function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('page_attributegroup_model'); $this->load->model('page_attributevalue_model'); $this->MODEL = $this->page_attributegroup_model; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->MODULE_CONF = $this->loadConfig($this->module); $this->_setDiskPaths(); $this->layout->setLayout('plain'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Add controller to wrapper title $this->layout->appendTitle('Util : Database'); $this->authentication->requirePermission('mysql'); // Set internal navigation variables $this->current_table = $this->uri->segment(2); $this->current_action = $this->uri->segment(3); $this->current_id = $this->uri->segment(4); $this->tables = $this->db->list_tables(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('admin/xml_builder'); $this->load->model('page_attributegroup_model'); $this->load->model('page_attributejoin_model'); $this->load->model('page_attributevalue_model'); if (!empty($this->ADMIN_CONF['google_api_key'])) { $this->layout->asset->add('js', $this->ADMIN_CONF['google_api_js'] . $this->ADMIN_CONF['google_api_key'], 'google', false); } $this->hide_redirects = $this->session->userdata('am_' . $this->module . '_hideredicts') ? $this->session->userdata('am_' . $this->module . '_hideredicts') : $this->hide_redirects; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->FILE_CONF = $this->loadConfig('file'); ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', 1); $this->upload_path = DOCROOT . zonepath($this->FILE_CONF['file_directory'], 'local') . '/' . $this->FILE_CONF['temp_folder'] . '/'; // Required models $this->load->model('page_model'); $this->load->model('page_attributejoin_model'); $this->load->model('page_attributevalue_model'); $this->load->model('template_model'); //error_reporting(E_ALL); }
public function _remap($action = null) { $this->getAccessItems(); switch ($action) { case 'create': $this->create(); break; case 'update': $this->update(); break; case 'index': parent::index(); break; default: $this->edit($action); break; } }
* moderators will be restricted to only the boards which they moderate, and cannot * perform any actions on the "Administration:" link-line. * * @package kusaba */ session_set_cookie_params(60 * 60 * 24 * 100); /* 100 Days */ session_start(); require 'config.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/dwoo.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/functions.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/manage.class.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/board-post.class.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/bans.class.php'; $dwoo_data->assign('styles', explode(':', KU_MENUSTYLES)); $manage_class = new Manage(); $bans_class = new Bans(); if (isset($_GET['graph'])) { $manage_class->ValidateSession(); require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/graph/phpgraphlib.php'; if (isset($_GET['type'])) { if ($_GET['type'] == 'day' || $_GET['type'] == 'week' || $_GET['type'] == 'postnum' || $_GET['type'] == 'unique' || $_GET['type'] == 'posttime') { $graph = new PHPGraphLib(600, 600); if ($_GET['type'] == 'day') { $setTitle = 'Posts per board in past 24hrs'; $graph->setTitle($setTitle); $results = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "boards` ORDER BY `name` ASC"); if (count($results) > 0) { $data = array(); foreach ($results as $line) { $posts = $tc_db->GetOne("SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY COUNT(*) FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "posts` WHERE `boardid` = " . $line['id'] . " AND `timestamp` > " . (time() - 86400) . "");
if ($post_reported === 'cleared') { echo _gettext('That post has been cleared as not requiring any deletion.') . '<br />'; } elseif ($post_reported) { echo _gettext('That post is already in the report list.') . '<br />'; } else { if ($post_class->Report()) { echo _gettext('Post successfully reported.') . '<br />'; } else { echo _gettext('Unable to report post. Please go back and try again.') . '<br />'; } } } else { echo _gettext('This board does not allow post reporting.') . '<br />'; } } elseif (isset($_POST['postpassword']) || (require_once KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/manage.class.php') && Manage::CurrentUserIsModeratorOfBoard($board_class->board['name'], $_SESSION['manageusername']) && ($ismod = true)) { } elseif (isset($_POST['postpassword']) || isset($_POST['moddelete']) && (require_once KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/manage.class.php') && Manage::CurrentUserIsModeratorOfBoard($board_class->board['name'], $_SESSION['manageusername']) && ($ismod = true)) { // They clicked the Delete button if ($_POST['postpassword'] != '' || $ismod) { if (md5($_POST['postpassword']) == $post_class->post['password'] || $ismod) { if (isset($_POST['fileonly'])) { if ($post_class->post['file'] != '' && $post_class->post['file'] != 'removed') { $post_class->DeleteFile(); $board_class->RegeneratePages(); if ($post_class->post['parentid'] != 0) { $board_class->RegenerateThreads($post_class->post['parentid']); } echo _gettext('Image successfully deleted from your post.') . '<br />'; } else { echo _gettext('Your post already doesn\'t have an image!') . '<br />'; } } else {
