  * If this is attached to an object with the hierarchy extension, it returns
  * a set of a schema objects attached to any ancestors (which should be
  * present on this object).
  * @return ArrayList
 public function getInheritedSchemas()
     $result = new ArrayList();
     if (!$this->owner->hasExtension('Hierarchy')) {
         return new ArrayList();
     $ids = array();
     $parents = $this->owner->getAncestors();
     foreach ($parents as $parent) {
         $ids[] = $parent->ID;
     if (count($ids)) {
         $filter = sprintf('"MetadataSchema"."ID" = "MetadataSchemaLink"."SchemaID"' . ' AND "MetadataSchemaLink"."ParentClass" = \'%s\'' . ' AND "MetadataSchemaLink"."ParentID" IN (%s)', ClassInfo::baseDataClass($this->owner->class), implode(', ', $ids));
         $result = MetadataSchema::get()->innerJoin('MetadataSchemaLink', $filter);
         if ($result) {
             $result = new ArrayList($result->toArray());
         } else {
             $result = new ArrayList();
     if ($this->owner instanceof SiteTree) {
         // Check SiteConfig too
         $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
         if ($config->hasExtension('MetadataExtension')) {
             $schemas = $config->getAttachedSchemas();
             if ($schemas && $schemas->count()) {
     return $result;
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function Pc14NameSchema($appSpecificAssocType = ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR, $classname = 'plugins.metadata.xmdp22.schema.Pc14NameSchema')
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('pc-1.4', 'pc', $classname, $appSpecificAssocType);
     $this->addProperty('pc:person/pc:name[@type="nameUsedByThePerson"]/pc:foreName', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('pc:person/pc:name[@type="nameUsedByThePerson"]/pc:surName', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function Xmdp22Schema($appSpecificAssocType = ASSOC_TYPE_PUBLICATION_FORMAT, $classname = 'plugins.metadata.xmdp22.schema.Xmdp22Schema')
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('xmdp-2.2', 'xmdp', $classname, $appSpecificAssocType);
     $this->addProperty('dc:title[@xsi:type="ddb:titleISO639-2"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dc:creator[@xsi:type="pc:MetaPers"]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_COMPOSITE => ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dc:subject[@xsi:type="xMetaDiss:noScheme"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dcterms:tableOfContents', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dcterms:abstract[@xsi:type="ddb:contentISO639-2"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dc:publisher[@xsi:type="cc:Publisher"]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_COMPOSITE => ASSOC_TYPE_PRESS), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     //		$this->addProperty('dcterms:dateSubmitted', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dcterms:issued[@xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
     $this->addProperty('dc:type[@xsi:type="dini:PublType"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, null, null, true);
     $this->addProperty('dc:identifier', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
     $this->addProperty('dc:language[@xsi:type="dcterms:ISO639-2"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, null, null, true);
     //		$this->addProperty('dc:relation', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dc:coverage[@xsi:type="ddb:encoding" @ddb:Scheme="None"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('dcterms:hasPart[@xsi:type="dcterms:URI"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('ddb:fileProperties', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('ddb:transfer[@ddb:type="dcterms:URI"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, null, null, true);
     $this->addProperty('ddb:identifier', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('ddb:rights', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, null, null, true);
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function CC21InstitutionSchema($appSpecificAssocType = ASSOC_TYPE_PRESS, $classname = 'plugins.metadata.xmdp22.schema.CC21InstitutionSchema')
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('cc-2.1', 'cc', $classname, $appSpecificAssocType);
     $this->addProperty('cc:universityOrInstitution/cc:name', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE);
     $this->addProperty('cc:universityOrInstitution/cc:place', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function Epc10Schema($appSpecificAssocType = ASSOC_TYPE_MONOGRAPH, $classname = 'plugins.metadata.epc10.schema.Epc10Schema')
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('epc-1.0', 'epc', $classname, $appSpecificAssocType);
     $this->addProperty('administrative_data/delivery/update_status[@type="urn_new"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('record/identifier', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('record/resource/identifier[@scheme="url", @type="frontpage", @role="primary"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('record/resource/format[@scheme="imt"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
Exemple #6
  * Constructor
 function TestSchema()
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('test-schema', 'test', 'lib.pkp.tests.classes.metadata.TestSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     $this->addProperty('not-translated-one', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE);
     $this->addProperty('not-translated-many', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('translated-one', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE);
     $this->addProperty('translated-many', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     $this->addProperty('composite-translated-many', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
  * Constructor
 function NlmNameSchema()
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('nlm-3.0-name', 'nlm30', array(ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR, ASSOC_TYPE_EDITOR));
     // This schema is used for persons (authors, editors, ...)
