public function getText() { $infocommonModel = new Model_InfoCommon(); $filter['where'] = " id='{$this->info_id}' and customer_id='{$this->customer_id}' and state='1' "; $sql = $infocommonModel->select($filter, 'info_intro'); $inforesult = $infocommonModel->fetchRow($sql); $sql = "update info_common set push_num=push_num+1 where id='{$this->info_id}' and customer_id='{$this->customer_id}' limit 1"; $infocommonModel->query($sql); $data['msgtype'] = 'text'; if ($this->info_id == 183) { //记得打开公众号接受消息 $userModel = new Model_Subtable('sub_user'); $scoreModel = new Model_SubScore('sub_score'); $qdScore = $scoreModel->qd(); $uRow = $userModel->where("fromuser='******'")->dataRow(); $time = time(); $startTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time) . ' 00:00:00'); //今天0点的时间戳 if ($uRow['qd_time'] > $startTime) { $data['content'] = '已签到'; } else { if ($uRow) { //签到获取积分 $data1['info'][id] = $uRow['id']; $data1['info'][score] = $qdScore + $uRow['score']; $data1['info'][score_all] = $qdScore + $uRow['score_all']; $data1['info'][qd_time] = $time; $userModel->add($data1); $data['content'] = '签到成功'; } else { $data['content'] = '您还未注册'; } } } else { $data['content'] = $inforesult['info_intro']; } //file_put_contents('a.txt',$data['content']); return $data; }
<?php include_once "../includes/"; if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger')) { die("请在微信浏览器中打开"); } //判断是否微信打开 //微信用户标识 include_once "get_openid.php"; $model = new Model_Subtable('sub_user'); $scoreModel = new Model_SubScore('sub_score'); $qdScore = $scoreModel->qd(); $uRow = $model->where("fromuser='******'")->dataRow(); $time = time(); $startTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time) . ' 00:00:00'); //今天0点的时间戳 if ($uRow['qd_time'] > $startTime) { die('<script type="text/javascript">alert("请勿重复签到,请关闭网页")</script>'); } else { if ($uRow) { //签到获取积分 $data1['info'][id] = $uRow['id']; $data1['info'][score] = $qdScore + $uRow['score']; $data1['info'][score_all] = $qdScore + $uRow['score_all']; $data1['info'][qd_time] = time(); $model->add($data1); die('<script type="text/javascript">alert("签到成功,请关闭网页")</script>'); } else { die('<script type="text/javascript">alert("您还未注册,请关闭网页")</script>'); } }
function getTjrScore() { $scoreModel = new Model_SubScore('sub_score'); return $scoreModel->tjr(); }