     $moduleId = null;
     $entityId = null;
     if (($pageIdx = array_search('PAGE_ID', $relParams)) !== false) {
         $pageId = $params[$pageIdx];
     if (($entityIdx = array_search('ENTITY_ID', $relParams)) !== false) {
         $entityId = $params[$entityIdx];
     if (($moduleIdx = array_search('MODULE_ID', $relParams)) !== false) {
         $moduleId = $params[$moduleIdx];
     if ($pageId === null || ($objPage = \PageModel::findPublishedByIdOrAlias($pageId)) === null) {
         return false;
     if ($moduleId === null || ($objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($moduleId)) === null) {
         return false;
     if ($entityId === null || ($objEntity = SubmissionCreator::findRelatedEntity($entityId, $arrRelation, $objModule->current())) === null) {
         return false;
     if (StringUtil::endsWith($params[0], '_link')) {
         return SubmissionCreator::getRelationLink($objPage->current(), $objEntity->current(), $arrRelation);
     return false;
  * checkTimeFilter function.
  * @access public
  * @param $dc
  * @return void
 public function checkTimeFilter($dc)
     // Return if there is no active record (override all)
     if (!$dc->activeRecord) {
     // Get Object
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($dc->activeRecord->id);
     if ($objModule === null) {
     // Set arrSet
     $objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart = deserialize($dc->activeRecord->pa2TimeFilterStart);
     $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd = deserialize($dc->activeRecord->pa2TimeFilterEnd);
     if ($dc->activeRecord->pa2TimeFilter == 1) {
         // Set pa2TimeFilterStart
         if ($objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart['value'] == '' || $objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart['value'] < 0) {
             $objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart['value'] = '0';
         // Set pa2TimeFilterEnd
         if ($objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd['value'] == '' || $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd['value'] < 0) {
             $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd['value'] = '0';
         // Get TimeFilter object
         $objPa2TimeFilter = new Pa2TimeFilter($objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart, $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd);
         // Check startdate and enddate
         if ($objPa2TimeFilter->getFilterStart() > $objPa2TimeFilter->getFilterEnd()) {
             $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd = $objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart;
         // Serialize
         $objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart = serialize($objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart);
         $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd = serialize($objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd);
         // Update date
         $db = \Database::getInstance();
         $stmt = $db->prepare("UPDATE tl_module SET pa2TimeFilterStart=?, pa2TimeFilterEnd=? WHERE id=?");
         $res = $stmt->execute($objModule->pa2TimeFilterStart, $objModule->pa2TimeFilterEnd, $objModule->id);
 public function getEditable($dc)
     if (!$dc) {
         $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk(\Input::get('id'));
         if ($objModule === null) {
             return array();
         $dc = new HeimrichHannot\FormHybrid\DC_Hybrid('tl_module', $objModule);
     $strPalette = $dc->activeRecord->type == 'eventfilter' ? 'eventfilter' : 'default';
     $arrFields = HeimrichHannot\FormHybrid\FormHelper::getPaletteFields('tl_calendar_events', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_calendar_events']['palettes'][$strPalette]);
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_calendar_events']['subpalettes'])) {
         $arrSubPalettes = array_keys($GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_calendar_events']['subpalettes']);
         // ignore subpalettes not in palette
         $arrSubPalettes = HeimrichHannot\FormHybrid\FormHelper::getFilteredSubPalettes($arrSubPalettes, $arrFields, $dc);
         foreach ($arrSubPalettes as $strSubPalette) {
             $arrFields = array_merge($arrFields, HeimrichHannot\FormHybrid\FormHelper::getPaletteFields('tl_calendar_events', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_calendar_events']['subpalettes'][$strSubPalette]));
     return $arrFields;
 public static function modifyPalette(\DataContainer $dc, $blnFrontend = false)