     // The following is a deviation from original NLM schema.
     // See classdoc for further info.
  * Constructor
 function Nlm30CitationSchema()
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('nlm-3.0-element-citation', 'nlm30', 'lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30CitationSchema', ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     $this->addProperty('person-group[@person-group-type="author"]', array(array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_COMPOSITE => ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR), METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, 'metadata.property.displayName.author', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.author');
     $this->addProperty('person-group[@person-group-type="editor"]', array(array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_COMPOSITE => ASSOC_TYPE_EDITOR), METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, 'metadata.property.displayName.editor', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.editor');
     $this->addProperty('article-title', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true);
     $this->addProperty('source', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true);
     $this->addProperty('date', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     $this->addProperty('date-in-citation[@content-type="access-date"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.access-date', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.access-date');
     $this->addProperty('chapter-title', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true);
     $this->addProperty('conf-date', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     $this->addProperty('fpage', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER);
     $this->addProperty('lpage', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER);
     $this->addProperty('size', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER);
     $this->addProperty('issn[@pub-type="ppub"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.issn', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.issn');
     $this->addProperty('issn[@pub-type="epub"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.eissn', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.eissn');
     $this->addProperty('pub-id[@pub-id-type="doi"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.doi', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.doi');
     $this->addProperty('pub-id[@pub-id-type="publisher-id"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.publisher-id', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.publisher-id');
     $this->addProperty('pub-id[@pub-id-type="coden"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.coden', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.coden');
     $this->addProperty('pub-id[@pub-id-type="sici"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.sici', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.sici');
     $this->addProperty('pub-id[@pub-id-type="pmid"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.pmid', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.pmid');
     $this->addProperty('uri', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_URI);
     $this->addProperty('[@publication-type]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'nlm30-publication-types'), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.publication-type', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.publication-type');
     // NB: NLM citation does not have very good thesis support. We might
     // encode the degree in the publication type and the advisor as 'contrib'
     // with role 'advisor' in the future.
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function __construct($appSpecificAssocType, $classname = 'plugins.metadata.dc11.schema.Dc11Schema')
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::__construct('dc-1.1', 'dc', $classname, $appSpecificAssocType);
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
 function PKPDc11Schema($appSpecificAssocType)
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('dc-1.1', 'dc', 'plugins.metadata.dc11.schema.Dc11Schema', $appSpecificAssocType);
  * Constructor
 function Mods34NameSchema()
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema('mods-3.4-name', 'mods34', 'lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34NameSchema', array(ASSOC_TYPE_AUTHOR, ASSOC_TYPE_EDITOR));
     // The type attribute can take the following values: personal,
     // corporate and conference. This is a required attribute.
     $this->addProperty('[@type]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-name-types'), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.name-type', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.name-type', true);
     // The name itself is always wrapped in namePart elements. MODS allows for either
     // breaking up parts of the name (given and family, for example) in different namePart
     // elements or enclosing the entire name in one element. Use of the former method affords
     // more control in sorting and display which is why it is the only encoding supported
     // in our case.
     // Use the following typeless namePart version for corporate and conference names.
     // Use the following namePart types for personal names.
     // The attribute "termsOfAddress" is used to record titles and enumeration associated
     // with a name, such as Jr., II, etc.
     // The attribute "date" is used to parse dates that are not integral parts of a name,
     // i.e. the lifetime of an author ("1901-1983") used to disambiguate an author name.
     // Dates that are part of a name, e.g. dates within a conference name, do not use this
     // attribute to separate the date, since it is an integral part of the name string.
     // This attribute is not used when parsing the components of a corporate name.
