protected static function usersSearchHandlerRenderer($users, $website) { $return = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { ob_start(); ?> <tr id="user-1" class="alternate"> <th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="user[]" value="1"></th> <td class="username column-username"> <input class="userId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $user['id']; ?> "/> <input class="userName" type="hidden" name="name" value="<?php echo $user['login']; ?> "/> <input class="websiteId" type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $website->id; ?> "/> <?php if (isset($user['avatar'])) { echo $user['avatar']; } ?> <strong><abbr title="<?php echo $user['login']; ?> "><?php echo $user['login']; ?> </abbr></strong> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> &location=<?php echo base64_encode('user-edit.php?user_id=' . $user['id']); ?> " title="Edit this user"><?php _e('Edit', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php if ($user['id'] != 1 && $user['login'] != $website->adminname) { ?> <span class="trash"> | <a class="user_submitdelete" title="Delete this user" href="#"><?php _e('Delete', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </span> <?php } else { if ($user['id'] == 1 || $user['login'] == $website->adminname) { ?> <span class="trash"> | <span title="This user is used for our secure link, it can not be deleted." style="color: gray"><?php _e('Delete', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This user is used for our secure link, it can not be deleted.', 'mainwp'), '', 'images/info.png', 'float: none !important;'); ?> </span> </span> <?php } } ?> </div> <div class="row-actions-working"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i> <?php _e('Please wait', 'mainwp'); ?> </div> </td> <td class="name column-name"><?php echo $user['display_name']; ?> </td> <td class="email column-email"><a href="mailto:<?php echo $user['email']; ?> "><?php echo $user['email']; ?> </a></td> <td class="role column-role"><?php echo self::getRole($user['role']); ?> </td> <td class="posts column-posts" style="text-align: left; padding-left: 1.7em ;"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=PostBulkManage&siteid=' . $website->id . '&userid=' . $user['id']); ?> "><?php echo $user['post_count']; ?> </a></td> <td class="website column-website"><a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> "><?php echo $website->url; ?> </a> <div class="row-actions"> <span class="edit"><a href="admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('Dashboard', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="admin.php?page=SiteOpen&websiteid=<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('WP Admin', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> </td> </tr> <?php $newOutput = ob_get_clean(); echo $newOutput; MainWPCache::addBody('Users', $newOutput); $return++; } return $return; }
public static function renderSettings() { $username = get_option("mainwp_api_username"); $password = MainWPUtility::decrypt(get_option('mainwp_api_password'), 'MainWPAPI'); ?> <div class="postbox mainwp_postbox" id="mainwp-account-information" section="setting-1"> <div class="handlediv"><br /></div> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('MainWP Account Information', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <div id="mainwp_api_errors" class="mainwp_error error" style="display: none"></div> <div id="mainwp_api_message" class="mainwp_updated updated" style="display: none"></div> <div class="mainwp_info-box-red" style="margin-top: 5px;"><?php _e('<strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: This section is being retired and is replaced by the new Extension API and <a href="" target="_blank">Uptime Robot Cron wp-cron</a> trigger directions. You no longer need to add any information to this section it is here for a limited time to allow previous users time to update their Extensions to the new API system and setup their Uptime Robot accounts.', 'mainwp'); ?> </div> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><label for="mainwp_api_username"><?php _e('Username', 'mainwp'); ?> </label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_api_username" class="mainwp-field mainwp-username" id="mainwp_api_username" size="35" value="<?php echo $username; ?> "/> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><label for="mainwp_api_password"><?php _e('Password', 'mainwp'); ?> </label></th> <td> <input type="password" name="mainwp_api_password" class="mainwp-field mainwp-password" id="mainwp_api_password" size="35" value="<?php echo $password; ?> "/> </td> </tr> <span class="submit"> <tr> <th scope="row" colspan="2"><input type="button" name="submit" id="mainwp-api-submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Login', 'mainwp'); ?> " /></th> </tr> </span> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Use MainWP Cron Trigger', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Enables the cron jobs triggered from the MainWP Member area. A MainWP login is required for this option.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_options_cron_jobs" id="mainwp_options_cron_jobs" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_cron_jobs') == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_options_cron_jobs"></label> </div><em style="display: inline;"><?php _e('Requires MainWP Login', 'mainwp'); ?> </em> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p> </div> </div> <?php }
protected static function renderRow($pConfig, $pCompare, $pVersion, $pGetter, $pExtraText = '', $pExtraCompare = null, $pExtraVersion = null, $toolTip = null, $whatType = null) { $currentVersion = call_user_func(array(MainWPServerInformation::getClassName(), $pGetter)); ?> <tr> <td class="mwp-not-generate-row"><?php if ($toolTip != null) { ?> <a href="" target="_blank"><?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip($toolTip); ?> </a><?php } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $pConfig; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $pCompare; ?> <?php echo ($pVersion === true ? 'true' : (is_array($pVersion) && isset($pVersion['version']) ? $pVersion['version'] : $pVersion)) . ' ' . $pExtraText; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $currentVersion === true ? 'true' : $currentVersion; ?> </td> <?php if ($whatType == 'filesize') { ?> <td><?php echo self::filesize_compare($currentVersion, $pVersion, $pCompare) ? '<span class="mainwp-pass"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Pass</span>' : '<span class="mainwp-warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Warning</span>'; ?> </td> <?php } else { if ($whatType == 'curlssl') { ?> <td><?php echo self::curlssl_compare($pVersion, $pCompare) ? '<span class="mainwp-pass"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Pass</span>' : '<span class="mainwp-warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Warning</span>'; ?> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td><?php echo version_compare($currentVersion, $pVersion, $pCompare) || $pExtraCompare != null && version_compare($currentVersion, $pExtraVersion, $pExtraCompare) ? '<span class="mainwp-pass"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Pass</span>' : '<span class="mainwp-warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Warning</span>'; ?> </td> <?php } } ?> </tr> <?php }
public static function renderAllSites(&$website, $updated, $groups, $statusses, $pluginDir) { if (!mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "edit_sites")) { mainwp_do_not_have_permissions("edit sites"); return; } $remote_destinations = apply_filters('mainwp_backups_remote_get_destinations', null, array('website' => $website->id)); $hasRemoteDestinations = $remote_destinations == null ? $remote_destinations : count($remote_destinations); ?> <div class="error below-h2" style="display: none;" id="ajax-error-zone"></div> <div id="ajax-information-zone" class="updated" style="display: none;"></div> <?php if ($updated) { ?> <div id="mainwp_managesites_edit_message" class="updated"><p><?php _e('Website updated.', 'mainwp'); ?> </p></div> <?php } ?> <form method="POST" action="" id="mainwp-edit-single-site-form" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('General Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Site Name', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_sitename" value="<?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> " class="regular-text mainwp-field mainwp-site"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Site URL', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_siteurl" disabled="disabled" value="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " class="regular-text mainwp-field mainwp-url" /> <span class="mainwp-form_hint-display"><?php _e('Site URL cannot be changed.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Administrator Username', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_siteadmin" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_siteadmin" value="<?php echo $website->adminname; ?> " class="regular-text mainwp-field mainwp-username"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Groups', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_addgroups" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_addgroups" value="" class="regular-text mainwp-field mainwp-groups"/> <span class="mainwp-form_hint"><?php _e('Separate groups by commas (e.g. Group 1, Group 2).', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <div id="selected_groups" style="display: block; width: 25em"> <?php if (count($groups) == 0) { echo 'No groups added yet.'; } $groupsSite = MainWPDB::Instance()->getGroupsByWebsiteId($website->id); foreach ($groups as $group) { echo '<div class="mainwp_selected_groups_item"><input type="checkbox" name="selected_groups[]" value="' . $group->id . '" ' . (isset($groupsSite[$group->id]) && $groupsSite[$group->id] ? 'checked' : '') . ' /> ' . $group->name . '</div>'; } ?> </div> <span class="description"><?php _e('Or assign existing groups.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Offline Checks', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <input type="radio" name="offline_checks" id="check_disabled" value="disabled" <?php echo !in_array($website->offline_checks, $statusses) ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <?php _e('Disabled', 'mainwp'); ?> <input type="radio" name="offline_checks" id="check_hourly" value="hourly" <?php echo $website->offline_checks == 'hourly' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <?php _e('Hourly', 'mainwp'); ?> <input type="radio" name="offline_checks" id="check_2xday" value="2xday" <?php echo $website->offline_checks == '2xday' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <?php _e('2x Day', 'mainwp'); ?> <input type="radio" name="offline_checks" id="check_daily" value="daily" <?php echo $website->offline_checks == 'daily' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <?php _e('Daily', 'mainwp'); ?> <input type="radio" name="offline_checks" id="check_weekly" value="weekly" <?php echo $website->offline_checks == 'weekly' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> Weekly <span class="mainwp-form_hint-display"><?php _e('Notifications are sent to:', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php echo MainWPUtility::getNotificationEmail(); ?> (<?php _e('this address can be changed', 'mainwp'); ?> <a href="<?php echo get_admin_url(); ?> admin.php?page=Settings"><?php _e('here', 'mainwp'); ?> </a>)</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Client Plugin Folder Option', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Default, files/folders on the child site are viewable.<br />Hidden, when attempting to view files a 404 file will be returned, however a footprint does still exist.<br /><strong>Hiding the Child Plugin does require the plugin to make changes to your .htaccess file that in rare instances or server configurations could cause problems.</strong>'); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="" name="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder" id="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_global" <?php echo $pluginDir == '' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_global"></label> </div>Global Setting (<a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings#network-footprint'); ?> ">Change Here</a>)<br/> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="default" name="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder" id="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_default" <?php echo $pluginDir == 'default' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_default"></label> </div>Default<br/> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="hidden" name="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder" id="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_hidden" <?php echo $pluginDir == 'hidden' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_hidden"></label> </div>Hidden (<strong>Note: </strong><i>If the heatmap is turned on, the heatmap javascript will still be visible.</i>) <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Require Backup Before Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Backup only works when enabled in the global settings as well.', 'mainwp'), admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings')); ?> </th> <td> <select id="mainwp_backup_before_upgrade" name="mainwp_backup_before_upgrade"> <option <?php echo $website->backup_before_upgrade == 1 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="1"><?php _e('Yes', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $website->backup_before_upgrade == 0 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="0"><?php _e('No', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $website->backup_before_upgrade == 2 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="2"><?php _e('Use Global Setting', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> </select> <i>(<?php _e('Default', 'mainwp'); ?> : <?php _e('Use Global Setting', 'mainwp'); ?> )</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Auto Update Core', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Auto update only works when enabled in the global settings as well.', admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate" id="mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate" <?php echo $website->automatic_update == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Ignore Core Updates', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Set to YES if you want to Ignore Core Updates.'); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_is_ignoreCoreUpdates" id="mainwp_is_ignoreCoreUpdates" <?php echo $website->is_ignoreCoreUpdates == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_is_ignoreCoreUpdates"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Ignore All Plugin Updates', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Set to YES if you want to Ignore All Plugin Updates.'); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_is_ignorePluginUpdates" id="mainwp_is_ignorePluginUpdates" <?php echo $website->is_ignorePluginUpdates == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_is_ignorePluginUpdates"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Ignore All Theme Updates', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Set to YES if you want to Ignore All Theme Updates.'); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_is_ignoreThemeUpdates" id="mainwp_is_ignoreThemeUpdates" <?php echo $website->is_ignoreThemeUpdates == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_is_ignoreThemeUpdates"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('mainwp_extension_sites_edit_tablerow', $website); ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Advanced Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table" style="width: 100%"> <?php $disabled_unique = empty($website->uniqueId) ? true : false; ?> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Child Unique Security ID: ', 'mainwp'); MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('The Unique Security ID adds additional protection between the Child plugin and your Main Dashboard. The Unique Security ID will need to match when being added to the Main Dashboard. This is additional security and should not be needed in most situations.'