Exemple #1
  * Wrap a method call in pushTime/popTime calls
  * @param string method name
  * @param string string that identifies this call (comes in () after the call name in output)
  * @param array  array of arguments
 private function wrapCall($name, $ident, array $args)
     self::pushTime('', "-- {$name}({$ident})", '   -> ');
     call_user_func_array(array(Migration_Adapter::getAdapter(), $name), $args);
     // since this call likely made some change to the database, go ahead and rebuild
     // cached data
     // QFrame_Db_Table::scanDb();
Exemple #2
// Sort migrations that need to run and run 'em
foreach ($migrations as $version => $migration) {
    // continue to the next iteration if we are already past this version
    $current = Migration_Adapter::getAdapter()->getSchemaVersion();
    if ($migrateUp && $version <= $current || !$migrateUp && $version > $current) {
    // break from the loop if we have reached the desired version
    if ($migrateUp && $version > $target || !$migrateUp && $version <= $target) {
    // print a message indicating that we are starting a migration
    Migration::pushTime("== {$version} {$migration}: migrat", 'ing ', 'ed ', true, '=', 80);
    // create an instance of the migration class and call it's up (or down) method
    $class = new ReflectionClass($migration);
    $instance = $class->newInstance();
    if ($migrateUp) {
        Migration_Adapter::getAdapter()->up($instance, $version);
    } else {
        Migration_Adapter::getAdapter()->down($instance, $version);
    // print a message indicating that we are down with this migration
// If we have gotten to this point make sure the schema version is set to the target (especially
// important for migrating down since we never actually run the target migration)
// Print a final newline
echo "\n";