     // The affiliation subelement contains the name, address, etc. of an organization with which the
     // name entity was associated when the resource was created. If the information is readily
     // available, it may be included.
     // Use the role element as a wrapper element to contain coded and/or textual description
     // of the role of the named entity. Use this element primarily with personal names. Repeat role
     // for each new role. We only support coded roles which can be resolved to textual representations
     // via the controlled vocabulary "mods34-name-role-roleTerms-marcrelator". See the controlled
     // vocabulary for details of the allowed entries.
     // NB: If we want to support various roleTerm types within one role then we'll have to create
     // a separate meta-data schema for roles. We avoid this complexity for now as we don't have a
     // use case for this.
     $this->addProperty('role/roleTerm[@type="code" @authority="marcrelator"]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-name-role-roleTerms-marcrelator'), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
  * Constructor
  * @param $name string the meta-data schema name
 function Openurl10BaseSchema($name, $classname)
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     parent::MetadataSchema($name, 'openurl10', $classname, ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     // Add meta-data properties common to all OpenURL standards
     // First author's first and middle initials
     // First author's first initial
     // First author's middle initial
     // e.g.: "Jr", "III", etc.
     // Deprecated in book/journal 1.0, prefer jtitle/btitle, ok for dissertation
     $this->addProperty('date', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // Publication date
  * Constructor
  * @param $appSpecificAssocType integer
  * @param $useAuthoritiesForSubject boolean whether the subject is
  *  free text or controlled by vocabularies.
 function PKPMods34Schema($appSpecificAssocType = null, $useAuthoritiesForSubject = false)
     // Configure the meta-data schema.
     $assocTypes = array(ASSOC_TYPE_CITATION);
     if (!is_null($appSpecificAssocType)) {
         array_push($assocTypes, $appSpecificAssocType);
     parent::MetadataSchema('mods-3.4', 'mods34', 'plugins.metadata.mods34.schema.Mods34Schema', $assocTypes);
     // titleInfo
     // A word, phrase, character, or group of characters, normally appearing in a resource, that
     // names it or the work contained in it.
     // Titles are an extremely important access point for digital library
     // resources, and are frequently used in brief record displays to assist
     // end users in deciding whether to investigate a resource further. As
     // such, at least one titleInfo description with at least one title
     // statement is required. Additional titleInfo descriptions should be used to
     // indicate other titles for the resource. Do not include punctuation
     // intended to delineate parts of titles separated into various statements
     // within the titleInfo description.
     // We do not implement titleInfo[@type] as we do not allow repetition of the
     // titleInfo element. We assume that our titles are always primary titles of
     // the resource.
     // The nonSort element contains characters, including initial articles, punctuation, and
     // spaces that appear at the beginning of a title that should be ignored for indexing of titles.
     // This element must be used when non-sorting characters are present, rather than including
     // them in the text of the title element.
     $this->addProperty('titleInfo/nonSort', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.nonSort', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.nonSort');
     // The title element contains the core title of the resource. At least one
     // title is required. This element includes all parts of a title not covered
     // by other sub-elements.
     $this->addProperty('titleInfo/title', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.title', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.title', true);
     // The subTitle element is used to record a part of a title deemed secondary to the core
     // portion. Use this element when a subtitle is present, rather than including the subtitle
     // in the text of the title element. When using the subTitle element, do not include
     // punctuation at the end of the title element intended to delineate the title from the
     // subtitle.
     $this->addProperty('titleInfo/subTitle', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.subTitle', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.subTitle');
     // The partNumber element is used for a part or section number of a title. Use this
     // subelement when a part number is present, rather than including the part number
     // in the text of the title element. When using the partNumber element, do not include
     // punctuation at the end of the preceding element intended to delineate the part
     // number from previous parts of the title. Multiple parts of an item should appear
     // in separate MODS records or relatedItem elements.
     $this->addProperty('titleInfo/partNumber', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.partNumber', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.partNumber');
     // The partName element is used for a part or section name of a title. Multiple partName
     // elements may be nested in a single titleInfo to describe a single part with multiple
     // hierarchical levels; multiple parts, however, should be separated into multiple
     // titleInfo elements. Use this subelement when a part name is present, rather than
     // including the part name in the text of the title element. When using the partName
     // element, do not include punctuation at the end of the preceding element intended
     // to delineate the part name from previous parts of the title. Multiple parts of an
     // item should appear in separate MODS records or relatedItem elements.
