public function getIndex() { $uid = Auth::user()->get()->uid; $missing_count = Missing::where('created_by', '=', $uid)->count(); $found_count = Found::where('created_by', '=', $uid)->count(); $data = array('missing_count' => $missing_count, 'found_count' => $found_count, 'total_reports_count' => (int) $missing_count + (int) $found_count); return View::make('user.home')->with('data', $data); }
public function getRedirect($id) { $data = Missing::where('uid', $id)->first()->id; if (empty($data)) { $data = Found::where('uid', $id)->first()->id; return Redirect::to('admin/found/edit-p/' . $data); } return Redirect::to('admin/missing/edit-p/' . $data); }
public function postMissing() { $input = Input::all(); $logged_in_data = Auth::org()->get(); $rules = array('name' => 'required|alpha_spaces|max:25', 'dob' => 'date_format:m/d/Y', 'parents_name' => 'alpha_spaces|max:25', 'police_station_number' => 'numeric', 'phone_number' => 'numeric', 'enquiry_office_number' => 'numeric', 'missing_since' => 'date_format:m/d/Y', 'state' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'gender' => 'required'); $v = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($v->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withInput(Input::all())->withErrors($v); } $input = $this->check_images_and_upload($input); $input['dob'] = GlobalFunc::set_date_format(Input::get('dob')); $input['missing_since'] = GlobalFunc::set_date_format(Input::get('missing_since')); $input['report_type'] = 'Missing'; $input['created_by'] = $logged_in_data->uid; $uid = strtoupper(Str::random(3)) . '_' . time(); $input['uid'] = $uid; Missing::create($input); return Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Record Successfully Inserted'); }
public function getFacebook($m_id) { // get data from input $code = Input::get('code'); // get fb service $fb = OAuth::consumer('Facebook'); // check if code is valid $data = Missing::find($m_id); $message = "A Kid Having a \n Name " . $data->name . " \n Age : '.{$data->age}.'\n State : " . $data->state . " \n City : " . $data->city . " \n Is Missing. Please Report On Our Website If You Got Any Information About It"; // if code is provided get user data and sign in if (!empty($code)) { // This was a callback request from facebook, get the token $token = $fb->requestAccessToken($code); // Send a request with it $result = json_decode($fb->request('/me'), true); $postMessage = json_decode($fb->request("/me/feed?access_token", 'POST', array('message' => $message)), true); return Redirect::to('organization/report/show-missing?success=true'); } else { // get fb authorization $url = $fb->getAuthorizationUri(); // return to facebook login url return Redirect::to((string) $url); } }
public function getIndex($slug = '', $link_id = 0) { $debug = ''; $bmStart = microtime(true); $perpage = intval(AppConfig::get('articles_per_page', 50)); $branch_prefixes = explode(',', AppConfig::get('branch_prefixes')); $virtualPerpage = intval(AppConfig::get('virtual_per_page', 20)); $page = Page::where('slug', '=', $slug)->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440)->first(); //$page = Page::where('slug', '=', Str::slug($slug))->first(); if (count($page) > 0) { if ($filter_return = $this->authFilter($page->level)) { return $filter_return; } if ($page->redirect) { if (substr($page->redirect, 0, 1) == '{') { $redir_arr = json_decode($page->redirect, true); foreach ($redir_arr as $rlvl => $rslug) { if (strpos($this->auth_lvl, $rlvl) !== false) { return Redirect::to($rslug); } } if (isset($redir_arr['def'])) { return Redirect::to($redir_arr['def']); } } else { return Redirect::to($page->redirect); } } // get parameters from URL $page->category = Input::has('category') ? Input::get('category') : ($page->default_category ? $page->default_category : false); $page->section = Input::has('section') ? Input::get('section') : false; $page->keywordInput = $page->ddkeycol ? Input::get('keyword') : ''; $page_vars = new stdClass(); // separate slug into branch and section, if applicable $branch = $slug; if ($page->link_slug) { $branch = $page->link_slug; } $els = explode('/', $branch); if (in_array($els[0], $branch_prefixes) && count($els) > 1) { $branch = $els[0]; if (!