function wassup_sidebar($before_widget='', $after_widget='', $before_title='', $after_title='', $wtitle='', $wulclass='', $wchars='', $wsearch='', $wsearchlimit='', $wref='', $wreflimit='', $wtopbr='', $wtopbrlimit='', $wtopos='', $wtoposlimit='') { global $wpdb; $wpurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); $siteurl = get_bloginfo('siteurl'); if ($wtitle != "") $title = $wtitle; else $title = "Visitors Online"; if ($wulclass != "") $ulclass = $wulclass; else $ulclass = "links"; if ($wchars != "") $chars = $wchars; else $chars = "18"; if ($wsearchlimit != "") $searchlimit = $wsearchlimit; else $searchlimit = "5"; if ($wreflimit != "") $reflimit = $wreflimit; else $reflimit = "5"; if ($wtopbrlimit != "") $topbrlimit = $wtopbrlimit; else $topbrlimit = "5"; if ($wtoposlimit != "") $toposlimit = $wtoposlimit; else $toposlimit = "5"; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wassup"; $table_tmp_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wassup_tmp"; $to_date = wassup_get_time(); $from_date = strtotime('-3 minutes', $to_date); print $before_widget; if ($wsearch == 1) { $query_det = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT search, referrer FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE search!='' GROUP BY search ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT $searchlimit"); if (count($query_det) > 0) { print "$before_title Last searched terms $after_title"; print "<ul class='$ulclass'>"; foreach ($query_det as $sref) { print "<li>- <a href='".attribute_escape($sref->referrer)."' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>".stringShortener(attribute_escape($sref->search), $chars)."</a></li>"; } print "</ul>"; } } if ($wref == 1) { $query_ref = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT referrer FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE searchengine='' AND referrer!='' AND referrer NOT LIKE '$wpurl%' GROUP BY referrer ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT $reflimit"); if (count($query_ref) > 0) { print "$before_title Last referers $after_title"; print "<ul class='$ulclass'>"; foreach ($query_ref as $eref) { print "<li>- <a href='".attribute_escape($eref->referrer)."' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>".stringShortener(preg_replace("#https?://#", "", attribute_escape($eref->referrer)), $chars)."</a></li>"; } print "</ul>"; } } if ($wtopbr == 1) { $query_topbr = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(browser) as top_browser, browser FROM $table_name WHERE browser!='' AND browser NOT LIKE 'N/A%' GROUP BY browser ORDER BY top_browser DESC LIMIT $topbrlimit"); if (count($query_topbr) > 0) { print "$before_title Top Browsers $after_title"; print "<ul class='$ulclass'>"; foreach ($query_topbr as $etopbr) { print "<li>- ".stringShortener(attribute_escape($etopbr->browser), $chars)."</li>"; } print "</ul>"; } } if ($wtopos == 1) { $query_topos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(os) as top_os, os FROM $table_name WHERE os!='' AND os NOT LIKE 'N/A%' GROUP BY os ORDER BY top_os DESC LIMIT $toposlimit"); if (count($query_topos) > 0) { print "$before_title Top OS $after_title"; print "<ul class='$ulclass'>"; foreach ($query_topos as $etopos) { print "<li>- ".stringShortener(attribute_escape($etopos->os), $chars)."</li>"; } print "</ul>"; } } $TotWid = New MainItems; $TotWid->tableName = $table_tmp_name; $TotWid->from_date = $from_date; $TotWid->to_date = $to_date; $currenttot = $TotWid->calc_tot("count", null, null, "DISTINCT"); $currentlogged = $TotWid->calc_tot("count", null, "AND username!=''", "DISTINCT"); $currentauth = $TotWid->calc_tot("count", null, "AND comment_author!=''' AND username=''", "DISTINCT"); print $before_title . $title . $after_title; print "<ul class='$ulclass'>"; if ((int)$currenttot < 10) $currenttot = "0".$currenttot; print "<li><strong style='padding:0 4px 0 4px;background:#ddd;color:#777'>".$currenttot."</strong> visitor(s) online</li>"; if ((int)$currentlogged > 0 AND $wassup_settings['wassup_widget_loggedin'] == 1) { if ((int)$currentlogged < 10) $currentlogged = "0".$currentlogged; print "<li><strong style='padding:0 4px 0 4px;background:#e7f1c8;color:#777'>".$currentlogged."</strong> logged-in user(s)</li>"; } if ((int)$currentauth > 0 AND $wassup_settings['wassup_widget_comauth'] == 1) { if ((int)$currentauth < 10) $currentauth = "0".$currentauth; print "<li><strong style='padding:0 4px 0 4px;background:#fbf9d3;color:#777'>".$currentauth."</strong> comment author(s)</li>"; } print "<li style='font-size:6pt; color:#bbb;'>".__("powered by", "wassup")." <a style='color:#777;' href='' title='WassUp - Real Time Visitors Tracking'>WassUp</a></li>"; print "</ul>"; print $after_widget; } //end function wassup_sidebar
//bad date sent echo '<span style="color:red;">Action.php ' . __("ERROR: bad date", "wassup") . ', ' . $to_date . '</span>'; exit; } //#perform action and display output // // ACTION: RUN SPY VIEW if ($_GET['action'] == "spy") { if (empty($rows)) { $rows = 999; } spyview($from_date, $to_date, $rows, $wassup_options->wassup_default_spy_type); // ACTION: SUMMARY PIE CHART } elseif ($_GET['action'] == "piechart") { // Prepare Pie Chart $Tot = new MainItems(); $Tot->tableName = $table_name; $Tot->from_date = $from_date; $Tot->to_date = $to_date; $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND spam>0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine!='' AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine='' AND referrer NOT LIKE '%" . $this->WpUrl . "%' AND referrer!='' AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); $items_pie[] = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND searchengine='' AND (referrer LIKE '%" . $this->WpUrl . "%' OR referrer='') AND spam=0", "DISTINCT"); ?> <div style="text-align: center"><img src="|Search%20Engine|Referrer|Direct&chd=<?php chart_data($items_pie, null, null, null, 'pie'); ?> " /></div> <?php