     $this->addProperty('titleInfo/partName', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, 'metadata.property.displayName.partName', 'metadata.property.validationMessage.partName');
     // name
     // The DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records
     // requires the use of at least one name description for the creator of the
     // intellectual content of the resource.
     $this->addProperty('name', $personResources, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY, null, null, true);
     // typeOfResource
     // A term that specifies the characteristics and general type of content of the resource.
     // The DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records require the
     // use in all records of at least one typeOfResource statement using the required
     // enumerated values (see the controlled vocabulary).
     $this->addProperty('typeOfResource', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-typeOfResource'), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
     // genre
     // A term that designates a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content,
     // such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc. genre contains terms that give more
     // specificity than the broad terms used in typeOfResource (see the controlled vocabulary).
     $this->addProperty('genre[@authority="marcgt"]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-genre-marcgt'), false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
     // originInfo
     // The originInfo contains information about the origin of the resource,
     // including place of origin or publication, publisher/originator, and
     // dates associated with the resource.
     // Encode information in originInfo relevant to any version of a resource
     // that is considered useful for a given metadata use case. It is usually not
     // necessary to include full originInfo for every version of a resource known
     // to exist; choose carefully which versions and elements it is important
     // to share in the context of your metadata use case.
     // The DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records require the
     // use of at least one originInfo statement with at least one date subelement in every
     // record, one of which must be marked as a key date. Place, publisher, and
     // edition are recommended if applicable. This element is repeatable.
     // Record in place/placeTerm place names associated with the
     // creation or issuance of a resource. Descriptive standards such as AACR2
     // may be used to determine which places to record for published
     // resources. For unpublished resources, if a place of origin is known,
     // record it in place/placeTerm.
     // The place/placeTerm element should be omitted if no information about
     // the originating place of the resource is known. Repeat place for recording
     // multiple places.
     // This is a text-encoded place name (usually the publisher's place description)
     // This is an ISO 3166 country name (usually the publisher's country).
     // NB: We could use a vocabulary for country names here. We avoid this for now as
     // the list would be huge.
     // See <http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/english_country_names_and_code_elements.htm>
     // for a full list.
     $this->addProperty('originInfo/place/placeTerm[@type="code" @authority="iso3166"]');
     // Record in publisher a named entity determined to be the publisher or originator for a
     // resource. Descriptive standards such as AACR2 may be used to format the name of the
     // publisher. Information about an institution responsible for digitizing and delivering
     // online a previously published resource should be included as a note, rather than
     // originInfo/publisher.
     // The MODS schema includes several date elements intended to record different events
     // that may be important in the life of a resource. Record dates for as many of these
     // MODS elements as is appropriate. To indicate to users which is the best date to use
     // for sorting and similar features, we mark the publication date (dateIssued) as a
     // key date using the keyDate="yes" attribute. You may choose to use only one date
     // element when several apply but would contain identical data.
     // The guidelines recommend recording each date in a structured form rather than a textual
     // form. We use W3CDTF encoding (YYYY[-MM[-DD]]) throughout.
     // publication or issued date
     $this->addProperty('originInfo/dateIssued[@keyDate="yes" @encoding="w3cdtf"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // date of creation of the resource
     $this->addProperty('originInfo/dateCreated[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // date on which a resource is copyrighted
     $this->addProperty('originInfo/copyrightDate[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // The edition element is used to provide an edition statement for a published work.
     // Descriptive standards such as AACR2 and DACS may be used to determine if an edition
     // statement should be recorded and in what format. If no edition statement applies to the
     // resource, do not include the edition element.
     $this->addProperty('originInfo/edition', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true);
     // language
     // At least one language/languageTerm element is required for resources in which
     // language is primary to understanding the resource. The language element is optional
     // for resources in which language is important to understanding the resource, but not
     // primary. For example, the caption of a photograph may in some instances be important
     // to understanding the photograph, but not primary. Whether to include a language
     // element based on the language's importance or primacy is left to the user's discretion.