* kusaba; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * Manage menu * * Loaded when a user visits manage.php * * @package kusaba */ session_start(); require 'config.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/dwoo.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/functions.php'; require KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/manage.class.php'; $manage_class = new Manage(); $dwoo_data->assign('styles', explode(':', KU_MENUSTYLES)); $tpl_links = ''; if (!$manage_class->ValidateSession(true)) { $tpl_links .= '<li><a href="' . KU_WEBFOLDER . '" target="_top">' . _gettext('Home') . '</a></li>' . "\n"; $tpl_links .= '<li><a href="manage_page.php">' . ucfirst(_gettext('log in')) . '</a></li>'; } else { $manage_postpassword = md5_encrypt($_SESSION['manageusername'], KU_RANDOMSEED); $tpl_links .= _gettext('Welcome') . ', <strong>' . $_SESSION['manageusername'] . '</strong>'; if ($_SESSION['manageusername'] == 'admin') { $salt = $tc_db->GetOne("SELECT `salt` FROM " . KU_DBPREFIX . "staff WHERE `username` = " . $tc_db->qstr($_SESSION['manageusername'])); if ($_SESSION['managepassword'] == md5('admin' . $salt)) { $tpl_links .= '<br /><strong><font color="red">' . _gettext('NOTICE: You are using the default administrator account. Anyone can log in to this account, so a second administrator account needs to be created. Create another, log in to it, and delete this one.') . '</font></strong>'; } } $tpl_links .= '<br />' . _gettext('Staff rights') . ': <strong>';
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('No direct script access allowed'); } /* * Manage Controller */ class Manage extends Page { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::header('baseMVC - ' . $_SESSION['fullname'] . ' - Manage Your Content'); } public function getArticles() { $article_list = $this->select("SELECT * FROM BlogContent WHERE authorId = {$_SESSION['uid']} ORDER BY date DESC"); $this->view('manage_view', $article_list); } } $manage = new Manage(); $manage->getArticles(); $manage->footer();
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->url_admin = new URLAdmin(); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/head_foot/header.php"; include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/head_foot/footer.php"; require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/books/GetBook.php'; require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/lib/Manage.php"; $books = new GetBook(); $date = new Manage(); $array = $books->getBooks(); /** * TODO add search by */ ?> <!---source; --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <h3>Tous les livres</h3> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-lg-offset-4"> <input type="search" id="search" value="" class="form-control" placeholder="Rechercher"> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12">
// check the session variable, if exist, get them if (isset($_SESSION["user_name"])) { $user_name = $_SESSION["user_name"]; } if (isset($_SESSION["user_type"])) { $user_type = $_SESSION["user_type"]; } if (isset($user_name)) { // check if it is regular user if ($user_type == "a") { echo "<table width='100%' align='center'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align='right' style='color: #C15BAF; font-size: 24px;'>Welcome Admin! Press here to <a href='logout.php'>logout!</a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; $manage = new Manage(Hostname, DB - username, password, Database - Name); $manage->connect(); $manage->show_users(); $manage->get_user_name(); $manage->show_user_business_plan_information(); $manage->disconnect(); echo "<a href='register.php'>Register a New user</a>"; } else { if ($user_type == "r") { header("location: user.php"); } else { echo "Login in error"; } } } else { echo "Please enter username and password to login<br />";
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->activity_link = $this->admin_path . 'activity/'; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('site_maintenance'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('page_attributegroup_model'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
printf('File %s does not exist', $path); exit; } $cmd = $argv[1]; if ($cmd == 'project') { } elseif ($cmd == 'module') { $module = $argv[2]; $moduleDir = sprintf('%s/modules/%s', $this->settings['root'], $module); $moduleTemplatesDir = sprintf('%s/modules/%s/templates', $this->settings['root'], $module); $moduleControllerFile = sprintf('%s/modules/%s/controller.php', $this->settings['root'], $module); $moduleRoutesFile = sprintf('%s/modules/%s/routes.yml', $this->settings['root'], $module); $moduleModelsFile = sprintf('%s/modules/%s/models.yml', $this->settings['root'], $module); $controlllerContent = "<?php\n\nclass [[module]] {\n\tpublic function index(){\n\t\techo 'index :)';\n\t}\n}"; $controlllerContent = str_replace('[[module]]', ucfirst($module), $controlllerContent); $routesContent = "- route: ^\$\n controller: index"; $modelsContent = ''; if (!file_exists($moduleDir)) { mkdir($moduleDir); mkdir($moduleTemplatesDir); file_put_contents($moduleControllerFile, $controlllerContent); file_put_contents($moduleRoutesFile, $routesContent); file_put_contents($moduleModelsFile, $modelsContent); } else { echo "Module directory already exists.\n"; } } return 0; } } $manage = new Manage(); $manage->run();