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_uniqueId" style="width: 350px;" <?php echo $disabled_unique ? 'disabled="disabled"' : ''; ?> name="mainwp_managesites_edit_uniqueId" value="<?php echo $website->uniqueId; ?> " class="mainwp-field mainwp-unique-id"/><span class="mainwp-form_hint">The Unique Security ID adds additional protection between the Child plugin and your Main Dashboard. The Unique Security ID will need to match when being added to the Main Dashboard. This is additional security and should not be needed in most situations.</span></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Verify Certificate', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Verify the childs SSL certificate. This should be disabled if you are using out of date or self signed certificates.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <select id="mainwp_managesites_edit_verifycertificate" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_verifycertificate"> <option <?php echo $website->verify_certificate == 1 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="1"><?php _e('Yes', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $website->verify_certificate == 0 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="0"><?php _e('No', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option <?php echo $website->verify_certificate == 2 ? "selected" : ""; ?> value="2"><?php _e('Use Global Setting', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> </select> <i>(Default: Yes)</i> </td> </tr> <!-- fake fields are a workaround for chrome autofill getting the wrong fields --> <input style="display:none" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered"/> <input style="display:none" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered"/> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div class="mainwp_info-box"><?php _e('If your Child Site is protected with HTTP basic authentication, please set the username and password for authentication here.', 'mainwp'); ?> </div></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('HTTP username: '******'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_http_user" style="width: 350px;" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_http_user" value="<?php echo empty($website->http_user) ? '' : $website->http_user; ?> " class="mainwp-field mainwp-username"/></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('HTTP password: '******'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="password" id="mainwp_managesites_edit_http_pass" style="width: 350px;" name="mainwp_managesites_edit_http_pass" value="<?php echo empty($website->http_pass) ? '' : $website->http_pass; ?> " class="mainwp-field mainwp-password"/></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Backup Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table" style="width: 100%"> <?php $globalArchiveFormat = get_option('mainwp_archiveFormat'); if ($globalArchiveFormat == false) { $globalArchiveFormat = 'tar.gz'; } if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'zip') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Zip'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar GZip'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar BZip2'; } } } } $backupSettings = MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteBackupSettings($website->id); $archiveFormat = $backupSettings->archiveFormat; $useGlobal = $archiveFormat == 'global'; ?> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Archive Format', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <table class="mainwp-nomarkup"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <span class="mainwp-select-bg"><select name="mainwp_archiveFormat" id="mainwp_archiveFormat"> <option value="global" <?php if ($useGlobal) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Global setting (<?php echo $globalArchiveFormatText; ?> )</option> <option value="zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'zip') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Zip</option> <option value="tar" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar</option> <option value="tar.gz" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar GZip</option> <option value="tar.bz2" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar BZip2</option> </select><label></label></span> </td> <td> <i> <span id="info_global" class="archive_info" <?php if (!$useGlobal) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> ><?php if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'zip') { ?> Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar') { ?> Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { ?> Creates a GZipped tar-archive. (Good compression, fast, low memory usage)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { ?> Creates a BZipped tar-archive. (Best compression, fast, low memory usage)<?php } ?> </span> <span id="info_zip" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)</span> <span id="info_tar" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates an uncompressed tar-archive. (No compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> <span id="info_tar.gz" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar.gz') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates a GZipped tar-archive. (Good compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> <span id="info_tar.bz2" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar.bz2') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates a BZipped tar-archive. (Best compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> </i> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride = $website->maximumFileDescriptorsOverride == 1; $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = $website->maximumFileDescriptorsAuto == 1; $maximumFileDescriptors = $website->maximumFileDescriptors; ?> <tr class="archive_method archive_zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum File Descriptors on Child', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('The maximum number of open file descriptors on the child hosting.', ''); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_global" <?php echo !$maximumFileDescriptorsOverride ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_global"></label> </div>Global Setting (<a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings'); ?> ">Change Here</a>)<br/> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="override" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_override" <?php echo $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_override"></label> </div>Override<br/><br /> <div style="float: left">Auto Detect: </div><div class="mainwp-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto" name="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto" <?php echo $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto"></label></div><div style="float: left"><i>(<?php _e('Enter a fallback value because not all hosts support this function.', 'mainwp'); ?> )</i></div><div style="clear:both"></div> <input type="text" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors" value="<?php echo $maximumFileDescriptors; ?> "/><span class="mainwp-form_hint"><?php _e('The maximum number of open file descriptors on the child hosting. 0 sets unlimited.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr class="archive_method archive_zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <th scope="row"><?php _e('Load Files in Memory Before Zipping', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('This causes the files to be opened and closed immediately, using less simultaneous I/O operations on the disk. For huge sites with a lot of files we advise to disable this, memory usage will drop but we will use more file handlers when backing up.', ''); ?> </th> <td> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_global" value="1" <?php if ($website->loadFilesBeforeZip == false || $website->loadFilesBeforeZip == 1) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> Global setting (<a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings'); ?> ">Change Here</a>)<br /> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_yes" value="2" <?php if ($website->loadFilesBeforeZip == 2) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> Yes<br /> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_no" value="0" <?php if ($website->loadFilesBeforeZip == 0) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> No<br /> </td> </tr> <?php if ($hasRemoteDestinations !== null) { do_action('mainwp_backups_remote_settings', array('website' => $website->id, 'hide' => 'no')); } ?> </table> </div> </div> <?php $plugin_upgrades = json_decode($website->plugin_upgrades, true); if (!is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { $plugin_upgrades = array(); } $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_pluginConflicts, true); ?> <?php do_action('mainwp-extension-sites-edit', $website); ?> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Update Site', 'mainwp'); ?> "/></p> </form> <?php }
public static function renderSettings() { $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $onlineNotifications = $userExtension == null || ($userExtension->offlineChecksOnlineNotification == null || $userExtension->offlineChecksOnlineNotification == '') ? '0' : $userExtension->offlineChecksOnlineNotification; ?> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-offline-check-options-settings"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Offline Check Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Online Notifications', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Network will monitor your sites for downtime and uptime. By default emails are only sent when your site is down.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_options_offlinecheck_onlinenotification" id="mainwp_options_offlinecheck_onlinenotification" <?php echo $onlineNotifications == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_options_offlinecheck_onlinenotification"></label> </div><?php _e('Enable notifications even when the website is online', 'mainwp'); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php }
public static function renderSites() { $globalView = true; $current_wpid = MainWPUtility::get_current_wpid(); if ($current_wpid) { $sql = MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsiteById($current_wpid); $globalView = false; } else { $sql = MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser(); } $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query($sql); if (!$websites) { return; } $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $total_themesIgnored = $total_pluginsIgnored = 0; $total_themesIgnoredAbandoned = $total_pluginsIgnoredAbandoned = 0; if ($globalView) { $decodedIgnoredPlugins = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_plugins, true); $decodedIgnoredThemes = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_themes, true); $total_pluginsIgnored = is_array($decodedIgnoredPlugins) ? count($decodedIgnoredPlugins) : 0; $total_themesIgnored = is_array($decodedIgnoredThemes) ? count($decodedIgnoredThemes) : 0; $decodedIgnoredPluginsAbandoned = json_decode($userExtension->dismissed_plugins, true); $decodedIgnoredThemesAbandoned = json_decode($userExtension->dismissed_themes, true); $total_pluginsIgnoredAbandoned = is_array($decodedIgnoredPluginsAbandoned) ? count($decodedIgnoredPluginsAbandoned) : 0; $total_themesIgnoredAbandoned = is_array($decodedIgnoredThemesAbandoned) ? count($decodedIgnoredThemesAbandoned) : 0; } $decodedDismissedPlugins = json_decode($userExtension->dismissed_plugins, true); $decodedDismissedThemes = json_decode($userExtension->dismissed_themes, true); $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_pluginConflicts, true); if (!is_array($globalIgnoredPluginConflicts)) { $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts = array(); } $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_themeConflicts, true); if (!is_array($globalIgnoredThemeConflicts)) { $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts = array(); } $total_wp_upgrades = 0; $total_plugin_upgrades = 0; $total_theme_upgrades = 0; $total_sync_errors = 0; $total_uptodate = 0; $total_offline = 0; $total_conflict = 0; $total_plugins_outdate = 0; $total_themes_outdate = 0; $allPlugins = array(); $pluginsInfo = array(); $allThemes = array(); $themesInfo = array(); $allPluginsOutdate = array(); $pluginsOutdateInfo = array(); $allThemesOutdate = array(); $themesOutdateInfo = array(); @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); $currentSite = null; $pluginsIgnored_perSites = $themesIgnored_perSites = array(); $pluginsIgnoredAbandoned_perSites = $themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites = array(); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if (!$globalView) { $currentSite = $website; } $wp_upgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'wp_upgrades'), true); if ($website->is_ignoreCoreUpdates) { $wp_upgrades = array(); } if (is_array($wp_upgrades) && count($wp_upgrades) > 0) { $total_wp_upgrades++; } $plugin_upgrades = json_decode($website->plugin_upgrades, true); if ($website->is_ignorePluginUpdates) { $plugin_upgrades = array(); } $theme_upgrades = json_decode($website->theme_upgrades, true); if ($website->is_ignoreThemeUpdates) { $theme_upgrades = array(); } $decodedPremiumUpgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'premium_upgrades'), true); if (is_array($decodedPremiumUpgrades)) { foreach ($decodedPremiumUpgrades as $crrSlug => $premiumUpgrade) { $premiumUpgrade['premium'] = true; if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'plugin') { if (!is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { $plugin_upgrades = array(); } if (!$website->is_ignorePluginUpdates) { $plugin_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } else { if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'theme') { if (!is_array($theme_upgrades)) { $theme_upgrades = array(); } if (!