Exemple #1
  * __getSenchaModel($fileModel):
  * This method is used by SenchaModel method to get all the table and column
  * information inside the Sencha Model .js file
  * It also tries to load the model from memory if does not exist parse the
  * model file and store it.
  * @param string $fileModel 'App.model.Example'
  * @return array|bool model array or failure
 public static function __getSenchaModel($fileModel)
     try {
         // Getting Sencha model as a namespace
         $jsSenchaModel = self::__getFileContent($fileModel);
         if (!$jsSenchaModel) {
             throw new Exception("Error opening the Sencha model file.");
         // remove functions at the end
         if (preg_match("/(?<!convert\\: )function\\([\r\n\t\\w \\-!\$%^&*()_+|~=`\\[\\]:\";'<>?,.\\/{}]*/", $jsSenchaModel)) {
             $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace("/(?<!convert\\: )function\\([\r\n\t\\w \\-!\$%^&*()_+|~=`\\[\\]:\";'<>?,.\\/{}]*/", '" "', $jsSenchaModel) . PHP_EOL . '});';
         // get the actual Sencha Model.
         preg_match('/Ext\\.define\\([a-zA-Z0-9\',. ]+(?P<extmodel>.+)\\);/si', $jsSenchaModel, $match);
         $jsSenchaModel = $match['extmodel'];
         // clean convert functions with false
         $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace('/function\\(.*\\){([\\s\\S])*?},/', "false },", $jsSenchaModel);
         // unnecessary Ext.define functions
         $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace('/(?P<spaces>[\\t\\n\\r ])|(?P<sencha>[\\d(),.:;A-Za-z{}]+?)|(?P<properties>\'[^\\n\\r\']+\')/', '$2$3', $jsSenchaModel);
         // add quotes to proxy Ext.Direct functions
         //$jsSenchaModel = preg_replace("/(read|create|update|destroy)([:])((\w|\.)*)/", "$1$2'$3'", $jsSenchaModel);
         // wrap with double quotes to all the properties
         $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace('/(,|\\{)(\\w*):/', "\$1\"\$2\":", $jsSenchaModel);
         // wrap with double quotes float numbers
         $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace("/([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)/", "\"\$1\"", $jsSenchaModel);
         // replace single quotes for double quotes
         // TODO: refine this to make sure doesn't replace apostrophes used in comments. example: don't
         $jsSenchaModel = preg_replace("(')", '"', $jsSenchaModel);
         $model = (array) json_decode($jsSenchaModel, true);
         if (!count($model)) {
             throw new Exception("Something went wrong converting it to an array. Model('{$fileModel}'). JSON Error: " . self::__JSONErrorTranslate(json_last_error()));
         // check if there are a defined table from the model
         if (!isset($model['table'])) {
             throw new Exception("Table property is not defined on Sencha Model. 'table:'");
         // check if there are a defined fields from the model
         if (!isset($model['fields'])) {
             throw new Exception("Fields property is not defined on Sencha Model. 'fields:'");
         if (!MatchaMemory::__storeSenchaModel($fileModel, $model)) {
             throw new Exception("Error storing sencha model into memory.");
         return $model;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
Exemple #2
  * __getSenchaModel($fileModel):
  * This method is used by SenchaModel method to get all the table and column
  * information inside the Sencha Model .js file
  * It also tries to load the model from memory if does not exist parse the
  * model file and store it.
  * @param string $fileModel 'App.model.Example'
  * @param null $instance
  * @return array|bool model array or failure
 public static function __getSenchaModel($fileModel, $instance = null)
     try {
         // Getting Sencha model as a namespace
         $jsSenchaModel = self::__getFileContent($fileModel);
         if (!$jsSenchaModel) {
             throw new Exception("Error opening the Sencha model file.");
         $jsSenchaModel = self::__CleanSenchaModel($jsSenchaModel);
         $model = (array) json_decode($jsSenchaModel, true);
         if (isset($instance)) {
             if (is_array($model['table'])) {
                 $model['table']['name'] .= '_' . $instance;
             } else {
                 $model['table'] .= '_' . $instance;
         if (!count($model)) {
             throw new Exception("Something went wrong converting it to an array. Model('{$fileModel}'). JSON Error: " . self::__JSONErrorTranslate(json_last_error()));
         // check if there are a defined table from the model
         if (!isset($model['table'])) {
             throw new Exception("Table property is not defined on Sencha Model. 'table:'");
         // check if there are a defined fields from the model
         if (!isset($model['fields'])) {
             throw new Exception("Fields property is not defined on Sencha Model. 'fields:'");
         if (!MatchaMemory::__storeSenchaModel($fileModel, $model, $instance)) {
             throw new Exception("Error storing sencha model into memory.");
         return $model;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;