$address = $CONFIG->API_URL . "eidsearch?id=http://metamorphosis.med.duth.gr/uid%23" . $nikolas->guid; $rdf_info = connectToSesame($address); $medParser = new MeducatorParser($rdf_info, true); if (count($medParser->results) > 0) { foreach ($medParser->results as $key => $value) { $resourceSesameID = $key; $resourceData = $value; } } else { $resourceData = array(); $resourceSesameID = ""; } $mM = new MeducatorMetadata($resourceSesameID, $resourceData); if ($mM->getID() != NULL && $mM->getID() != "") { $stats_single .= $nikolas->guid . "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("ID") . "|"; $creaguid = $nikolas->creatorg; $crea = get_entity($creaguid); $stats_single .= $crea->name . "|" . $crea->Affiliation . "|" . $mM->getData("title") . "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("language") . "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("metadataLanguage") . "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("created") . "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("citation") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("description") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("technicalDescription") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("educationalContext") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("teachingLearningInstructions") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("educationalObjectives") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("assessmentMethods") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= $mM->getData("educationalPrerequisites") != "" ? "YES" . "|" : "|"; $stats_single .= "\r\n";
* @uses $vars['profile'] Profile items from $CONFIG->profile, defined in profile/start.php for now */ require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . "/mmsearch/custom/MeducatorMetadata.php"; include dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . "/mmsearch/views/default/resources/properties_list.php"; $ts = time(); // $token = generate_action_token($ts); $editAction = false; $resourceData = array(); if (is_array($vars["data"]) && $vars["sesame_id"] != "") { $editAction = true; $resourceData = $vars["data"]; } $mM = new MeducatorMetadata($vars["sesame_id"], $vars["data"]); //print_r($mM); if ($editAction) { $auxResTitle = $mM->getData("title"); } else { $auxResTitle = page_owner_entity()->meducator3; } //echo "here1"; ?> <style type="text/css"> select { -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; color: #666666; font: 120% Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; padding: 3px; /*width: 100%;*/ }
<li class='custom_fields_edit_profile_category custom_profile_type_356'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='toggle_tabbed_nav("1969", this);'>Vocabularies </a></li> <li class='custom_fields_edit_profile_category custom_profile_type_356'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='toggle_tabbed_nav("1968", this);'>Companion</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="profile_manager_profile_edit_tab_content_wrapper"> <div id='profile_manager_profile_edit_tab_content_354' class='profile_manager_profile_edit_tab_content'> <p> <span class='custom_fields_more_info' id='more_info_meducator3'></span><span class='custom_fields_more_info_text' id='text_more_info_meducator3'>A descriptive title of the resource.</span><label> Resource Title<br /> </label> <input type="text" name="meducator3" value="<?php echo $mM->getData("title"); ?> " class="input-text"/> <br /> </p> <!-- <p> <span class='custom_fields_more_info' id='more_info_meducator1'></span><span class='custom_fields_more_info_text' id='text_more_info_meducator1'>Please give the exact full URL one can use to retrieve the resource. <br />e.g. http://labyrinth.sgul.ac.uk/mnode.asp?id=qgxlrdbu3lpfvf4jesngxlrdbtpr9kq</span> <label>URL of the Resource<br /></label> <div id="meducator1_div"> <input type="text" name="meducator1" value="" class="input-url"/> <br /> </div> </p>--> <p> <span class='custom_fields_more_info' id='more_info_meducator2'></span><span class='custom_fields_more_info_text' id='text_more_info_meducator2'>Resource descriptors within certain known cataloguing schemes. Can have multiple values. E.g. URN:isbn:0521523192, evip:vp:1000523</span><label>
$rdf_info = connectToSesame($address); $medParser = new MeducatorParser($rdf_info, true); if (count($medParser->results) > 0) { foreach ($medParser->results as $key => $value) { $resourceSesameID = $key; $resourceData = $value; } } else { $resourceData = array(); $resourceSesameID = ""; } $mM = new MeducatorMetadata($resourceSesameID, $resourceData); $stats = $nikolas->guid . "|"; $creaguid = $nikolas->creatorg; $crea = get_entity($creaguid); $stats .= $crea->name . "|" . $crea->Affiliation . "|" . $mM->getData("title"); // fwrite($ourFileHandle,$crea->name); // fwrite($ourFileHandle,"|".$crea->Affiliation); // fwrite($ourFileHandle,"|".$mM->getData("title")); $uris = $mM->getData("identifier"); if ($uris) { foreach ($uris as $uri) { $statsiden = $uri[description]; } } } // layout the page $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column', $area2); // draw the page page_draw($title, $body); fclose($ourFileHandle);
echo "<b>This resource has been added to the system as an external parent automatically by his metadata creator.For IPR licencing and metadata check the original source <br />"; } ?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"> <tr> <td class="txtResourceSubTitle"> License </td> <td class="txtResourceTitleMetaData"> <?php $lic = $mM->getData("rights"); if ($lic == "") { echo "No license has been declared. License your work with <a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/choose/\">Creative Commons</a>"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lic); $i++) { echo $i + 1 . ")" . $lic[$i] . "<br />"; } } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="txtResourceSubTitle"> Resource Language </td> <td class="txtResourceTitleMetaData">