public function actionIndex() { $incPath = get_include_path(); $docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname(Yii::app()->request->getScriptFile()); set_include_path(Yii::app()->getExtensionPath()."/minify" . PATH_SEPARATOR . $incPath); require 'Minify.php'; $option['debug'] = $this->_debug; $option['maxAge'] = $this->_maxAge; $option['bubbleCssImports'] = $this->_bubbleCssImports; $option['encodeOutput'] = $this->_encodeOutput; $option['encodeMethod'] = $this->_encodeMethod; foreach ($this->_symlinks as $link => $target) { $link = str_replace('//', realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])."/", $link); $link = strtr($link, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $option['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'][$link] = realpath($target); } Minify::setCache(Yii::app()->getRuntimePath(), $this->_cacheFileLocking); if ($this->_errorLogger) { require_once 'Minify/Logger.php'; require_once 'FirePHP.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger(FirePHP::getInstance(true)); } $mgv = Yii::app()->getRuntimePath()."/minifyGroups.var"; $minifyGroups = unserialize(file_get_contents($mgv)); $option['files'] = $minifyGroups[$_GET['group']]; Minify::serve('Files', $option); set_include_path($incPath); $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $docRoot; }
public function action_minify() { // load config $config = Kohana::config('minify'); //require MINIFY_MIN_DIR.'/Minify.php'; Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $config['uploaderHoursBehind']; Minify::setCache(isset($config['cachePath']) ? $config['cachePath'] : '', $config['cacheFileLocking']); if ($config['documentRoot']) { $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $config['documentRoot']; } elseif (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } $config['serveOptions']['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $config['symlinks']; // auto-add targets to allowDirs foreach ($config['symlinks'] as $uri => $target) { $config['serveOptions']['minApp']['allowDirs'][] = $target; } if ($config['allowDebugFlag']) { if (!empty($_COOKIE['minDebug'])) { foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', $_COOKIE['minDebug']) as $debugUri) { if (false !== strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $debugUri)) { $config['serveOptions']['debug'] = true; break; } } } // allow GET to override if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { $config['serveOptions']['debug'] = true; } } if ($config['errorLogger']) { //require _once MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/Minify/Logger.php'; if (true === $config['errorLogger']) { //require _once MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/FirePHP.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger(FirePHP::getInstance(true)); } else { Minify_Logger::setLogger($config['errorLogger']); } } // check for URI versioning if (preg_match('/&\\d/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $config['serveOptions']['maxAge'] = 31536000; } if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // well need groups config $config['serveOptions']['minApp']['groups'] = $config['groupsConfig']; } if (isset($_GET['f']) || isset($_GET['g'])) { // serve! Minify::serve('MinApp', $config['serveOptions']); exit; } }
public function serve_css($files) { $opt = array('files' => $this->get_css_files($files), 'contentTypeCharset' => $this->charset); /* * Bazı sunucularda fpassthru engelli olduğundan problem çıkarabiliyor. * Bu durumda fonksiyonun kullanıldığı filelocking seçeneğini FALSE gönderiyoruz. * Bu işlemi de function_exists(fpassthru) ile otomatik yapıyoruz. */ Minify::setCache($this->cache_path, function_exists('fpassthru')); Minify::serve('Files', $opt); }
/** * Runs minify */ function process() { require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify.php'; require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/HTTP/Encoder.php'; HTTP_Encoder::$encodeToIe6 = $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.comprss.ie6'); Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $this->_config->get_integer('minify.fixtime'); Minify::setCache($this->_get_cache()); $serve_options = $this->_config->get_array('minify.options'); $serve_options['maxAge'] = $this->_config->get_integer('minify.maxage'); $serve_options['encodeOutput'] = $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.compress'); $serve_options['postprocessor'] = array(&$this, 'postprocessor'); if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0) { Minify::setDocRoot(); } foreach ($this->_config->get_array('minify.symlinks') as $link => $target) { $link = str_replace('//', realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), $link); $link = strtr($link, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $serve_options['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'][$link] = realpath($target); } if ($this->_config->get_boolean('minify.debug')) { $serve_options['debug'] = true; } if ($this->_config->get('minify.debug')) { require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify/Logger.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger($this); } if (isset($_GET['f']) || isset($_GET['gg']) && isset($_GET['g']) && isset($_GET['t'])) { if (isset($_GET['gg']) && isset($_GET['g']) && isset($_GET['t'])) { $serve_options['minApp']['groups'] = $this->get_groups($_GET['gg'], $_GET['t']); if ($_GET['t'] == 'js' && (in_array($_GET['g'], array('include', 'include-nb')) && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.header') || in_array($_GET['g'], array('include-footer', 'include-footer-nb')) && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.footer'))) { $serve_options['minifiers']['application/x-javascript'] = array($this, 'minify_stub'); } /** * Setup user-friendly cache ID for disk cache */ if ($this->_config->get_string('minify.engine') == 'file') { $cacheId = sprintf('%s.%s.%s', $_GET['gg'], $_GET['g'], $_GET['t']); Minify::setCacheId($cacheId); } } @header('Pragma: public'); try { Minify::serve('MinApp', $serve_options); } catch (Exception $exception) { printf('<strong>W3 Total Cache Error:</strong> Minify error: %s', $exception->getMessage()); } } else { die('This file cannot be accessed directly'); } }