     $id = strlen(\Input::get('id')) ? \Input::get('id') : CURRENT_ID;
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($id);
     $arrDca =& $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module'];
     $type = \Input::post('type') ?: $objModule->type;
     if (\HeimrichHannot\Haste\Util\Module::isSubModuleOf($type, 'HeimrichHannot\\Submissions\\Creator\\ModuleSubmissionReader')) {
         $objModule->formHybridDataContainer = 'tl_submission';
         $objModule->formHybridPalette = 'default';
         $objModule->noIdBehavior = 'create';
         $objModule->allowDelete = '';
         $objModule->deactivateTokens = true;
         $arrDca['fields']['defaultArchive']['eval']['mandatory'] = true;
         $arrDca['fields']['defaultArchive']['eval']['tl_class'] = 'clr';
         if ($objModule->addSubmissionRelation) {
             if ($arrRelation = $GLOBALS['SUBMISSION_RELATIONS'][$objModule->submissionRelation]) {
                 if ($arrRelation['moduleFields']) {
                     $arrDca['subpalettes']['addSubmissionRelation'] = str_replace('submissionRelation', 'submissionRelation,' . $arrRelation['moduleFields'], $arrDca['subpalettes']['addSubmissionRelation']);
 protected function contentVisible($element)
     if ($element->type === 'module') {
         $module = \ModuleModel::findByPk($element->module);
         if ($module && $module->deviceSelect) {
             if ($module->deviceSelect) {
                 if (!is_array($module->deviceSelect)) {
                     $module->deviceSelect = unserialize($module->deviceSelect);
                 if ($module->deviceSelect) {
                     $return = false;
                     foreach ($module->deviceSelect as $device) {
                         $method = 'is' . str_replace($device[0], strtoupper($device[0]), $device);
                         if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                             $this->{$method}($element) && $return === false ? $return = true : '';
                     return $return;
     return true;
Exemple #24
// with ♥ and Contao
 * anyStores for Contao Open Source CMS
 * @copyright   (c) 2015 Tastaturberuf <*****@*****.**>
 * @author      Daniel Jahnsmüller <*****@*****.**>
 * @license     http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
 * @package     anyStores
define('TL_MODE', 'FE');
require '../../../initialize.php';
$intModuleId = (int) \Input::get('module');
if ($intModuleId) {
    // Find module
    $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intModuleId);
    // Validate module
    if (!$objModule || $objModule->type !== 'anystores_map') {
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo json_encode(array('status' => 'NO_VALID_MODULE'));
    // Hook to manipulate the module
    if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule'])) {
        foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule'] as $callback) {
    if (\Validator::isBinaryUuid($objModule->anystores_defaultMarker)) {
        if (($objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk($objModule->anystores_defaultMarker)) !== null) {
            $objModule->anystores_defaultMarker = $objFile->path;
  * Add column set field to the colsetStart content element.
  * We need to do it dynamically because subcolumns creates its palette dynamically.
  * @param \DataContainer $dataContainer The data container driver.
  * @return void
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.Superglobals)
 public function appendColumnsetIdToPalette($dataContainer)
     if ($dataContainer->table == 'tl_content') {
         $model = \ContentModel::findByPK($dataContainer->id);
         if ($model->sc_type > 0) {
             \MetaPalettes::appendFields($dataContainer->table, 'colsetStart', 'colset', array('bootstrap_grid'));
     } elseif ($dataContainer->table == 'tl_form_field') {
         $model = \FormFieldModel::findByPk($dataContainer->id);
         if ($model->fsc_type > 0) {
             $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_form_field']['palettes']['formcolstart'] = str_replace('fsc_color,', 'fsc_color,bootstrap_grid,', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_form_field']['palettes']['formcolstart']);
     } else {
         $model = \ModuleModel::findByPk($dataContainer->id);
         if ($model->sc_type > 0) {
             $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['palettes']['subcolumns'] = str_replace('sc_type,', 'sc_type,columnset_id,', $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_module']['palettes']['subcolumns']);
  * FrontendAjax constructor.