$website->is_ignoreThemeUpdates) { $theme_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } } } } if (is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { $ignored_plugins = json_decode($website->ignored_plugins, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $plugin_upgrades = array_diff_key($plugin_upgrades, $ignored_plugins); } $ignored_plugins = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_plugins, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $plugin_upgrades = array_diff_key($plugin_upgrades, $ignored_plugins); } $total_plugin_upgrades += count($plugin_upgrades); } if (is_array($theme_upgrades)) { $ignored_themes = json_decode($website->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $theme_upgrades = array_diff_key($theme_upgrades, $ignored_themes); } $ignored_themes = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $theme_upgrades = array_diff_key($theme_upgrades, $ignored_themes); } $total_theme_upgrades += count($theme_upgrades); } $ignored_plugins = json_decode($website->ignored_plugins, true); $ignored_themes = json_decode($website->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $ignored_plugins = array_filter($ignored_plugins); $pluginsIgnored_perSites = array_merge($pluginsIgnored_perSites, $ignored_plugins); } if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $ignored_themes = array_filter($ignored_themes); $themesIgnored_perSites = array_merge($themesIgnored_perSites, $ignored_themes); } $ignoredAbandoned_plugins = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($ignoredAbandoned_plugins)) { $ignoredAbandoned_plugins = array_filter($ignoredAbandoned_plugins); $pluginsIgnoredAbandoned_perSites = array_merge($pluginsIgnoredAbandoned_perSites, $ignoredAbandoned_plugins); } $ignoredAbandoned_themes = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($ignoredAbandoned_themes)) { $ignoredAbandoned_themes = array_filter($ignoredAbandoned_themes); $themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites = array_merge($themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites, $ignoredAbandoned_themes); } $plugins_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_info'), true); $themes_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_info'), true); if (is_array($plugins_outdate)) { if (is_array($ignoredAbandoned_plugins)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $ignoredAbandoned_plugins); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedPlugins)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $decodedDismissedPlugins); } $total_plugins_outdate += count($plugins_outdate); } if (is_array($themes_outdate)) { if (is_array($themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedThemes)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $decodedDismissedThemes); } $total_themes_outdate += count($themes_outdate); } if ($userExtension->site_view == 0) { //Keep track of all the plugins & themes if (is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { foreach ($plugin_upgrades as $slug => $plugin_upgrade) { if (!isset($allPlugins[$slug])) { $allPlugins[$slug] = 1; } else { $allPlugins[$slug]++; } $pluginsInfo[$slug] = array('name' => $plugin_upgrade['Name'], 'slug' => $plugin_upgrade['update']['slug'], 'premium' => isset($plugin_upgrade['premium']) ? $plugin_upgrade['premium'] : 0); } } ksort($allPlugins); if (is_array($theme_upgrades)) { foreach ($theme_upgrades as $slug => $theme_upgrade) { if (!isset($allThemes[$slug])) { $allThemes[$slug] = 1; } else { $allThemes[$slug]++; } $themesInfo[$slug] = array('name' => $theme_upgrade['Name'], 'premium' => isset($theme_upgrade['premium']) ? $theme_upgrade['premium'] : 0); } } ksort($allThemes); if (is_array($plugins_outdate)) { foreach ($plugins_outdate as $slug => $plugin_outdate) { if (!isset($allPluginsOutdate[$slug])) { $allPluginsOutdate[$slug] = 1; } else { $allPluginsOutdate[$slug]++; } $pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug] = array('Name' => $plugin_outdate['Name'], 'last_updated' => isset($plugin_outdate['last_updated']) ? $plugin_outdate['last_updated'] : 0); } } ksort($allPluginsOutdate); if (is_array($themes_outdate)) { foreach ($themes_outdate as $slug => $theme_outdate) { if (!isset($allThemesOutdate[$slug])) { $allThemesOutdate[$slug] = 1; } else { $allThemesOutdate[$slug]++; } $themesOutdateInfo[$slug] = array('name' => $theme_outdate['Name'], 'slug' => dirname($slug), 'last_updated' => isset($theme_outdate['last_updated']) ? $theme_outdate['last_updated'] : 0); } } ksort($allThemesOutdate); } if ($website->sync_errors != '') { $total_sync_errors++; } if ($website->uptodate == 1) { $total_uptodate++; } if ($website->offline_check_result == -1) { $total_offline++; } $pluginConflicts = json_decode($website->pluginConflicts, true); $themeConflicts = json_decode($website->themeConflicts, true); $ignoredPluginConflicts = json_decode($website->ignored_pluginConflicts, true); if (!is_array($ignoredPluginConflicts)) { $ignoredPluginConflicts = array(); } $ignoredThemeConflicts = json_decode($website->ignored_themeConflicts, true); if (!is_array($ignoredThemeConflicts)) { $ignoredThemeConflicts = array(); } $isConflict = false; if (count($pluginConflicts) > 0) { foreach ($pluginConflicts as $pluginConflict) { if (!in_array($pluginConflict, $ignoredPluginConflicts) && !in_array($pluginConflict, $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts)) { $isConflict = true; } } } if (!$isConflict && count($themeConflicts) > 0) { foreach ($themeConflicts as $themeConflict) { if (!in_array($themeConflict, $ignoredThemeConflicts) && !in_array($themeConflict, $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts)) { $isConflict = true; } } } if ($isConflict) { $total_conflict++; } } $errorsDismissed = get_user_option('mainwp_syncerrors_dismissed'); ?> <div class="clear"> <div id="mainwp-right-now-message" class="mainwp-right-now-error" <?php if ($total_sync_errors <= 0 || $globalView && $errorsDismissed) { echo ' style="display: none;"'; } ?> > <p> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <span id="mainwp-right-now-message-content"><?php echo $total_sync_errors; ?> <?php echo _n('Site Timed Out / Errored', 'Sites Timed Out / Errored', $total_sync_errors, 'mainwp'); ?> (There was an error syncing some of your sites. <a href="">Please check this help doc for possible solutions.</a>)</span><span style="float: right;"><a href="#" id="mainwp-right-now-message-dismiss"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> <?php _e('Dismiss', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> <?php } else { ?> <span id="mainwp-right-now-message-content"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $currentSite->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($currentSite->name); ?> </a> <?php _e('Timed Out / Errored', 'mainwp'); ?> (There was an error syncing some of your sites. <a href="">Please check this help doc for possible solutions.</a>)</span> <?php } ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php $total_pluginsIgnored += count($pluginsIgnored_perSites); $total_themesIgnored += count($themesIgnored_perSites); $total_pluginsIgnoredAbandoned += count($pluginsIgnoredAbandoned_perSites); $total_themesIgnoredAbandoned += count($themesIgnoredAbandoned_perSites); //WP Upgrades part: $total_upgrades = $total_wp_upgrades + $total_plugin_upgrades + $total_theme_upgrades; ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row-top"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_upgrades; ?> </span> <?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); if ($total_upgrades != 1) { echo "s"; } ?> <?php _e('available', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_wordpress") && mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins") && mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><?php if ($total_upgrades == 0) { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('Upgrade Everything', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_global_upgrade_all();" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button"><?php _e('Upgrade Everything', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_wp_upgrades; ?> </span> <?php _e('WordPress upgrade', 'mainwp'); if ($total_wp_upgrades != 1) { echo "s"; } ?> <?php _e('available', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <a href="#" id="mainwp_upgrades_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('upgrades');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_wordpress")) { if ($total_wp_upgrades > 0) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_wordpress_global_upgrade_all();" class="button-primary"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $total_wp_upgrades, 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('No Upgrades', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <div id="wp_upgrades" style="display: none"> <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->is_ignoreCoreUpdates) { continue; } $wp_upgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'wp_upgrades'), true); if (count($wp_upgrades) == 0 && $website->sync_errors == '') { continue; } ?> <div class="mainwp-row mainwp_wordpress_upgrade" site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " updated="<?php echo count($wp_upgrades) > 0 ? '0' : '1'; ?> "> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " value="<?php if (count($wp_upgrades) > 0) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } ?> "/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col wordpressInfo" id="wp_upgrade_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php if (count($wp_upgrades) > 0) { echo $wp_upgrades['current'] . " to " . $wp_upgrades['new']; } else { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { echo __('Site Error - No update Information available', 'mainwp'); } else { echo __("Hooray, No Updates Available!", 'mainwp'); } } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col wordpressAction"><div id="wp_upgradebuttons_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_wordpress")) { if (count($wp_upgrades) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="rightnow_upgrade(<?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } } ?> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank" class="mainwp-open-button button" ><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></div></span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php //WP plugin upgrades! ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_plugin_upgrades; ?> </span> <?php _e('Plugin upgrade', 'mainwp'); if ($total_plugin_upgrades != 1) { ?> s<?php } ?> <?php _e('available', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=PluginsIgnore'); ?> "><?php _e('Ignored', 'mainwp'); ?> (<?php echo $total_pluginsIgnored; ?> )</a></span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_plugin_upgrades_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('plugin_upgrades');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins")) { if ($total_plugin_upgrades > 0 && $userExtension->site_view == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_global_upgrade_all();" class="button-primary"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $total_plugin_upgrades, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { if ($total_plugin_upgrades > 0 && $userExtension->site_view == 0) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_global_upgrade_all();" class="button-primary"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $total_plugin_upgrades, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('No Upgrades', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } } } ?> </span> </div> <div id="wp_plugin_upgrades" style="display: none"> <?php if ($userExtension->site_view == 1) { @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->is_ignorePluginUpdates) { continue; } $plugin_upgrades = json_decode($website->plugin_upgrades, true); $decodedPremiumUpgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'premium_upgrades'), true); if (is_array($decodedPremiumUpgrades)) { foreach ($decodedPremiumUpgrades as $crrSlug => $premiumUpgrade) { $premiumUpgrade['premium'] = true; if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'plugin') { if (!is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { $plugin_upgrades = array(); } $plugin_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } } $ignored_plugins = json_decode($website->ignored_plugins, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $plugin_upgrades = array_diff_key($plugin_upgrades, $ignored_plugins); } $ignored_plugins = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_plugins, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $plugin_upgrades = array_diff_key($plugin_upgrades, $ignored_plugins); } if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " value="<?php if (count($plugin_upgrades) > 0) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } ?> "/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col" id="wp_upgrade_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (count($plugin_upgrades) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" id="mainwp_plugin_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _show" onClick="return rightnow_show('plugin_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> ', true);"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo count($plugin_upgrades); ?> <?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); echo count($plugin_upgrades) > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> <?php } else { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { echo __('Site Error - No update Information available', 'mainwp'); } else { echo __("Hooray, No Updates Available!", 'mainwp'); } } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><div id="wp_upgradebuttons_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins")) { if (count($plugin_upgrades) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_upgrade_plugin_all(<?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', count($plugin_upgrades), 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank" class="mainwp-open-button button"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </div></span> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="wp_plugin_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($plugin_upgrades as $plugin_name => $plugin_upgrade) { $plugin_name = urlencode($plugin_name); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" plugin_slug="<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " premium="<?php echo isset($plugin_upgrade['premium']) ? $plugin_upgrade['premium'] : 0 ? 1 : 0; ?> " updated="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . $plugin_upgrade['update']['slug'] . '&url=' . (isset($plugin_upgrade['PluginURI']) ? rawurlencode($plugin_upgrade['PluginURI']) : '') . '&name=' . rawurlencode($plugin_upgrade['Name']) . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $plugin_upgrade['Name']; ?> "><?php echo $plugin_upgrade['Name']; ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " value="0"/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_upgrade_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> "><?php echo $plugin_upgrade['Version']; ?> to <?php echo $plugin_upgrade['update']['new_version']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <div id="wp_upgradebuttons_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_ignore_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($plugin_upgrade['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )" class="button"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins")) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_upgrade_plugin(<?php echo $website->id; ?> , '<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ')"><?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } else { foreach ($allPlugins as $slug => $cnt) { $plugin_name = urlencode($slug); if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . $pluginsInfo[$slug]['slug'] . '&url=' . (isset($plugin_upgrade['PluginURI']) ? rawurlencode($plugin_upgrade['PluginURI']) : '') . '&name=' . rawurlencode($plugin_upgrade['Name']) . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> "> <?php echo $pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ');"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo $cnt; ?> <?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); echo $cnt > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_ignore_all('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ')"><?php _e('Ignore Globally', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins")) { ?> <?php if ($cnt > 0) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_upgrade_all('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ')"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $cnt, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('No Upgrades', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div plugin_slug="<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " plugin_name="<?php echo urlencode($pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> " premium="<?php echo $pluginsInfo[$slug]['premium'] ? 1 : 0; ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->is_ignorePluginUpdates) { continue; } $plugin_upgrades = json_decode($website->plugin_upgrades, true); $decodedPremiumUpgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'premium_upgrades'), true); if (is_array($decodedPremiumUpgrades)) { foreach ($decodedPremiumUpgrades as $crrSlug => $premiumUpgrade) { $premiumUpgrade['premium'] = true; if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'plugin') { if (!is_array($plugin_upgrades)) { $plugin_upgrades = array(); } $plugin_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } } $ignored_plugins = json_decode($website->ignored_plugins, true); if (is_array($ignored_plugins)) { $plugin_upgrades = array_diff_key($plugin_upgrades, $ignored_plugins); } if (!isset($plugin_upgrades[$slug])) { continue; } $plugin_upgrade = $plugin_upgrades[$slug]; ?> <div class="mainwp-row" site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " updated="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . $pluginsInfo[$slug]['slug'] . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> "> <?php echo $pluginsInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo"><?php echo $plugin_upgrade['Version']; ?> to <?php echo $plugin_upgrade['update']['new_version']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_ignore_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($plugin_upgrade['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_plugins")) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_upgrade('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php //WP theme upgrades! ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_theme_upgrades; ?> </span> <?php _e('Theme upgrade', 'mainwp'); if ($total_theme_upgrades != 1) { ?> s<?php } ?> <?php _e('available', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=ThemesIgnore'); ?> "><?php _e('Ignored', 'mainwp'); ?> (<?php echo $total_themesIgnored; ?> )</a></span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_theme_upgrades_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('theme_upgrades');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <?php if ($total_theme_upgrades > 0 && $userExtension->site_view == 1) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_themes_global_upgrade_all();" class="button-primary"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $total_theme_upgrades, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { if ($total_theme_upgrades > 0 && $userExtension->site_view == 0) { ?> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_themes_global_upgrade_all();" class="button-primary"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $total_theme_upgrades, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('No Upgrades', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } } ?> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <div id="wp_theme_upgrades" style="display: none"> <?php if ($userExtension->site_view == 1) { @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->is_ignoreThemeUpdates) { continue; } $theme_upgrades = json_decode($website->theme_upgrades, true); $decodedPremiumUpgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'premium_upgrades'), true); if (is_array($decodedPremiumUpgrades)) { foreach ($decodedPremiumUpgrades as $crrSlug => $premiumUpgrade) { $premiumUpgrade['premium'] = true; if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'theme') { if (!is_array($theme_upgrades)) { $theme_upgrades = array(); } $theme_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } } $ignored_themes = json_decode($website->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $theme_upgrades = array_diff_key($theme_upgrades, $ignored_themes); } $ignored_themes = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $theme_upgrades = array_diff_key($theme_upgrades, $ignored_themes); } if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " value="<?php if (count($theme_upgrades) > 0) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } ?> "/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col" id="wp_upgrade_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (count($theme_upgrades) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" id="mainwp_theme_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _show" onClick="return rightnow_show('theme_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> ', true);"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo count($theme_upgrades); ?> <?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); echo count($theme_upgrades) > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> <?php } else { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { echo __('Site Error - No update Information available', 'mainwp'); } else { echo __("Hooray, No Updates Available!", 'mainwp'); } } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <div id="wp_upgradebuttons_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <?php if (count($theme_upgrades) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_upgrade_theme_all(<?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', count($theme_upgrades), 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank" class="mainwp-open-button button"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </div> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="wp_theme_upgrades_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($theme_upgrades as $theme_name => $theme_upgrade) { $theme_name = urlencode($theme_name); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" theme_slug="<?php echo $theme_name; ?> " theme_name="<?php echo $theme_upgrade['Name']; ?> " premium="<?php echo isset($themesInfo[$theme_name]['premium']) && $themesInfo[$theme_name]['premium'] ? 1 : 0; ?> " updated="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><?php if ($globalView) { ?> <?php } echo $theme_upgrade['Name']; ?> <input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $theme_name; ?> " value="0"/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_upgrade_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $theme_name; ?> "><?php echo $theme_upgrade['Version']; ?> to <?php echo $theme_upgrade['update']['new_version']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <div id="wp_upgradebuttons_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $theme_name; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_ignore_detail('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($theme_upgrade['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="rightnow_upgrade_theme(<?php echo $website->id; ?> , '<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ')"><?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } else { foreach ($allThemes as $slug => $cnt) { $theme_name = urlencode($slug); if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php echo $themesInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_themes_detail('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ');"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo $cnt; ?> <?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); echo $cnt > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_ignore_all('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($themesInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ')"><?php _e('Ignore Globally', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <?php if ($cnt > 0) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_upgrade_all('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($themesInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ')"><?php echo _n('Upgrade', 'Upgrade All', $cnt, 'mainwp'); ?> </a><?php } else { ?> <a class="button" disabled="disabled"><?php _e('No Upgrades', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div theme_slug="<?php echo $theme_name; ?> " theme_name="<?php echo urlencode($themesInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> " premium="<?php echo $themesInfo[$slug]['premium'] ? 1 : 0; ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->is_ignoreThemeUpdates) { continue; } $theme_upgrades = json_decode($website->theme_upgrades, true); $decodedPremiumUpgrades = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'premium_upgrades'), true); if (is_array($decodedPremiumUpgrades)) { foreach ($decodedPremiumUpgrades as $crrSlug => $premiumUpgrade) { $premiumUpgrade['premium'] = true; if ($premiumUpgrade['type'] == 'theme') { if (!is_array($theme_upgrades)) { $theme_upgrades = array(); } $theme_upgrades[$crrSlug] = $premiumUpgrade; } } } $ignored_themes = json_decode($website->ignored_themes, true); if (is_array($ignored_themes)) { $theme_upgrades = array_diff_key($theme_upgrades, $ignored_themes); } if (!isset($theme_upgrades[$slug])) { continue; } $theme_upgrade = $theme_upgrades[$slug]; ?> <div class="mainwp-row" site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " updated="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a> <?php } else { echo $themesInfo[$slug]['name']; } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo"><?php echo $theme_upgrade['Version']; ?> to <?php echo $theme_upgrade['update']['new_version']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_ignore_detail('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($theme_upgrade['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "update_themes")) { ?> <a href="#" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_upgrade('<?php echo $theme_name; ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php //WP plugin Abandoned! ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_plugins_outdate; ?> </span> <?php _e('Plugin', 'mainwp'); if ($total_plugins_outdate != 1) { echo 's'; } ?> <?php _e('Possibly Abandoned', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This feature checks the last updated status of plugins and alerts you if not updated in a specific amount of time. This gives you insight on if a plugin may have been abandoned by the author.', 'mainwp'), '', 'images/info.png', 'float: none !important;'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=PluginsIgnoredAbandoned'); ?> "><?php _e('Ignored', 'mainwp'); ?> (<?php echo $total_pluginsIgnoredAbandoned; ?> )</a></span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_plugins_outdate_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('plugins_outdate');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <div id="wp_plugins_outdate" style="display: none"> <?php $str_format = __("Last Updated %s Days Ago", "mainwp"); if ($userExtension->site_view == 1) { @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $plugins_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_info'), true); if (!is_array($plugins_outdate)) { $plugins_outdate = array(); } if (count($plugins_outdate) > 0) { $pluginsOutdateDismissed = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($pluginsOutdateDismissed)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $pluginsOutdateDismissed); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedPlugins)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $decodedDismissedPlugins); } } if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " value="<?php if (count($plugins_outdate) > 0) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } ?> "/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col" id="wp_outdate_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (count($plugins_outdate) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" id="mainwp_plugins_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _show" onClick="return rightnow_show('plugins_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> ', true);"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo count($plugins_outdate); ?> <?php _e('Plugin', 'mainwp'); echo count($plugins_outdate) > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> <?php } else { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { echo __('Site Error - No update Information available', 'mainwp'); } else { echo __("Hooray, No Abandoned Plugins!", 'mainwp'); } } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><div id="wp_upgradebuttons_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank" class="mainwp-open-button button"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </div></span> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="wp_plugins_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($plugins_outdate as $slug => $plugin_outdate) { $plugin_name = urlencode($slug); $now = new \DateTime(); $last_updated = $plugin_outdate['last_updated']; $plugin_last_updated_date = new \DateTime('@' . $last_updated); $diff_in_days = $now->diff($plugin_last_updated_date)->format('%a'); $outdate_notice = sprintf($str_format, $diff_in_days); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" plugin_outdate_slug="<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " dismissed="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . dirname($slug) . '&url=' . (isset($plugin_outdate['PluginURI']) ? rawurlencode($plugin_outdate['PluginURI']) : '') . '&name=' . rawurlencode($plugin_outdate['Name']) . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $plugin_outdate['Name']; ?> "><?php echo $plugin_outdate['Name']; ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_dismissed_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " value="0"/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_outdate_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> "><?php echo $plugin_outdate['Version']; ?> | <?php echo $outdate_notice; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <div id="wp_dismissbuttons_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_dismiss_outdate_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($plugin_outdate['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } else { foreach ($allPluginsOutdate as $slug => $cnt) { $plugin_name = urlencode($slug); if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . dirname($slug) . '&url=' . (isset($plugin_outdate['PluginURI']) ? rawurlencode($plugin_outdate['PluginURI']) : '') . '&name=' . rawurlencode($plugin_outdate['Name']) . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']; ?> "> <?php echo $pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_outdate_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ');"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo $cnt; ?> <?php _e('Plugin', 'mainwp'); echo $cnt != 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_abandoned_ignore_all('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']); ?> ')"><?php _e('Ignore Globally', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div plugin_outdate_slug="<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " plugin_name="<?php echo urlencode($pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $plugins_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_info'), true); if (!is_array($plugins_outdate)) { $plugins_outdate = array(); } if (count($plugins_outdate) > 0) { $pluginsOutdateDismissed = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'plugins_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($pluginsOutdateDismissed)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $pluginsOutdateDismissed); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedPlugins)) { $plugins_outdate = array_diff_key($plugins_outdate, $decodedDismissedPlugins); } } if (!isset($plugins_outdate[$slug])) { continue; } $plugin_outdate = $plugins_outdate[$slug]; $now = new \DateTime(); $last_updated = $plugin_outdate['last_updated']; $plugin_last_updated_date = new \DateTime('@' . $last_updated); $diff_in_days = $now->diff($plugin_last_updated_date)->format('%a'); $outdate_notice = sprintf($str_format, $diff_in_days); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " outdate="1"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url() . 'plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . dirname($slug) . '&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=477'; ?> " target="_blank" class="thickbox" title="More information about <?php echo $pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']; ?> "> <?php echo $pluginsOutdateInfo[$slug]['Name']; ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_outdate_plugin_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> "><?php echo $plugin_outdate['Version']; ?> | <?php echo $outdate_notice; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_plugins_dismiss_outdate_detail('<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($plugin_outdate['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php //WP theme Abandoned! ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_themes_outdate; ?> </span> <?php _e('Theme', 'mainwp'); if ($total_themes_outdate != 1) { echo 's'; } ?> <?php _e('Possibly Abandoned', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This feature checks the last updated status of themes and alerts you if not updated in a specific amount of time. This gives you insight on if a theme may have been abandoned by the author.', 'mainwp'), '', 'images/info.png', 'float: none !important;'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=ThemesIgnoredAbandoned'); ?> "><?php _e('Ignored', 'mainwp'); ?> (<?php echo $total_themesIgnoredAbandoned; ?