public function get() { $_assetsList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->assetsList); $i++) { if (file_exists(PUBLIC_PATH . 'css/' . $this->assetsList[$i])) { $_assetsList[] = '//css/' . $this->assetsList[$i]; } } unset($this->assetsList); if (count($_assetsList) > 0) { $options = array('files' => $_assetsList, 'maxAge' => \Application::$config['assets']['maxAge'], 'debug' => \Application::$config['assets']['debug']); \Minify::serve('Files', $options); unset($options); } }
function test_Lines() { global $thisDir; $exp = file_get_contents("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_output.js"); Minify::setCache(null); // no cache $ret = Minify::serve('Files', array('debug' => true, 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'files' => array("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/email.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_bugs.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/QueryString.js", "{$thisDir}/_test_files/js/before.js"))); $passed = assertTrue($exp === $ret['content'], 'Minify_Lines'); if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($ret['content']) . " bytes\n\n{$ret['content']}\n\n"; if (!$passed) { echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($exp) . " bytes\n\n{$exp}\n\n\n"; } } }
public function serve() { // Adapted from index.php and config.php in the Minify distribution $min_serveOptions = array(); $min_uploaderHoursBehind = isset($this->_config['min_uploaderHoursBehind']) ? $this->_config['min_uploaderHoursBehind'] : 0; Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $min_uploaderHoursBehind; $min_cacheFileLocking = isset($this->_config['min_cacheFileLocking']) ? $this->_config['min_cacheFileLocking'] : true; $min_cachePath = $this->_config['cache_dir']; Minify::setCache($min_cachePath, $min_cacheFileLocking); $min_symlinks = isset($this->_config['min_symlinks']) ? $this->_config['min_symlinks'] : array(); foreach ($min_symlinks as $link => $target) { $link = str_replace('//', realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), $link); $link = strtr($link, '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'][$link] = realpath($target); } $min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $min_symlinks; if (isset($this->_config['debug_minify_logger'])) { require_once 'Minify/Logger.php'; if (true === $this->_config['debug_minify_logger']) { require_once 'FirePHP.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger(FirePHP::getInstance(true)); } else { Minify_Logger::setLogger($this->_config['debug_minify_logger']); } } // check for URI versioning if (!empty($this->_version)) { $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 31536000; } else { # don't cache if we are not using a version number $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 0; } $min_serveOptions['swift']['files'] = array(); foreach ($this->_current_modules as $module) { if (!empty($this->_config['debug_use_alt_resources']) && !empty($this->_config['modules'][$module]['debug_path'])) { $min_serveOptions['swift']['files'][] = $this->_config['modules'][$module]['debug_path']; } else { $min_serveOptions['swift']['files'][] = $this->_config['modules'][$module]['path']; } } # check what format we're working on by looking at the extension on the first file # if we are in debug mode for the current type of files use Minify's debug mode if (!empty($this->_config['debug_minify_js_off']) && pathinfo($min_serveOptions['swift']['files'][0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'js' || !empty($this->_config['debug_minify_css_off']) && pathinfo($min_serveOptions['swift']['files'][0], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'css') { $min_serveOptions['debug'] = true; } Minify::serve('Swift', $min_serveOptions); }
public static function serve() { // try to disable output_compression (may not have an effect) ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); Minify::setCache(OX_PATH . '/var/cache', true); if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // serve! $options = array(); $options['minApp']['groupsOnly'] = true; $options['rewriteCssUris'] = false; $options['minApp']['groups'] = self::prepareGroups(); Minify::serve('MinApp', $options); } else { header("Location: /"); exit; } }
function minify($files) { global $CFG; $cachedir = $CFG->cachedir . '/js'; // make sure the cache dir exist if (!file_exists($cachedir)) { @mkdir($cachedir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } Minify::setCache($cachedir, true); $options = array('maxAge' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 20, 'files' => $files); Minify::serve('Files', $options); die; }
