public function returnData() { switch ($this->responseType) { case 'TEXT': header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=' . MAjaxTransformer::findOutputCharset($this->baseNode->getEncoding())); $data = MAjaxTransformer::toString($this->baseNode); return $data; break; case 'JSON': case 'OBJECT': $data = MAjaxTransformer::toJSON($this->baseNode); $header = 'Content-type: text/plain; '; if (Manager::getPage()->fileUpload) { $newdata = "{\"base64\":\"" . base64_encode($data) . "\"}"; $data = "<html><body><textarea>{$newdata}</textarea></body></html>"; $header = 'Content-type: text/html; '; } header($header . 'charset=' . MAjaxTransformer::findOutputCharset($this->baseNode->getEncoding())); return $data; break; case 'E4X': case 'XML': header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . MAjaxTransformer::findOutputCharset($this->baseNode->getEncoding())); $data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . MAjaxTransformer::find_output_charset($this->baseNode->getEncoding()) . '"?>' . MAjaxTransformer::toXML($this->baseNode); return $data; break; default: return 'ERROR: invalid response type \'' . $this->responseType . '\''; } }
public function generateInner() { $css = Manager::getAbsolutePath('core/classes/extensions/geshi/geshi.css'); Manager::getPage()->addStyleSheet($css); $cssCustom = Manager::getAppPath('public/css/geshiCustom.css'); if (file_exists($cssCustom)) { Manager::getPage()->addStyleSheet($cssCustom); } $source = $this->getText(); $language = $this->getLanguage(); $geshi = new GeSHi($source, $language); $this->setText($geshi->parse_code()); $this->inner = $this->render(); }
public function pluginButton() { Manager::getPage()->setTemplateName('plugin'); $fileInfo = pathinfo($this->data->filePath); $filePath = $this->data->filePath; do { $x = strpos($filePath, 'apps'); if ($x !== false) { $filePath = substr($filePath, $x + 5); } } while ($x !== false); $filePath = str_replace('/modules', '', $filePath); $context = new MContext($filePath); $controller = Manager::getController($context->getApp(), $context->getModule(), $context->getController(), $context); $controller->render($fileInfo['filename']); }
public function __construct($prompt) { parent::__construct(); $this->ajax = Manager::getAjax(); $this->page = Manager::getPage(); if ($this->ajax->isEmpty()) { $this->page->setName($prompt->getId()); $this->page->setContent($prompt); if (!$this->page->isPostBack()) { $this->page->onLoad("manager.doPrompt('{$prompt->getId()}')"); } $this->ajax->setId($this->page->getName()); $this->ajax->setType('prompt'); $this->ajax->setData($this->page->generate()); } $this->content = $this->ajax->returnData(); }
public function renderHandler() { $view = Manager::getView($this->getApplication(), $this->getModule(), 'handler', $this->getAction()); $page = Manager::getPage(); if ($go = $page->redirectTo) { //mdump('redirecting: ' . $go); $this->setResult(new MRedirect($view, $go)); } else { if ($window = $page->window) { $this->setResult(new MBrowserWindow()); } else { if ($binary = $page->binary) { //mdump('binary: ' . $binary); $this->setResult(new MRenderBinary($binary)); } else { if ($download = $page->download) { //mdump('download: ' . $download); $this->setResult(new MRenderBinary($download, false)); } else { if ($prompt = $page->prompt) { $page->clearContent(); parent::renderPrompt($prompt); } else { if (Manager::isAjaxCall()) { //mdump('mhandler:: renderjson'); $render = new MRenderJSON(); if (!$this->getResult()) { $this->setResult($render); } } else { //mdump('mhandler:: renderpage'); $render = new MRenderPage(); if (!$this->getResult()) { $this->setResult($render); } } } } } } } }
public function checkAccess($transaction, $access, $deny = false) { //mdump($transaction); //mdump('--------------------'); //mdump($access); $module = Manager::getModule(); $ok = false; if (!is_numeric($access)) { $access = $this->access[$access]; } if ($this->auth->isLogged()) { $login = $this->auth->getLogin(); // MLogin object $transaction = strtoupper($transaction); // Transaction name $isAdmin = $login->isAdmin(); // Is administrator? $rights = (int) $login->getRights($transaction); // user rights $rightsInAll = (int) $login->getRights('ALL'); // user rights in all transactions $ok = ($rights & $access) == $access || ($rightsInAll & $access) == $access || $isAdmin; if (!$ok && $deny) { $msg = _M('Acesso Negado') . "<br><br>\n" . "<center><big><i><font color=red>" . _M('Transação: ') . "{$transaction}</font></i></big></center><br><br>\n" . _M('Informe um login válido para acessar esta página.') . "<br>"; //$go = Manager::getCurrentURL(); //$error = MPrompt::error($msg, $go, $caption, ''); //Manager::prompt($error, $deny); throw new ESecurityException($msg); } } else { if ($deny) { $currentUrl = urlencode(Manager::getCurrentURL()); $module = Manager::getConf('login.module'); $url = Manager::getURL("{$module}/main.login", array('return_to' => $currentUrl)); Manager::getPage()->redirect($url); } } return $ok; }
