function writeXMLFile($_strFileName, $_arrMenu)
     $xml = new MiniXMLDoc();
     $xmlRoot =& $xml->getRoot();
     $menuBar =& $xmlRoot->createChild('menuBar');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($_arrMenu); $i++) {
         $menu =& $menuBar->createChild('menu');
         $menuName =& $menu->createChild('name');
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($_arrMenu[$i]) - 2; $j++) {
             $option =& $menu->createChild('option');
             $child =& $option->createChild('name');
             $child =& $option->createChild('type');
             $child =& $option->createChild('link');
             $child =& $option->createChild('param');
     $this->writeFileFromString($_strFileName, $xml->toString());
         if ($mainNotEmpty) {
             // if the main category is not empty, append it to the xml-file
 // if there's need for metadata, put it in:
 //$metadata =& $organization->createChild('metadata');
 //$schema =& $metadata->createChild('schema');
 //$schema->text('ADL SCORM');
 //$schemaversion =& $metadata->createChild('schemaversion');
 // echo $parsedDoc->toString(); exit;
 if (file_put_contents($exportdir . 'imsmanifest.xml', $parsedDoc->toString(MINIXML_NOWHITESPACES)) === false) {
     error("Writing imsmanifest.xml failed!");
 $sourcefiles[] = $exportdir . "imsmanifest.xml";
 // create directory for the zip-file:
 if (!($zipdir = make_upload_directory(export_file_area_name()))) {
     error(get_string("couldntcreatetempdir", "block_exabis_eportfolio"));
 // Delete everything inside
 remove_dir($zipdir, true);
 // Put a / on the end
 if (substr($zipdir, -1) != "/") {
     $zipdir .= "/";

/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once './';
$t1NumRows = 3;
$t1NumCols = 3;
$t2NumRows = 2;
$t2NumCols = 2;
$htmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc();
$htmlArray = array('html' => array('head' => array('title' => 'XML::Mini Generated HTML page', 'style' => 'body,td,a,p,.harray(font-family:arial,sans-serif;) .qarray(text-decoration:none; color:#0000cc;)'), 'body' => array('bgcolor' => '#ffffff', 'link' => '#0000cc', 'vlink' => '#551a8b', 'h3' => 'This page was generated by XML::Mini!', 'p' => array(array('-content' => 'View the source of this page to take a look at', 'a' => array('href' => '', '-content' => 'XML::Mini')), array('font' => array('size' => '-1', 'color' => '#3333cc', '-content' => 'The table below was generated with php - hooray.')), array('align' => 'center', 'table' => array('cellpadding' => 5)), array('align' => 'left', '-content' => '============================', 'table' => array('width' => '75%', 'align' => 'center', 'tr' => array(array('td' => array('b' => "And here is the output of \$htmlDoc->getValue()", 'br' => '', '-content' => $htmlDoc->getValue())))))))));
# end of hash
$options = array('attributes' => array('body' => array('bgcolor', 'link', 'vlink'), '-all' => array('align', 'color'), 'a' => 'href', 'font' => 'size', 'table' => array('cellpadding', 'cellspacing')));
$htmlDoc->fromArray($htmlArray, $options);
print $htmlDoc->toString();

/* This little test demonstrates the use of fromFile() 
** mainly so you can play with the MINIXML_USEFROMFILECACHING
** option.  For the moment, file caching is hardly usefull
** but this may change if we implement an XSLT interface.
header('Content-type: text/plain');
require_once '';
$xmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc();
print $xmlDoc->toString();
Exemple #5
<div ALIGN="CENTER"><B>MiniXML output</B></div><CODE>

/* We create a new MiniXMLDoc object */
$returnedXMLDoc = new MiniXMLDoc();
/* And parse the returned string (assume it was stored in
** $xmlString
/* Now to verify that the document has been initialised from 
** the string, we use toString() to output an XML document.
print "Call to : \$returnedXMLDoc-&gt;<font color=\"ee3333\">toString</font>() returns:\n";
print htmlentities($returnedXMLDoc->toString());
print "Call to : \$returnedXMLDoc-&gt;<font color=\"ee3333\">getValue</font>() returns:";
print "\n\n</CODE></PRE><FONT SIZE=\"-2\">" . $returnedXMLDoc->getValue() . "</FONT><PRE><CODE>";
/* We can now query the document, fetching elements by name 
** (and path) or as a list of children.
** Let's start by fetching the partsRateReply element.
** Normally, you'd be verifying that the element was found
** but in order to keep this light and keep everybody from 
** getting into the habit of good error checking, I'll skip
** it.
** getElement() returns the first element with a matching name.
** if there are multiple elements with the same name, use one
** of the methods below.
 function makeXMLData()
     require_once MIGUELBASE_MINIXML . '/';
     $dump_buffer = '';
     $xml = new MiniXMLDoc();
     $xmlRoot =& $xml->getRoot();
     $config =& $xmlRoot->createChild('config');
     $child =& $config->createChild('ddbbSgbd');
     $child =& $config->createChild('ddbbMainDb');
     $child =& $config->createChild('ddbbServer');
     $child =& $config->createChild('ddbbUser');
     $child =& $config->createChild('ddbbPassword');
     $child =& $config->createChild('siteName');
     $child =& $config->createChild('Institution');
     $child =& $config->createChild('InstitutionUrl');
     $child =& $config->createChild('language');
     $child =& $config->createChild('emailAdministrator');
     $child =& $config->createChild('administratorName');
     $child =& $config->createChild('administratorSurname');
     $child =& $config->createChild('educationManager');
     $child =& $config->createChild('telephone');
     $child =& $config->createChild('maxFilledSpaceUser');
     $child =& $config->createChild('maxFilledSpaceAdmin');
     $child =& $config->createChild('mainInterfaceWidth');
     $child =& $config->createChild('miguelVersion');
     $child =& $config->createChild('versionDb');
     $child =& $config->createChild('userMailCanBeEmpty');
     $child =& $config->createChild('userPasswordCrypted');
     //Write data in tmp subfolder
     File::Write(CONFIG_FILE, $xml->toString());