public function output(array $filesGroup) { $sources = array(); foreach ($filesGroup as $fileGroup) { foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $path = null; $altPath = null; if (isset($file['path']) and !empty($file['path'])) { $altPath = $file['path']; } switch ($file['type']) { case MinifySmartyWrapper::TYPE_JS: if (strpos($file['src'], "https://") === false and strpos($file['src'], "http://") === false and substr($file['src'], 0, 1) != "/") { $path = Reg::get('smarty')->findFilePath("js/" . $file['src'], $altPath); } else { $sources[] = new Minify_Source(array('id' => $file['src'], 'getContentFunc' => 'remoteFetch', 'contentType' => Minify::TYPE_JS, 'lastModified' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] % 86400)); } if (!empty($path)) { array_push($sources, $path); } break; case MinifySmartyWrapper::TYPE_CSS: if (strpos($file['src'], "https://") === false and strpos($file['src'], "http://") === false and substr($file['src'], 0, 1) != "/") { $path = Reg::get('smarty')->findFilePath("css/" . $file['src'], $altPath); } else { $sources[] = new Minify_Source(array('id' => $file['src'], 'getContentFunc' => 'remoteFetch', 'contentType' => Minify::TYPE_CSS, 'lastModified' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] % 86400)); } if (!empty($path)) { array_push($sources, $path); } break; case MinifySmartyWrapper::TYPE_JS_SMART: $path = Reg::get('smarty')->findFilePath("js/" . $file['src'], $altPath); $sources[] = new Minify_Source(array('id' => $path, 'getContentFunc' => 'getSmartFile', 'contentType' => Minify::TYPE_JS, 'lastModified' => filemtime($path))); break; case MinifySmartyWrapper::TYPE_CSS_SMART: $path = Reg::get('smarty')->findFilePath("css/" . $file['src'], $altPath); $sources[] = new Minify_Source(array('id' => $path, 'getContentFunc' => 'getSmartFile', 'contentType' => Minify::TYPE_CSS, 'lastModified' => filemtime($path))); break; } } } $min_serveController = new Minify_Controller_MinApp(); $options = array('files' => $sources, 'maxAge' => 86400); Minify::serve('Files', $options); }
function test_Lines() { global $thisDir; $exp = file_get_contents("{$thisDir}/_test_files/minify/lines_output.js"); $env = new Minify_Env(); $sourceFactory = new Minify_Source_Factory($env, array(), new Minify_Cache_Null()); $controller = new Minify_Controller_Files($env, $sourceFactory); $minify = new Minify(new Minify_Cache_Null()); $ret = $minify->serve($controller, array('debug' => true, 'quiet' => true, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'files' => array("{$thisDir}/_test_files/js/before.js"))); $passed = assertTrue($exp === $ret['content'], 'Minify_Lines'); if (__FILE__ === realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { echo "\n---Output: " . countBytes($ret['content']) . " bytes\n\n{$ret['content']}\n\n"; if (!$passed) { echo "---Expected: " . countBytes($exp) . " bytes\n\n{$exp}\n\n\n"; } } }
public function action_template_header() { $modified = Stack::get_sorted_stack('template_header_javascript'); foreach ($modified as $key => $value) { Stack::remove('template_header_javascript', $key); } Stack::add('template_header_javascript', Site::get_url('user') . "/files/minified.js", 'Minified'); if (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_js') || !Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_css')) { set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/min/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require_once 'Minify/Source.php'; require_once 'Minify/HTML.php'; require_once 'Minify/CSS.php'; require_once 'Minify/HTML.php'; require_once 'Minify.php'; require_once 'Minify/Cache/File.php'; } if (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_js')) { $js_stack = array(); foreach ($modified as $js) { $js_stack[] = Site::get_path('base') . str_replace(Site::get_url('habari') . '/', '', $js); } $options = array('files' => $js_stack, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'quiet' => true, 'maxAge' => 86400); $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); file_put_contents(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.js', $result['content']); Cache::set(self::$cache_name . '_js', 'true'); } /* CSS */ $modified = Stack::get_sorted_stack('template_stylesheet'); $tmp = array(); foreach ($modified as $key => $value) { $tmp[] = $value[0]; Stack::remove('template_stylesheet', $key); } Stack::add('template_stylesheet', array(Site::get_url('user') . "/files/minified.css", 'screen'), 'style'); if (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_css')) { $css_stack = array(); foreach ($tmp as $css) { $css_stack[] = Site::get_path('base') . str_replace(Site::get_url('habari') . '/', '', $css); } $options = array('files' => $css_stack, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'quiet' => true, 'maxAge' => 86400); // handle request $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); file_put_contents(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.css', $result['content']); Cache::set(self::$cache_name . '_css', 'true'); } }
public function action_index() { $group = $this->request->param('group'); if (!empty($group)) { $_GET['g'] = $group; } $config = Kohana::$config->load('minify'); Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $config['uploaderHoursBehind']; Minify::setCache(isset($config['cachePath']) ? $config['cachePath'] : '', $config['cacheFileLocking']); if ($config['documentRoot']) { $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $config['documentRoot']; Minify::$isDocRootSet = TRUE; } $serve_options = $config['serveOptions']; $serve_options['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $config['symlinks']; foreach ($config['symlinks'] as $uri => $target) { $serve_options['minApp']['allowDirs'][] = $target; } if ($config['allowDebugFlag']) { $serve_options['debug'] = Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ($config['errorLogger']) { if (TRUE === $config['errorLogger']) { Minify_Logger::setLogger(FirePHP::getInstance(true)); } else { Minify_Logger::setLogger($config['errorLogger']); } } // Check for URI versioning if (preg_match('/&\\d/', Arr::get($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING'))) { $serve_options['maxAge'] = 31536000; } if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // well need groups config $serve_options['minApp']['groups'] = $config['groupsConfig']; } if (isset($_GET['f']) or isset($_GET['g'])) { $response = Minify::serve(new Minify_Controller_MinApp(), array('quiet' => TRUE) + $serve_options); $this->response->headers($response['headers'])->status($response['statusCode'])->body($response['content']); } }
