getLabel() public static méthode

Attaches the owner name of shared notepads if necessary.
public static getLabel ( $notepad ) : string
Résultat string The notepad's label.
Exemple #1
 protected function _content()
     global $registry, $prefs;
     if (!empty($this->_params['show_notepad'])) {
         $shares = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create();
     $html = '';
     $memos = Mnemo::listMemos($prefs->getValue('sortby'), $prefs->getValue('sortdir'));
     foreach ($memos as $id => $memo) {
         $html .= '<tr>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_actions'])) {
             $editImg = Horde_Themes::img('edit.png');
             $editurl = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
             $html .= '<td width="1%">' . Horde::link(htmlspecialchars(Horde::url($editurl, true)->add('actionID', 'modify_memo')), _("Edit Note")) . Horde::img($editImg, _("Edit Note")) . '</a></td>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_notepad'])) {
             $html .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars(Mnemo::getLabel($shares->getShare($memo['memolist_id']))) . '</td>';
         $viewurl = Horde::url('view.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
         $html .= '<td>' . Horde::linkTooltip(htmlspecialchars(Horde::url($viewurl, true)), '', '', '', '', $memo['body'] != $memo['desc'] ? Mnemo::getNotePreview($memo) : '') . (strlen($memo['desc']) ? htmlspecialchars($memo['desc']) : '<em>' . _("Empty Note") . '</em>') . '</a> <ul class="horde-tags">';
         foreach ($memo['tags'] as $tag) {
             $html .= '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . '</li>';
         $html .= '</ul></td></tr>';
     if (!$memos) {
         return '<p><em>' . _("No notes to display") . '</em></p>';
     return '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="linedRow">' . $html . '</table>';
Exemple #2
$view->url = Horde::url('memo.php');
if (!$view->modify || !$view->passphrase) {
    $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Imple')->create('Mnemo_Ajax_Imple_TagAutoCompleter', array('id' => 'memo_tags'));
    $view->body = $memo_body;
    $view->count = sprintf(_("%s characters"), '<span id="mnemo-count">' . Horde_String::length(str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $memo_body)) . '</span>');
    $view->encrypted = $memo_encrypted;
    $view->encryption = $storage->encryptionSupported();
    try {
        $view->help = Horde::callHook('description_help', array(), 'mnemo', '');
    } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
    $view->loadingImg = Horde::img('loading.gif', _("Loading..."));
    $view->notepads = array();
    if (!$prefs->isLocked('default_notepad')) {
        foreach (Mnemo::listNotepads(false, Horde_Perms::SHOW) as $id => $notepad) {
            if (!$notepad->hasPermission($user, Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
            $view->notepads[] = array('id' => $id, 'selected' => $id == $memolist_id, 'label' => Mnemo::getLabel($notepad));
    $view->tags = implode(', ', $memo_tags);
    if ($memo_id && $mnemo_shares->getShare($memolist_id)->hasPermission($user, Horde_Perms::DELETE)) {
        $view->delete = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo_id, 'memolist' => $memolist_id, 'actionID' => 'delete_memos'));
$page_output->header(array('title' => $title));
echo $view->render('memo/memo');
Exemple #3
 $view->sortdirclass = $sortdir ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown';
 $view->headers = array();
 if ($view->showNotepad) {
     $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD, 'sorted' => $sortby == Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD, 'width' => '2%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $baseurl->add('sortby', Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("Notepad"))));
 $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . MNEMO::SORT_DESC, 'sorted' => $sortby == MNEMO::SORT_DESC, 'width' => '80%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $baseurl->add('sortby', Mnemo::SORT_DESC), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("No_te"))));
 $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . MNEMO::SORT_MOD_DATE, 'sorted' => $sortby == Mnemo::SORT_MOD_DATE, 'width' => '2%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $baseurl->add('sortby', MNEMO::SORT_MOD_DATE), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("Date"))));
 foreach ($memos as $memo_id => &$memo) {
     try {
         $share = $mnemo_shares->getShare($memo['memolist_id']);
     } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
     if ($view->showNotepad) {
         $memo['notepad'] = Mnemo::getLabel($share);
     if ($share->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
         $label = sprintf(_("Edit \"%s\""), $memo['desc']);
         $memo['edit'] = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id'], 'actionID' => 'modify_memo'))->link(array('title' => $label)) . Horde::img('edit.png', $label, '') . '</a>';
     $memo['link'] = Horde::linkTooltip(Horde::url('view.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id'])), '', '', '', '', $memo['body'] != $memo['desc'] ? Mnemo::getNotePreview($memo) : '') . (strlen($memo['desc']) ? htmlspecialchars($memo['desc']) : '<em>' . _("Empty Note") . '</em>') . '</a>';
     // Get memo's most recent modification date or, if nonexistent,
     // the creation (add) date
     if (isset($memo['modified'])) {
         $modified = $memo['modified'];
     } elseif (isset($memo['created'])) {
         $modified = $memo['created'];
     } else {
         $modified = null;
Exemple #4
    if (!$haveDefault) {
        $sync[] = $default;
        $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('sync_notepads', serialize($sync));
// Sync
$_prefs['sync_notepads'] = array('value' => 'a:0:{}', 'type' => 'multienum', 'enum' => array(), 'desc' => _("Select the notepads that, in addition to the default, should be used for synchronization with external devices:"), 'on_init' => function ($ui) {
    $enum = array();
    $sync = @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sync_notepads'));
    if (empty($sync)) {
        $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('sync_notepads', serialize(array(Mnemo::getDefaultNotepad(Horde_Perms::DELETE))));
    foreach (Mnemo::listNotepads(false, Horde_Perms::DELETE) as $key => $list) {
        if ($list->getName() != Mnemo::getDefaultNotepad(Horde_Perms::DELETE)) {
            $enum[$key] = Mnemo::getLabel($list);
    $ui->prefs['sync_notepads']['enum'] = $enum;
}, 'on_change' => function () {
    $sync = @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sync_notepads'));
    $haveDefault = false;
    $default = Mnemo::getDefaultNotepad(Horde_Perms::DELETE);
    foreach ($sync as $cid) {
        if ($cid == $default) {
            $haveDefault = true;
    if (!$haveDefault) {
        $sync[] = $default;
Exemple #5
  * Renders the view.
  * @param Horde_PageOutput $output  The output object.
  * @return string  The HTML needed to render the view.
 public function render(Horde_PageOutput $output)
     global $prefs, $injector, $registry, $mnemo_shares;
     $output->addScriptFile('tables.js', 'horde');
     $output->addScriptFile('quickfinder.js', 'horde');
     $output->header(array('title' => $this->_title));
     $view = $injector->createInstance('Horde_View');
     $view->count = count($this->_notes);
     $view->searchImg = Horde::img('search.png', _("Search"), '');
     $view->searchUrl = Horde::url('search.php');
     $view->title = $this->_title;
     $view->browser = $this->_showTagBrowser ? $this->_getRelatedTags() . $this->_getTagTrail() : '';
     if (count($this->_notes)) {
         $sortby = $prefs->getValue('sortby');
         $sortdir = $prefs->getValue('sortdir');
         $output->addInlineJsVars(array('Mnemo_List.ajaxUrl' => $registry->getServiceLink('ajax', 'mnemo')->url . 'setPrefValue'));
         $view->editImg = Horde::img('edit.png', _("Edit Note"), '');
         $view->showNotepad = $prefs->getValue('show_notepad');
         $view->sortdirclass = $sortdir ? 'sortup' : 'sortdown';
         $view->headers = array();
         if ($view->showNotepad) {
             $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD, 'sorted' => $sortby == Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD, 'width' => '2%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $this->_baseurl->add('sortby', Mnemo::SORT_NOTEPAD), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("Notepad"))));
         $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . MNEMO::SORT_DESC, 'sorted' => $sortby == MNEMO::SORT_DESC, 'width' => '80%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $this->_baseurl->add('sortby', Mnemo::SORT_DESC), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("No_te"))));
         $view->headers[] = array('id' => 's' . MNEMO::SORT_MOD_DATE, 'sorted' => $sortby == Mnemo::SORT_MOD_DATE, 'width' => '2%', 'label' => Horde::widget(array('url' => $this->_baseurl->add('sortby', MNEMO::SORT_MOD_DATE), 'class' => 'sortlink', 'title' => _("Date"))));
