public function load($module) { $m = explode(".", $module); if (count($m) == 2 && $m[1] != '') { $name = lcfirst($m[1]); $class = ucfirst($name) . "Module"; $basePath = $m[0] == "app" ? Setting::getAppPath() : Setting::getApplicationPath(); $alias = ($m[0] == "app" ? 'app' : 'application') . ".modules.{$name}.{$class}"; $path = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; $classPath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $class . ".php"; $this->name = $name; $this->alias = $alias; $this->path = $path; $this->classPath = $classPath; if (is_file($this->classPath)) { $this->module = ModuleGenerator::init($alias, 'load'); $this->accessType = $this->module->checkAccessType(); $this->defaultRule = $this->module->defaultRule; $this->rolesRule = $this->module->rolesRule; $this->usersRule = $this->module->usersRule; $this->acSource = $this->module->acSource; $this->imports = $this->module->loadImport(); } else { $this->module = null; } } }
public function actionRename($f, $t) { try { $result = ModuleGenerator::rename($f, $t); } catch (CException $ex) { echo "ERROR: " . strtoupper($ex->getMessage()); die; } echo "SUCCESS"; }
public static function getModuleList() { $rawList = ModuleGenerator::listModuleForMenuTree(); $modules = ['' => '-- Choose Module --', '---' => '---']; foreach ($rawList as $k => $list) { $m = $list['module'] == 'plansys' ? 'application' : $list['module']; $modules[$m . ".commands"] = ucfirst($list['label']); } foreach ($rawList as $k => $list) { $modules[$list['label'] . " Module"] = []; foreach ($list['items'] as $j => $l) { $l['module'] = $l['module'] == 'plansys' ? 'application' : $l['module']; $modules[$list['label'] . " Module"][$l['module'] . ".modules." . $j . ".commands"] = ucfirst($j); } } return $modules; }
<?php ## AUTOGENERATED OPTIONS - DO NOT EDIT $options = array('mode' => 'custom', 'layout' => array('size' => '200', 'sizetype' => 'px', 'type' => 'menu', 'name' => 'col1', 'file' => '', 'title' => 'Module', 'icon' => 'fa-empire', 'inlineJS' => 'GenModule.js', 'menuOptions' => array())); ## END OF AUTOGENERATED OPTIONS return ModuleGenerator::listModuleForMenuTree();
public static function rename($from, $to) { $from = ModuleGenerator::parseModule($from); $to = ModuleGenerator::parseModule($to); if (empty($from)) { throw new CException("Invalid source name."); return false; } if (empty($to)) { throw new CException("Invalid destination name."); return false; } if (is_dir($from['path']) && is_file($from['classPath'])) { if (!is_file($to['classPath'])) { ## rename module class $file = file_get_contents($from['classPath']); $file = preg_replace('/class\\s+' . $from['class'] . '/', 'class ' . $to['class'], $file, 1); file_put_contents($from['classPath'], $file); ## rename directory rename($from['classPath'], $from['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $to['class'] . ".php"); rename($from['path'], $to['path']); ## rename forms $formsDir = $to['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'forms'; $forms = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($formsDir)); foreach ($forms as $d) { if ($d->isFile() && $d->getExtension() == "php") { ## determine old and new file $oldClass = substr($d->getFilename(), 0, -4); $newClass = ucfirst($to['name']) . substr($oldClass, strlen($from['name'])); $oldFilePath = $d->getRealPath(); $newFilePath = $d->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $newClass . ".php"; ## change class name inside file $file = file_get_contents($d->getRealPath()); $file = preg_replace('/class\\s*' . $oldClass . '/', 'class ' . $newClass, $file, 1); file_put_contents($oldFilePath, $file); ## rename file rename($oldFilePath, $newFilePath); } } return $to; } else { throw new CException("Destination module already exist."); return false; } } else { throw new CException("Invalid source name."); return false; } }