> )</a></span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_themes_outdate_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('themes_outdate');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <div id="wp_themes_outdate" style="display: none"> <?php if ($userExtension->site_view == 1) { @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $themes_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_info'), true); if (!is_array($themes_outdate)) { $themes_outdate = array(); } if (count($themes_outdate) > 0) { $themesOutdateDismissed = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($themesOutdateDismissed)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $themesOutdateDismissed); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedThemes)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $decodedDismissedThemes); } } if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a><input type="hidden" id="wp_upgraded_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " value="<?php if (count($themes_outdate) > 0) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } ?> "/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col" id="wp_outdate_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <?php if (count($themes_outdate) > 0) { ?> <a href="#" id="mainwp_themes_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _show" onClick="return rightnow_show('themes_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> ', true);"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo count($themes_outdate); ?> <?php _e('Theme', 'mainwp'); echo count($themes_outdate) > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> <?php } else { if ($website->sync_errors != '') { echo __('Site Error - No update Information available', 'mainwp'); } else { echo __("Hooray, No Abandoned Themes!", 'mainwp'); } } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><div id="wp_upgradebuttons_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank" class="mainwp-open-button button"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </div></span> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="wp_themes_outdate_<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($themes_outdate as $slug => $theme_outdate) { $slug = urlencode($slug); $now = new \DateTime(); $last_updated = $theme_outdate['last_updated']; $theme_last_updated_date = new \DateTime('@' . $last_updated); $diff_in_days = $now->diff($theme_last_updated_date)->format('%a'); $outdate_notice = sprintf($str_format, $diff_in_days); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" theme_outdate_slug="<?php echo $slug; ?> " dismissed="0"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <?php } echo $theme_outdate['Name']; ?> <input type="hidden" id="wp_dismissed_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $slug; ?> " value="0"/></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_outdate_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $slug; ?> "><?php echo $theme_outdate['Version']; ?> | <?php echo $outdate_notice; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <div id="wp_dismissbuttons_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $slug; ?> "> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_dismiss_outdate_detail('<?php echo $slug; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($theme_outdate['Name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } else { foreach ($allThemesOutdate as $slug => $cnt) { $slug = urlencode($slug); if ($globalView) { ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php echo $themesOutdateInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> <a href="#" onClick="return rightnow_themes_outdate_detail('<?php echo $slug; ?> ');"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php echo $cnt; ?> <?php _e('Theme', 'mainwp'); echo $cnt != 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> </a> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_abandoned_ignore_all('<?php echo $slug; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($themesOutdateInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ')"><?php _e('Ignore Globally', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> <div theme_outdate_slug="<?php echo $slug; ?> " theme_name="<?php echo urlencode($themesOutdateInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> " <?php if ($globalView) { ?> style="display: none"<?php } ?> > <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $themes_outdate = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_info'), true); if (!is_array($themes_outdate)) { $themes_outdate = array(); } if (count($themes_outdate) > 0) { $themesOutdateDismissed = json_decode(MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsiteOption($website, 'themes_outdate_dismissed'), true); if (is_array($themesOutdateDismissed)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $themesOutdateDismissed); } if (is_array($decodedDismissedThemes)) { $themes_outdate = array_diff_key($themes_outdate, $decodedDismissedThemes); } } if (!isset($themes_outdate[$slug])) { continue; } $theme_outdate = $themes_outdate[$slug]; $now = new \DateTime(); $last_updated = $theme_outdate['last_updated']; $theme_last_updated_date = new \DateTime('@' . $last_updated); $diff_in_days = $now->diff($theme_last_updated_date)->format('%a'); $outdate_notice = sprintf($str_format, $diff_in_days); ?> <div class="mainwp-row" site_id="<?php echo $website->id; ?> " site_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($website->name); ?> " outdate="1"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"> <?php if ($globalView) { ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $themesOutdateInfo[$slug]['name']; ?> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col pluginsInfo" id="wp_outdate_theme_<?php echo $website->id; ?> _<?php echo $slug; ?> "><?php echo $theme_outdate['Version']; ?> | <?php echo $outdate_notice; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col pluginsAction"> <?php if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "ignore_unignore_updates")) { ?> <a href="#" class="button" onClick="return rightnow_themes_dismiss_outdate_detail('<?php echo $slug; ?> ', '<?php echo urlencode($themesOutdateInfo[$slug]['name']); ?> ', <?php echo $website->id; ?> )"><?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <?php //Sync errors! if ($total_sync_errors > 0) { ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_sync_errors; ?> </span> Error<?php if ($total_sync_errors > 1) { ?> s<?php } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_errors_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('errors');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <div id="wp_errors" style="display: none"> <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->sync_errors == '') { continue; } ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"><?php echo $website->sync_errors; ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" class="mainwp_rightnow_site_reconnect" siteid="<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('Reconnect', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php //Good - some are up to date! if ($total_uptodate > 0) { ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"><?php echo $total_uptodate; ?> </span> <?php _e('Up to date', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_uptodate_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('uptodate');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <div id="wp_uptodate" style="display: none"> <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { if ($website->uptodate != 1) { continue; } ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="<?php echo $website->url; ?> " target="_blank"><?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); $site_ids = array(); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $site_ids[] = $website->id; } do_action('mainwp_rightnow_widget_bottom', $site_ids, $globalView); ?> <div class="clear"> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><span class="mainwp-rightnow-number"> <img class="down-img" style="margin-bottom: -3px;" title="<?php echo $total_sync_errors > 0 ? 'Site Disconnected' : ($total_conflict > 0 ? 'Plugin or Theme Conflict Found' : ($total_offline > 0 ? 'Site is Offline' : 'Site is Online')); ?> " alt="<?php echo $total_sync_errors > 0 ? 'Sync errors' : ($total_conflict > 0 ? 'Conflict Found' : ($total_offline > 0 ? 'Site Down' : 'Site Up')); ?> " src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/' . ($total_sync_errors > 0 ? 'disconnected' : ($total_conflict > 0 ? 'conflict' : ($total_offline > 0 ? 'down' : 'up'))) . '.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " /></span> <span style="font-size: 18px !important;"><?php _e('Status', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"><a href="#" id="mainwp_status_show" onClick="return rightnow_show('status');"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> <?php _e('Show', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> </div> <div id="wp_status" style="display: none"> <?php //Loop 3 times, first we show the conflicts, then we show the down sites, then we show the up sites $SYNCERRORS = 0; $CONFLICTS = 1; $DOWN = 2; $UP = 3; for ($j = 0; $j <= 3; $j++) { @MainWPDB::data_seek($websites, 0); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $pluginConflicts = json_decode($website->pluginConflicts, true); $themeConflicts = json_decode($website->themeConflicts, true); $ignoredPluginConflicts = json_decode($website->ignored_pluginConflicts, true); if (!is_array($ignoredPluginConflicts)) { $ignoredPluginConflicts = array(); } $ignoredThemeConflicts = json_decode($website->ignored_themeConflicts, true); if (!is_array($ignoredThemeConflicts)) { $ignoredThemeConflicts = array(); } $hasSyncErrors = $website->sync_errors != ''; $isConflict = false; if (!$hasSyncErrors) { if (count($pluginConflicts) > 0) { foreach ($pluginConflicts as $pluginConflict) { if (!in_array($pluginConflict, $ignoredPluginConflicts) && !in_array($pluginConflict, $globalIgnoredPluginConflicts)) { $isConflict = true; } } } if (!$isConflict && count($themeConflicts) > 0) { foreach ($themeConflicts as $themeConflict) { if (!in_array($themeConflict, $ignoredThemeConflicts) && !in_array($themeConflict, $globalIgnoredThemeConflicts)) { $isConflict = true; } } } } $isDown = !$hasSyncErrors && !$isConflict && $website->offline_check_result == -1; $isUp = !$hasSyncErrors && !$isConflict && !$isDown; if ($j == $SYNCERRORS && !$hasSyncErrors) { continue; } if ($j == $CONFLICTS && !$isConflict) { continue; } if ($j == $DOWN && !$isDown) { continue; } if ($j == $UP && !$isUp) { continue; } ?> <div class="mainwp-row"> <span class="mainwp-left-col"><a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=managesites&dashboard=' . $website->id); ?> "><?php echo stripslashes($website->name); ?> </a></span> <span class="mainwp-mid-col"> <?php if ($isConflict) { ?> <span class="mainwp_status_conflict"><?php _e('Conflict Found', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </span> <span class="mainwp-right-col"> <?php if ($hasSyncErrors) { ?> <div style="position: absolute; padding-right: 10px; right: 50px;"><a href="#" class="mainwp_rightnow_site_reconnect" siteid="<?php echo $website->id; ?> "><?php _e('Reconnect', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><br /></div> <img class="down-img" title="Site Disconnected" alt="Sync Errors" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/disconnected.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " /> <?php } else { if ($isConflict) { ?> <img class="down-img" title="Plugin or Theme Conflict Found" alt="Conflict Found" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/conflict.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " /> <?php } else { if ($isDown) { ?> <img class="down-img" title="Site is Offline" alt="Site Down" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/down.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " /> <?php } else { ?> <img class="down-img" title="Site is Online" alt="Site Up" src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/up.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " /> <?php } } } ?> </span> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="rightnow-upgrade-status-box" title="Upgrade" style="display: none; text-align: center"> <div id="rightnow-upgrade-status-progress"></div> <span id="rightnow-upgrade-status-current">0</span> / <span id="rightnow-upgrade-status-total"></span> <?php _e('upgraded', 'mainwp'); ?> <div style="height: 160px; overflow: auto; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: left"> <table style="width: 100%" id="rightnow-upgrade-list"> </table> </div> <input id="rightnow-upgrade-status-close" type="button" name="Close" value="<?php _e('Close', 'mainwp'); ?> " class="button" /> </div> <div id="rightnow-backup-box" title="Full backup required" style="display: none; text-align: center"> <div style="height: 190px; overflow: auto; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: left" id="rightnow-backup-content"> </div> <input id="rightnow-backup-all" type="button" name="Backup All" value="<?php _e('Backup All', 'mainwp'); ?> " class="button-primary" /> <input id="rightnow-backup-ignore" type="button" name="Ignore" value="<?php _e('Ignore', 'mainwp'); ?> " class="button" /> </div> <div id="rightnow-backupnow-box" title="Full backup" style="display: none; text-align: center"> <div style="height: 190px; overflow: auto; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: left" id="rightnow-backupnow-content"> </div> <input id="rightnow-backupnow-close" type="button" name="Ignore" value="<?php _e('Cancel', 'mainwp'); ?> " class="button" /> </div> <?php @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); }
public static function renderNewEdit($task) { $selected_websites = array(); $selected_groups = array(); if ($task != null) { if ($task->sites != '') { $selected_websites = explode(',', $task->sites); } if ($task->groups != '') { $selected_groups = explode(',', $task->groups); } } $remote_destinations = apply_filters('mainwp_backups_remote_get_destinations', null, $task != null ? array('task' => $task->id) : array()); $hasRemoteDestinations = $remote_destinations == null ? $remote_destinations : count($remote_destinations); ?> <div class="mainwp_managbackups_taskoptions"> <?php //to add CSS Styling to the select sites box use the one below (this adds the css class mainwp_select_sites_box_right to the box) //MainWPUI::select_sites_box(__("Select Sites"), 'checkbox', true, true, 'mainwp_select_sites_box_right', '', $selected_websites, $selected_groups); ?> <?php MainWPUI::select_sites_box(__("Select Sites", 'mainwp'), 'checkbox', true, true, 'mainwp_select_sites_box_right', 'float: right !important; clear: both;', $selected_websites, $selected_groups, true); ?> <div class="mainwp_config_box_left"> <div class="postbox"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-history"></i> <?php _e('Schedule Backup', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table" style="width: 100%"> <tr class="form-field form-required"> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Task Name:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" id="mainwp_managebackups_add_name" class="mainwp-field mainwp-task-name" name="mainwp_managebackups_add_name" value="<?php echo isset($task) ? $task->name : ''; ?> " /><span class="mainwp-form_hint">e.g. Site1 Daily, Site1 Full Weekly, ...</span></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Task Schedule:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><a class="mainwp_action left backuptaskschedule <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->schedule == 'daily' ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="mainwp_managebackups_schedule_daily"><?php _e('DAILY', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a class="mainwp_action mid backuptaskschedule <?php echo isset($task) && $task->schedule == 'weekly' ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="mainwp_managebackups_schedule_weekly"><?php _e('WEEKLY', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a class="mainwp_action right backuptaskschedule <?php echo isset($task) && $task->schedule == 'monthly' ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="mainwp_managebackups_schedule_monthly"><?php _e('MONTHLY', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Backup File Name:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" name="backup_filename" id="backup_filename" class="mainwp-field mainwp-file-name" value="<?php echo isset($task) ? $task->filename : ''; ?