$page->section) { $page->section = $els[1]; } } $dta = normal::getTypes(); // get list of categories, if there is a "ddlist" $categories = false; $normalized = false; if ($page->ddlist) { $fld = $page->ddlist; $catq = Link::where('branch', '=', $branch); if ($page->section) { $catq->where('section', '=', $page->section); } if ($dtp = array_search($fld, $dta)) { $catq->join('data', 'data.rec_id', '=', '')->where('data.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('data.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('data.deleted_at'); $fld = 'data_body'; $normalized = true; } $category_model = $catq->groupBy($fld)->whereRaw('trim(`' . $fld . '`) != ""')->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->get(array($fld)); $categories = array('' => 'All'); foreach ($category_model as $category_item) { $categories[$category_item->{$fld}] = $category_item->{$fld}; } } $links = false; $columns = false; // get list of links, specified by branch, section, category, state, and/or keyword if ($page->linkdef || $link_id && $page->detaildef) { // get column layout $columns = Listcolumns::where('def', '=', $link_id ? $page->detaildef : $page->linkdef)->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->orderBy('listorder')->get(); $perlinkpage = intval(AppConfig::get('links_per_page', 50)); $query = new Link(); if ($link_id) { $query = $query->where('id', '=', $link_id); } else { if ($page->section) { $query = $query->where('section', '=', $page->section); } if ($page->category) { if ($normalized) { $query = $query->join('data AS d', 'd.rec_id', '=', '')->where('d.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('d.deleted_at'); } $query = $query->where(isset($fld) ? $fld : ($page->section ? 'category' : 'section'), '=', $page->category); } if ($page->state) { $query = $query->where('state', '=', $page->state); } if ($page->keywordInput) { if ($page->keywordInput == "by_date") { $query = $query->join('data AS d', 'd.rec_id', '=', '')->where('d.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d.type', '=', 7)->whereNull('d.deleted_at'); $month = Input::get('themonth'); $year = Input::get('theyear'); $pfx = $year . '-' . $month; $start_date = $pfx . '-01'; $end_date = $pfx . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year); $query = $query->whereRaw('d.`data_body` BETWEEN ? AND ?', array($start_date, $end_date)); unset($page->keywordInput); $page_vars->month = $month; $page_vars->year = $year; } else { $query = $query->whereRaw('`' . $page->ddkeycol . '` RLIKE ?', array($page->keywordInput)); } } if (!$page->allowBroken) { $query = $query->join('link_check', '', '=', ''); $query = $query->whereBetween('link_check.last_result', array('200', '399')); } } $order = 'name'; $orderdir = 'asc'; if ($page->linkorder) { $ordera = explode(',', $page->linkorder); $order = $ordera[0]; if (count($ordera) > 1) { $orderdir = $ordera[1]; } if ($dtp = array_search($order, $dta)) { $query = $query->join('data AS d2', 'd2.rec_id', '=', '')->where('d2.table_name', '=', 'links')->where('d2.type', '=', $dtp)->whereNull('d2.deleted_at'); $order = 'd2.data_body'; } } if ($page->where) { $query = $query->whereRaw($page->where); } if ($page->remove_dupes) { $query = $query->groupBy('name', 'url'); } $links = $query->where('branch', '=', $branch)->select(array('links.