public function action_index() { extract(Kohana::$config->load('minify')->as_array(), EXTR_SKIP); if ($this->request->param('group')) { $_GET['g'] = $this->request->param('group'); } Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $uploaderHoursBehind; Minify::setCache(isset($cachePath) ? $cachePath : '', $cacheFileLocking); if ($documentRoot) { $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $documentRoot; Minify::$isDocRootSet = TRUE; } $serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $symlinks; $serveOptions['minApp']['allowDirs'] += array_values($symlinks); if ($allowDebugFlag) { $serveOptions['debug'] = Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ($errorLogger) { if (TRUE === $errorLogger) { $errorLogger = FirePHP::getInstance(TRUE); } Minify_Logger::setLogger($errorLogger); } // Check for URI versioning if (preg_match('/&\\d/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $serveOptions['maxAge'] = 31536000; } if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // Well need groups config $serveOptions['minApp']['groups'] = $groupsConfig; } if (isset($_GET['f']) or isset($_GET['g'])) { set_time_limit(0); // Serve! $response = Minify::serve(new Minify_Controller_MinApp(), array('quiet' => TRUE) + $serveOptions); $this->response->headers($response['headers'])->body($response['content'])->status($response['statusCode']); } }
function minify($files) { global $CFG; $cachedir = $CFG->cachedir . '/js'; // make sure the cache dir exist if (!file_exists($cachedir)) { @mkdir($cachedir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } Minify::setCache($cachedir, true); $options = array('maxAge' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 20, 'files' => $files); try { Minify::serve('Files', $options); die; } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $error = str_replace("\r", ' ', $error); $error = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error); } // minification failed - try to inform the developer and include the non-minified version $js = <<<EOD try {console.log('Error: Minimisation of javascript failed!');} catch (e) {} // Error: {$error} // Problem detected during javascript minimisation, please review the following code // ================================================================================= EOD; echo $js; foreach ($files as $jsfile) { echo file_get_contents($jsfile) . "\n"; } }
/** * Runs minify * * @return void */ function process() { require_once W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Request.php'; /** * Check for rewrite test request */ $rewrite_test = W3_Request::get_boolean('w3tc_rewrite_test'); if ($rewrite_test) { echo 'OK'; exit; } $file = W3_Request::get_string('file'); if (!$file) { $this->error('File param is missing', false); return; } $hash = ''; $matches = null; if (preg_match('~^([a-f0-9]+)\\.[a-f0-9]+\\.(css|js)$~', $file, $matches)) { list(, $hash, $type) = $matches; } elseif (preg_match('~^([a-f0-9]+)\\/(.+)\\.(include(\\-(footer|body))?(-nb)?)\\.[a-f0-9]+\\.(css|js)$~', $file, $matches)) { list(, $theme, $template, $location, , , , $type) = $matches; } else { $this->error(sprintf('Bad file param format: "%s"', $file), false); return; } require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify.php'; require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/HTTP/Encoder.php'; /** * Fix DOCUMENT_ROOT */ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = w3_get_document_root(); /** * Set cache engine */ Minify::setCache($this->_get_cache()); /** * Set cache ID */ $cache_id = $this->get_cache_id($file); Minify::setCacheId($cache_id); /** * Set logger */ require_once W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify/Logger.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger(array(&$this, 'error')); /** * Set options */ $browsercache = $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled'); $serve_options = array_merge($this->_config->get_array('minify.options'), array('debug' => $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.debug'), 'maxAge' => $this->_config->get_integer('browsercache.cssjs.lifetime'), 'encodeOutput' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.compression'), 'bubbleCssImports' => $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.imports') == 'bubble', 'processCssImports' => $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.imports') == 'process', 'cacheHeaders' => array('use_etag' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.etag'), 'expires_enabled' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.expires'), 'cacheheaders_enabled' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.cache.control'), 'cacheheaders' => $this->_config->get_string('browsercache.cssjs.cache.policy')))); /** * Set sources */ if ($hash) { $_GET['f'] = $this->get_files($hash, $type); } else { $_GET['g'] = $location; $serve_options['minApp']['groups'] = $this->get_groups($theme, $template, $type); } /** * Set minifier */ $w3_minifier =& w3_instance('W3_Minifier'); if ($type == 'js') { $minifier_type = 'application/x-javascript'; switch (true) { case ($hash || $location == 'include' || $location == 'include-nb') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.header'): case ($location == 'include-body' || $location == 'include-body-nb') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.body'): case ($location == 'include-footer' || $location == 'include-footer-nb') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.footer'): $engine = 'combinejs'; break; default: $engine = $this->_config->get_string('minify.js.engine'); if (!$w3_minifier->exists($engine) || !