  * @param int $intModuleId
 public static function run($intModuleId, $strToken)
     if (!static::validateRequestToken($intModuleId, $strToken)) {
         static::respond(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Invalid request token'));
     $objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intModuleId);
     if (!$objModule || $objModule->type !== 'anystores_map') {
         static::respond(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Invalid module'));
     // Hook to manipulate the module
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['anystores_getAjaxModule'] as $callback) {
     if (\Validator::isBinaryUuid($objModule->anystores_defaultMarker)) {
         $objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk($objModule->anystores_defaultMarker);
         $objModule->anystores_defaultMarker = $objFile ? $objFile->path : null;
     // Find stores
     $objStores = AnyStoresModel::findPublishedByCategory(deserialize($objModule->anystores_categories));
     if (!$objStores) {
         static::respond(array('status' => 'error', 'message' => 'No stores found'));
     while ($objStores->next()) {
         // generate jump to
         if ($objModule->jumpTo) {
             if (($objLocation = \PageModel::findByPk($objModule->jumpTo)) !== null) {
                 //@todo language parameter
                 $strStoreKey = !$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useAutoItem'] ? '/store/' : '/';
                 $strStoreValue = $objStores->alias;
                 $objStores->href = \Controller::generateFrontendUrl($objLocation->row(), $strStoreKey . $strStoreValue);
         // Encode email
         $objStores->email = \String::encodeEmail($objStores->email);
         // Encode opening times
         $objStores->opening_times = deserialize($objStores->opening_times);
         // decode logo
         if (\Validator::isBinaryUuid($objStores->logo)) {
             $objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk($objStores->logo);
             $objStores->logo = $objFile ? $objFile->path : null;
         // decode marker
         if (\Validator::isBinaryUuid($objStores->marker)) {
             $objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk($objStores->marker);
             $objStores->marker = $objFile ? $objFile->path : null;
         // add category marker
         $objStores->categoryMarker = null;
         if (($objCategory = AnyStoresCategoryModel::findByPk($objStores->pid)) !== null) {
             if (\Validator::isBinaryUuid($objCategory->defaultMarker)) {
                 $objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk($objCategory->defaultMarker);
                 if ($objFile) {
                     $objStores->categoryMarker = $objFile->path;
         // render html
         $strTemplate = $objModule->anystores_detailTpl ?: 'anystores_details';
         $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($strTemplate);
         $objStores->tiphtml = static::replaceInsertTags($objTemplate->parse());
     $arrRespond = array('status' => 'success', 'count' => (int) $objStores->count(), 'module' => array('latitude' => (double) $objModule->anystores_latitude, 'longitude' => (double) $objModule->anystores_longitude, 'zoom' => (int) $objModule->anystores_zoom, 'streetview' => (bool) $objModule->anystores_streetview, 'maptype' => (string) $objModule->anystores_maptype, 'defaultMarker' => (string) $objModule->anystores_defaultMarker), 'stores' => $objStores->fetchAll());
     // decode global default marker
     $arrRespond['global']['defaultMarker'] = null;
     if (\Validator::isUuid(\Config::get('anystores_defaultMarker'))) {
         if (($objFile = \FilesModel::findByPk(\Config::get('anystores_defaultMarker'))) !== null) {
             $arrRespond['global']['defaultMarker'] = $objFile->path;
  * Generate a front end module and return it as string
  * @param mixed  $intId     A module ID or a Model object
  * @param string $strColumn The name of the column
  * @return string The module HTML markup
 public static function getFrontendModule($intId, $strColumn = 'main')
     if (!is_object($intId) && !strlen($intId)) {
         return '';
     /** @var \PageModel $objPage */
     global $objPage;
     // Articles
     if (!is_object($intId) && $intId == 0) {
         // Show a particular article only
         if ($objPage->type == 'regular' && \Input::get('articles')) {
             list($strSection, $strArticle) = explode(':', \Input::get('articles'));
             if ($strArticle === null) {