<?php require_once "start.php"; require_once "manage_class.php"; require_once "url_class.php"; $manage = new Manage(); $url = new URL(); $func = $_REQUEST["func"]; if ($func == "add_cart") { $manage->addCart(); } elseif ($func == "delete_cart") { $manage->deleteCart(); } elseif ($func == "cart") { $manage->updateCart(); } elseif ($func == "order") { $success = $manage->addOrder(); } elseif ($func == "success_pay") { $success = $manage->successPay(); } elseif ($func == "fail_pay") { $success = $manage->failPay(); } elseif ($func == "status_pay") { $success = $manage->statusPay(); } else { exit; } if ($success) { $link = $url->message(); } else { $link = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] != "" ? $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] : $url->index(); } header("Location: {$link}");
/** * proccess_request * Process the request for the public area */ private function proccess_request() { global $lang; $this->template = 404; // Default template $this->pages = $this->get_pages(); // get theme pages // Prepare te request array to use the legacy request (?v=file.ext) if (check_value($_GET['v']) && preg_match("/^\\w*\\.jpg|png|gif\$/", $_GET['v'])) { $this->base_request = '?' . $this->request_array[1]; unset($this->request_array[1]); } @session_start(); if (count($_SESSION['ImagesUp']) > 0) { $_SESSION['ImagesUp'] = array_values($_SESSION['ImagesUp']); self::$uploaded = true; } if (chevereto_config('maintenance')) { $this->base_request = 'maintenance'; } // Switch according the request switch ($this->base_request) { case '': case 'index.php': @session_start(); $_SESSION['last_upload_request'] = time(); $this->template = 'index'; break; case 'json': json_prepare(); // Do a special trick for the json action=login if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { // Check for user match... $login_user = login_user($_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['keep']); if ($login_user !== false) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged in'); } else { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'invalid login'); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'logout') { do_logout(); $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged out'); } $json_array = check_value($json_array) ? $json_array : array('status' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'unauthorized'); session_write_close(); die(json_output($json_array)); break; case __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__: // View request $id_public = $this->request_array[1]; $this->template = !is_upload_result() ? 'view' : 'uploaded'; self::$is_viewer = true; break; case __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_UPLOADED__: @session_start(); if (count($_SESSION['ImagesUp']) > 0) { $this->template = 'uploaded'; self::$doctitle = $lang['doctitle_upload_complete']; } else { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__, 400); } break; case 'error-javascript': chevereto_die(array(get_lang_txt('critical_js_step_1'), get_lang_txt('critical_js_step_2')), 'JavaScript', array(get_lang_txt('critical_js'))); break; case '?chevereto': $this->template = 'bool'; break; // Legacy viewer // Legacy viewer case '?v=' . $_GET['v']: // View request $id_public = $_GET['v']; $this->legacy_redirect = true; break; case 'delete': case 'delete-confirm': //$delete_what = $this->request_array[1]; $id_public = $this->request_array[2]; $deleteHash = $this->request_array[3]; $this->template = $this->base_request; self::$is_viewer = true; break; case 'maintenance': $this->template = 'maintenance'; self::$doctitle = chevereto_config('doctitle'); break; default: // Pages request require_once $this->path_theme . 'pages/pages_config.php'; // We load the special pages config if (in_array($this->base_request . '.php', $this->pages) and $this->request_array[1] == '' and $pages_config[$this->base_request]['live']) { $this->template = 'pages/' . $this->base_request; self::$doctitle = $pages_config[$this->base_request]['title']; } else { $this->template = 'shorturl'; $id_public = $this->base_request; self::$is_viewer = true; } break; } // Ask for the login on index and pages if ($this->template == 'index' || $this->template == 'pages/' . $this->base_request) { if (conditional_config('private_mode')) { if (!is_logged_user()) { $doctitle = get_lang_txt('txt_enter_password') . ' - ' . chevereto_config('doctitle'); include __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM__ . 'login.php'; die; } } } if ($this->template == 'uploaded') { self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_upload_complete'); self::$image_info = $_SESSION['ImagesUp'][0]; self::$uploaded_images = $_SESSION['ImagesUp']; $_SESSION['ImagesUp'] = NULL; unset($_SESSION['ImagesUp']); } if (preg_match('/view|shorturl|delete/', $this->template) || $this->legacy_redirect) { // Test connection if ($this->dB->dead) { self::$doctitle = 'dB connection error'; $this->template = 404; } else { // get image info $imageID = $this->legacy_redirect ? $id_public : decodeID($id_public); self::$image_info = $this->dB->image_info($imageID); self::$id_public = $id_public; if (!is_array(self::$image_info)) { // Record? if ($this->template == 'delete-confirm') { json_output(array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'target image doesn\'t exists')); } else { $this->template = 404; } } else { if ($this->legacy_redirect) { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . encodeID(self::$image_info['image_id']), 301); } $target = get_image_target(self::$image_info); self::$image_target = $target['image_path']; self::$image_thumb_target = $target['image_thumb_path']; self::$image_url = absolute_to_url($target['image_path']); self::$image_thumb_url = absolute_to_url($target['image_thumb_path']); self::$image_filename = self::$image_info['image_filename']; self::$image_viewer = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . $id_public; self::$delete_image_url = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . 'delete/image/' . self::$id_public . '/' . self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']; $image_delete_proceed = !empty(self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']) && $deleteHash === self::$image_info['image_delete_hash'] ? true : false; switch ($this->template) { case 'delete': if (!$image_delete_proceed) { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . self::$id_public, 301); } self::$delete_image_confirm_url = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . 'delete-confirm/image/' . self::$id_public . '/' . self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']; self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_delete_confirm') . ' ' . self::$image_info['image_filename']; break; case 'delete-confirm': if (!$image_delete_proceed) { json_output(array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'invalid delete hash')); } else { require_once __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_CLASSES__ . 'class.manage.php'; $manage = new Manage(array('id' => self::$image_info['image_id'], 'action' => 'delete')); if ($manage->dead) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => $manage->error); } else { $json_array = $manage->process(); } } // Make the status_txt more readable... switch ($json_array['status_code']) { case 200: $json_array['status_txt'] = get_lang_txt('txt_image_deleted'); break; default: case 403: $json_array['status_txt'] = get_lang_txt('txt_error_deleting_image'); break; } json_output($json_array); break; default: self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_viewing_image') . ' ' . self::$image_info['image_filename']; break; } } } } if ($this->template == 404) { status_header(404); self::$doctitle = check_value(self::$doctitle) ? self::$doctitle : get_lang_txt('txt_404_title'); } else { status_header(200); } // We load the template if ($this->template == 'bool') { exit(json_encode(true)); } else { $this->load_template(); } }
public function picker() { if ($this->input->get_post('parent_id')) { $this->picker_parent_item = $this->MODEL->first()->getById($this->input->get_post('parent_id')); } else { $this->picker_parent_item = array(); } return parent::picker(); }
<?php include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/head_foot/header.php"; include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/head_foot/footer.php"; require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/lib/Manage.php"; require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/users/GetUser.php"; $date = new Manage(); $userData = new GetUser(); $array = $userData->getUserBySession($_SESSION['user']); ?> <div class="container-fluid well span6"> <div class="row-fluid"> <?php foreach ($array as $data) { ?> <div class="span8"> <h3>Nom d'utilisateur: <?php echo $data['user_name']; ?> </h3> <h5>Mon Adresse: <strong><?php echo $data['user_email']; ?> </strong></h5> <h5>Membre depuis: <strong><?php echo $date->getNameDate($data['user_registration_datetime']); ?> </strong></h5> </div>
function __construct($valid_request) { global $lang, $Login, $dB; @session_start(); // Redirect plain /admin/index.php access if (preg_match('/index\\.php/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $this->redirect($this->base_redirection($this->root_url), 301); } $admin_request = sanitize_path(str_replace(sanitize_path(__CHV_FOLDER_ADMIN__), "", str_replace(sanitize_path(__CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__) . '/', "", $valid_request))); // json?blabla instead of (folder?)/admin/json?blabla $this->request_array = explode('/', $admin_request); $request_file = str_replace('//', '/', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . str_replace(__CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__ == '/' ? '' : __CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__, '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); // Serve the static file or call the handler? if (file_exists($request_file) and !is_dir($request_file) and !preg_match('/php/', get_mime($request_file)) and trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') !== trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/')) { error_reporting(0); header('Content-Type: ' . get_mime($request_file) . '; Cache-Control: no-cache; Pragma: no-cache'); die(readfile($request_file)); } // Now, deny all direct access to the other resources if ((file_exists($request_file) or is_dir($request_file)) and trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') !== trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') and !