$w3_minifier->available($engine)) { $engine = 'js'; } break; } } elseif ($type == 'css') { $minifier_type = 'text/css'; if (($hash || $location == 'include') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.css.combine')) { $engine = 'combinecss'; } else { $engine = $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.engine'); if (!$w3_minifier->exists($engine) || !$w3_minifier->available($engine)) { $engine = 'css'; } } } /** * Initialize minifier */ $w3_minifier->init($engine); $serve_options['minifiers'][$minifier_type] = $w3_minifier->get_minifier($engine); $serve_options['minifierOptions'][$minifier_type] = $w3_minifier->get_options($engine); /** * Send X-Powered-By header */ if ($browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.w3tc')) { @header('X-Powered-By: ' . W3TC_POWERED_BY); } /** * Minify! */ try { Minify::serve('MinApp', $serve_options); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->error($exception->getMessage()); } }
<?php set_include_path(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require 'Minify.php'; //require 'Minify/Cache/File.php'; //Minify::setCache(new Minify_Cache_File()); $cssFolder = '../scripts/styles/mice-dest/'; $sources[] = $cssFolder . 'style.css'; //$sources[] = $cssFolder . 'detail.css'; //$sources[] = $cssFolder . 'search.css'; $sources[] = $cssFolder . 'jquery.customselect.css'; //$sources[] = $cssFolder . 'nivo-slider.css'; //$sources[] = $cssFolder . 'nivo-slider-customize.css'; $sources[] = $cssFolder . 'jquery.stylish-select.css'; $options = array('files' => $sources); Minify::serve('Files', $options);
+ 'so this behavior is likely due to a server option.'; $(document.body).prepend(msg + '<\/p>'); } else if (ocStatus == '1') $(document.body).prepend('<\p class=topNote><\strong>Note:</\strong> The option ' + '"zlib.output_compression" is enabled in your PHP configuration, but has been ' + 'successfully disabled via ini_set(). If you experience mangled output you ' + 'may want to consider disabling this option in your PHP configuration.<\/p>' ); }); }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // workaround required to test when /min isn't child of web root var src = location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/_index.js').substr(1); document.write('<\script type="text/javascript" src="../?f=' + src + '"><\/script>'); </script> <?php $serveOpts = array('content' => ob_get_contents(), 'id' => __FILE__, 'lastModifiedTime' => max(filemtime(__FILE__), filemtime(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php')), 'minifyAll' => true, 'encodeOutput' => $encodeOutput); ob_end_clean(); set_include_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require 'Minify.php'; if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // we may be on IIS } Minify::setCache(isset($min_cachePath) ? $min_cachePath : null); Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $min_uploaderHoursBehind; Minify::serve('Page', $serveOpts);
} if ($min_allowDebugFlag) { $min_serveOptions['debug'] = Minify_DebugDetector::shouldDebugRequest($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ($min_errorLogger) { if (true === $min_errorLogger) { $min_errorLogger = FirePHP::getInstance(true); } Minify_Logger::setLogger($min_errorLogger); } // check for URI versioning if (preg_match('/&\\d/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 31536000; } if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // well need groups config $min_serveOptions['minApp']['groups'] = (require MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/groupsConfig.php'); } if (isset($_GET['f']) || isset($_GET['g'])) { // serve! if (!isset($min_serveController)) { $min_serveController = new Minify_Controller_MinApp(); } Minify::serve($min_serveController, $min_serveOptions); } elseif ($min_enableBuilder) { header('Location: builder/'); exit; } else { header("Location: /"); exit; }
function minify($files) { if (empty($files)) { return ''; } if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } // disable all caching, we do it in moodle Minify::setCache(null, false); $options = array( 'bubbleCssImports' => false, // Don't gzip content we just want text for storage 'encodeOutput' => false, // Maximum age to cache, not used but required 'maxAge' => 1800, // The files to minify 'files' => $files, // Turn orr URI rewriting 'rewriteCssUris' => false, // This returns the CSS rather than echoing it for display 'quiet' => true ); $error = 'unknown'; try { $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); if ($result['success']) { return $result['content']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $error = str_replace("\r", ' ', $error); $error = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error); } // minification failed - try to inform the theme developer and include the non-minified version $js = <<<EOD try {console.log('Error: Minimisation of theme javascript failed!');} catch (e) {} // Error: $error // Problem detected during javascript minimisation, please review the following code // ================================================================================= EOD; foreach ($files as $jsfile) { $js .= file_get_contents($jsfile)."\n"; } return $js; }