> " /><span class="mainwp-form_hint" style="display: inline; max-width: 500px;">Allowed Structure Tags: <strong>%url%</strong>, <strong>%date%</strong>, <strong>%time%</strong>, <strong>%type%</strong></span> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Backup Type:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <a class="mainwp_action left <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->type != 'db' ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="backup_type_full"><?php _e('FULL BACKUP', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a class="mainwp_action right <?php echo isset($task) && $task->type == 'db' ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="backup_type_db"><?php _e('DATABASE BACKUP', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp_backup_exclude_files_content" <?php echo isset($task) && $task->type == 'db' ? 'style="display: none;"' : ''; ?> ><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-suggested"> <th scope="row" style="vertical-align: top"><?php _e('Suggested Exclude', 'mainwp'); ?> :</th> <td><p style="background: #7fb100; color: #ffffff; padding: .5em;"><?php _e('Every WordPress website is different but the sections below generally do not need to be backed up and since many of them are large in size they can even cause issues with your backup including server timeouts.', 'mainwp'); ?> </p></td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-backup-locations"> <td colspan="2"><h4><i class="fa fa-cloud-upload"></i> <?php _e('Known Backup Locations', 'mainwp'); ?> </h4></td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-backup-locations"> <td><label for="mainwp-known-backup-locations"><?php _e('Exclude', 'mainwp'); ?> </label><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp-known-backup-locations" <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->excludebackup == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; ?> ></td> <td class="mainwp-td-des"><a href="#" id="mainwp-show-kbl-folders"><?php _e('+ Show Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a href="#" id="mainwp-hide-kbl-folders"><?php _e('- Hide Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><br/> <textarea id="mainwp-kbl-content" disabled></textarea> <br/><?php _e('This adds known backup locations of popular WordPress backup plugins to the exclude list. Old backups can take up a lot of space and can cause your current MainWP backup to timeout.', 'mainwp'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-separator"><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 !important;"><hr /></td></tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-cache-locations"> <td colspan="2"><h4><i class="fa fa-cubes"></i> <?php _e('Known Cache Locations', 'mainwp'); ?> </h4></td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-cache-locations"> <td><label for="mainwp-known-cache-locations"><?php _e('Exclude', 'mainwp'); ?> </label><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp-known-cache-locations" <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->excludecache == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; ?> ></td> <td class="mainwp-td-des"><a href="#" id="mainwp-show-kcl-folders"><?php _e('+ Show Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a href="#" id="mainwp-hide-kcl-folders"><?php _e('- Hide Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><br/> <textarea id="mainwp-kcl-content" disabled></textarea> <br/><?php _e('This adds known cache locations of popular WordPress cache plugins to the exclude list. A cache can be massive with thousands of files and can cause your current MainWP backup to timeout. Your cache will be rebuilt by your caching plugin when the backup is restored.', 'mainwp'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-separator"><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 !important;"><hr /></td></tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-nonwp-folders"> <td colspan="2"><h4><i class="fa fa-folder"></i> <?php _e('Non-WordPress Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </h4></td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-nonwp-folders"> <td><label for="mainwp-non-wordpress-folders"><?php _e('Exclude', 'mainwp'); ?> </label><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp-non-wordpress-folders" <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->excludenonwp == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; ?> ></td> <td class="mainwp-td-des"><a href="#" id="mainwp-show-nwl-folders"><?php _e('+ Show Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a href="#" id="mainwp-hide-nwl-folders"><?php _e('- Hide Excluded Folders', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><br/> <textarea id="mainwp-nwl-content" disabled></textarea> <br/><?php _e('This adds folders that are not part of the WordPress core (wp-admin, wp-content and wp-include) to the exclude list. Non-WordPress folders can contain a large amount of data or may be a sub-domain or add-on domain that should be backed up individually and not with this backup.', 'mainwp'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-separator"><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 !important;"><hr /></td></tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-zips"> <td colspan="2"><h4><i class="fa fa-file-archive-o"></i> <?php _e('ZIP Archives', 'mainwp'); ?> </h4></td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-zips"> <td><label for="mainwp-zip-archives"><?php _e('Exclude', 'mainwp'); ?> </label><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp-zip-archives" <?php echo !isset($task) || $task->excludezip == 1 ? 'checked' : ''; ?> ></td> <td class="mainwp-td-des"><?php _e('Zip files can be large and are often not needed for a WordPress backup. Be sure to deselect this option if you do have zip files you need backed up.', 'mainwp'); ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp-exclude-separator"><td colspan="2" style="padding: 0 !important;"><hr /></td></tr> <tr class="mainwp_backup_exclude_files_content" <?php echo isset($task) && $task->type == 'db' ? 'style="display: none;"' : ''; ?> > <th scope="row" style="vertical-align: top"><h4 class="mainwp-custom-excludes"><i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i> <?php _e('Custom Excludes', 'mainwp'); ?> </h4></th> <td> <p style="background: #7fb100; color: #ffffff; padding: .5em;"><?php _e('Exclude any additional files that you do not need backed up for this site. Click a folder name to drill down into the directory.', 'mainwp'); ?> </p> <br /> <?php printf(__('Click directories to navigate. Click the red sign ( <img style="margin-bottom: -3px;" src="%s"> ) to exclude a folder.', 'mainwp'), plugins_url('images/exclude.png', dirname(__FILE__))); ?> <br /><br /> <table class="mainwp_excluded_folders_cont"> <tr> <td style="width: 280px"> <div id="backup_exclude_folders" class="mainwp_excluded_folders"></div> </td> <td> <?php _e('Excluded files & directories:', 'mainwp'); ?> <br/> <textarea id="excluded_folders_list"><?php $excluded = isset($task) ? $task->exclude : ""; if ($excluded != '') { $excluded = explode(',', $excluded); echo implode("/\n", $excluded) . "/\n"; } ?> </textarea> </td> </tr> </table> <span class="description"><strong><?php _e('ATTENTION:', 'mainwp'); ?> </strong> <?php _e('Do not exclude any folders if you are using this backup to clone or migrate the wordpress installation.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr> <?php if ($hasRemoteDestinations !== null) { ?> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Store Backup In:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <a class="mainwp_action left <?php echo !$hasRemoteDestinations ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="backup_location_local"><?php _e('LOCAL SERVER ONLY', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><a class="mainwp_action right <?php echo $hasRemoteDestinations ? 'mainwp_action_down' : ''; ?> " href="#" id="backup_location_remote"><?php _e('REMOTE DESTINATION', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> </td> </tr> <tr class="mainwp_backup_destinations" <?php echo !$hasRemoteDestinations ? 'style="display: none;"' : ''; ?> > <th scope="row"><?php _e('Backup Subfolder:', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td><input type="text" id="mainwp_managebackups_add_subfolder" name="backup_subfolder" value="<?php echo isset($task) ? $task->subfolder : 'MainWP Backups/%url%/%type%/%date%'; ?> "/><span class="mainwp-form_hint" style="display: inline; max-width: 500px;">Allowed Structure Tags: <strong>%sitename%</strong>, <strong>%url%</strong>, <strong>%date%</strong>, <strong>%task%</strong>, <strong>%type%</strong></span></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('mainwp_backups_remote_settings', array('task' => $task)); ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr> <?php $globalArchiveFormat = get_option('mainwp_archiveFormat'); if ($globalArchiveFormat == false) { $globalArchiveFormat = 'tar.gz'; } if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'zip') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Zip'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar GZip'; } else { if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { $globalArchiveFormatText = 'Tar BZip2'; } } } } $archiveFormat = isset($task) ? $task->archiveFormat : 'site'; $useGlobal = $archiveFormat == 'global'; $useSite = $archiveFormat == '' || $archiveFormat == 'site'; ?> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Archive Format', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <table class="mainwp-nomarkup"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <span class="mainwp-select-bg"><select name="mainwp_archiveFormat" id="mainwp_archiveFormat"> <option value="site" <?php if ($useSite) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Site specific setting</option> <option value="global" <?php if ($useGlobal) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Global setting (<?php echo $globalArchiveFormatText; ?> )</option> <option value="zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'zip') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Zip</option> <option value="tar" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar</option> <option value="tar.gz" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar GZip</option> <option value="tar.bz2" <?php if ($archiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Tar BZip2</option> </select><label></label></span> </td> <td> <i> <span id="info_site" class="archive_info" <?php if (!$useSite) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Depends on the settings of the child site</span> <span id="info_global" class="archive_info" <?php if (!$useGlobal) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> ><?php if ($globalArchiveFormat == 'zip') { ?> Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar') { ?> Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.gz') { ?> Creates a GZipped tar-archive. (Good compression, fast, low memory usage)<?php } elseif ($globalArchiveFormat == 'tar.bz2') { ?> Creates a BZipped tar-archive. (Best compression, fast, low memory usage)<?php } ?> </span> <span id="info_zip" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Uses PHP native Zip-library, when missing, the PCLZip library included in Wordpress will be used. (Good compression, fast with native zip-library)</span> <span id="info_tar" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates an uncompressed tar-archive. (No compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> <span id="info_tar.gz" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar.gz') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates a GZipped tar-archive. (Good compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> <span id="info_tar.bz2" class="archive_info" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'tar.bz2') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> >Creates a BZipped tar-archive. (Best compression, fast, low memory usage)</span> </i> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride = isset($task) ? $task->maximumFileDescriptorsOverride == 1 : false; $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto = isset($task) ? $task->maximumFileDescriptorsAuto == 1 : false; $maximumFileDescriptors = isset($task) ? $task->maximumFileDescriptors : 150; ?> <tr class="archive_method archive_zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum File Descriptors on Child', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('The maximum number of open file descriptors on the child hosting.', ''); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_global" <?php echo !$maximumFileDescriptorsOverride ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_global"></label> </div>Global Setting (<a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings'); ?> ">Change Here</a>)<br/> <div class="mainwp-radio" style="float: left;"> <input type="radio" value="override" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_override" <?php echo $maximumFileDescriptorsOverride ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptorsOverride_override"></label> </div>Override<br/><br /> <div style="float: left">Auto detect: </div><div class="mainwp-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto" name="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto" <?php echo $maximumFileDescriptorsAuto ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_maximumFileDescriptorsAuto"></label></div><div style="float: left"><i>(<?php _e('Enter a fallback value because not all hosts support this function.', 'mainwp'); ?> )</i></div><div style="clear:both"></div> <input type="text" name="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors" id="mainwp_options_maximumFileDescriptors" value="<?php echo $maximumFileDescriptors; ?> "/><span class="mainwp-form_hint"><?php _e('The maximum number of open file descriptors on the child hosting. 0 sets unlimited.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr class="archive_method archive_zip" <?php if ($archiveFormat != 'zip') { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <th scope="row">Load files in memory before zipping <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('This causes the files to be opened and closed immediately, using less simultaneous I/O operations on the disk. For huge sites with a lot of files we advise to disable this, memory usage will drop but we will use more file handlers when backing up.', ''); ?> </th> <td> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_global" value="1" <?php if (!isset($task) || $task->loadFilesBeforeZip == false || $task->loadFilesBeforeZip == 1) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> Global setting (<a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=Settings'); ?> ">Change Here</a>)<br /> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_yes" value="2" <?php if (isset($task) && $task->loadFilesBeforeZip == 2) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> Yes<br /> <input type="radio" name="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip" id="mainwp_options_loadFilesBeforeZip_no" value="0" <?php if (isset($task) && $task->loadFilesBeforeZip == 0) { ?> checked="true"<?php } ?> /> No<br /> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php if ($task != null) { ?> <input type="hidden" id="backup_task_id" value="<?php echo $task->id; ?> " /> <script>mainwp_managebackups_updateExcludefolders();</script> <?php } }
public static function renderMainWPTools() { if (!mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "manage_dashboard_settings")) { mainwp_do_not_have_permissions("manage dashboard settings"); return; } self::renderHeader('MainWPTools'); ?> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-tools"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i> <?php _e('MainWP Tools', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Force Dashboard to Establish New Connection', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Use this option to establish new connection with child sites.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="submit" name="" id="force-destroy-sessions-button" class="button-primary button" value="<?php _e('Establish New Connection', 'mainwp'); ?> "/><br/> <em> <?php _e('Forces your Dashboard to reconnect with your Child sites. This feature will log out any currently logged in users on the Child sites and require them to re-log in. Only needed if suggested by MainWP Support.', 'mainwp'); ?> </em> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Scan child sites for known issues', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Use this option to scan child sites for known issues.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page=MainWPChildScan'); ?> " class="button-primary button"><?php _e('Scan', 'mainwp'); ?> </a><br/> <em> <?php _e('Scans each site individually for known issues.', 'mainwp'); ?> </em> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php self::renderFooter('MainWPTools'); }
