Exemple #1
  * Creates trends from the given array
  * @param array $trends
  * @return array
 public static function create_from_array($trends)
     if (empty($trends)) {
     Swiftriver_Mutex::obtain(get_class(), 3600);
     // Hash array with droplet_hash as key and index in droplets array that contain that hash
     $trends_idx = array();
     foreach ($trends as $key => &$trend) {
         $hash = md5($trend['river_id'] . $trend['date_pub'] . $trend['tag'] . $trend['tag_type']);
         $trend['hash'] = $hash;
         $trends_idx[$hash] = $key;
     // Find the drops that already exist by their droplet_hash
     $found_query = DB::select('hash', 'id')->from('river_tag_trends')->where('hash', 'IN', array_keys($trends_idx));
     $found = $found_query->execute()->as_array();
     // Create a query to update existing trends and
     // remove them from the trends_idx
     $update_query = NULL;
     foreach ($found as $hash) {
         if ($update_query) {
             $update_query .= ' union all ';
         $count = $trends[$trends_idx[$hash['hash']]]['count'];
         $update_query .= 'select ' . $hash['id'] . ' id, ' . $count . ' count';
     if ($update_query) {
         $query = "UPDATE `river_tag_trends` JOIN (" . $update_query . ") a " . "USING (`id`) SET `river_tag_trends`.`count` = `river_tag_trends`.`count` + `a`.`count`";
         DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $query)->execute();
     if (!empty($trends_idx)) {
         // Get a range of IDs to be used in inserting the new drops
         $base_id = Model_River_Tag_Trend::get_ids(count($trends_idx));
         // Insert into the droplets table
         $query = DB::insert('river_tag_trends', array('id', 'hash', 'river_id', 'date_pub', 'tag', 'tag_type', 'count'));
         foreach ($trends_idx as $hash => $key) {
             $query->values(array('id' => $base_id++, 'hash' => $trends[$key]['hash'], 'river_id' => $trends[$key]['river_id'], 'date_pub' => $trends[$key]['date_pub'], 'tag' => $trends[$key]['tag'], 'tag_type' => $trends[$key]['tag_type'], 'count' => $trends[$key]['count']));
Exemple #2
  * Populate the droplet metadata tables.
  * @param array $drops Drop array
 public static function add_metadata(&$drops)
     // Build queries for creating entries in the meta tables droplet_tags, droplet_links and so on
     $drops_idx = array();
     $river_check_query = NULL;
     $tags_ref = array();
     $tag_values = NULL;
     $tag_check_query = NULL;
     $semantics_complete = array();
     $link_values = NULL;
     $drop_links = NULL;
     $media_values = NULL;
     $drop_images = NULL;
     $media_thumbnail_values = NULL;
     $media_complete = array();
     $place_values = NULL;
     $place_check_query = NULL;
     foreach ($drops as $key => $drop) {
         // Create an in memory drop reference
         $drops_idx[$drop['id']] = $key;
         // Place drops into rivers
         if (isset($drop['river_id'])) {
             foreach ($drop['river_id'] as $river_id) {
                 // Subquery to find new river drops
                 $subquery = DB::select(array(DB::expr($drop['id']), 'droplet_id'), array(DB::expr($river_id), 'river_id'));
                 if (!$river_check_query) {
                     $river_check_query = $subquery;
                 } else {
                     $river_check_query = $subquery->union($river_check_query, TRUE);
         // Create a query to insert tags into droplets_tags
         if (isset($drop['tags'])) {
             foreach ($drop['tags'] as $tag) {
                 // Create an in memory tag id -> tag detail reference
                 $tags_ref[$tag['id']] = array('tag_name' => $tag['tag_name'], 'tag_type' => $tag['tag_type']);
                 // Values for the drop tags insert query
                 if ($tag_values) {
                     $tag_values .= ',';
                 $tag_values .= '(' . $drop['id'] . ',' . $tag['id'] . ')';
                 // Subquery to find new tags
                 $subquery = DB::select(array(DB::expr($drop['id']), 'droplet_id'), array(DB::expr($tag['id']), 'tag_id'));
                 if (!$tag_check_query) {
                     $tag_check_query = $subquery;
                 } else {
                     $tag_check_query = $subquery->union($tag_check_query, TRUE);
         // Find drops that have complete semantic processing
         if (isset($drop['semantics_complete'])) {