/** * Fetch the HTML template file and send to browser via redirect. * * @param string string the template file name * * @return string */ public function execute($file) { $html = $this->fetch($file); $fname = substr(uniqid(md5(uniqid(""))), 0, 10) . '.html'; $fileexp = Manager::home . '/' . Manager::getConf('home.reports') . '/' . $fname; $fp = fopen($fileexp, 'x'); fwrite($fp, $html); fclose($fp); $fileout = Manager::getActionURL('manager', 'reports:' . $fname); Manager::getPage()->window($fileout); }
public function generate() { if (!count($this->columnWidth)) { return ''; } // default code for row selection if ($this->select != '') { $select = MActionControl::getHref($this->select); $this->addCode("{$this->tableId}.customSelect = function() { " . "var cells = this.get(this.rowSelected);" . "var url = '{$select}'; " . "for (c = 0; c < cells.length; ++c) {" . " url = url.replace('%' + c + '%', cells[c]);" . "}" . "manager.doLinkButton(url,'','','{$this->tableId}'); " . "};"); } $data = json_encode($this->value); $cols = json_encode($this->title); foreach ($this->columnStyle as $i => $style) { $cssCode .= ".field-" . $this->title[$i] . ' ' . ($style ?: '{}') . ' '; } $cssCode .= '.dgrid-row-even {background-color: #EEE}'; Manager::getPage()->addStyleSheetCode($cssCode); $template = new MTemplate(__DIR__); $template->context('manager', Manager::getInstance()); $template->context('data', $data); $template->context('cols', $cols); $template->context('id', $this->id); $js = $template->fetch('mtexttable.js'); $this->page->onLoad($js); $div = new MContentpane($this->id); $div->setWidth($this->width); $div->setHeight($this->scrollHeight); return $div->generate(); }
public function renderFlush($viewName = '', $parameters = array()) { Manager::getPage()->clearContent(); $this->renderContent($viewName, $parameters); $output = Manager::getPage()->generate(); $this->flush($output); }
public function generateInner() { $this->page->addDojoRequire('manager.TransferBox'); $id = $this->getId(); $idDiv = $id . '_div'; $isReadOnly = $this->getReadOnly() ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; // array Javascript com a lista $idListData = $id . '_data'; $listData = "var {$idListData} = [];\n"; if (!is_array($this->list)) { $this->list = array('0' => $this->list); } $i = 0; foreach ($this->list as $index => $value) { $listData .= "{$idListData}[{$i}] = { id: '{$index}', name: '{$value}', value: '{$value}' };\n"; $i++; } // array Javascript com a lista de valores correntes $idListValue = $id . '_value'; $listValue = "var {$idListValue} = [];\n"; if (!is_array($this->value)) { if (!is_null($this->value)) { $this->value = array('0' => $this->value); } } if (is_array($this->value)) { $i = 0; foreach ($this->value as $index => $value) { $listValue .= "{$idListValue}[{$i}] = '{$index}';\n"; $i++; } } $uniq = "store" . uniqid(); // instancia MTransferBox $sort = $this->sort ? "name" : ""; $code = <<<HERE \t\tvar {$id}_transferbox; \t\trequire([ \t\t\t"manager/TransferBox", \t\t\t"dojo/store/Memory", \t\t\t"dojo/store/Observable", "dojo/dom-construct", \t\t\t"dojo/domReady!" \t\t], function(TransferBox, Memory, Observable, domConstruct){ var l = dojo.query("input[type='hidden']"); l.forEach(function(item){ if ('{$id}') > -1){ domConstruct.destroy(; } }); {$listData} {$listValue} var {$uniq} = new Memory({\tidentifier: "id", data: {$idListData} }); {$uniq} = Observable({$uniq}); {$id}_transferbox{$uniq} = new TransferBox({store: {$uniq}, value: {$idListValue}, idHidden:'{$id}', sortProperty:'{$sort}'}, "{$idDiv}"); \t\t}); HERE; $this->page->onLoad($code); if (!$this->width) { $this->width = '200px'; } if (!$this->height) { $this->height = '150px'; } $css = "#{$idDiv} .dgrid {width: {$this->width}; height: {$this->height}; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;} " . "#{$idDiv} .buttons {width: 27px; display: {$isReadOnly};}"; Manager::getPage()->addStyleSheetCode($css); $controls = array(new MDiv($idDiv)); $group = new MBaseGroup($id . 'BaseGroup', $this->getCaption(), $controls); $this->inner = $group; }
