Exemple #1
    echo "[FAILED]";
echo "\n\n";
echo "Checking MangosSRP::registerNewUser\n";
$calculated = MangosSRP::registerNewUser(TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD);
echo "calculated: ";
echo "expected:   " . TEST_SHA_PASS_HASH . "\n";
echo "Test result:\t";
if (strtolower($calculated['sha_pass_hash']) == strtolower(TEST_SHA_PASS_HASH)) {
    echo "[OK]";
} else {
    echo "[FAILED]";
echo "\n\n";
echo "Checking MangosSRP::isValidPassword\n";
$correct = MangosSRP::isValidPassword(TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD, TEST_S, TEST_V);
$incorrect = MangosSRP::isValidPassword(TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD, TEST_S, TEST_FALSE_V);
echo "calculated: {$correct}, {$incorrect}\n";
echo "expected:   true, false\n";
echo "Test result:\t";
if ($correct && !$incorrect) {
    echo "[OK]";
} else {
    echo "[FAILED]";
echo "\n\n";
Exemple #2
// these are some examples how to use MangosSRP. Note that these are only snipptes, the script alone does nothing but producing errors :)
require_once "MangosSRP.class.php";
// first: Registering a new user
// assumption: you made a form and the user sent his desired username/password
$databaseValues = MangosSRP::registerNewUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
$query = "INSERT INTO account(username, v, s) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']) . "', '" . $databaseValues['v'] . "', '" . $databaseValues['s'] . "')";
// second: Verifying a user's password
// this might be used to authenticate a password change for example
// assumption: you made a form and the user sent his username and password. Furthermore, you've looked up v and s for this account from the database.
$valid = MangosSRP::isValidPassword($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $databse_s, $database_v);
if ($valid) {
    echo "User authenticated successfully";
} else {
    echo "User authentication failed";
// third: changing users password
// assumption: you made a form and the user sent his username and password.
// of course, you should authentify him with his old data first. see above therefore
$databaseValues = MangosSRP::registerNewUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['new_password']);
$query = "UPDATE account v='" . $databaseValues['v'] . "', s='" . $databaseValues['s'] . "' WHERE username='******'username']) . "'";
echo $query;