protected function send($alternateRecipient = null)
     $mime = new Mail_mime(array("head_charset" => "utf-8", "text_charset" => "utf-8", "html_charset" => "utf-8", 'eol' => "\n"));
     if ($this->htmlBody !== null) {
     if (!empty($this->attachments)) {
         foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) {
             $mime->addAttachment($attachment->File(), $attachment->Type());
     $this->headers['To'] = $this->receipients;
     $this->headers['Sender'] = $this->headers['From'];
     $empfaenger = $this->receipients;
     if ($this->bcc !== null) {
         $this->receipients .= ($this->receipients > '' ? ',' : '') . $this->bcc;
     //do not ever try to call these lines in reverse order
     $body = $mime->get();
     $headers = $mime->headers($this->headers, true);
     if ($this->receipients > '') {
         if (!$GLOBALS['Settings']['OnServer']) {
             $this->receipients = '*****@*****.**';
         } elseif ($alternateRecipient) {
             $this->receipients = $alternateRecipient;
         $mail_queue = new Mail_Queue($GLOBALS['Settings']['MailQueue']['db_options'], $GLOBALS['Settings']['MailQueue']['mail_options']);
         $mail_queue->put($this->headers['From'], $this->receipients, $headers, $body, $this->delay);
     return true;
  * 邮件发送
  * @return boolean
 public function send_mail($recipient, $mailsubject, $mailbody)
     $message = new Swift_Message($mailsubject);
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part(strip_tags($mailbody), "text/plain", "base64", "utf-8"));
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($mailbody, "text/html", "base64", "utf-8"));
     foreach ($recipient as $re) {
         Mail_Queue::put('*****@*****.**', $re, $mailsubject, $message, Const_Mail::TYPE_SWIFT, Const_Mail::TYPE_ID_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE);
     return true;
Exemple #3
  * 邮件发送
  * @param recipient 邮件接收方email
  * @param mailsubject 邮件主题
  * @param mailbody 邮件内容
  * @return boolean
 private function send_mail($recipient, $mailsubject, $mailbody)
     try {
         $message = new Swift_Message($mailsubject);
         $message->setFrom("安居客<" . $this->sender . ">");
         $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part(strip_tags($mailbody), "text/plain", "base64", "utf-8"));
         $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($mailbody, "text/html", "base64", "utf-8"));
         Mail_Queue::put($this->sender, $recipient, $mailsubject, $message, Const_Mail::TYPE_SWIFT, Const_Mail::TYPE_ID_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
 protected function sentMail($mailSubject, $mailBody)
     if ($this->mailSwitch == true && !empty($this->mailAddress)) {
         $mailto = $this->mailAddress;
         $smtpuser = APF::get_instance()->get_config("SmtpUser");
         $smtpemailto = $mailto;
         $message = new Swift_Message($mailSubject);
         $message->setFrom("安居客<" . $smtpuser . ">");
         $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part(strip_tags($mailBody), "text/plain", "base64", "utf-8"));
         $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($mailBody, "text/html", "base64", "utf-8"));
         foreach ($smtpemailto as $to) {
             if (!empty($to)) {
                 @Mail_Queue::put($smtpuser, $to, $mailSubject, $message, Const_Mail::TYPE_SWIFT, Const_Mail::TYPE_ID_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE);
  * 发送邮件
  * @param $mailSubject 标题
  * @param $mailBody 内容
  * @param array $mailTo 接受人,数组
  * @return bool
 public function sendMail($mailSubject, $mailBody, $mailTo = array())
     if (empty($mailSubject) || empty($mailBody) || empty($mailTo)) {
         return false;
     $smtpuser = APF::get_instance()->get_config("SmtpUser");
     $smtpemailto = $mailTo;
     $message = new Swift_Message($mailSubject);
     $message->setFrom("安居客<" . $smtpuser . ">");
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part(strip_tags($mailBody), "text/plain", "base64", "utf-8"));
     $message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part($mailBody, "text/html", "base64", "utf-8"));
     foreach ($smtpemailto as $to) {
         if (!empty($to)) {
             @Mail_Queue::put($smtpuser, $to, $mailSubject, $message, Const_Mail::TYPE_SWIFT, Const_Mail::TYPE_ID_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE);
     return true;
Exemple #6
function put_mail_queue($address, $subject, $body, $is_receive_mail = true, $from = ADMIN_EMAIL)
    if (!$is_receive_mail || !db_common_is_mailaddress($address)) {
        return false;
    // 改行コード
    $cr = "\r";
    $lf = "\n";
    $crlf = "\r\n";
    // header
    $headers['MIME-Version'] = "1.0";
