Exemple #1
 public function actionDel()
     $result = 0;
     if ($_POST['BrandIDs']) {
         $str = ',' . $_POST['BrandIDs'] . ',';
     $app = MakePromitBrand::model()->find('BrandName like "%' . $str . '%"');
     if ($app) {
         $errorMsg = '该品牌已授权删除失败';
         echo json_encode(array('success' => false, 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg));
     } else {
         $result = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->deleteByPk($_POST['BrandIDs']);
         if ($result > 0) {
             $errorMsg = '删除成功';
         } else {
             $errorMsg = '删除失败';
     echo json_encode(array('success' => $result > 0 ? true : false, 'errorMsg' => $errorMsg));
Exemple #2
        echo Yii::app()->createUrl("dealer/makequery/indexdetail/maker_id/" . $model['userID']);
        echo $model['name'];
                                        <td ><?php 
        echo $model['establish_year'];
                                        <td ><?php 
        echo '¥     ' . $model['year_sales_volume'];
        echo F::msubstr(MakeGoodsBrand::getBrands($model['userID']));
        //echo $model['userID'];
        $cars = MakeOrganCarRelation::model()->findAll('userID =' . $model['userID']);
        $k = 1;
        foreach ($cars as $car) {
            if ($k == 1) {
                $makecar .= TransportMake::getMake($car['makeCode']) . ' ' . TransportCar::getCar($car['carCode']);
            } else {
                $makecar .= ',' . TransportMake::getMake($car['makeCode']) . ' ' . TransportCar::getCar($car['carCode']);
Exemple #3
<table id="goods" style="height:510px"></table>
<div id="maketoolbar">
$organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID();
$cate = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->findAll('OrganID=:organID and UserID=:userID', array(':organID' => $organID, 'userID' => $organID));
$result = MakeGoodsCategory::model()->findAll('organID=:organID and userID=:userID', array(':organID' => $organID, ':userID' => $organID));
    <!-- 搜索 -->
    <div style="padding-left:12px;" id="quo_search">
        <p class="form-row">
            &nbsp;&nbsp;商品编号: <input class="width98 input" name="goodsNO" id="goodsno">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            商品名称: <input class="width98 input" name="goodsName" id="goodsname">&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OE号:&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class="width98 input" name="OENO" id="oe">&nbsp;&nbsp;
        <p class="form-row">
echo CHtml::dropDownlist('GoodsBrand', '', CHtml::listData($cate, 'BrandID', 'BrandName'), array('class' => 'width110 select', 'empty' => '请选择品牌', 'id' => 'goodsbrand'));
echo CHtml::dropDownlist('GoodsCategory', '', CHtml::listData($result, "id", "name"), array('class' => 'width110 select', 'empty' => '请选择类别', 'id' => 'goodscategory'));
            <!--            <label>&nbsp;&nbsp;时间段:</label>
                        <input class="easyui-datebox" type="text" style="width:88px" name="begintime" id="begintime">-<input class="easyui-datebox"  type="text" style="width:88px" name="endtime" id="endtime">&nbsp;-->
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label>适用车型:&nbsp;&nbsp;</label><input class="width98 input" name="carmodel" id="carmodel">
        <p class="form-row">
$res = Commonmodel::Getcpnames();
Exemple #4
  * 商品编号接口
 public static function GetGoodsByGoodsNo($goodsno, $manufacturer_ID)
     try {
         //$grade=MakeEmpowerDealer::model()->find('up_userID=:up_userID and dealer_id=:dealer_id',array(':up_userID'=>$manufacturer_ID,':dealer_id'=>$dealerID->id));
         //	  $sql=" select distinct a.id as goodsID,a.oe as OE, a.brand as brand ,a.NewVersion as verion_name,b.goodsno as goodsno,b.name as goodsname,b.price as makretprice,"
         //		."b.price".$grade->grade." as goodsprice,"
         //		." (select f.code  from tbl_parts_level f where b.parts_level=f.id) as parts_level,"
         //		." (select e.cp_name from tbl_goods_standard e where e.id=d.standard_id) as cp_name,"
         //		." (select c.name from tbl_goods_category c where c.id=a.category_id and a.manufacturer_id=c.manufacturer_id) as category"
         //		//." (select n.car from tbl_goods_vehicle m,tbl_vehicle n where m.Goods_ID='$goodsID' and n.VehicleID in (m.VehicleID)) as car"
         //		."  from tbl_goods a ,tbl_goods_version b,tbl_goods_template d,tbl_vehicle n"