*'))->orderBy($order, $orderdir)->cacheTags('links')->remember(1440)->paginate($perlinkpage); $ids = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $ids[] = $link->id; } $xda = count($ids) ? Cache::tags('links')->remember('linkData|' . implode('-', $ids), 1440, function () use($ids) { $xdata = Data::where('table_name', '=', 'links')->join('data_types', '', '=', 'data.type')->whereIn('rec_id', $ids)->whereNull('data_types.deleted_at')->cacheTags('data')->remember(10080)->get(); $xdda = array(); foreach ($xdata as $xrec) { $xdda[$xrec->rec_id][$xrec->label] = $xrec->data_body; } return $xdda; }) : array(); foreach ($links as $lid => $link) { $id = $link->id; if (isset($xda[$id])) { foreach ($xda[$id] as $xid => $xdt) { $links[$lid]->{$xid} = $xdt; } } } } $thumbs = false; if ($page->virtual_type) { $thumbs = Ad::where('type', '=', $page->virtual_type)->where('category', '=', $page->category)->orderBy('vorder', 'desc')->cacheTags('ads')->remember(1440)->paginate($virtualPerpage); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { Ads::track($thumb, 3, $page->id); } // get list of categories $category_model = Ad::groupBy('category')->where('type', '=', $page->virtual_type)->cacheTags('ads')->remember(1440)->get(array('category')); $categories = array(); foreach ($category_model as $category_item) { $categories[$category_item->category] = $category_item->category; } // $page->dname = 'Category'; } // benchmarking the database access $bmEnd = microtime(true); $page->elapsed = $bmEnd - $bmStart; $page_vars->qstring = ''; if ($page->pass_query == 'Y') { $qry = Input::query(); $qry['mc_rnm'] = substr(time(), 2); if (count($qry)) { $page_vars->qstring = '?' . http_build_query($qry); } } if ($page->randomize) { foreach (explode(',', $page->randomize) as $random_tag) { $page_vars->{$random_tag} = mt_rand(10000, 99999); } } foreach (AppConfig::getAll() as $cfi => $cfd) { $page_vars->{$cfi} = $cfd; } $page_vars->nocache = NOCACHE_CODE; if (!$page->layout) { // if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { // $page->layout = 'template.layout2'; // } else { $page->layout = 'template.layout'; // } } // get data on child and parent pages $childpages = new Page(); $P = clone $childpages->getConnection()->getPaginator(); $P->setPageName('article'); $childpages->getConnection()->setPaginator($P); $childpages = $childpages->join('article_pages', '', '=', 'article_pages.page_id'); $childpages = $childpages->where('article_pages.parent_id', '=', $page->id); $childpages = $childpages->whereNull('article_pages.deleted_at'); $childpages = $childpages->orderBy('pageOrder'); $childpages = $childpages->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440); $childpages = $childpages->paginate($perpage); // pass ALL the data to the view return View::make('')->with('dyn_layout', $page->layout)->with('page', $page)->with('childpages', $childpages)->with('categories', $categories)->with('links', $links)->with('link_id', $link_id)->with('thumbs', $thumbs)->with('columns', $columns)->with('top_banner', empty($slug))->with('debug', $debug)->with('parse_body', Display::format($page->body, $page_vars, false, false)); } else { if (substr($slug, -5) == '.html') { $new_slug = substr($slug, 0, -5); $new_page = Page::where('slug', '=', $new_slug)->cacheTags('pages')->remember(1440)->first(); if (count($new_page) > 0) { return Redirect::to('/' . $new_slug, 301); } } $missing = new Missing(); $missing->slug = $slug; $missing->referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "[none]"; $missing->save(); AppLog::alert('Page Not Found', 404, json_encode(array('slug' => $slug))); return Response::view('page.notfound', array('slug' => $slug), 404); } }
/** * __construct * * @param array $missingRevisions * @param array $potentialAncestors * @return void */ public function __construct(array $potentialAncestors, array $missingRevisions) { parent::__construct($missingRevisions); $this->possible_ancestors = $potentialAncestors; }
public function getViewMissing($id) { $data = Missing::find($id); return View::make('front.missing_view')->with('data', $data); }
public function getSuccess($id) { $data = Missing::find($id); return View::make('admin.success_view_missing')->with('data', $data); }
<?php // missing.php require "Missing.class.php"; $missing = new Missing(); $missing->nonExistent("first", ["second"]); echo "<hr>"; Missing::nonExistent("tuatahi", ["tuarua"]);