public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$Instance === null) {
         self::$Instance = new MetaDataConverter();
     return self::$Instance;
  * Static entry point, will instantiate an object of itself to run the process.
  * Will convert $defs to legacy format $viewtype if there is a converter for
  * it, otherwise will return the defs as-is with no modification.
  * @static
  * @param string $viewtype One of list|edit|detail
  * @param array $defs The defs to convert
  * @return array Converted defs if there is a converter, else the passed in defs
 public static function toLegacy($viewtype, $defs)
     if (null === self::$converter) {
         self::$converter = new self();
     $method = 'toLegacy' . ucfirst(strtolower($viewtype));
     if (method_exists(self::$converter, $method)) {
         return self::$converter->{$method}($defs);
     return $defs;
Exemple #3
  * Special copy operation for virtual files.
  * @param IFile $file The source file to copy data from.
  * @param bool $keepOGP Set to TRUE to force keeping the Owner-Group-Permissions of the current file (target),
  * 				FALSE to overwrite them with the ones from the source file ($file)
  * @param bool $overwrite Set to TRUE to overwrite the current file (target)
 protected function copyFromAndKeepOGP(IFile $file, $keepOGP = false, $overwrite = true)
     if ($this->realFile === null) {
         throw new EyeUnsupportedOperationException(__METHOD__ . ' on ' . $this->path);
     //if the destination ($this) is a a directory AND: the source is not a directory OR is a directory with a different name
     if ($this->isDirectory() && (!$file->isDirectory() || $this->getName() != $file->getName())) {
         if ($this->getName() != '/' || $file->getName() != '/') {
             //we redirect the copy operation to a file located within the destination directory ($this)
             return $this->getChildFile($file->getName())->copyFromAndKeepOGP($file, $keepOGP, $overwrite);
     if ($file instanceof ISecurableFile) {
     // $this file exists => check write permissions
     if ($this->realFile->exists()) {
         if (!$overwrite) {
             throw new EyeIOException('Unable to copy: File ' . $this->path . ' exists but overwrite option is not enabled.');
     } else {
     //are we trying to copy a file to itself?
     if ($this->equals($file)) {
         throw new EyeIOException('Unable to copy ' . $file->getPath() . ': source and target are the same.');
     //checks ok, we can start the copy process
     $success = true;
     try {
         //use the "real" file instead of the virtual one for next steps
         if ($file instanceof IVirtualFile) {
             $realFile = $file->getRealFile();
         } else {
             $realFile = $file;
         //file to file
         //@todo Find which of these functions creates metadata
         if ($file->isFile()) {
             $fileCreated = false;
             if (!$this->exists()) {
                 $fileCreated = true;
             if ($this->realFile->copyFrom($realFile, $overwrite)) {
                 // using metadata converter
                 $newMetaData = MetaDataConverter::getInstance()->convertThis($file, $this);
                 //process metadata
                 					$meta = null;
                 					if ($file instanceof IMetaAssociable) {
                 						// ----------------------------------------------------
                 						// FIXME: We need Metadata Converter
                 						$sourceFile = $file->realFile;
                 						$destFile = FSI::getFile($this->path);
                 						if ($sourceFile instanceof LocalFile && $destFile instanceof EyeWorkgroupFile) {
                 							$meta = $file->getMeta();
                 							$meta->set('activity', null);
                 							$meta->set('id', null);
                 							// END OF FIXME
                 						// ----------------------------------------------------
                 						} else {
                 							//Assign owner metadata to current User
                 							$meta = $file->getMeta();
                 							if ($meta->get('owner')) {
                 								$meta->set('owner', ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser()->getName());
                 								$meta->set('group', ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosGroup()->getName());
                 								$meta->set('permissions', null);
                 							$meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($this, $meta);
                 					if ($meta !== null) {
                 						if (!$keepOGP && !$fileCreated) {
                 							$currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser();
                 							$group = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosGroup();
                 							$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_OWNER, $currentUser->getName());
                 							$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_GROUP, $group->getName());
                 							$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS, AdvancedPathLib::permsToUnix(self::PERMISSIONS_MASK_FILE & ~$this->getUMask()));
             } else {
                 $success = false;