         //		.'  where a.id=b.goods_id and a.NewVersion=b.version_name'
         //		."  and b.templet_id=d.id"
         //		."  and a.manufacturer_id=b.manufacturer_id"
         //		."  and a.ISdelete='N' and a.IsSale='Y'  "
         //		."  and a.manufacturer_id=$manufacturer_ID "
         //		."  and a.id=$goodsID"
         //		."  group by a.id order by a.id desc";
         //$sql=" select distinct a.id as goodsID ,a.oe as OE,a.brand as brand,a.NewVersion as verion_name,b.goodsno as goodsno,b.name as goodsname,b.price as marketprice,"
         //		."b.price".$grade->grade." as goodsprice,"
         //		." (select distinct f.code  from tbl_parts_level f where b.parts_level=f.id) as parts_level,"
         //		." (select distinct e.cp_name from tbl_goods_standard e where e.id=d.standard_id) as cp_name,"
         //		." (select distinct c.name from tbl_goods_category c where c.id=a.category_id and a.manufacturer_id=c.manufacturer_id) as category"
         //		."  from tbl_goods a ,tbl_goods_version b,tbl_goods_category c,tbl_goods_template d,tbl_goods_standard e,tbl_parts_level f,tbl_goods_values g"
         //		.'  where a.id=b.goods_id and a.NewVersion=b.version_name'
         //		."  and b.parts_level=f.id"
         //		."  and b.templet_id=d.id"
         //		."  and e.id=d.standard_id"
         //		."  and a.category_id=c.id"
         //		."  and b.values_id = g.id"
         //		."  and a.manufacturer_id=b.manufacturer_id"
         //		."  and a.ISdelete='N' and a.IsSale='Y'"
         //		."  and a.manufacturer_id='$manufacturer_ID' ";
         //		$sql.="  and b.goodsno='{$goodsno}'";
         //		$sql.="  group by a.id order by a.id desc";
         $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID();
         $brands = MakePromitBrand::model()->find('DealerID=' . $organID . ' and OrganID=' . $manufacturer_ID);
         $sql2 = "select distinct a.id as goodsID ,b.goods_category as category_id,b.goods_oe as OE,b.goods_brand as brand,b.organID,\n                \t\t \t    a.NewVersion as verion_name,b.goods_no as goodsno,b.goods_name as goodsname,\n                                b.benchmarking_brand,b.benchmarking_sn,a.create_time,d.Price," . " b.inventory as inventory,b.senddays,b.description,a.IsSale,b.standard_id" . " from  tbl_make_goods a ,tbl_make_goods_version b ,tbl_make_goods_vehicle c,tbl_make_price_relation d" . '  where a.id=b.goods_id and a.NewVersion=b.version_name' . "  and a.ISdelete='0' and b.ISdelete=0" . "  and a.organID='{$manufacturer_ID}' and b.goods_no='{$goodsno}'";
         $identity = Commonmodel::getIdentity(Yii::app()->user->id);
         if ($identity['identity'] == 2 && $brands['CustomerType']) {
             $sql2 .= " and d.TypeID= {$brands['CustomerType']} and d.GoodsID=a.id and d.Price is not null and a.IsSale=0";
         $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql2)->queryRow();
         if ($result) {
             $brandmodel = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->findByPK($result['brand']);
             $result['brand'] = $brandmodel['BrandName'];
             if ($result['Price']) {
                 $result['goodsprice'] = $result['Price'];
             //$result['goodsprice']=sprintf("%.2f", $result['salesprice'] * $ratio / 100);
         return $result;
     } catch (CDbException $e) {
         throw CDbException($e);
Exemple #5
 public function Getbrand($data)
     $ids = explode(',', $data);
     $ids = array_filter($ids);
     $substr = '';
     if (is_array($ids)) {
         foreach ($ids as $v) {
             $app = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->find('BrandID=' . $v);
             if ($substr) {
                 $substr .= ',' . $app->BrandName;
             } else {
                 $substr .= $app->BrandName;
         $substr = '<a title="' . $substr . '">' . $substr . '</a>';
     return $substr;
Exemple #6
            <th field="Payment" width="80">结算方式</th>  
            <th field="BrandName" width="120" align="left">授权品牌</th>    
            <th field="PromitArea" width="120">授权地域</th>    
            <th field="Phone" width="100">联系电话</th>    

<div id="toolbar">
    <div style="padding-left:12px;">
        <!--<form id="searchpromit" method="post">-->
        <p class="form-row">
            <span>机构名称:<input type="text" name="searchorganName"  class="width108 input "/></span>
            <span style="margin-left:30px">授权品牌:
$barnd = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->findAll('OrganID=:OrganID', array(':OrganID' => Commonmodel::getOrganID()));
$operate_region = CHtml::listData($barnd, "BrandID", "BrandName");
echo CHtml::dropDownList('searchBrandName', '', $operate_region, array('class' => 'width120 select', 'empty' => '请选择授权品牌'));
            <span style="margin-left:30px">授权地域:<?php 
$operate_data = Area::model()->findAll("grade=:grade", array(":grade" => 1));
$operate_region = CHtml::listData($operate_data, "id", "name");
echo CHtml::dropDownList('searchPromitArea', '', $operate_region, array('class' => 'width120 select', 'empty' => '请选择授权地域'));
Exemple #7
 public function actionExportprice()
     $type = $this->getCustomtype();
     $get = $this->getPriceresult();
     $result = $get['result'];
     foreach ($type as $v) {
         $atype[$v['TypeID']] = $v;
     if (!empty($_GET['ctype'])) {
         $type = array();
         $temp = explode(',', $_GET['ctype']);
         foreach ($atype as $k => $v) {
             if (in_array($k, $temp)) {
                 $type[$k]['TypeID'] = $k;
                 $type[$k]['TypeName'] = $atype[$k]['TypeName'];
     $objectPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
     $objectPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('A3', '商品编号(必填)');
     $objectPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('B3', '商品品牌');
     $objectPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue('C3', '标准名称');
     $cell = 'C';
     foreach ($type as $k => $v) {
         $objectPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue($cell . '3', $v['TypeName']);
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A1:' . $cell . '1');
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A1', '客户价格表');
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A2:' . $cell . '2');
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A2', '*注:请勿更改表头字段,防止改价失败!可按要求添加或删除商品数据。');
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A3:' . $cell . '3')->getFont()->setBold(true);
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A3:' . $cell . '3')->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
     $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A3:' . $cell . '3')->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER);
     $n = 0;
     foreach ($result as $val) {
         //            $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A'.($n+4) ,($n+1));
         $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('A' . ($n + 4), $val['goodsno']);
         $val['brandname'] = '';
         if (!empty($val['brand'])) {
             $brand = MakeGoodsBrand::model()->findByPK($val['brand']);
             $val['brandname'] = $brand['BrandName'];
         $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('B' . ($n + 4), $val['brandname']);
         $val['cp_name'] = '';
         if (!empty($val['standard_id'])) {
             $stand = Gcategory::model()->findByPk($val['standard_id']);
             $val['cp_name'] = $stand['name'];
         $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue('C' . ($n + 4), $val['cp_name']);
         $sql2 = "select Price,TypeID from tbl_make_price_relation where GoodsID={$val['goodsID']}";
         $price = DBUtil::queryAll($sql2);
         $pArr = array();
         if (!empty($price)) {
             foreach ($price as $v1) {
                 $pArr[$v1['TypeID']] = $v1['Price'];
         $cel = 'C';
         foreach ($type as $k => $v2) {
             if (array_key_exists($v2['TypeID'], $pArr)) {
                 $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($cel . ($n + 4), $pArr[$v2['TypeID']]);
             } else {
                 $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue($cel . ($n + 4), '');
         $currentRowNum = $n + 4;
         $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . ($n + 4) . ':' . $cel . $currentRowNum)->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER);
         $objectPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('A' . ($n + 4) . ':' . $cel . $currentRowNum)->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER);
     header('Content-Type : application/vnd.ms-excel');
     header('Content-Disposition:attachment;filename="' . iconv("utf-8", "gb2312", "客户价格表") . '.xls"');
     $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objectPHPExcel, 'Excel5');