public function getAllFeedbackTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from feedback";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllEntryTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from dict";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllDownloadTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from download";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllSubNavByIdTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from nav where pid=" . $this->id;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllPermissionTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from permission";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllAdTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from ad where type in (" . $this->kind . ")";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllCommentTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from comment where state=1 and aid=" . $this->aid;
     //echo $_sql;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAlltopicTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from topic";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllOrdersTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from orders";
     //echo $_sql;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllAnswersTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from ask where pid=" . $this->id;
     //echo $_sql;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllProductTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from products";
     //echo $_sql;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllCourseTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from course";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllUserTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from user";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllLevelTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from level";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getItemByIdTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from vote where pid=" . $this->id;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllJudgesTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from veling_exam_judge where course_id in(" . $this->kind . ")";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllArticleTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from article where nid in (" . $this->nid . ")";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllAdminTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from admin,level where and admin.level_id in (" . $this->level_id . ")";
     //echo $_sql;
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);
 public function getAllCategoryTotal()
     $_sql = "select * from category";
     return parent::getTotal($_sql);