                 $strArticle = $strSection;
                 $strSection = 'main';
             if ($strSection == $strColumn) {
                 $objArticle = \ArticleModel::findByIdOrAliasAndPid($strArticle, $objPage->id);
                 // Send a 404 header if the article does not exist
                 if (null === $objArticle) {
                     /** @var \PageError404 $objHandler */
                     $objHandler = new $GLOBALS['TL_PTY']['error_404']();
                 // Add the "first" and "last" classes (see #2583)
                 $objArticle->classes = array('first', 'last');
                 return static::getArticle($objArticle);
         // HOOK: trigger the article_raster_designer extension
         if (in_array('article_raster_designer', \ModuleLoader::getActive())) {
             return \RasterDesigner::load($objPage->id, $strColumn);
         // Show all articles (no else block here, see #4740)
         $objArticles = \ArticleModel::findPublishedByPidAndColumn($objPage->id, $strColumn);
         if ($objArticles === null) {
             return '';
         $return = '';
         $intCount = 0;
         $blnMultiMode = $objArticles->count() > 1;
         $intLast = $objArticles->count() - 1;
         while ($objArticles->next()) {
             /** @var \ArticleModel $objRow */
             $objRow = $objArticles->current();
             // Add the "first" and "last" classes (see #2583)
             if ($intCount == 0 || $intCount == $intLast) {
                 $arrCss = array();
                 if ($intCount == 0) {
                     $arrCss[] = 'first';
                 if ($intCount == $intLast) {
                     $arrCss[] = 'last';
                 $objRow->classes = $arrCss;
             $return .= static::getArticle($objRow, $blnMultiMode, false, $strColumn);
         return $return;
     } else {
         if (is_object($intId)) {
             $objRow = $intId;
         } else {
             $objRow = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intId);
             if ($objRow === null) {
                 return '';
         // Check the visibility (see #6311)
         if (!static::isVisibleElement($objRow)) {
             return '';
         $strClass = \Module::findClass($objRow->type);
         // Return if the class does not exist
         if (!class_exists($strClass)) {
             static::log('Module class "' . $strClass . '" (module "' . $objRow->type . '") does not exist', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             return '';
         $objRow->typePrefix = 'mod_';
         /** @var \Module $objModule */
         $objModule = new $strClass($objRow, $strColumn);
         $strBuffer = $objModule->generate();
         // HOOK: add custom logic
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'] as $callback) {
                 $strBuffer = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($objRow, $strBuffer, $objModule);
         // Disable indexing if protected
         if ($objModule->protected && !preg_match('/^\\s*<!-- indexer::stop/', $strBuffer)) {
             $strBuffer = "\n<!-- indexer::stop -->" . $strBuffer . "<!-- indexer::continue -->\n";
         return $strBuffer;
  * Generate the module
 protected function compile()
     global $objPage;
     $blnClearInput = false;
     $intYear = \Input::get('year');
     $intMonth = \Input::get('month');
     $intDay = \Input::get('day');
     // Jump to the current period
     if (!isset($_GET['year']) && !isset($_GET['month']) && !isset($_GET['day'])) {
         switch ($this->cal_format) {
             case 'cal_year':
                 $intYear = date('Y');
             case 'cal_month':
                 $intMonth = date('Ym');
             case 'cal_day':
                 $intDay = date('Ymd');
         $blnClearInput = true;
     $blnDynamicFormat = !$this->cal_ignoreDynamic && in_array($this->cal_format, array('cal_day', 'cal_month', 'cal_year'));
     // Display year
     if ($blnDynamicFormat && $intYear) {
         $this->Date = new \Date($intYear, 'Y');
         $this->cal_format = 'cal_year';
         $this->headline .= ' ' . date('Y', $this->Date->tstamp);
     } elseif ($blnDynamicFormat && $intMonth) {
         $this->Date = new \Date($intMonth, 'Ym');
         $this->cal_format = 'cal_month';
         $this->headline .= ' ' . \Date::parse('F Y', $this->Date->tstamp);
     } elseif ($blnDynamicFormat && $intDay) {
         $this->Date = new \Date($intDay, 'Ymd');
         $this->cal_format = 'cal_day';