         foreach ($this->_notes as $memo_id => &$memo) {
             try {
                 $share = $mnemo_shares->getShare($memo['memolist_id']);
             } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
             if ($view->showNotepad) {
                 $memo['notepad'] = Mnemo::getLabel($share);
             if ($share->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
                 $label = sprintf(_("Edit \"%s\""), $memo['desc']);
                 $memo['edit'] = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id'], 'actionID' => 'modify_memo'))->link(array('title' => $label)) . Horde::img('edit.png', $label, '') . '</a>';
             $memo['link'] = Horde::linkTooltip(Horde::url('view.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id'])), '', '', '', '', $memo['body'] != $memo['desc'] ? Mnemo::getNotePreview($memo) : '') . (strlen($memo['desc']) ? htmlspecialchars($memo['desc']) : '<em>' . _("Empty Note") . '</em>') . '</a>';
             // Get memo's most recent modification date or, if nonexistent,
             // the creation (add) date
             if (isset($memo['modified'])) {
                 $modified = $memo['modified'];
             } elseif (isset($memo['created'])) {
                 $modified = $memo['created'];
             } else {
                 $modified = null;
             if ($modified) {
                 $memo['modifiedStamp'] = $modified->timestamp();
                 $memo['modifiedString'] = $modified->strftime($prefs->getValue('date_format'));
             } else {
                 $memo['modifiedStamp'] = $memo['modifiedString'] = '';
     echo $view->render('list/header');
     if (count($this->_notes)) {
         echo $view->render('list/memo_headers');
         echo $view->renderPartial('list/summary', array('collection' => array_values($this->_notes)));
         echo $view->render('list/memo_footers');
     } else {
         echo $view->render('list/empty');
     return Horde::endBuffer();
Exemple #6
if (count($search_results) == 1) {
    $note = array_shift($search_results);
    Horde::url('view.php', true)->add(array('memo' => $note['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $note['memolist_id']))->redirect();
$memos = $search_results;
$page_output->addScriptFile('tables.js', 'horde');
$page_output->addScriptFile('quickfinder.js', 'horde');
$page_output->header(array('title' => _("Search Results")));
require MNEMO_TEMPLATES . '/list/';
if (count($memos)) {
    $sortby = $prefs->getValue('sortby');
    $sortdir = $prefs->getValue('sortdir');
    $showNotepad = $prefs->getValue('show_notepad');
    $baseurl = 'list.php';
    require MNEMO_TEMPLATES . '/list/';
    foreach ($memos as $memo_id => $memo) {
        $viewurl = Horde::url('view.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
        $memourl = Horde::url('memo.php')->add(array('memo' => $memo['memo_id'], 'memolist' => $memo['memolist_id']));
        try {
            $share = $GLOBALS['mnemo_shares']->getShare($memo['memolist_id']);
            $notepad = Mnemo::getLabel($share);
        } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
            $notepad = $memo['memolist_id'];
        require MNEMO_TEMPLATES . '/list/';
    require MNEMO_TEMPLATES . '/list/';
} else {
    require MNEMO_TEMPLATES . '/list/';
Exemple #7
 public function topbarCreate(Horde_Tree_Renderer_Base $tree, $parent = null, array $params = array())
     global $registry;
     $add = Horde::url('memo.php', true)->add('actionID', 'add_memo');
     $tree->addNode(array('id' => $parent . '__new', 'parent' => $parent, 'label' => _("New Note"), 'expanded' => false, 'params' => array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('add.png'), 'url' => $add)));
     $user = $registry->getAuth();
     foreach (Mnemo::listNotepads(false, Horde_Perms::SHOW) as $name => $notepad) {
         if (!$notepad->hasPermission($user, Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
         $tree->addNode(array('id' => $parent . $name . '__new', 'parent' => $parent . '__new', 'label' => sprintf(_("in %s"), Mnemo::getLabel($notepad)), 'expanded' => false, 'params' => array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('add.png'), 'url' => $add->copy()->add('memolist', $name))));
     $tree->addNode(array('id' => $parent . '__search', 'parent' => $parent, 'label' => _("Search"), 'expanded' => false, 'params' => array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('search.png'), 'url' => Horde::url('search.php'))));
Exemple #8
  * Browse through Mnemo's object tree.