             $semantics_complete[] = $drop['id'];
         if (isset($drop['links'])) {
             foreach ($drop['links'] as $link) {
                 if ($link_values) {
                     $link_values .= ',';
                 $link_values .= '(' . $drop['id'] . ',' . $link['id'] . ')';
                 // Store drop original link for updating the droplets table
                 if (isset($link['id']) and isset($link['original_url']) and $link['original_url']) {
                     if ($drop_links) {
                         $drop_links .= ' union all ';
                     $drop_links .= 'select ' . $link['id'] . ' drop_link, ' . $drop['id'] . ' id';
         if (isset($drop['media'])) {
             foreach ($drop['media'] as $media) {
                 if ($media_values) {
                     $media_values .= ',';
                 $media_values .= '(' . $drop['id'] . ',' . $media['id'] . ')';
                 if ($media['droplet_image']) {
                     if ($drop_images) {
                         $drop_images .= ' union all ';
                     $drop_images .= 'select ' . $media['id'] . ' droplet_image, ' . $drop['id'] . ' id';
                 if (isset($media['thumbnails'])) {
                     foreach ($media['thumbnails'] as $thumbnail) {
                         if ($media_thumbnail_values) {
                             $media_thumbnail_values .= ',';
                         $media_thumbnail_values .= '(' . $media['id'] . ',' . $thumbnail['size'] . ",'" . addslashes($thumbnail['url']) . "')";
         // Find drops that have completed media processing
         if (isset($drop['media_complete'])) {
             $media_complete[] = $drop['id'];
         if (isset($drop['places'])) {
             foreach ($drop['places'] as $place) {
                 // Create an in memory tag id -> tag detail reference
                 $places_ref[$place['id']] = array('place_name' => $place['place_name']);
                 if ($place_values) {
                     $place_values .= ',';
                 $place_values .= '(' . $drop['id'] . ',' . $place['id'] . ')';
                 // Subquery to find new places
                 $subquery = DB::select(array(DB::expr($drop['id']), 'droplet_id'), array(DB::expr($place['id']), 'place_id'));
                 if (!$place_check_query) {
                     $place_check_query = $subquery;
                 } else {
                     $place_check_query = $subquery->union($place_check_query, TRUE);
     // Find river drops already in the DB
     $existing_river_drops = DB::select('droplet_id', 'river_id')->from('rivers_droplets')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx))->execute()->as_array();
     // Find the new river drops we are just about to add
     $new_river_drops = NULL;
     $max_river_drop_ids = array();
     if ($river_check_query) {
         Swiftriver_Mutex::obtain('rivers_droplets', 3600);
         $sub = DB::select('droplet_id', 'river_id')->from('rivers_droplets')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx));
         $new_river_drops = DB::select('droplet_id', 'river_id')->distinct(TRUE)->from(array($river_check_query, 'a'))->where(DB::expr('(`droplet_id`, `river_id`)'), 'NOT IN', $sub)->execute()->as_array();
         if (!empty($new_river_drops)) {
             $base_id = Model_Droplet::get_ids(count($new_river_drops), 'rivers_droplets');
             // Insert into the rivers_droplets table
             $query = DB::insert('rivers_droplets', array('id', 'river_id', 'droplet_id', 'droplet_date_pub'));
             foreach ($new_river_drops as $new_river_drop) {
                 $drops_key = $drops_idx[$new_river_drop['droplet_id']];
                 $date_pub = $drops[$drops_key]['droplet_date_pub'];
                 $river_id = $new_river_drop['river_id'];
                 $id = $base_id++;
                 $query->values(array('id' => $id, 'river_id' => $river_id, 'droplet_id' => $new_river_drop['droplet_id'], 'droplet_date_pub' => $date_pub));
                 if (!isset($max_river_drop_ids[$river_id])) {
                     $max_river_drop_ids[$river_id] = array('max_id' => $id, 'count' => 1);
                 } else {
                     $max_river_drop_ids[$river_id]['count'] += 1;
                     if ($id > $max_river_drop_ids[$river_id]['max_id']) {
                         $max_river_drop_ids[$river_id]['max_id'] = $id;