         $this->headline .= ' ' . \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $this->Date->tstamp);
     } else {
         $this->Date = new \Date();
     list($strBegin, $strEnd, $strEmpty) = $this->getDatesFromFormat($this->Date, $this->cal_format);
     $arrFilter = array();
     $arrOptions = array();
     $arrFilterConfig = array();
     if ($this->cal_filterModule) {
         $objFilterModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->cal_filterModule);
         if ($objFilterModule !== null) {
             $objFilterModule = $this->prepareFilterModel($objFilterModule);
             $arrFilter = $this->getFilter($objFilterModule);
             //				$arrOptions = $this->getPossibleFilterOptions($objFilterModule);
             $arrFilterConfig['module'] = $objFilterModule->row();
             $arrFilterConfig['combine_docents'] = $objFilterModule->cal_docent_combine;
             if (!empty($arrFilter)) {
                 $strEmpty =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['eventlist']['listEmptyFilter'];
     // Get all events
     $arrAllEvents = $this->getAllEvents($this->cal_calendar, $strBegin, $strEnd, $arrFilter, $arrOptions, $arrFilterConfig);
     $isRelatedList = false;
     if (empty($arrAllEvents) && $objFilterModule->cal_filterRelatedOnEmpty) {
         $arrFilterConfig['show_related'] = true;
         $arrAllEvents = $this->getAllEvents($this->cal_calendar, $strBegin, $strEnd, $arrFilter, $arrOptions, $arrFilterConfig);
         $isRelatedList = true;
     $sort = $this->cal_order == 'descending' ? 'krsort' : 'ksort';
     // Sort the days
     // Sort the events
     foreach (array_keys($arrAllEvents) as $key) {
     $arrEvents = array();
     $arrEventIds = array();
     $arrParentEvents = array();
     $arrParentEventIds = array();
     $arrSubEvents = array();
     $dateBegin = date('Ymd', $strBegin);
     $dateEnd = date('Ymd', $strEnd);
     // Remove events outside the scope
     foreach ($arrAllEvents as $key => $days) {
         if ($key < $dateBegin || $key > $dateEnd) {
         foreach ($days as $day => $events) {
             foreach ($events as $event) {
                 $event['firstDay'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['DAYS'][date('w', $day)];
                 $event['firstDate'] = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $day);
                 $event['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d', $day);
                 $event['dateday'] = $day;
                 if (!$this->cal_ungroupSubevents) {
                     // event is child event --> add parent event
                     if (($intParentEvent = $event['parentEvent']) > 0) {
                         // add parent event
                         if (($arrParentEvent = $this->getParentEventDetails($intParentEvent, $event['pid'], $strBegin)) === null) {
                         $arrParentEvent['firstDay'] = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['DAYS'][date('w', $day)];
                         $arrParentEvent['firstDate'] = \Date::parse($objPage->dateFormat, $day);
                         $arrParentEvent['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d', $day);
                         $arrParentEvent['dateday'] = $day;
                         $arrParentEvents[$arrParentEvent['id']] = $arrParentEvent;
                         $arrParentEventIds[] = $arrParentEvent['id'];
                         // set parent event as href
                         $event['href'] = $event['parentHref'];
                         $arrSubEvents[$intParentEvent][$event['id']] = $event;
                     } else {
                         $objChildEvents = CalendarPlusEventsModel::findPublishedSubEvents($event['id']);
                         if ($objChildEvents !== null) {
                             while ($objChildEvents->next()) {
                                 $arrSubEvents[$event['id']][$objChildEvents->id] = $this->addSingleEvent($objChildEvents, $strBegin);
                 $arrEvents[] = $event;
                 $arrEventIds[] = $event['id'];
     // add parent events to $arrEvents
     if (!empty($arrParentEventIds)) {
         $arrEventIds = array_diff($arrParentEventIds, $arrEventIds);
         foreach ($arrParentEvents as $id => $event) {
             if (!in_array($id, $arrEventIds)) {
             $arrEvents[] = $event;
     $total = count($arrEvents);
     $limit = $total;
     $offset = 0;
     // Overall limit
     if ($this->cal_limit > 0) {
         $total = min($this->cal_limit, $total);