  * @param string $path       The level of the tree to browse.
  * @param array $properties  The item properties to return. Defaults to
  *                           'name', 'icon', and 'browseable'.
  * @return array  The contents of $path
 public function browse($path = '', $properties = array())
     global $injector, $mnemo_shares, $registry;
     // Default properties.
     if (!$properties) {
         $properties = array('name', 'icon', 'browseable');
     if (substr($path, 0, 5) == 'mnemo') {
         $path = substr($path, 5);
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     $parts = explode('/', $path);
     $currentUser = $registry->getAuth();
     if (empty($path)) {
         // This request is for a list of all users who have notepads
         // visible to the requesting user.
         $notepads = Mnemo::listNotepads(false, Horde_Perms::READ);
         $owners = array();
         foreach ($notepads as $notepad) {
             $owners[$notepad->get('owner') ? $notepad->get('owner') : '-system-'] = true;
         $results = array();
         foreach (array_keys($owners) as $owner) {
             $path = 'mnemo/' . $registry->convertUsername($owner, false);
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results[$path]['name'] = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($owner)->getName();
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results[$path]['icon'] = Horde_Themes::img('user.png');
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results[$path]['browseable'] = true;
             if (in_array('read-only', $properties)) {
                 $results[$path]['read-only'] = true;
         return $results;
     } elseif (count($parts) == 1) {
         // This request is for all notepads owned by the requested user
         $owner = $parts[0] == '-system-' ? '' : $registry->convertUsername($parts[0], true);
         $notepads = $mnemo_shares->listShares($currentUser, array('perm' => Horde_Perms::SHOW, 'attributes' => $owner));
         $results = array();
         foreach ($notepads as $notepadId => $notepad) {
             if ($parts[0] == '-system-' && $notepad->get('owner')) {
             $retpath = 'mnemo/' . $parts[0] . '/' . $notepadId;
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['name'] = sprintf(_("Notes from %s"), Mnemo::getLabel($notepad));
             if (in_array('displayname', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['displayname'] = Mnemo::getLabel($notepad);
             if (in_array('owner', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['owner'] = $notepad->get('owner') ? $registry->convertUsername($notepad->get('owner'), false) : '-system-';
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['icon'] = Horde_Themes::img('mnemo.png');
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['browseable'] = $notepad->hasPermission($currentUser, Horde_Perms::READ);
             if (in_array('read-only', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['read-only'] = !$notepad->hasPermission($currentUser, Horde_Perms::EDIT);
         return $results;
     } elseif (count($parts) == 2) {
         // This request is browsing into a specific notepad.  Generate the
         // list of items and represent them as files within the directory.