/** * Uses the minify library to compress CSS. * * This is used if $CFG->enablecssoptimiser has been turned off. This was * the original CSS optimisation library. * It removes whitespace and shrinks things but does no apparent optimisation. * Note the minify library is still being used for JavaScript. * * @param array $files An array of files to minify * @return string The minified CSS */ function css_minify_css($files) { global $CFG; if (empty($files)) { return ''; } set_include_path($CFG->libdir . '/minify/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require_once 'Minify.php'; if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } // disable all caching, we do it in moodle Minify::setCache(null, false); $options = array('bubbleCssImports' => false, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'maxAge' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 20, 'files' => $files, 'rewriteCssUris' => false, 'quiet' => true); $error = 'unknown'; try { $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); if ($result['success']) { return $result['content']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $error = str_replace("\r", ' ', $error); $error = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error); } // minification failed - try to inform the theme developer and include the non-minified version $css = <<<EOD /* Error: {$error} */ /* Problem detected during theme CSS minimisation, please review the following code */ /* ================================================================================ */ EOD; foreach ($files as $cssfile) { $css .= file_get_contents($cssfile) . "\n"; } return $css; }
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (preg_match($filenamePattern, $v) && file_exists($v) && preg_match($this_file_dir_pattern, realpath($v))) { $arr2[] = $v; } } ini_set('include_path', 'libs/minify' . PATH_SEPARATOR . '.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'libs' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); require 'Minify.php'; define('_VALID_ACCESS', 1); require_once 'include/data_dir.php'; require_once 'include/config.php'; $cache_dir = DATA_DIR . '/cache/minify'; if (!file_exists($cache_dir)) { mkdir($cache_dir, 0777, true); } Minify::setCache($cache_dir); $opts = array('files' => $arr2, 'maxAge' => 86400 * 365, 'rewriteCssUris' => false); if (!MINIFY_ENCODE) { $opts['encodeOutput'] = false; $opts['encodeMethod'] = ''; } if (!MINIFY_SOURCES) { $opts['minifiers'] = array(Minify::TYPE_CSS => '', Minify::TYPE_HTML => '', Minify::TYPE_JS => ''); } // The Files controller can serve an array of files, but here we just // need one. Minify::serve('Files', $opts); exit; } } header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found";
function minify($files) { if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } // disable all caching, we do it in moodle Minify::setCache(null, false); $options = array('bubbleCssImports' => false, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'maxAge' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 20, 'files' => $files, 'rewriteCssUris' => false, 'quiet' => true); $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); return $result['content']; }
$min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $min_symlinks; if ($min_allowDebugFlag && isset($_GET['debug'])) { $min_serveOptions['debug'] = true; } if ($min_errorLogger) { require_once 'Minify/Logger.php'; if (true === $min_errorLogger) { require_once 'FirePHP.php'; Minify_Logger::setLogger(FirePHP::getInstance(true)); } else { Minify_Logger::setLogger($min_errorLogger); } } // check for URI versioning if (preg_match('/&\\d/', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $min_serveOptions['maxAge'] = 31536000; } if (isset($_GET['g'])) { // well need groups config $min_serveOptions['minApp']['groups'] = (require MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/groupsConfig.php'); } if (isset($_GET['f']) || isset($_GET['g'])) { // serve! Minify::serve('MinApp', $min_serveOptions); } elseif ($min_enableBuilder) { header('Location: builder/'); exit; } else { header("Location: /"); exit; }
function minify($files) { if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } // disable all caching, we do it in moodle Minify::setCache(null, false); $options = array( 'bubbleCssImports' => false, // Don't gzip content we just want text for storage 'encodeOutput' => false, // Maximum age to cache, not used but required 'maxAge' => 1800, // The files to minify 'files' => $files, // Turn orr URI rewriting 'rewriteCssUris' => false, // This returns the CSS rather than echoing it for display 'quiet' => true ); $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); return $result['content']; }
/** * Uses the minify library to compress CSS. * * This is used if $CFG->enablecssoptimiser has been turned off. This was * the original CSS optimisation library. * It removes whitespace and shrinks things but does no apparent optimisation. * Note the minify library is still being used for JavaScript. * * @param array $files An array of files to minify * @return string The minified CSS */ function css_minify_css($files) { global $CFG; if (empty($files)) { return ''; } // We do not really want any 304 here! // There does not seem to be any better way to prevent them here. unset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']); unset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']); set_include_path($CFG->libdir . '/minify/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require_once 'Minify.php'; if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } // disable all caching, we do it in moodle Minify::setCache(null, false); $options = array('minifiers' => array(Minify::TYPE_JS => array('JSMinPlus', 'minify')), 'bubbleCssImports' => false, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'maxAge' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 20, 'files' => $files, 'rewriteCssUris' => false, 'quiet' => true); $error = 'unknown'; try { $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); if ($result['success'] and $result['statusCode'] == 200) { return $result['content']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); $error = str_replace("\r", ' ', $error); $error = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error); } // minification failed - try to inform the theme developer and include the non-minified version $css = <<<EOD /* Error: {$error} */ /* Problem detected during theme CSS minimisation, please review the following code */ /* ================================================================================ */ EOD; foreach ($files as $cssfile) { $css .= file_get_contents($cssfile) . "\n"; } return $css; }