         $limit = $total;
     // Pagination
     if ($this->perPage > 0) {
         $id = 'page_e' . $this->id;
         $page = \Input::get($id) ?: 1;
         // Do not index or cache the page if the page number is outside the range
         if ($page < 1 || $page > max(ceil($total / $this->perPage), 1)) {
             global $objPage;
             $objPage->noSearch = 1;
             $objPage->cache = 0;
             // Send a 404 header
             header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $this->perPage;
         $limit = min($this->perPage + $offset, $total);
         // load specific pagination template if infiniteScroll is used
         // otherwise keep standard pagination
         $objT = $this->cal_useInfiniteScroll ? new \FrontendTemplate('infinite_pagination') : null;
         if (!is_null($objT)) {
             $objT->triggerText = $this->cal_changeTriggerText ? $this->cal_triggerText : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['eventlist']['loadMore'];
         // Add the pagination menu
         $objPagination = new \Pagination($total, $this->perPage, \Config::get('maxPaginationLinks'), $id, $objT);
         $this->Template->pagination = $objPagination->generate("\n  ");
     $strMonth = '';
     $strDate = '';
     $strEvents = '';
     $monthCount = 0;
     $dayCount = 0;
     $eventCount = 0;
     $headerCount = 0;
     $headerMonthCount = 0;
     $imgSize = false;
     // Override the default image size
     if ($this->imgSize != '') {
         $size = deserialize($this->imgSize);
         if ($size[0] > 0 || $size[1] > 0 || is_numeric($size[2])) {
             $imgSize = $this->imgSize;
     // Parse events
     for ($i = $offset; $i < $limit; $i++) {
         $event = $arrEvents[$i];
         $blnIsLastEvent = false;
         // Last event on the current day
         if ($i + 1 == $limit || !isset($arrEvents[$i + 1]['firstDate']) || $event['firstDate'] != $arrEvents[$i + 1]['firstDate']) {
             $blnIsLastEvent = true;
         $objTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->cal_template);
         $objTemplate->lastItem = $i + 1 == $limit || $arrEvents[$i + 1]['month'] != $event['month'] || $arrEvents[$i + 1]['firstDate'] != $event['firstDate'];
         // Month header
         if ($strMonth != $event['month']) {
             $headerMonthCount = 0;
             $objTemplate->newMonth = true;
             $objTemplate->classMonth = ($monthCount % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($monthCount == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($event['firstDate'] == $arrEvents[$limit - 1]['firstDate'] ? ' last' : '');
             $strMonth = $event['month'];
         // Day header
         if ($strDate != $event['firstDate']) {
             $headerCount = 0;
             $objTemplate->header = true;
             $objTemplate->classHeader = ($dayCount % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($dayCount == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($event['firstDate'] == $arrEvents[$limit - 1]['firstDate'] ? ' last' : '');
             $objTemplate->firstHeader = $dayCount == 0;
             $strDate = $event['firstDate'];
         if (isset($arrSubEvents[$event['id']]) && is_array($arrSubEvents[$event['id']])) {
             $strSubEvents = '';
             foreach ($arrSubEvents[$event['id']] as $subID => $arrSubEvent) {
                 $objSubEventTemplate = new \FrontendTemplate($this->cal_templateSubevent);
                 $this->addEventDetailsToTemplate($objTemplate, $arrSubEvent, $headerCount, $eventCount, $imgSize);
                 $strSubEvents .= $objSubEventTemplate->parse() . "\n";
             $objTemplate->subEvents = $strSubEvents;
         $strClassList = $event['class'] . ($headerCount % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($headerCount == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($blnIsLastEvent ? ' last' : '') . ' cal_' . $event['parent'];
         $strClassUpcoming = $event['class'] . ($eventCount % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd') . ($eventCount == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($offset + $eventCount + 1 >= $limit ? ' last' : '') . ' cal_' . $event['parent'];
         $this->addEventDetailsToTemplate($objTemplate, $event, $strClassList, $strClassUpcoming, $imgSize);
         $strEvents .= $objTemplate->parse();
     $strEmpty = "\n" . '<div class="empty">' . $strEmpty . '</div>' . "\n";
     $this->Template->emptyMessage = $strEmpty;