         try {
             $notepad = $mnemo_shares->getShare($parts[1]);
         } catch (Horde_Exception_NotFound $e) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception(_("Invalid notepad requested."), 404);
         } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage, 500);
         if (!$notepad->hasPermission($currentUser, Horde_Perms::READ)) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception(_("Invalid notepad requested."), 404);
         $storage = $injector->getInstance('Mnemo_Factory_Driver')->create($parts[1]);
         try {
         } catch (Mnemo_Exception $e) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage, 500);
         $icon = Horde_Themes::img('mnemo.png');
         $owner = $notepad->get('owner') ? $registry->convertUsername($notepad->get('owner'), false) : '-system-';
         $dav = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Dav_Storage');
         $results = array();
         foreach ($storage->listMemos() as $memo) {
             $body = $memo['body'] instanceof Mnemo_Exception ? $memo['body']->getMessage() : $memo['body'];
             $id = $memo['memo_id'];
             try {
                 $id = $dav->getExternalObjectId($id, $parts[1]) ?: $id;
             } catch (Horde_Dav_Exception $e) {
             $key = 'mnemo/' . $parts[0] . '/' . $parts[1] . '/' . $id;
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['name'] = $memo['desc'];
             if (in_array('owner', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['owner'] = $owner;
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['icon'] = $icon;
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['browseable'] = false;
             if (in_array('read-only', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['read-only'] = !$notepad->hasPermission($currentUser, Horde_Perms::EDIT);
             if (in_array('contenttype', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['contenttype'] = 'text/plain';
             if (in_array('contentlength', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['contentlength'] = strlen($body);
             if (in_array('modified', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['modified'] = $this->_modified($memo);
             if (in_array('created', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['created'] = isset($memo['created']) ? $memo['created'] : 0;
             if (in_array('etag', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['etag'] = '"' . md5($memo['memo_id'] . '|' . $this->_modified($memo)) . '"';
         return $results;
     } else {
         // The only valid request left is for a specific note.
         if (count($parts) == 3 && Mnemo::hasPermission($parts[1], Horde_Perms::READ)) {
             // This request is for a specific item within a given notepad.
             /* Create a Mnemo storage instance. */
             $storage = $injector->getInstance('Mnemo_Factory_Driver')->create($parts[1]);
             $dav = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Dav_Storage');
             $object = $parts[2];
             try {
                 $object = $dav->getInternalObjectId($object, $parts[1]) ?: $object;
             } catch (Horde_Dav_Exception $e) {
             try {
                 $memo = $storage->get($object);
             } catch (Mnemo_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage(), 500);
             $result = array('data' => $memo['body'] instanceof Mnemo_Exception ? $memo['body']->getMessage() : $memo['body'], 'mimetype' => 'text/plain');
             $modified = $this->_modified($memo);
             if (!empty($modified)) {
                 $result['mtime'] = $modified;
             return $result;
         } else {
             // All other requests are a 404: Not Found
             return false;
Exemple #9
  * Browse through Mnemo's object tree.
  * @param string $path       The level of the tree to browse.
  * @param array $properties  The item properties to return. Defaults to
  *                           'name', 'icon', and 'browseable'.
  * @return array  The contents of $path
 public function browse($path = '', $properties = array())
     global $registry;
     // Default properties.
     if (!$properties) {
         $properties = array('name', 'icon', 'browseable');
     if (substr($path, 0, 5) == 'mnemo') {
         $path = substr($path, 5);
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     $parts = explode('/', $path);
     if (empty($path)) {
         // This request is for a list of all users who have notepads
         // visible to the requesting user.