public static function renderSettings() { $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $pluginDir = $userExtension == null || ($userExtension->pluginDir == null || $userExtension->pluginDir == '') ? 'default' : $userExtension->pluginDir; $user_email = MainWPUtility::getNotificationEmail(); $siteview = $userExtension->site_view; $snAutomaticDailyUpdate = get_option('mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate'); $backup_before_upgrade = get_option('mainwp_backup_before_upgrade'); $lastAutomaticUpdate = MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsitesLastAutomaticSync(); if ($lastAutomaticUpdate == 0) { $nextAutomaticUpdate = 'Any minute'; } else { if (MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsitesCountWhereDtsAutomaticSyncSmallerThenStart() > 0 || MainWPDB::Instance()->getWebsitesCheckUpdatesCount() > 0) { $nextAutomaticUpdate = 'Processing your websites.'; } else { $nextAutomaticUpdate = MainWPUtility::formatTimestamp(MainWPUtility::getTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') + 1))); } } if ($lastAutomaticUpdate == 0) { $lastAutomaticUpdate = 'Never'; } else { $lastAutomaticUpdate = MainWPUtility::formatTimestamp(MainWPUtility::getTimestamp($lastAutomaticUpdate)); } ?> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-hide-child-plugin-settings"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Hide MainWP Child Plugin', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <div class="mainwp_info-box-red" style="margin-top: 5px;"><?php _e('<strong>STOP BEFORE TURNING ON!</strong> Hiding the Child Plugin does require the plugin to make changes to your .htaccess file that in rare instances or server configurations could cause problems.', 'mainwp'); ?> </div> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Hide Network on Child Sites', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <td> <table> <tr> <td valign="top" style="padding-left: 0; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; vertical-align: top;"> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" value="hidden" name="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder" id="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_default" <?php echo $pluginDir == 'hidden' ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /><label for="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_default"></label> </div> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0"> <label for="mainwp_options_footprint_plugin_folder_default"> <em><?php _e('This will make anyone including Search Engines trying find your Child Plugin encounter a 404 page. Hiding the Child Plugin does require the plugin to make changes to your .htaccess file that in rare instances or server configurations could cause problems.', 'mainwp'); ?> </em> </label> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-global-options-settings"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Global Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Notification Email', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This address is used to send monitoring alerts.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" class="mainwp-field mainwp-email" name="mainwp_options_email" size="35" value="<?php echo $user_email; ?> "/><span class="mainwp-form_hint"><?php _e('This address is used to send monitoring alerts.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Use WP-Cron', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('When not using WP-Cron you will need to set up a cron job via your hosting.', 'mainwp'), ''); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_options_wp_cron" id="mainwp_options_wp_cron" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_wp_cron') == 1 || get_option('mainwp_wp_cron') === false ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_options_wp_cron"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <!-- todo: RS: Re-enable--> <!-- <tr>--> <!-- <th scope="row">Tips on login</th>--> <!-- <td>--> <!-- <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_options_tips"--> <!-- id="mainwp_options_tips" --><?php //echo ($userExtension->tips == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''); ?> <!--"/>--> <!-- <label for="mainwp_options_tips">Enable "Did you know" tips</label>--> <!-- </td>--> <!-- </tr>--> <?php if (MainWPUtility::isAdmin()) { ?> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Optimize for Shared Hosting or Big Networks', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Updates will be cached for quick loading. A manual refresh from the Dashboard is required to view new plugins, themes, pages or users. Recommended for Networks over 50 sites.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_optimize" id="mainwp_optimize" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_optimize') == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_optimize"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Show Basic SEO Stats', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('This requires your Dashboard to query the Google servers for this information.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_seo" id="mainwp_seo" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_seo') == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_seo"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Use Child Site Favicon', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Set to YES if you want to use Child Site Favicon.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_use_favicon" id="mainwp_use_favicon" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_use_favicon', 1) == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> "/> <label for="mainwp_use_favicon"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-upgrade-options-settings"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Upgrade Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('View Upgrades per Site', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('When this is disabled, the upgrades are shown per plugin/theme with a sublist of sites. When this is enabled, all the sites are shown with the plugin/theme upgrades available per site.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_options_siteview" id="mainwp_options_siteview" size="35" <?php echo $siteview == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_options_siteview"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Require Backup Before Upgrade', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('With this option enabled, when you try to upgrade a plugin, theme or WordPress core, MainWP will check if there is a full backup created for the site(s) you are trying to upgrade in last 7 days. If you have a fresh backup of the site(s) MainWP will proceed to the upgrade process, if not it will ask you to create a full backup.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_backup_before_upgrade" id="mainwp_backup_before_upgrade" size="35" <?php echo $backup_before_upgrade == 1 ? 'checked="true"' : ''; ?> /> <label for="mainwp_backup_before_upgrade"></label> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Automatic Daily Update', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Choose to have MainWP install updates, or notify you by email of available updates. Updates apply to WordPress Core files, Plugins and Themes.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <table class="mainwp-nomarkup"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <span class="mainwp-select-bg"><select name="mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate" id="mainwp_automaticDailyUpdate"> <option value="2" <?php if ($snAutomaticDailyUpdate === false || $snAutomaticDailyUpdate == 2) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >E-mail Notifications of New Updates </option> <option value="1" <?php if ($snAutomaticDailyUpdate == 1) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Install Trusted Updates </option> <option value="0" <?php if ($snAutomaticDailyUpdate !== false && $snAutomaticDailyUpdate == 0) { ?> selected<?php } ?> >Off </option> </select><label></label></span> </td> <td> Last run: <?php echo $lastAutomaticUpdate; ?> <br /> Next run: <?php echo $nextAutomaticUpdate; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-date-return-options-settings"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Data Return Options', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum Number of Posts/Pages', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('0 for unlimited, CAUTION: a large amount will decrease the speed and might crash the communication.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumPosts" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumPosts" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumPosts') === false ? 50 : get_option('mainwp_maximumPosts'); ?> "/> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum Number of Comments', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('0 for unlimited, CAUTION: a large amount will decrease the speed and might crash the communication.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumComments" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumComments" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumComments') === false ? 50 : get_option('mainwp_maximumComments'); ?> "/> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php }
public static function renderAllThemesTable($output = null) { $keyword = null; $search_status = 'all'; if ($output == null) { $keyword = isset($_POST['keyword']) && !empty($_POST['keyword']) ? trim($_POST["keyword"]) : null; $search_status = isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : "all"; $search_theme_status = isset($_POST['theme_status']) ? $_POST['theme_status'] : "all"; $output = new stdClass(); $output->errors = array(); $output->themes = array(); if (get_option('mainwp_optimize') == 1) { //Fetch all! //Build websites array //Search in local cache $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser()); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $allThemes = json_decode($website->themes, true); for ($i = 0; $i < count($allThemes); $i++) { $theme = $allThemes[$i]; if ($search_theme_status != "all") { if ($theme['active'] == 1 && $search_theme_status !== "active") { continue; } else { if ($theme['active'] != 1 && $search_theme_status !== "inactive") { continue; } } } if ($keyword != '' && stristr($theme['name'], $keyword) === false) { continue; } $theme['websiteid'] = $website->id; $theme['websiteurl'] = $website->url; $output->themes[] = $theme; } } @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); } else { //Fetch all! //Build websites array $dbwebsites = array(); $websites = MainWPDB::Instance()->query(MainWPDB::Instance()->getSQLWebsitesForCurrentUser()); while ($websites && ($website = @MainWPDB::fetch_object($websites))) { $dbwebsites[$website->id] = MainWPUtility::mapSite($website, array('id', 'url', 'name', 'adminname', 'nossl', 'privkey', 'nosslkey')); } @MainWPDB::free_result($websites); $post_data = array('keyword' => $keyword); if ($search_theme_status == "active" || $search_theme_status == "inactive") { $post_data['status'] = $search_theme_status; $post_data['filter'] = true; } else { $post_data['status'] = ""; $post_data['filter'] = false; } MainWPUtility::fetchUrlsAuthed($dbwebsites, 'get_all_themes', $post_data, array(MainWPThemes::getClassName(), 'ThemesSearch_handler'), $output); if (count($output->errors) > 0) { foreach ($output->errors as $siteid => $error) { echo '<strong>Error on ' . MainWPUtility::getNiceURL($dbwebsites[$siteid]->url) . ': ' . $error . ' <br /></strong>'; } echo '<br />'; } if (count($output->errors) == count($dbwebsites)) { session_start(); $_SESSION['SNThemesAll'] = $output; return; } } if (session_id() == '') { session_start(); } $_SESSION['SNThemesAll'] = $output; $_SESSION['SNThemesAllStatus'] = array('keyword' => $keyword, 'status' => $search_status, 'theme_status' => $search_theme_status); } else { if (isset($_SESSION['SNThemesAllStatus'])) { $keyword = $_SESSION['SNThemesAllStatus']['keyword']; $search_status = $_SESSION['SNThemesAllStatus']['status']; $search_theme_status = $_SESSION['SNThemesAllStatus']['theme_status']; } } if (count($output->themes) == 0) { ?> No themes found <?php return; } ?> <div class="alignleft"> <select name="bulk_action" id="mainwp_bulk_action"> <option value="none"><?php _e('Choose Action', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option value="trust"><?php _e('Trust', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> <option value="untrust"><?php _e('Untrust', 'mainwp'); ?> </option> </select> <input type="button" name="" id="mainwp_bulk_trust_themes_action_apply" class="button" value="<?php _e('Confirm', 'mainwp'); ?> "/> <span id="mainwp_bulk_action_loading"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i></span> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php //Map per siteId $themes = array(); //name_version -> slug foreach ($output->themes as $theme) { $themes[$theme['slug']] = $theme; } asort($themes); $userExtension = MainWPDB::Instance()->getUserExtension(); $decodedIgnoredThemes = json_decode($userExtension->ignored_themes, true); $trustedThemes = json_decode($userExtension->trusted_themes, true); if (!is_array($trustedThemes)) { $trustedThemes = array(); } $trustedThemesNotes = json_decode($userExtension->trusted_themes_notes, true); if (!is_array($trustedThemesNotes)) { $trustedThemesNotes = array(); } ?> <table id="mainwp_themes_all_table" class="wp-list-table widefat fixed posts tablesorter" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" id="cb" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""><input name="themes" type="checkbox"></th> <th scope="col" id="info" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""></th> <th scope="col" id="theme" class="manage-column column-title sortable desc" style=""> <a href="#"><span><?php _e('Theme', 'mainwp'); ?> </span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a> </th> <th scope="col" id="thmstatus" class="manage-column column-title sortable desc" style=""> <a href="#"><span><?php _e('Status', 'mainwp'); ?> </span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a> </th> <th scope="col" id="trustlvl" class="manage-column column-title sortable desc" style=""> <a href="#"><span><?php _e('Trust Level', 'mainwp'); ?> </span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a> </th> <th scope="col" id="ignoredstatus" class="manage-column column-title sortable desc" style=""> <a href="#"><span><?php _e('Ignored Status', 'mainwp'); ?> </span><span class="sorting-indicator"></span></a> </th> <th scope="col" id="notes" class="manage-column column-posts" style=""><?php _e('Notes', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th scope="col" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""><input name="themes" type="checkbox"></th> <th scope="col" id="info_footer" class="manage-column column-cb check-column" style=""></th> <th scope="col" id="theme_footer" class="manage-column column-title sortable desc" style=""><span><?php _e('Theme', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></th> <th scope="col" id="thmstatus_footer" class="manage-column column-posts" style=""><?php _e('Status', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="trustlvl_footer" class="manage-column column-posts" style=""><?php _e('Trust Level', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="ignoredstatus_footer" class="manage-column column-posts" style=""><?php _e('Ignored Status', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" id="notes_footer" class="manage-column column-posts" style=""><?php _e('Notes', 'mainwp'); ?