    $headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp";
    $headers['From'] = $from;
    $headers['To'] = $address;
    // 半角カナを全角カナに変換
    if (MAIL_HAN2ZEN) {
        $subject = mb_convert_kana($subject, "KV");
        $body = mb_convert_kana($body, "KV");
    // subject (改行コードを含んではならない)
    $subject = str_replace(array($cr, $lf), "", $subject);
    $subject = mb_convert_encoding($subject, "JIS");
    $headers['Subject'] = '=?ISO-2022-JP?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=';
    // body (LF)
    if (MAIL_WRAP_WIDTH) {
        $body = t_wordwrap($body, MAIL_WRAP_WIDTH);
    $body = mb_convert_encoding($body, "JIS");
    $body = str_replace($cr, $lf, str_replace($crlf, $lf, $body));
    include_once 'Mail/Queue.php';
    $db_opt = array("type" => "db", "dsn" => $GLOBALS['_OPENPNE_DSN_LIST']['main']['dsn'], "mail_table" => "mail_queue");
    $mail_opt = array("driver" => "mail");
    if ($GLOBALS['_OPENPNE_DSN_LIST']['main']['dsn']['phptype'] === 'pgsql') {
        $db_opt['sequence'] = 'mail_queue_seq_id';
    $mail_mime = new Mail_mime();
    $body = $mail_mime->get(array("text_charset" => "ISO-2022-JP"));
    $body = addslashes($body);
    $headers = $mail_mime->headers($headers);
        if (MAIL_ENVFROM) {
            $f = MAIL_ENVFROM;
        } else {
            $f = ADMIN_EMAIL;
        $params = '-f' . escapeshellcmd($f);
        $mail_opt['param'] = $params;
        $mail_queue = new Mail_Queue($db_opt, $mail_opt);
        return $mail_queue->put($from, $address, $headers, $body);
    } else {
        $mail_queue = new Mail_Queue($db_opt, $mail_opt);
        return $mail_queue->put($from, $address, $headers, $body);
Exemple #7
 * Положить письмо в очередь
 * @param string $recipient
 * @param string $from
 * @param string $subject
 * @param string $message
 * @param string HTML-сообщение
 * Чтобы отправить сообщение в формате HTML, нужно указать параметр html_message.
 * При этом параметр message должен содержать сообщение в plain text или может быть пустым
 * Чтобы отправить plain text, параметр html_message нужно оставить пустым.
function nc_mail2queue($recipient, $from, $subject, $message, $html_message = "", $attachment_type = "")
    require_once "Mail/Queue.php";
    $db_options = array('type' => 'ezsql', 'mail_table' => 'Mail_Queue');
    $mail_options = array('driver' => 'mail');
    $mail_queue = new Mail_Queue($db_options, $mail_options);
    $hdrs = array('From' => $from, 'Subject' => nc_base64_encode_header($subject));
    $mime = new Mail_mime("\n");
    if ($attachment_type) {
        $nc_core = nc_Core::get_object();
        $db = $nc_core->db;
        $type_escaped = $db->escape($attachment_type);
        $sql = "SELECT `Filename`, `Path`, `Content_Type`, `Extension` FROM `Mail_Attachment` WHERE `Type` = '{$type_escaped}'";
        $attachments = (array) $db->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
        while (preg_match('/\\%FILE_([-_a-z0-9]+)/i', $html_message, $match)) {
            $filename = $match[1];
            $file = false;
            foreach ($attachments as $index => $attachment) {
                if (strtolower($attachment['Filename']) == strtolower($filename)) {
                    $file = $attachment;
            $replace = '';
            if ($file) {
                $absolute_path = $nc_core->DOCUMENT_ROOT . $file['Path'];
                $replace = 'file_' . $filename . '.' . $file['Extension'];
                $mime->addHTMLImage(@file_get_contents($absolute_path), $file['Content_Type'], $replace, false);
            $html_message = preg_replace('/\\%FILE_' . preg_quote($filename) . '/', $replace, $html_message);
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            $absolute_path = $nc_core->DOCUMENT_ROOT . $attachment['Path'];
            $mime->addAttachment($absolute_path, $attachment['Content_Type'], $attachment['Filename'] . '.' . $attachment['Extension']);
    if ($message) {
    if ($html_message) {
    $body = $mime->get(array('text_encoding' => '8bit', 'html_charset' => MAIN_EMAIL_ENCODING, 'text_charset' => MAIN_EMAIL_ENCODING, 'head_charset' => MAIN_EMAIL_ENCODING));
    $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs);
    $mail_queue->put($from, $recipient, $hdrs, $body);
 private function sendMail()
     switch ($this->_dealType) {
         case Model_House_JpHouseIdx::ENUM_HOUSE_TYPE_OFFICE_RENT:
             $subject = '金铺【铺租】房源过期、违规,套餐关系修复';
         case Model_House_JpHouseIdx::ENUM_HOUSE_TYPE_OFFICE_SALE:
             $subject = '金铺【铺售】房源过期、违规,套餐关系修复';
         case Model_House_JpHouseIdx::ENUM_HOUSE_TYPE_SHOP_RENT:
             $subject = '金铺【楼售】房源过期、违规,套餐关系修复';
         case Model_House_JpHouseIdx::ENUM_HOUSE_TYPE_SHOP_SALE:
             $subject = '金铺【楼租】房源过期、违规,套餐关系修复';
             $subject = '金铺房源删除,套餐关系修复';
     $content = file_get_contents($this->_email);
     foreach ($this->_recipient as $recipient) {
         Mail_Queue::put('*****@*****.**', $recipient, $subject, $content, Const_Mail::TYPE_PLAIN, Const_Mail::TYPE_ID_COMMUNITY_SUBSCRIBE);
    function send_newsletter($newsletter_id)
        $sm = vivvo_lite_site::get_instance();
        $db = $sm->get_db();
        if ($sm->user) {
            if ($sm->user->is_admin()) {
                $newsletter_list = new newsletter_list();
                $newsletter = $newsletter_list->get_newsletter_by_id($newsletter_id);
                if ($newsletter !== false) {
                    if ($newsletter->test == 1) {
                        $to = $newsletter->test_email;
                        if ($newsletter->vte_template == '1') {
                            $body_template = new template();
                            $template_sting = xml_template_node::xmlentities_decode($newsletter->body);
                            $body = $body_template->get_output() . "\n\n";
                        } else {
                            $body = xml_template_node::xmlentities_decode($newsletter->body);
                        $unsubscribe_url = VIVVO_PROXY_URL . 'newsletter/index.html?&action=newsletter&cmd=subscriberUnSubscribe&dack=' . md5('test');
                        if (!preg_match('/^[^:]+:/', $unsubscribe_url)) {
                            $unsubscribe_url = VIVVO_URL . $unsubscribe_url;
                        $body = $body . "\n\n\n" . VIVVO_PLUGIN_NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBE_TEXT . "\n" . $unsubscribe_url;
                        $from = VIVVO_ADMINISTRATORS_EMAIL;
                        $search = array('(', ')', '<', '>', '@', ';', ':', '\\', '"', '.', '[', ']');
                        $replace = array(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ');
                        $from_name = str_replace($search, $replace, VIVVO_WEBSITE_TITLE);
                        $from_name = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($from_name) . "?=";
                        $from_params = !empty($from_name) ? '"' . $from_name . '" <' . $from . '>' : '<' . $from . '>';
                        $headers['From'] = $from_params;
                        $recipients = array();
                        $recipients[] = $to;
                        $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($newsletter->subject) . "?=";
                        $headers['Subject'] = $subject;
                        $headers['Content-Type'] = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8;";
                        if (VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PHP == 1) {
                            $mail_object = new Mail();
                            $mail_object->send($to, $headers, $body);
                        } else {
                            $mail_options['driver'] = 'smtp';
                            $mail_options['host'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST;
                            $mail_options['port'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT;
                            $mail_options['localhost'] = 'localhost';
                            if (VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD != '' && VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME != '') {
                                $mail_options['auth'] = true;
                                $mail_options['username'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME;
                                $mail_options['password'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD;
                            } else {
                                $mail_options['auth'] = false;
                                $mail_options['username'] = '';
                                $mail_options['password'] = '';
                            $mail_object =& Mail::factory('smtp', $mail_options);
                            $mail_object->send($to, $headers, $body);
                    } else {
                        $container_options = array('type' => 'mdb2', 'dsn' => VIVVO_DB_TYPE . '://' . VIVVO_DB_USER . ':' . VIVVO_DB_PASSWORD . '@' . VIVVO_DB_HOST . '/' . VIVVO_DB_DATABASE, 'mail_table' => VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'mail_queue');
                        $mail_options['driver'] = 'smtp';
                        $mail_options['host'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_HOST;
                        $mail_options['port'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT;