             $max_river_drops_query = NULL;
             foreach ($max_river_drop_ids as $key => $value) {
                 if ($max_river_drops_query) {
                     $max_river_drops_query .= ' union all ';
                 $max_river_drops_query .= 'select ' . $key . ' id, ' . $value['max_id'] . ' max_id, ' . $value['count'] . ' cnt';
             // Update river max_drop_id
             $update_rivers_sql = "UPDATE `rivers` JOIN (" . $max_river_drops_query . ") a " . "USING (`id`) SET `rivers`.`max_drop_id` = `a`.`max_id` " . "WHERE `rivers`.`max_drop_id` < `a`.`max_id`";
             DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $update_rivers_sql)->execute();
             // Update drop count
             $update_rivers_sql = "UPDATE `rivers` JOIN (" . $max_river_drops_query . ") a " . "USING (`id`) SET `rivers`.`drop_count` = `rivers`.`drop_count` + `a`.`cnt` ";
             DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $update_rivers_sql)->execute();
     // Find the new drop tags
     $new_drop_tags = array();
     if ($tag_check_query) {
         $sub = DB::select('droplet_id', 'tag_id')->from('droplets_tags')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx));
         $new_tags = DB::select('droplet_id', 'tag_id')->from(array($tag_check_query, 'a'))->where(DB::expr('(`droplet_id`, `tag_id`)'), 'NOT IN', $sub)->execute()->as_array();
         foreach ($new_tags as $new_tag) {
             if (!isset($new_drop_tags[$new_tag['droplet_id']])) {
                 $new_drop_tags[$new_tag['droplet_id']] = array();
             $new_drop_tags[$new_tag['droplet_id']][] = array('id' => $new_tag['tag_id'], 'tag' => $tags_ref[$new_tag['tag_id']]['tag_name'], 'tag_type' => $tags_ref[$new_tag['tag_id']]['tag_type']);
     // Update droplets tags
     $all_drop_tags = array();
     if ($tag_values) {
         $insert_tags_sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `droplets_tags` (`droplet_id`, `tag_id`) " . "VALUES " . $tag_values;
         DB::query(Database::INSERT, $insert_tags_sql)->execute();
         // Get all tags(new + existing) for drops that have just been added
         // to a river
         if ($new_river_drops) {
             $drop_tags = DB::select('droplet_id', 'tags.id', 'tag', 'tag_type')->from('droplets_tags')->join('tags', 'INNER')->on('droplets_tags.tag_id', '=', 'tags.id')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx))->execute()->as_array();
             foreach ($drop_tags as $drop_tag) {
                 if (!isset($all_drop_tags[$drop_tag['droplet_id']])) {
                     $all_drop_tags[$drop_tag['droplet_id']] = array();
                 $all_drop_tags[$drop_tag['droplet_id']][] = array('id' => $drop_tag['id'], 'tag' => $drop_tag['tag'], 'tag_type' => $drop_tag['tag_type']);
     // Update drops that completed semantic processing
     if (!empty($semantics_complete)) {
         DB::update('droplets')->set(array('processing_status' => DB::expr('processing_status | ' . self::PROCESSING_FLAG_SEMANTICS)))->where("id", "IN", $semantics_complete)->execute();
     // Update droplet links
     if ($link_values) {
         $insert_links_sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `droplets_links` (`droplet_id`, `link_id`) " . "VALUES " . $link_values;
         DB::query(Database::INSERT, $insert_links_sql)->execute();
     // Set the drop's original url
     if ($drop_links) {
         $update_orig_url_sql = "UPDATE `droplets` JOIN (" . $drop_links . ") a " . "USING (`id`) SET `droplets`.`original_url` = `a`.`drop_link`";
         DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $update_orig_url_sql)->execute();
     // Update droplet media
     if ($media_values) {
         $insert_media_sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `droplets_media` (`droplet_id`, `media_id`) " . "VALUES " . $media_values;
         DB::query(Database::INSERT, $insert_media_sql)->execute();
     // Insert thumbnails
     if ($media_thumbnail_values) {
         $insert_thumbnail_sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `media_thumbnails` (`media_id`, `size`, `url`) " . "VALUES " . $media_thumbnail_values;
         DB::query(Database::INSERT, $insert_thumbnail_sql)->execute();
     // Set drop image
     if ($drop_images) {
         $update_images_sql = "UPDATE `droplets` JOIN (" . $drop_images . ") a " . "USING (`id`) SET `droplets`.`droplet_image` = `a`.`droplet_image`";
