/** * Draw a teaser defined with the teaser plugin * @id internal id of the teaser. matched pgn_teaser.fkid. */ function drawPGNTeaser($id) { global $cds, $db; $result = ''; $query = new query($db, "Select * FROM pgn_teaser Where FKID=" . $id); if ($query->getrow()) { $href = $query->field("HREF"); if (substr($href, 0, 4) == "www.") { $href = 'http://' . $href; } $popup = $href != ""; $spid = $query->field('SPID'); if ($spid != "0" && $href == "") { $menu = new Menu(null, $spid, $cds->variation, $cds->level); $href = $menu->getLink(); } $imageid = $query->field("IMAGEID"); $aTag = '<a href="' . $href . '"'; if ($popup) { $aTag .= ' target="_blank"'; } $aTag .= '>'; // image teaser if ($query->field("ISIMAGETEASER") == "1") { $result = $aTag . $cds->content->getById($imageid) . '</a>'; } else { // usual teaser $headline = $query->field("HEADLINE"); $body = $query->field("BODY"); $linktext = $query->field("LINKTEXT"); if ($linktext == "") { $linktext = "read more"; } $result = '<div class="teaser">'; if ($headline != "") { $result .= '<b>' . $headline . '</b><br>'; } if ($imageid != "0") { $result .= $aTag . $cds->content->getById($imageid) . '</a><br>'; } if ($body != "") { $result .= $body; } if ($query->field("RESOLVECHILDS") != "1" || $spid == "0" && $href == "") { $result .= ' ' . $aTag . $linktext . '</a>'; } else { $childs = $menu->lowerLevel(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) { $result .= '<br/>'; $result .= $childs[$i]->getTag(); } } $result .= '</div>'; } } return $result; }
<?php require_once "nxheader.inc.php"; include $cds->path . "inc/header.php"; // Start of individual template echo '<h1>User Login</h1>'; echo '<center>'; $menu = new Menu(null, $cds->pageId, $cds->variation, $cds->level); $action = $menu->getLink(); $le = value("le", "NOSPACES", ""); $mail = value("mail", "", ""); if ($le == 'unknown') { echo '<span style="color:#cc0000;">Error: The username is unknown.</span>'; } else { if ($le == "pwd") { echo '<span style="color:#cc0000;">Error: Incorrect password.</span>'; } else { if ($le == "confirm") { echo '<span style="color:#cc0000;">Error: You did not confirm your account yet.</span><br>Request E-Mail-Confirmation'; } } } echo '<form method="post" action="' . $action . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="' . $cds->pageId . '">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="v" value="' . $cds->variation . '">'; echo '<table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td width="180" align="left">E-Mail-Address:</td>'; echo '<td width="220" align="right"><input type="text" name="email" style="width:200px;" value="' . $mail . '"></td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>';
function getChildList(&$menu, $page_id, $treat_title = false) { if (CURRENT_SITE == 'admin') { $checkactive = false; $checkvisible = false; } else { $checkactive = true; $checkvisible = true; } $children = $menu->getChildren($page_id, $checkactive, $checkvisible); $html = ''; $submenu = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $html .= "\t<li>"; $info = $menu->getInfo($child['id']); if (isset($GLOBALS['page_id']) && $GLOBALS['page_id'] == $info['id']) { $html .= '<b>'; } $html .= Menu::getLink($info, $treat_title); if (isset($GLOBALS['page_id']) && $GLOBALS['page_id'] == $info['id']) { $html .= '</b>'; } if ($menu->isBranch($child['id'], $checkactive, $checkactive)) { $html .= Menu::getChildList($menu, $child['id'], $treat_title); } $html .= "</li>\n"; } if ($html) { $html = "<ul>\n" . $html . "</ul>\n\n"; } return $html; }
/** * Draw the most wanted links alphabetically sorted with the top links biggest. * @param integer $topCount Number of pages that will be returned * @param integer $itemsPerRow Number of items in one row * @param integer $minsize Minumum font size in pixel * @param integer $maxsize Maximum font size in pixel */ function drawBand($topCount=30, $itemsPerRow=10, $minsize=11,$maxsize=48) { global $cds; global $db; $max=0; $min=10000000000; $data = array(); $sql = "SELECT count( a.document_id ) AS nmu, d.String, n.NAME FROM pot_documents d, pot_accesslog a, sitepage p, sitepage_names n WHERE a.document_id = d.data_id AND d.string = p.SPID AND p.DELETED=0 AND p.VERSION=10 AND p.SPID=n.SPID AND n.VARIATION_ID=$cds->variation GROUP BY d.String, n.NAME ORDER BY n.NAME ASC LIMIT 0,".$topCount; $query = new query($db, $sql); while ($query->getrow()) { $menu = new Menu(null, $query->field("String"), $cds->variation, $cds->level ); $page = array($menu->getLink(), $query->field("nmu"), $query->field("NAME")); $max = max($max, $query->field("nmu")); $min = min($min, $query->field("nmu")); $data[] = $page; } $query->free(); $out = ""; for ($i=0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $size = round((($data[$i][1] - $min) / (($max-$min)+0.1)) * ($maxsize-$minsize) + $minsize); if ($size > $maxsize) $size = $maxsize; if ($size < $minsize) $size = $minsize; if (($i % $itemsPerRow) == 0) $out.= '<br/>'; $out.='<a href="'.$data[$i][0].'" style="font-size:'.$size.'px;">'.$data[$i][2].'</a> '; } return $out; }
/** * To be used in header.inc.php to determine the URI of the startpage. * to use. * @param integer ID of the variation the Startpage should be find in. * @returns integer Sitepage-ID of the first sitepage to use. */ function getStartPageURI($variation=0, $level=10) { global $c; $uri=0; $pageId = 0; if ($variation == 0) $variation = $c["stdvariation"]; $zeroTrans = getDBCell("state_translation", "OUT_ID", "IN_ID=0 AND LEVEL=10"); if ($level < 10) { $menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=0 ORDER BY POSITION ASC"); } else { $menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=$zeroTrans ORDER BY POSITION ASC"); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($menues); $i++) { $spids = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = " . $menues[$i] . " ORDER BY POSITION"); for ($j = 0; $j < count($spids); $j++) { if (!isSPExpired($spids[$j], $variation, $level)) { $pageId = $spids[$j]; $menu = new Menu(null, $pageId, $variation, $level); return $c["host"].$menu->getLink(); } } } }