         } else {
             if ($file->isDirectory()) {
                 //create destination directory if needed
                 if (!$this->exists()) {
                 //copy subfiles one by one (needed for metadata)
                 foreach ($file->listFiles() as $subFile) {
                     //create child path
                     $urlParts = $this->getURLComponents();
                     $urlParts['path'] .= '/' . $subFile->getName();
                     $params = array('realFile' => $this->realFile->getChildFile($subFile->getName()));
                     //instantiate new file object
                     $thisClass = get_class($this);
                     $thisSubFile = new $thisClass(AdvancedPathLib::buildURL($urlParts), $params);
                     if ($thisSubFile instanceof EyeosAbstractVirtualFile) {
                         $success = $success && $thisSubFile->copyFromAndKeepOGP($subFile, $keepOGP, $overwrite);
                     } else {
                         $success = $success && $thisSubFile->copyFrom($subFile, $overwrite);
                 //process metadata
                 $meta = null;
                 if ($file instanceof IMetaAssociable) {
                     $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($this, $file->getMeta());
                 } else {
                     $meta = MetaManager::getInstance()->getNewMetaDataInstance($this);
                 if ($meta !== null) {
                     					if (!$keepOGP) {
                     						$currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser();
                     						$group = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosGroup();
                     						$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_OWNER, $currentUser->getName());
                     						$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_GROUP, $group->getName());
                     						$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS, AdvancedPathLib::permsToUnix(self::PERMISSIONS_MASK_DIR & ~$this->getUMask()));
             } else {
                 if ($file->isLink()) {
                     $linkTarget = $file->getLinkTarget();
                     if ($linkTarget === null) {
                         throw new EyeNullPointerException('Unable to get link\'s target for ' . $file->getPath() . '.');
                     				$meta = $file->getMeta();
                     				if (!$keepOGP) {
                     					$currentUser = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosUser();
                     					$group = ProcManager::getInstance()->getCurrentProcess()->getLoginContext()->getEyeosGroup();
                     					$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_OWNER, $currentUser->getName());
                     					$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_GROUP, $group->getName());
                     					$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_PERMISSIONS, AdvancedPathLib::permsToUnix(self::PERMISSIONS_MASK_LINK & ~$this->getUMask()));
                     					$meta->set(self::METADATA_KEY_LINKTARGET, $linkTarget);
     } catch (EyeErrorException $e) {
         throw new EyeIOException('Unable to copy ' . $file->getPath() . ' to ' . $this->path . '.', 0, $e);
     } catch (EyeException $e) {
         throw new EyeIOException('Unable to copy ' . $file->getPath() . ' to ' . $this->path . '.', 0, $e);
     if ($success) {
         return true;
     throw new EyeUnknownErrorException('Unable to (entirely) copy ' . $file->getPath() . ' to ' . $this->path . '.');
  * Load the layout def file and associate the definition with a variable in the file.
 function open_layout_defs($reload = false, $layout_def_key = '', $original_only = false)
     require_once 'include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataManager.php';
     $mm = MetaDataManager::getManager();
     $layout_defs[$this->_focus->module_dir] = array();
     $layout_defs[$layout_def_key] = array();
     $def_path = array();
     if (empty($this->layout_defs) || $reload || !empty($layout_def_key) && !isset($layout_defs[$layout_def_key])) {
         if (!$original_only) {
             if (isModuleBWC($this->_focus->module_dir)) {
                 $def_path = array('modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/metadata/' . ($this->platform == 'mobile' ? 'wireless.' : '') . 'subpaneldefs.php');
                 $def_path[] = SugarAutoLoader::loadExtension($this->platform == 'mobile' ? 'wireless_subpanels' : 'layoutdefs', $this->_focus->module_dir);
                 foreach (SugarAutoLoader::existing($def_path) as $file) {
                     require $file;
             } else {
                 $viewdefs = $mm->getModuleLayouts($this->_focus->module_dir);
                 $viewdefs = !empty($viewdefs['subpanels']['meta']['components']) ? $viewdefs['subpanels']['meta']['components'] : array();
         $layoutDefsKey = !empty($layout_def_key) ? $layout_def_key : $this->_focus->module_dir;
         // convert sidecar subpanels to the array the SubpanelDefinitions are looking for
         if ($this->_focus instanceof SugarBean && !isModuleBWC($this->_focus->module_dir) && isset($viewdefs)) {