> </th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody id="the-posts-list" class="list:posts"> <?php foreach ($themes as $slug => $theme) { $name = $theme['name']; if (!empty($search_status) && $search_status != "all") { if ($search_status == "trust" && !in_array($slug, $trustedThemes)) { continue; } else { if ($search_status == "untrust" && in_array($slug, $trustedThemes)) { continue; } else { if ($search_status == "ignored" && !isset($decodedIgnoredThemes[$slug])) { continue; } } } } ?> <tr id="post-1" class="post-1 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-uncategorized alternate iedit author-self" valign="top" theme_slug="<?php echo urlencode($slug); ?> " theme_name="<?php echo rawurlencode($name); ?> "> <th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="theme[]" value="<?php echo urlencode($slug); ?> "></th> <td scope="col" id="info_content" class="manage-column" style=""> <?php if (isset($decodedIgnoredThemes[$slug])) { MainWPUtility::renderToolTip('Ignored themes will NOT be auto-updated.', null, 'images/icons/mainwp-red-info-16.png'); } ?> </td> <td scope="col" id="theme_content" class="manage-column sorted" style=""> <?php echo $name; ?> </td> <td scope="col" id="plgstatus_content" class="manage-column" style=""> <?php echo $theme['active'] == 1 ? __("Active", "mainwp") : __("Inactive", "mainwp"); ?> </td> <td scope="col" id="trustlvl_content" class="manage-column" style=""> <?php if (in_array($slug, $trustedThemes)) { echo '<font color="#7fb100">Trusted</font>'; } else { echo '<font color="#c00">Not Trusted</font>'; } ?> </td> <td scope="col" id="ignoredstatus_content" class="manage-column" style=""> <?php if (isset($decodedIgnoredThemes[$slug])) { echo '<font color="#c00">Ignored</font>'; } ?> </td> <td scope="col" id="notes_content" class="manage-column" style=""> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/notes.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " class="mainwp_notes_img" <?php if (!isset($trustedThemesNotes[$slug]) || $trustedThemesNotes[$slug] == '') { echo 'style="display: none;"'; } ?> /> <a href="#" class="mainwp_trusted_theme_notes_show"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> <?php _e('Open', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <div style="display: none" class="note"><?php if (isset($trustedThemesNotes[$slug])) { echo $trustedThemesNotes[$slug]; } ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <div id="mainwp_notes_overlay" class="mainwp_overlay"></div> <div id="mainwp_notes" class="mainwp_popup"> <a id="mainwp_notes_closeX" class="mainwp_closeX" style="display: inline; "></a> <div id="mainwp_notes_title" class="mainwp_popup_title"></span> </div> <div id="mainwp_notes_content"> <textarea style="width: 580px !important; height: 300px;" id="mainwp_notes_note"></textarea> </div> <form> <div style="float: right" id="mainwp_notes_status"></div> <input type="button" class="button cont button-primary" id="mainwp_trusted_theme_notes_save" value="<?php _e('Save Note', 'mainwp'); ?> "/> <input type="button" class="button cont" id="mainwp_notes_cancel" value="<?php _e('Close', 'mainwp'); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" id="mainwp_notes_slug" value=""/> </form> </div> <div class="pager" id="pager"> <form> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/first.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " class="first"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/prev.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " class="prev"> <input type="text" class="pagedisplay"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/next.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " class="next"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/last.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " class="last"> <span> <?php _e('Show:', 'mainwp'); ?> </span><select class="pagesize"> <option selected="selected" value="10">10</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="40">40</option> </select><span> <?php _e('Plugins per page', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </form> </div> <?php }
public static function renderAdvanced() { if (!mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "manage_dashboard_settings")) { mainwp_do_not_have_permissions("manage dashboard settings"); return; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumRequests', $_POST['mainwp_maximumRequests']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_minimumDelay', $_POST['mainwp_minimumDelay']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests', $_POST['mainwp_maximumIPRequests']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay', $_POST['mainwp_minimumIPDelay']); MainWPUtility::update_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate', isset($_POST['mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate']) ? 1 : 0); } self::renderHeader('Advanced'); ?> <form method="POST" action="" id="mainwp-settings-page-form"> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('Cross IP Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum simultaneous requests', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Maximum simultaneous requests. When too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This will cause child sites to be shown as offline while they are online. With a typical shared host you should set this at 4, set to 0 for unlimited.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumRequests" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumRequests" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumRequests') === false ? 4 : get_option('mainwp_maximumRequests'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 4</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds)', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds). With a typical shared host you should set this at 200.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_minimumDelay" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_minimumDelay" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_minimumDelay') === false ? 200 : get_option('mainwp_minimumDelay'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 200</i> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('IP Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Maximum simultaneous requests per ip', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Maximum simultaneous requests per IP. When too many requests are sent out, they will begin to time out. This will cause child sites to be shown as offline while they are online. With a typical shared host you should set this at 1, set to 0 for unlimited.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_maximumIPRequests" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_maximumIPRequests" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests') === false ? 1 : get_option('mainwp_maximumIPRequests'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 1</i> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Minimum delay between requests to the same ip (milliseconds)', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Minimum delay between requests (milliseconds) per IP. With a typical shared host you should set this at 1000.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <input type="text" name="mainwp_minimumIPDelay" class="mainwp-field mainwp-settings-icon" id="mainwp_minimumIPDelay" value="<?php echo get_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay') === false ? 1000 : get_option('mainwp_minimumIPDelay'); ?> "/> <i>Default: 1000</i> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="postbox" id="mainwp-advanced-options"> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e('SSL Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <table class="form-table"> </tbody> <tr><th scope="row"><?php _e('Verify certificate', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Verify the childs SSL certificate. This should be disabled if you are using out of date or self signed certificates.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td style="width: 100px;"> <div class="mainwp-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate" id="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate" value="checked" <?php echo get_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate') === false || get_option('mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate') == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /><label for="mainwp_sslVerifyCertificate"></label> </div> </td> <td><em><?php _e('Default: YES', 'mainwp'); ?> </em></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php _e('Save Settings', 'mainwp'); ?> "/></p> </form> <?php self::renderFooter('Advanced'); }
public static function renderHeader($shownPage, &$extensions) { ?> <div class="wrap"> <a href="" id="mainwplogo" title="MainWP" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('images/logo.png', dirname(__FILE__)); ?> " height="50" alt="MainWP"/></a> <h2><i class="fa fa-plug"></i> <?php _e('Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </h2><div style="clear: both;"></div><br/><br/> <?php if ($shownPage === '') { ?> <div id="mainwp-extensions-categories-menu" class="postbox"> <div class="mainwp-inside"><span id="mainwp-extensions-menu-title"><?php _e('Get MainWP Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </span></div> <div style="border-bottom: 1px Solid #e5e5e5;"></div> <div class="mainwp-inside mainwp-align-center" style="clear: both;"> <div id="mainwp-extensions-cat-menu"> <ul id="mainwp-extensions-menu-cat-list"> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-1"><a href=""><?php _e('Administrative', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-2"><a href=""><?php _e('Content', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-3"><a href=""><?php _e('Visitor Data', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-4"><a href=""><?php _e('Free Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> <li class="mainwp-extensions-menu-item mainwp-category-5"><a href=""><?php _e('All Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> </div> <?php $loader_url = '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i>'; if (mainwp_current_user_can("dashboard", "bulk_install_and_activate_extensions")) { $username = $password = ""; $checked_save = false; if (get_option("mainwp_extensions_api_save_login") == true) { $enscrypt_u = get_option('mainwp_extensions_api_username'); $enscrypt_p = get_option('mainwp_extensions_api_password'); $username = !empty($enscrypt_u) ? MainWPApiManagerPasswordManagement::decrypt_string($enscrypt_u) : ""; $password = !empty($enscrypt_p) ? MainWPApiManagerPasswordManagement::decrypt_string($enscrypt_p) : ""; $checked_save = true; } if (!MainWPUtility::resetUserCookie('api_bulk_install')) { ?> <span id="mainwp_api_postbox_reset_showhide"></span> <?php } ?> <div class="postbox mainwp_api_postbox" section="1" > <!-- <div class="handlediv"><br></div> --> <h3 class="mainwp_box_title"><span><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php _e("Bulk Install and Activate Extensions", "mainwp"); ?> </span></h3> <div class="mainwp-inside" style="clear: both;"> <div style="padding: 0 5px;"> <?php $apisslverify = get_option('mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate'); if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x9080bf && $apisslverify === false) { $apisslverify = 0; MainWPUtility::update_option("mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate", $apisslverify); } $_selected_1 = $apisslverify === false || $apisslverify == 1 ? "selected" : ''; $_selected_0 = empty($_selected_1) ? "selected" : ""; ?> <div class="mainwp_info-box-red"> <?php if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER') && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER <= 0x9080bf) { ?> <p><?php _e("<strong style=\"color:#a00\">WARNING:</strong> MainWP has detected an older install of OpenSSL that does not support Server Name Indication (SNI). This will cause API Activation failure.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("We highly recommend, for your security, that you have your host update your OpenSSL to a current version that does support Server Name Indication (SNI).", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("If you do not want to or cannot update your OpenSSL to a current version you can change the verify certificate option to No <strong>(Not recommended)</strong>", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php _e("<strong>Notice:</strong> We did not detect any SSL issues.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <p><?php _e("However, if you are having an issue connecting to, logging in or updating Extensions try setting the verify certificate option below to No and pressing Save.", "mainwp"); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <table class="form-table"> </tbody> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php _e('Verify certificate', 'mainwp'); ?> <?php MainWPUtility::renderToolTip(__('Verify the childs SSL certificate. This should be disabled if you are using out of date or self signed certificates.', 'mainwp')); ?> </th> <td> <span><select name="mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate" id="mainwp_api_sslVerifyCertificate" style="width: 200px;"> <option value="0" <?php echo $_selected_0; ?> ><?php _e("No", "mainwp"); ?> </option> <option value="1" <?php echo $_selected_1; ?> ><?php _e("Yes", "mainwp"); ?> </option> </select><label></label></span> <span class="extension_api_sslverify_loading"> <input type="button" value="<?php _e("Save", "mainwp"); ?> " id="mainwp-extensions-api-sslverify-certificate" class="button-primary"> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <strong><?php _e("Step 1", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("Enter your MainWP Extensions ( Login to automatically install and activate purchased extensions."); ?> </span></p> <span><?php _e("MainWP Extensions Login:"******"mainwp"); ?> </span><br /><br /> <div class="api-grabbing-fields"> <input type="text" class="input username" placeholder="<?php echo __("Username", "mainwp"); ?> " value="<?php echo $username; ?> "/> <input type="password" class="input passwd" placeholder="<?php echo __("Password", "mainwp"); ?> " value="<?php echo $password; ?> "/> <label><input type="checkbox" <?php echo $checked_save ? 'checked="checked"' : ""; ?> name="extensions_api_savemylogin_chk" id="extensions_api_savemylogin_chk"><?php _e("Save API login", "mainwp"); ?> </label> </div> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-savelogin" value="<?php _e("Save Login", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> <p><hr></p> <strong><?php _e("Step 2", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <div id="mainwp-install-purchased-extensions"> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("The Install Purchased Extensions button will automatically install all your MainWP Extensions. You can also install them manually using the directions <a href=\"\" >here</a>."); ?> </span></p> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-bulkinstall" value="<?php _e("Install purchased extensions", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> </div> <p><hr></p> <strong><?php _e("Step 3", "mainwp"); ?> </strong> <p><span class="description"><?php _e("The Grab API Keys will automatically add your API Keys and activate your Extensions. You can also manually enter your API for each Extension following the steps <a href=\"\" >here</a>."); ?> </span></p> <p> <span class="extension_api_loading"> <input type="button" class="mainwp-upgrade-button button-primary" id="mainwp-extensions-grabkeys" value="<?php _e("Grab Api Keys", "mainwp"); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" style="display: none;"></i><span class="status hidden"></span> </span> </p> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <div class="mainwp-tabs" id="mainwp-tabs"> <a class="nav-tab pos-nav-tab <?php if ($shownPage === '') { echo "nav-tab-active"; } ?> " href="admin.php?page=Extensions"><?php _e('Manage Extensions', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> <?php if (isset($extensions) && is_array($extensions)) { foreach ($extensions as $extension) { if ($extension['plugin'] == $shownPage) { ?> <a class="nav-tab pos-nav-tab echo nav-tab-active" href="admin.php?page=<?php echo $extension['page']; ?> "><?php echo $extension['name']; ?> </a> <?php } } } ?> </div> <div id="mainwp_wrap-inside"> <?php }