     // Repeat the language element as necessary.
     // NB: We could use a vocabulary for language names here. We avoid this for now as
     // the list would be huge. See http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
     // for a complete list. Use the (B)-type codes when two codes exist.
     $this->addProperty('language/languageTerm[@type="code" @authority="iso639-2b"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
     // physicalDescription
     // physicalDescription is a wrapper element that contains all subelements relating to
     // physical description information of the resource described.
     // Encode information in physicalDescription relevant to any version of a resource
     // that is considered useful for a metadata use case. It is usually not necessary to
     // include a full physicalDescription for every version of a resource known to exist;
     // choose carefully which versions and elements are important for your metadata use
     // case.
     // This subelement specifies the physical form or medium of the material for a resource.
     $this->addProperty('physicalDescription/form[@authority="marcform"]', array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-physicalDescription-form-marcform'));
     // This subelement records the electronic format type of the digital resource. Whenever
     // a records describe resources existing in digital versions, at least one internetMediaType
     // is required. This element has no attributes.
     // Inclusion of an internetMediaType is a key feature of a shared metadata record to
     // enable external users to provide added value on resources themselves rather than only on
     // metadata.
     // The content value for this subelement should be taken from the MIME Media Types list
     // and expressed in the format type/subtype. If a digital resource comprises multiple file
     // types (for example PDF and HTML full text), use a separate internetMediaType subelement
     // for each.
     // NB: We could use a vocabulary for MIME types here. We avoid this for now as
     // the list would be huge. See <http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html>
     // for a full list.
     // We use the extent field for the number of pages of a book only.
     $this->addProperty('physicalDescription/extent', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER);
     // abstract
     // A summary of the content of the resource.
     // The DLF/Aquifer Implementation Guidelines for Shareable MODS Records recommend
     // the use of one abstract element in every MODS record, except when a title, formal or
     // supplied, serves as an adequate summary of the content of the digital resource. This
     // element is repeatable.
     $this->addProperty('abstract', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true);
     // note
     // General textual information relating to a resource.
     // subject
     // A subject is a term or phrase representing the primary topic(s) on which
     // a work is focused.
     // Information in subject describes subject content represented in or by the work, and
     // typically answers such questions as who, what, where, and when.
     // Whether or not the use of subject is applicable depends upon who might search for an
     // item outside its local context and how they are likely to search for it. For instance, topical
     // subject content may not apply to some items, such as abstract art. If researchers are likely
     // to be interested in the form or genre of an item, and not its subject content, using the
     // genre element (not the subelement under subject) may be most appropriate.
     // However, in many instances, using appropriate subject values can greatly enhance
     // users’ ability to locate relevant works. Enter as many specific terms as necessary to
     // capture subject content, and be consistent in the formatting of subject terms.
     // It is highly recommended that subject terms come from a controlled vocabulary or formal
     // classification scheme and that this source is identified in the authority attribute. Select
     // controlled vocabularies that are most relevant to and frequently used by the communities
     // likely to benefit from the described materials, and explicitly identify this source.
     // Express multiple subjects in repeated subject fields.
     // Will we use controlled vocabularies to validate subjects?
     if ($useAuthoritiesForSubject) {
         // The name of the authoritative list that controls all statements in this
         // description is recorded here. An authority attribute may also be used to indicate
         // that a subject is controlled by a record in an authority file. Authority should be
         // specified for all terms, whether they come from a controlled vocabulary, formal
         // scheme, or are locally developed. The authority attribute for a locally-developed
         // scheme should be defined as "local". If no list or scheme controls the terms used,
         // omit the authority attribute.
         $this->addProperty('subject/[@authority]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
         $topicType = array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-subject-topic');
         $geographicType = array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-subject-geographic');
         $temporalType = array(METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_VOCABULARY => 'mods34-subject-temporal');
     } else {
         $topicType = $geographicType = $temporalType = METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING;
     // Use this subelement to indicate any primary topical subjects that are not appropriate in
     // the geographic, temporal, or name subelements. While it is highly recommended that subject
     // values be parsed into subelements, they may also be listed as a string under topic.