             require_once 'include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataConverter.php';
             $metaDataConverter = new MetaDataConverter();
             $layout_defs[$layoutDefsKey] = $metaDataConverter->toLegacySubpanelLayoutDefs($viewdefs, $this->_focus);
         $this->layout_defs = $layout_defs[$layoutDefsKey];
  * @param $moduleName, the module name
  * @param $relationshipName the relationship name
  * @param array $definition the definitions to be saved
  * @param string $basepath - the path to save the file to
  * @param string $client base|mobile|portal
  * @return string filename the layout definition is saved to
 public function saveSidecarSubpanelDefinitions($basepath, $installDefPrefix, $relationshipName, $subpanelDefinitions, $client = 'base')
     $basepath = str_replace('relationships', "clients/{$client}/layouts", $basepath);
     $installDefs = array();
     foreach ($subpanelDefinitions as $moduleName => $definitions) {
         if (!$this->hasSidecarLayoutDefs($moduleName, $client)) {
         if (strstr($basepath, 'modulebuilder')) {
             $layoutPath = "{$basepath}/subpanels";
         } else {
             $layoutPath = "custom/Extension/modules/{$moduleName}/Ext/clients/{$client}/layouts/subpanels";
         if (!is_dir($layoutPath)) {
             sugar_mkdir($layoutPath, null, true);
         foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
             $override_array = array();
             // we currently do not support collections in sidecar
             if (!empty($definition['collection_list'])) {
             if ($definition['subpanel_name'] === 'Default') {
                 // There is a typo somewhere in the bowels of the Activities relationship code
                 $definition['subpanel_name'] = 'default';
             if ($definition['subpanel_name'] !== 'default') {
                 require_once 'include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataConverter.php';
                 $mc = new MetaDataConverter();
                 $override_array = array('override_subpanel_list_view' => array('link' => $definition['get_subpanel_data'], 'view' => $mc->fromLegacySubpanelName($definition['subpanel_name'])));
             $fileName = "{$layoutPath}/{$relationshipName}_{$moduleName}.php";
             $varName = "viewdefs['{$moduleName}']['{$client}']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][]";
             $layoutDefs = array('layout' => "subpanel", 'label' => $definition['title_key'], 'context' => array('link' => $definition['get_subpanel_data']));
             $previous_contents = '';
             if (file_exists($fileName)) {
                 $previous_contents = file_get_contents($fileName) . "\n\n";
             write_array_to_file($varName, $layoutDefs, $fileName, 'w', $previous_contents);
             if (!empty($override_array)) {
                 write_array_to_file("viewdefs['{$moduleName}']['{$client}']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][]", $override_array, "{$layoutPath}/_overridesubpanel-for-{$relationshipName}.php");
         // In cases of package publishing, we need to fetch the right path.
         // That path will come from installDefPrefix being set to something
         // with /SugarModules as a path. Otherwise, use the path that the defs
         // are being saved to in this request.
         $fromPath = $fileName;
         if (strpos($installDefPrefix, '/SugarModules') !== false) {
             $fromPath = "{$installDefPrefix}/clients/{$client}/layouts/subpanels/{$relationshipName}_{$moduleName}.php";
         $installDefs[$moduleName] = array('from' => $fromPath, 'to_module' => $moduleName);
     return $installDefs;
Exemple #6
  * Copies metadata from $objectFrom to $objectTo.
  * @param mixed $objectFrom
  * @param mixed $objectTo
  * @return boolean
  * @throws EyeException
 public function copyMeta($objectFrom, $objectTo)
     //$Logger = Logger::getLogger('metaManager.copyMeta');
     self::$Logger->debug("copyMeta from " . get_class($objectFrom) . " => " . get_class($objectTo));
     // ask to MetaDataConverte to return the new metadata
     $newMetadata = MetaDataConverter::getInstance()->convertThis($objectFrom, $objectTo);
     if ($newMetadata === null) {
         throw new EyeMetaDataNotFoundException('Unable to retrieve metadata for ' . get_class($objectFrom));
     self::$Logger->debug("MetaDataConverter returns:");
     //self::storeMeta($objectTo, $newMetadata);
     //$handlerTo = $this->getHandlerInfo($objectTo);
     //$handlerTo[self::OBJECT]->storeMeta($objectTo, $newMetadata, $handlerTo[self::METADATACLASS]);
     try {
         $handlerFrom = $this->getHandlerInfo($objectFrom);
         $meta = $handlerFrom[self::OBJECT]->retrieveMeta($objectFrom, $handlerFrom[self::METADATACLASS]);
         if ($meta === null) {
             throw new EyeMetaDataNotFoundException('Unable to retrieve metadata for ' . get_class($objectFrom));
         $handlerTo = $this->getHandlerInfo($objectTo);
         $handlerFrom[self::OBJECT]->storeMeta($objectTo, $newMetadata, $handlerTo[self::METADATACLASS]);
     } catch (EyeMetaDataException $e) {
         throw new EyeMetaDataException('An error occured while coping metadatas from the $objectFrom to the $objectTo.', 0, $e);