public function getComments() { $comments = Models_Eportfolio_Entry_Comment::fetchAll($this->pentry_id); return $comments; }
$comment_data["commentor"] = $commentor->getFullname(false); $comment_data["submitted_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $comment_data["submitted_date"]); echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "data" => $comment_data)); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "data" => "An error occurred when attempting to store the comment.")); } } break; case "delete-pentry-comment": if (${$request_var}["pecomment_id"] && ($tmp_input = clean_input(${$request_var}["pecomment_id"], array("int")))) { $PROCESSED["pecomment_id"] = $tmp_input; } else { add_error("An error occured attempting to attach comment to entry."); } if (!$ERROR) { $comment = Models_Eportfolio_Entry_Comment::fetchRow($PROCESSED["pecomment_id"]); $arr = array("active" => "0"); if ($comment->fromArray($arr)->update()) { echo json_encode(array("status" => "success", "data" => $comment->toArray())); } } break; case "pentry-flag": if (${$request_var}["action"] && ($tmp_input = clean_input(${$request_var}["action"], array("trim", "striptags")))) { $PROCESSED["action"] = $tmp_input; } else { add_error("Invalid pentry_id."); } if (${$request_var}["pentry_id"] && ($tmp_input = clean_input(${$request_var}["pentry_id"], array("int")))) { $PROCESSED["pentry_id"] = $tmp_input; } else {