$Login->is_admin()) { status_header(403); die('Forbidden'); } // Organize the source request $request_array_explode = explode('?', $this->request_array[0]); $request_base = $request_array_explode[0]; // Now, lets do sub request according to the base request switch ($request_base) { case '': break; // admin main // admin main case 'json': json_prepare(); // Do a special trick for the json action=login if ($_REQUEST['action'] !== 'login' and !is_admin()) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 401, 'status_txt' => 'unauthorized'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { // Check for admin match... $login_user = login_user($_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['keep']); if ($login_user == 'admin') { $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged in'); } else { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'invalid login'); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'logout') { do_logout(); $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged out'); } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'filelist') { require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.filelist.php'; $filelist = new FileList($_REQUEST['type'], $_REQUEST['sort'], $_REQUEST['limit'], $_REQUEST['keyword']); $json_array = $filelist->filelist; } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'uploaded') { // In some point there will be a stats class that will help us to output all the stats. This is just the number of uploaded files now. $json_array = array('total' => total_images_uploaded()); // The rest of the actions are for the manage class (delete|rename|resize) } else { require_once __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_CLASSES__ . 'class.manage.php'; $manage = new Manage($_REQUEST); if ($manage->dead) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => $manage->error); } else { $json_array = $manage->process(); } } $json_array = check_value($json_array) ? $json_array : array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'empty json'); die(json_output($json_array)); break; // json // json default: if (is_admin()) { status_header(404); die('Not found'); } else { status_header(403); die('Forbidden'); } break; } // Send the OK status header status_header(200); if (!is_admin()) { $doctitle = get_lang_txt('txt_enter_password') . ' - Chevereto File Manager'; require_once __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM__ . 'login.php'; } else { require_once __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_SYSTEM__ . 'header.php'; require_once __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_SYSTEM__ . 'filemanager.php'; } }
<?php require_once "start.php"; require_once "lib/manage_class.php"; $manage = new Manage(); if (isset($_POST["captcha"])) { echo $manage->checkCaptcha($_POST["captcha"]); } if (isset($_POST["data_type"]) && $_POST["data_type"] == "reserv") { echo $manage->reserv(); } elseif (isset($_POST["data_type"]) && $_POST["data_type"] == "send") { echo $manage->send(); } elseif (isset($_POST["vote"])) { $r = $manage->vote(); $manage->redirect($r); } else { exit; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if ($this->input->get("directory_path") == "" || $this->input->get("parent_id") == "") { exit("Please enter a directory_path and a parent_id"); } $this->load->model("file_model"); $this->load->helper("directory"); $output = ''; $year = $this->input->get('year'); $path = $this->input->get("directory_path"); $files = directory_map($path); foreach ($files as $key => $value) { $collection_xml = array(); $collection_xml[] = '<data>'; $collection_xml[] = '<title>' . $key . '</title>'; $collection_xml[] = '<subtitle>' . $year . '</subtitle>'; $collection_xml[] = '<thumbnail/>'; $collection_xml[] = '<images>'; //make a folder $fields = array(); $fields['title'] = $key; $fields['type'] = "collection"; $fields['parent_id'] = $this->input->get("parent_id"); $upload_result = $this->file_model->update($fields); $folder_id = $upload_result["file_id"]; //add files to folder $i = 0; while ($i < sizeof($value)) { $raw_file_name = $value[$i]; $pretty_file_name = $key . "_" . $value[$i]; $path = $this->input->get("directory_path") . "/" . $key . "/" . $raw_file_name; if (is_dir($path)) { continue; } if (!strpos($raw_file_name, '.jpg')) { continue; } $imagedata = getimagesize($path); $fields = array(); // Add tmp_file values to fields before update $fields['file_name'] = $pretty_file_name; $fields['title'] = $pretty_file_name; $fields['is_image'] = 1; $fields['mime'] = $imagedata["mime"]; $fields['type'] = "file"; $fields['parent_id'] = $folder_id; $fields['ext'] = substr($raw_file_name, sizeof($raw_file_name) - 5); $fields['options'] = array('image_size_str' => "width=\"" . $imagedata[0] . "\" height=\"" . $imagedata[1] . "\"", 'image_width' => $imagedata[0], 'image_height' => $imagedata[1]); // UPDATE DATABASE $upload_result = $this->file_model->update($fields); $collection_xml[] = '<image file_path="" file_title="" file_id="' . $upload_result['file_id'] . '"/>'; // Make sure the id directory exists $this->file_model->getIdDirectory($upload_result['server_path']); if (file_exists($path)) { // Move file (we need the id from insert) rename($path, $upload_result['server_path']); } $i++; } echo '<p>' . $key . '</p>'; $collection_xml[] = '</images>'; $collection_xml[] = '</data>'; $output .= $key . chr(10) . implode(chr(10), $collection_xml) . chr(10) . chr(10); } mail('*****@*****.**', 'IMG Import', $output); echo 'DONE!'; }