     $this->addProperty('subject/topic', $topicType, true, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_MANY);
     // Use this subelement for geographic subject terms. If the geographic name is part of a
     // corporate body (for example, United States. Senate), it is coded as name, not geographic
     $this->addProperty('subject/geographic', $geographicType, true);
     // Use this subelement for chronological subject terms or temporal coverage.
     // The first version is expressed as a subject term (historical coverage)
     $this->addProperty('subject/temporal', $temporalType, true);
     // The second version is expressed as a structured date using the same data
     // definition as MODS dates.
     $this->addProperty('subject/temporal[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     $this->addProperty('subject/temporal[@encoding="w3cdtf" @point="start"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     $this->addProperty('subject/temporal[@encoding="w3cdtf" @point="end"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // identifier
     // Unique standard numbers or codes that distinctively identify a resource.
     $this->addProperty('identifier[@type="uri"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_URI);
     // location
     // "location" identifies the institution or repository holding the resource, or a remote
     // location in the form of a URL where it is available.
     $this->addProperty('location/url[@usage="primary display"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_URI);
     // recordInfo
     // This subelement is used to record the date the original MODS record was created.
     // Within the OAI context, service providers are more likely to rely on the
     // datestamp within the OAI header for information about when the record was created
     // than this date.
     $this->addProperty('recordInfo/recordCreationDate[@encoding="w3cdtf"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE);
     // Use this subelement to record the system control number assigned by the organization
     // creating, using, or distributing the record. Within the OAI context, service providers
     // are likely to rely on the identifier in the OAI header, rather than the recordIdentifier.
     // If recordIdentifier is used, the guidelines recommend the use of the source attribute
     // if possible.
     // Use languageOfCataloging to record the language of the text of the cataloging in the
     // MODS record. If additional language(s) are used this will be indicated with the $locale
     // parameter within the specific element(s) in which the additional language(s)
     // appear(s).
     // NB: We could use a vocabulary for language names here. We avoid this for now as
     // the list would be huge. See http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
     // for a complete list. Use the (B)-type codes when two codes exist.
     $this->addProperty('recordInfo/languageOfCataloging/languageTerm[@authority="iso639-2b"]', METADATA_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING, false, METADATA_PROPERTY_CARDINALITY_ONE, null, null, true);
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     // get schemas that need creating
     $schemas = $this->config()->get('default_schemas');
     require_once 'spyc/spyc.php';
     foreach ($schemas as $file) {
         if (file_exists(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $file)) {
             $parser = new Spyc();
             $factory = new FixtureFactory();
             $fixtureContent = $parser->loadFile(Director::baseFolder() . '/' . $file);
             if (isset($fixtureContent['MetadataSchema'])) {
                 $toBuild = array();
                 // check if it exists or not, if so don't re-create it
                 foreach ($fixtureContent['MetadataSchema'] as $id => $desc) {
                     $name = isset($desc['Name']) ? $desc['Name'] : null;
                     if (!$name) {
                         throw new Exception("Cannot create metadata schema without a name");
                     $existing = MetadataSchema::get()->filter('Name', $name)->first();
                     if ($existing) {
                         $factory->setId('MetadataSchema', $id, $existing->ID);
                     } else {
                         $factory->createObject('MetadataSchema', $id, $desc);
                         DB::alteration_message('Metadata schema ' . $id . ' created', 'created');
                 // don't need this now
                 // go through and unset any existing fields
                 $toBuild = array();
                 foreach ($fixtureContent as $class => $items) {
                     foreach ($items as $identifier => $data) {
                         $nameField = isset($data['Name']) ? 'Name' : (isset($data['Key']) ? 'Key' : '');
                         if (!strlen($nameField)) {
                             throw new Exception("Metadata fields must have a Name or Key field defined");
                         if (!isset($data['Title'])) {
                             $data['Title'] = $data[$nameField];
                         $existing = $class::get()->filter($nameField, $data[$nameField])->first();
                         if ($existing) {
                             $factory->setId($class, $identifier, $existing->ID);
                         } else {
                             $factory->createObject($class, $identifier, $data);
                             DB::alteration_message('Metadata field ' . $data[$nameField] . ' created', 'created');