/** * Merges and minimizes given scripts or css and returns raw content * * @param array $files * * @return mixed|bool */ public function Minify($files = array()) { if (empty($files)) { return false; } $_GET['f'] = implode(',', $files); $min_libPath = MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'min/lib'; @set_include_path($min_libPath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); if (!class_exists('Minify')) { require_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'min/lib/Minify.php'; } if (!class_exists('Minify_Controller_MinApp')) { require_once MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'min/lib/Minify/Controller/MinApp.php'; } $min_serveController = new Minify_Controller_MinApp(); /* attempt to prevent suhosin issues */ @ini_set('suhosin.get.max_value_length', 4096); $min_serveOptions = array('quiet' => true, 'encodeMethod' => ''); if (!file_exists(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache/minify')) { mkdir(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache/minify'); } Minify::setCache(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache/minify'); if ($minify = Minify::serve($min_serveController, $min_serveOptions)) { if ($minify['success']) { return $minify['content']; } } // Fall back to plain files if Minify fails $content = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, MODX_BASE_PATH) === false) { $file = MODX_BASE_PATH . ltrim($file, '/'); $content[] = file_get_contents($file); } } $content = implode("\n", $content); return $content; }
+ 'so this behavior is likely due to a server option.'; $(document.body).prepend(msg + '<\/p>'); } else if (ocStatus == '1') $(document.body).prepend('<\p class=topNote><\strong>Note:</\strong> The option ' + '"zlib.output_compression" is enabled in your PHP configuration, but has been ' + 'successfully disabled via ini_set(). If you experience mangled output you ' + 'may want to consider disabling this option in your PHP configuration.<\/p>' ); }); }); }); })(); </script> </body> <?php $content = ob_get_clean(); if (!isset($min_cachePath)) { $min_cachePath = ''; } if (is_string($min_cachePath)) { $cache = new Minify_Cache_File($min_cachePath, $min_cacheFileLocking); } else { $cache = $min_cachePath; } $env = new Minify_Env(); $sourceFactory = new Minify_Source_Factory($env, array('uploaderHoursBehind' => $min_uploaderHoursBehind)); $controller = new Minify_Controller_Page($env, $sourceFactory); $server = new Minify($cache); $server->serve($controller, array('content' => $content, 'id' => __FILE__, 'lastModifiedTime' => max(filemtime(__FILE__), filemtime(__DIR__ . '/../config.php'), filemtime(__DIR__ . '/../lib/Minify.php')), 'minifyAll' => true, 'encodeOutput' => $encodeOutput));
/** * Runs minify * * @param string|null $file * * @return void */ function process($file = NULL) { w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Request.php'); /** * Check for rewrite test request */ $rewrite_test = W3_Request::get_boolean('w3tc_rewrite_test'); if ($rewrite_test) { echo 'OK'; exit; } $rewrite_test = W3_Request::get_string('test_file'); if ($rewrite_test) { $cache = $this->_get_cache(); header('Content-type: text/css'); if ($cache->store(basename($rewrite_test), 'content ok')) { if (function_exists('gzencode') && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled') && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.compression')) { if (!$cache->store(basename($rewrite_test) . '.gzip', gzencode('content ok'))) { echo 'error storing'; exit; } } if ($this->_config->get_string('minify.engine') != 'file') { if ($cache->fetch(basename($rewrite_test)) == 'content ok') { echo 'content ok'; } else { echo 'error storing'; } } else { echo 'retry'; } } else { echo 'error storing'; } exit; } if (is_null($file)) { $file = W3_Request::get_string('file'); } if (!$file) { $this->error('File param is missing', false); return; } // remove blog_id $levels = ''; if (defined('W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS')) { for ($n = 0; $n < W3TC_BLOG_LEVELS; $n++) { $levels .= '[0-9]+\\/'; } } if (preg_match('~^(' . $levels . '[0-9]+)\\/(.+)$~', $file, $matches)) { $file = $matches[2]; } // parse file $hash = ''; $matches = null; $location = ''; $type = ''; if (preg_match('~^' . MINIFY_AUTO_FILENAME_REGEX . '$~', $file, $matches)) { list(, $hash, $type) = $matches; } elseif (preg_match('~^' . MINIFY_MANUAL_FILENAME_REGEX . '$~', $file, $matches)) { list(, $theme, $template, $location, , , $type) = $matches; } else { $this->error(sprintf('Bad file param format: "%s"', $file), false); return; } w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify.php'); w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/HTTP/Encoder.php'); /** * Fix DOCUMENT_ROOT */ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = w3_get_document_root(); /** * Set cache engine */ Minify::setCache($this->_get_cache()); /** * Set cache ID */ $cache_id = $this->get_cache_id($file); Minify::setCacheId($cache_id); /** * Set logger */ w3_require_once(W3TC_LIB_MINIFY_DIR . '/Minify/Logger.php'); Minify_Logger::setLogger(array(&$this, 'error')); /** * Set options */ $browsercache = $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled'); $serve_options = array_merge($this->_config->get_array('minify.options'), array('debug' => $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.debug'), 'maxAge' => $this->_config->get_integer('browsercache.cssjs.lifetime'), 'encodeOutput' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.compression'), 