         $notepads = Mnemo::listNotepads(false, Horde_Perms::READ);
         $owners = array();
         foreach ($notepads as $notepad) {
             $owners[$notepad->get('owner') ? $notepad->get('owner') : '-system-'] = true;
         $results = array();
         foreach (array_keys($owners) as $owner) {
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['name'] = $owner;
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['icon'] = Horde_Themes::img('user.png');
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['browseable'] = true;
             if (in_array('contenttype', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['contenttype'] = 'httpd/unix-directory';
             if (in_array('contentlength', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['contentlength'] = 0;
             if (in_array('modified', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['modified'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
             if (in_array('created', $properties)) {
                 $results['mnemo/' . $owner]['created'] = 0;
         return $results;
     } elseif (count($parts) == 1) {
         // This request is for all notepads owned by the requested user
         $owner = $parts[0] == '-system-' ? '' : $parts[0];
         $notepads = $GLOBALS['mnemo_shares']->listShares($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), array('perm' => Horde_Perms::SHOW, 'attributes' => $owner));
         $results = array();
         foreach ($notepads as $notepadId => $notepad) {
             if ($parts[0] == '-system-' && $notepad->get('owner')) {
             $retpath = 'mnemo/' . $parts[0] . '/' . $notepadId;
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['name'] = sprintf(_("Notes from %s"), Mnemo::getLabel($notepad));
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['icon'] = Horde_Themes::img('mnemo.png');
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['browseable'] = $notepad->hasPermission($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::READ);
             if (in_array('contenttype', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['contenttype'] = 'httpd/unix-directory';
             if (in_array('contentlength', $properties)) {
                 $results[$retpath]['contentlength'] = 0;
             if (in_array('modified', $properties)) {
                 // @TODO Find a way to get the actual modification times
                 $results[$retpath]['modified'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
             if (in_array('created', $properties)) {
                 // @TODO Find a way to get the actual creation times
                 $results[$retpath]['created'] = 0;
         return $results;
     } elseif (count($parts) == 2) {
         // This request is browsing into a specific notepad.  Generate the
         // list of items and represent them as files within the directory.
         if (!Mnemo::hasPermission($parts[1], Horde_Perms::READ)) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception(_("Invalid notepad requested."), 404);
         $storage = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Mnemo_Factory_Driver')->create($parts[1]);
         try {
         } catch (Mnemo_Exception $e) {
             throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage, 500);
         $icon = Horde_Themes::img('mnemo.png');
         $results = array();
         foreach ($storage->listMemos() as $memo) {
             $body = $memo['body'] instanceof Mnemo_Exception ? $memo['body']->getMessage() : $memo['body'];
             $key = 'mnemo/' . $parts[0] . '/' . $parts[1] . '/' . $memo['memo_id'];
             if (in_array('name', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['name'] = $memo['desc'];
             if (in_array('icon', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['icon'] = $icon;
             if (in_array('browseable', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['browseable'] = false;
             if (in_array('contenttype', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['contenttype'] = 'text/plain';
             if (in_array('contentlength', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['contentlength'] = strlen($body);
             if (in_array('modified', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['modified'] = $this->_modified($memo);
             if (in_array('created', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['created'] = isset($memo['created']) ? $memo['created'] : 0;
             if (in_array('etag', $properties)) {
                 $results[$key]['etag'] = '"' . md5($memo['memo_id'] . '|' . $this->_modified($memo)) . '"';
         return $results;
     } else {
         // The only valid request left is for a specific note.
         if (count($parts) == 3 && Mnemo::hasPermission($parts[1], Horde_Perms::READ)) {
             // This request is for a specific item within a given notepad.
             /* Create a Mnemo storage instance. */
             $storage = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Mnemo_Factory_Driver')->create($parts[1]);
             try {
                 $memo = $storage->get($parts[2]);
             } catch (Mnemo_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Mnemo_Exception($e->getMessage(), 500);
             $result = array('data' => $memo['body'] instanceof Mnemo_Exception ? $memo['body']->getMessage() : $memo['body'], 'mimetype' => 'text/plain');
             $modified = $this->_modified($memo);
             if (!empty($modified)) {
                 $result['mtime'] = $modified;
             return $result;
         } elseif (count($parts) == 2 && substr($parts[1], -4) == '.txt' && Mnemo::hasPermission(substr($parts[1], 0, -4), Horde_Perms::READ)) {
             // ??
         } else {
             // All other requests are a 404: Not Found
             return false;