     // No events found
     if ($strEvents == '') {
         $strEvents = $strEmpty;
         $this->Template->empty = true;
     // See #3672
     $this->Template->headline = $this->headline;
     $this->Template->events = $strEvents;
     $this->Template->isRelated = $isRelatedList && !$this->Template->empty;
     // Clear the $_GET array (see #2445)
     if ($blnClearInput) {
         \Input::setGet('year', null);
         \Input::setGet('month', null);
         \Input::setGet('day', null);
Exemple #29
  * Generate a front end module and return it as string
  * @param mixed  $intId     A module ID or a Model object
  * @param string $strColumn The name of the column
  * @return string The module HTML markup
 protected function getFrontendModule($intId, $strColumn = 'main')
     if (!is_object($intId) && !strlen($intId)) {
         return '';
     global $objPage;
     // Articles
     if ($intId == 0) {
         // Show a particular article only
         if (\Input::get('articles') && $objPage->type == 'regular') {
             list($strSection, $strArticle) = explode(':', \Input::get('articles'));
             if ($strArticle === null) {
                 $strArticle = $strSection;
                 $strSection = 'main';
             if ($strSection == $strColumn) {
                 $strBuffer = $this->getArticle($strArticle);
                 // Send a 404 header if the article does not exist
                 if ($strBuffer === false) {
                     // Do not index the page
                     $objPage->noSearch = 1;
                     $objPage->cache = 0;
                     header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
                     return '<p class="error">' . sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['invalidPage'], $strArticle) . '</p>';
                 return $strBuffer;
         } elseif (in_array('article_raster_designer', $this->Config->getActiveModules())) {
             return \RasterDesigner::load($objPage->id, $strColumn);
         } else {
             $objArticles = \ArticleModel::findPublishedByPidAndColumn($objPage->id, $strColumn);
             if ($objArticles === null) {
                 return '';
             $return = '';
             $blnMultiMode = $objArticles->count() > 1;
             while ($objArticles->next()) {
                 $return .= $this->getArticle($objArticles, $blnMultiMode, false, $strColumn);
             return $return;
     } else {
         if (is_object($intId)) {
             $objRow = $intId;
         } else {
             $objRow = \ModuleModel::findByPk($intId);
         if ($objRow === null) {
             return '';
         // Show to guests only
         if ($objRow->guests && FE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && !$objRow->protected) {
             return '';
         // Protected element
         if (!BE_USER_LOGGED_IN && $objRow->protected) {
             if (!FE_USER_LOGGED_IN) {
                 return '';
             $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User');
             $groups = deserialize($objRow->groups);
             if (!is_array($groups) || empty($groups) || !count(array_intersect($groups, $this->User->groups))) {
                 return '';
         $strClass = $this->findFrontendModule($objRow->type);
         // Return if the class does not exist
         if (!$this->classFileExists($strClass)) {
             $this->log('Module class "' . $GLOBALS['FE_MOD'][$objRow->type] . '" (module "' . $objRow->type . '") does not exist', 'Controller getFrontendModule()', TL_ERROR);
             return '';
         $objRow->typePrefix = 'mod_';
         $objModule = new $strClass($objRow, $strColumn);
         $strBuffer = $objModule->generate();
         // HOOK: add custom logic
         if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getFrontendModule'] as $callback) {
                 $strBuffer = $this->{$callback}[0]->{$callback}[1]($objRow, $strBuffer);
         // Disable indexing if protected
         if ($objModule->protected && !preg_match('/^\\s*<!-- indexer::stop/i', $strBuffer)) {
             $strBuffer = "\n<!-- indexer::stop -->" . $strBuffer . "<!-- indexer::continue -->\n";
         return $strBuffer;
     return '';
  * Fallback function that returns the module from a given id
  * @return \ModuleModel | null if no id
 public function getModule()
     if (!$this->moduleId || ($objModule = \ModuleModel::findByPk($this->moduleId)) === null) {
         return null;
     return $objModule;