public function generate() { $this->page->addDojoRequire('manager.DGrid'); $this->generateColumns(); $columns = json_encode($this->dcolumns); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id} = new Manager.DGrid('{$this->id}',{$this->firstIndex},'{$this->type}');"); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id}.idSelect = '{$this->idSelect}';"); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id}.firstIndex = {$this->firstIndex};"); $value = array(); foreach ($this->value as $i => $row) { foreach ($row as $j => $col) { $value[$i][$j] = $col->generate(); } } $data = json_encode($value); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id}.columns = {$columns};"); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id}.actionData = '{$this->actionData}';"); $this->page->onLoad("{$this->id}.startup();"); $div = new MContentpane($this->id); $div->setClass('mGrid'); $div->setWidth($this->width); $this->scrollHeight = '20em'; if ($this->scrollHeight) { $div->setHeight($this->scrollHeight); } else { // estilos para height:auto $this->cssCode .= <<<HERE #{$this->id} { height: auto; \t\t} \t\t#{$this->id} .dgrid-scroller { position: relative; overflow-y: hidden; \t\t} \t\t.has-ie-6 #{$this->id} .dgrid-scroller { /* IE6 doesn't react properly to hidden on this page for some reason */ overflow-y: visible; \t\t} \t\t#{$this->id} .dgrid-header-scroll { display: none; \t\t} \t\t#{$this->id} .dgrid-header { right: 0; \t\t} HERE; } Manager::getPage()->addStyleSheetCode($this->cssCode); return $div->generate(); }
/** * Processa o arquivo da view e inclui o conteudo no objeto Page. * @param type $controller * @param type $parameters * @return type */ public function process($controller, $parameters) { mtrace('view file = ' . $this->viewFile); $path = $this->getPath(); Manager::addAutoloadPath($path); $extension = pathinfo($this->viewFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $baseName = basename($this->viewFile); $content = ''; $page = Manager::getPage(); $this->controller = $controller; $this->data = $parameters; // $mlabelTemporario = new MFieldLabel(); // remover esta linha if ($extension == 'php') { $viewName = basename($this->viewFile, '.php'); mtrace($viewName); include_once $this->viewFile; $view = new $viewName(); $view->setView($this); $view->load(); if ($page->isPostBack()) { $view->eventHandler($this->data); $view->postback(); } $page->addContent($view); } elseif ($extension == 'xml') { $container = new MContainer(); $container->setView($this); $controls = $container->getControlsFromXML($this->viewFile); if (is_array($controls)) { foreach ($controls as $view) { if (is_object($view)) { //$view->setView($this); $view->load(); if ($page->isPostBack()) { $view->postback(); } $page->addContent($view); } } } } elseif ($extension == 'js' || $extension == 'html') { $template = new MTemplate(dirname($this->viewFile)); $template->context('manager', Manager::getInstance()); $template->context('page', Manager::getPage()); $template->context('view', $this); $template->context('data', $parameters); $template->context('template', $template); $content = $template->fetch($baseName); mtrace($baseName); $page->setContent($content); } elseif ($extension == 'wiki') { $wikiPage = file_get_contents($this->viewFile); $wiki = new MWiki(); $content = $wiki->parse('', $wikiPage); $page->setContent($content); } // return $content; }
private function handleNodeJavascript($node) { foreach ($node->attributes() as $property => $value) { if ($property == 'onload') { Manager::getPage()->onLoad($this->processValue(trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)))); } elseif ($property == 'code') { Manager::getPage()->addJsCode($this->processValue(trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)))); } elseif ($property == 'helper') { Manager::getPage()->onLoad($this->processValue(trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)))); } elseif ($property == 'file') { Manager::getPage()->addJsFile($this->processValue(trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)))); } } }
public function handlerComponent() { $module = $this->context->getModule(); $component = $this->context->getComponent(); mtrace('handler component=' . $component); $fileName = $component . '.php'; $file = Manager::getAppPath('components/' . $fileName, $module); $mlabelTemporario = new MFieldLabel(); // remover esta linha if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; $control = new $component(); $action = $this->context->getAction(); if ($action) { $content = $control->{$action}(); } else { $content = $control->generate(); } Manager::getPage()->setContent($content); if (Manager::isAjaxCall()) { $this->setResult(new MRenderJSON()); } else { $this->setResult(new MRenderPage()); } } else { throw new ERunTimeException(_M("App: [{$this->context->app}], Module: [{$this->context->module}], Component: [{$component}] not found!")); } }
public function js($type, $value) { if ($type == 'file') { Manager::getPage()->addJsFile($value); } elseif ($type == 'script') { Manager::getPage()->addScriptURL($value); } elseif ($type == 'code') { if (substr($value, -2) == 'js') { $value = file_get_contents($value); } Manager::getPage()->addJsCode($value); } }
public function __construct($description = '', $code = 0, $goTo = '') { parent::__construct($description); $this->ajax = Manager::getAjax(); $this->page = Manager::getPage(); }
public function getPage() { return Manager::getPage(); }
public function __construct() { $this->page = Manager::getPage(); }