'bubbleCssImports' => $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.imports') == 'bubble', 'processCssImports' => $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.imports') == 'process', 'cacheHeaders' => array('use_etag' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.etag'), 'expires_enabled' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.expires'), 'cacheheaders_enabled' => $browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.cache.control'), 'cacheheaders' => $this->_config->get_string('browsercache.cssjs.cache.policy')))); /** * Set sources */ if ($hash) { $_GET['f'] = $this->get_custom_files($hash, $type); } else { $_GET['g'] = $location; $serve_options['minApp']['groups'] = $this->get_groups($theme, $template, $type); } /** * Set minifier */ $w3_minifier = w3_instance('W3_Minifier'); if ($type == 'js') { $minifier_type = 'application/x-javascript'; switch (true) { case ($hash || $location == 'include') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.header'): case $location == 'include-body' && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.body'): case $location == 'include-footer' && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.js.combine.footer'): $engine = 'combinejs'; break; default: $engine = $this->_config->get_string('minify.js.engine'); if (!$w3_minifier->exists($engine) || !$w3_minifier->available($engine)) { $engine = 'js'; } break; } } elseif ($type == 'css') { $minifier_type = 'text/css'; if (($hash || $location == 'include') && $this->_config->get_boolean('minify.css.combine')) { $engine = 'combinecss'; } else { $engine = $this->_config->get_string('minify.css.engine'); if (!$w3_minifier->exists($engine) || !$w3_minifier->available($engine)) { $engine = 'css'; } } } /** * Initialize minifier */ $w3_minifier->init($engine); $serve_options['minifiers'][$minifier_type] = $w3_minifier->get_minifier($engine); $serve_options['minifierOptions'][$minifier_type] = $w3_minifier->get_options($engine); /** * Send X-Powered-By header */ if ($browsercache && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.cssjs.w3tc')) { @header('X-Powered-By: ' . W3TC_POWERED_BY); } /** * Minify! */ try { Minify::serve('MinApp', $serve_options); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->error($exception->getMessage()); } if (!$this->_error_occurred && $this->_config_admin->get_boolean('notes.minify_error')) { $error_file = $this->_config_admin->get_string('minify.error.file'); if ($error_file == $file) { $this->_config_admin->set('notes.minify_error', false); $this->_config_admin->save(); } } }
public function action_template_header() { //Cache::expire( self::$cache_name . '_js' ); //Cache::expire( self::$cache_name . '_css' ); // try to disable output_compression (may not have an effect) ini_set('zlib.output_compression', '0'); $modified_js = Stack::get_sorted_stack('template_header_javascript'); foreach ($modified_js as $key => $value) { Stack::remove('template_header_javascript', $key); } Stack::add('template_header_javascript', Site::get_url('user') . '/files/minified.js', 'Minified'); $modified_css = Stack::get_sorted_stack('template_stylesheet'); $css = array(); foreach ($modified_css as $key => $value) { $css[] = $value[0]; Stack::remove('template_stylesheet', $key); } Stack::add('template_stylesheet', array(Site::get_url('user') . "/files/minified.css", 'screen'), 'style'); /* * If we have the files or the cache havent expired don't create new files. */ if (!file_exists(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.css') || !file_exists(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.js') || (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_js') || !Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_css'))) { /* Taken from min/index.php */ define('MINIFY_MIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/min/'); // load config require MINIFY_MIN_DIR . '/config.php'; // setup include path set_include_path($min_libPath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); require 'Minify.php'; Minify::$uploaderHoursBehind = $min_uploaderHoursBehind; Minify::setCache(isset($min_cachePath) ? $min_cachePath : '', $min_cacheFileLocking); if ($min_documentRoot) { $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $min_documentRoot; } elseif (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'win')) { Minify::setDocRoot(); // IIS may need help } $min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['symlinks'] = $min_symlinks; // Using jsmin+ 1.3 $min_serveOptions['minifiers']['application/x-javascript'] = array('JSMinPlus', 'minify'); /* Javascript */ if (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_js') || !file_exists(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.js')) { $js_stack = array(); foreach ($modified_js as $js) { $js_stack[] = Site::get_path('base') . str_replace(Site::get_url('habari') . '/', '', $js); } $options = array('files' => $js_stack, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'quiet' => true); $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); file_put_contents(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.js', $result['content']); Cache::set(self::$cache_name . '_js', 'true', Options::get('minification__expire')); } /* CSS */ if (!Cache::has(self::$cache_name . '_css') || !file_exists(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.css')) { $css_stack = array(); foreach ($css as $file) { $css_stack[] = Site::get_path('base') . str_replace(Site::get_url('habari') . '/', '', $file); } $options = array('files' => $css_stack, 'encodeOutput' => false, 'quiet' => true); // handle request $result = Minify::serve('Files', $options); file_put_contents(site::get_dir('user') . '/files/minified.css', $result['content']); Cache::set(self::$cache_name . '_css', 'true', Options::get('minification__expire')); } } }