         DB::query(Database::UPDATE, $update_images_sql)->execute();
     // Update drops that completed media processing
     if (!empty($media_complete)) {
         DB::update('droplets')->set(array('processing_status' => DB::expr('processing_status | ' . self::PROCESSING_FLAG_MEDIA)))->where("id", "IN", $media_complete)->execute();
     // Find the new drop places
     $new_drop_places = array();
     if ($place_check_query) {
         $sub = DB::select('droplet_id', 'place_id')->from('droplets_places')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx));
         $new_places = DB::select('droplet_id', 'place_id')->from(array($place_check_query, 'a'))->where(DB::expr('(`droplet_id`, `place_id`)'), 'NOT IN', $sub)->execute()->as_array();
         foreach ($new_places as $new_place) {
             if (!isset($new_drop_places[$new_place['droplet_id']])) {
                 $new_drop_places[$new_place['droplet_id']] = array();
             $new_drop_places[$new_place['droplet_id']][] = array('id' => $new_place['place_id'], 'tag' => $places_ref[$new_place['place_id']]['place_name'], 'tag_type' => 'place');
     // Update droplet places
     $all_drop_places = array();
     if ($place_values) {
         $insert_places_sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `droplets_places` (`droplet_id`, `place_id`) " . "VALUES " . $place_values;
         DB::query(Database::INSERT, $insert_places_sql)->execute();
         // Get all places(new + existing) for drops that have just been added
         // to a river
         if ($new_river_drops) {
             $drop_places = DB::select('droplet_id', 'places.id', 'place_name')->from('droplets_places')->join('places', 'INNER')->on('droplets_places.place_id', '=', 'places.id')->where('droplet_id', 'IN', array_keys($drops_idx))->execute()->as_array();
             foreach ($drop_places as $drop_place) {
                 if (!isset($all_drop_places[$drop_place['droplet_id']])) {
                     $all_drop_places[$drop_place['droplet_id']] = array();
                 $all_drop_places[$drop_place['droplet_id']][] = array('id' => $drop_place['id'], 'tag' => $drop_place['place_name'], 'tag_type' => 'place');
     // Update trends
     $trends = array();
     // Update for drops already in the DB but we are adding new tags
     if ($existing_river_drops) {
         $trends = array_merge($trends, self::get_tag_trends($existing_river_drops, $new_drop_tags, $drops, $drops_idx));
         $trends = array_merge($trends, self::get_tag_trends($existing_river_drops, $new_drop_places, $drops, $drops_idx));
     // Update for drops that already exist in the DB with tags but we are adding
     // the drop into a new river
     if ($new_river_drops) {
         $trends = array_merge($trends, self::get_tag_trends($new_river_drops, $all_drop_tags, $drops, $drops_idx));
         $trends = array_merge($trends, self::get_tag_trends($new_river_drops, $all_drop_places, $drops, $drops_idx));
     if (!empty($trends)) {
Exemple #3
  * @return	void
 public function action_trends()
     $this->droplets_view = View::factory('pages/river/trend');
     $this->droplets_view->river_base_url = $this->river_base_url;
     $this->active = 'trends';
     $this->droplets_view->trends = array();
     $cur_date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
     $tag_types = array('person' => 'People', 'place' => 'Places', 'organization' => 'Organizations');
     $periods = array('hour' => 'This Hour', 'day' => 'Today', 'week' => 'This Week', 'month' => 'This Month', 'all' => 'All Time');
     foreach ($tag_types as $type_key => $type_title) {
         $has_data = FALSE;
         foreach ($periods as $period_key => $period_value) {
             $start_time = $this->get_period_start_time($period_key, $cur_date);
             $data = Model_River_Tag_Trend::get_trend($this->river->id, $start_time, $type_key);
             foreach ($data as &$trend) {
                 $trend['url'] = $this->river_base_url . '?' . ($type_key == 'place' ? 'places' : 'tags') . '=' . urlencode($trend['tag']);
                 if ($start_time) {
                     $trend['url'] .= '&start_date=' . urlencode($start_time);
             $this->droplets_view->trends[$type_title]['data'][$period_value] = $data;
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 $has_data = TRUE;
         $this->droplets_view->trends[$type_title]['has_data'] = $has_data;