                        $mail_options['localhost'] = 'localhost';
                        if (VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD != '' && VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME != '') {
                            $mail_options['auth'] = true;
                            $mail_options['username'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME;
                            $mail_options['password'] = VIVVO_EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD;
                        } else {
                            $mail_options['auth'] = false;
                            $mail_options['username'] = '';
                            $mail_options['password'] = '';
                        $mail_queue = new Mail_Queue($container_options, $mail_options);
                        $from = VIVVO_ADMINISTRATORS_EMAIL;
                        $search = array('(', ')', '<', '>', '@', ';', ':', '\\', '"', '.', '[', ']');
                        $replace = array(' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ');
                        $from_name = str_replace($search, $replace, VIVVO_WEBSITE_TITLE);
                        $from_name = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($from_name) . "?=";
                        $from_params = !empty($from_name) ? '"' . $from_name . '" <' . $from . '>' : '<' . $from . '>';
                        if ($newsletter->vte_template == '1') {
                            $body_template = new template();
                            $template_sting = xml_template_node::xmlentities_decode($newsletter->body);
                            $body = $body_template->get_output() . "\n\n";
                        } else {
                            $body = xml_template_node::xmlentities_decode($newsletter->body);
                        $groups = explode(',', $newsletter->groups);
                        foreach ($groups as $key) {
                            if ($key == -1) {
                                $res =& $db->query('SELECT email, ip, time FROM ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'maillist WHERE `confirm` = \'1\'');
                                if (!is_a($res, 'mdb2_error')) {
                                    while ($row = $res->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                                        $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($newsletter->subject) . "?=";
                                        $recipient = $row['email'];
                                        $hdrs = array('From' => $from_params, 'To' => $recipient, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Content-Type' => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8;");
                                        $body_all = $body . "\n\n\n" . VIVVO_PLUGIN_NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBE_TEXT . "\n" . VIVVO_URL . 'newsletter/index.html?action=newsletter&cmd=subscriberUnSubscribe&dack=' . md5($row['ip'] . $row['time'] . $row['email']);
                                        $mail_queue->put($from, $recipient, $hdrs, $body_all);
                            } elseif ($key >= 0) {
                                $res = $db->query('SELECT email_address, userid, created FROM ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'users as u
														INNER JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user  as gu
														ON gu.user_id=u.userid
														WHERE gu.group_id = \'' . $key . '\' and `subscriber` = \'1\'');
                                if (!is_a($res, 'mdb2_error')) {
                                    while ($row = $res->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                                        $recipient = $row['email_address'];
                                        $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($newsletter->subject) . "?=";
                                        $hdrs = array('From' => $from_params, 'To' => $recipient, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Content-Type' => "text/plain; charset=UTF-8;");
                                        $unsubscribe_url = VIVVO_PROXY_URL . 'newsletter/index.html?action=newsletter&cmd=userUnSubscribe&dack=' . md5($row['email_address'] . $row['userid'] . $row['created']);
                                        if (!preg_match('/^[^:]+:/', $unsubscribe_url)) {
                                            $unsubscribe_url = VIVVO_URL . $unsubscribe_url;
                                        $body_all = $body . "\n\n\n" . VIVVO_PLUGIN_NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBE_TEXT . "\n" . $unsubscribe_url;
                                        $mail_queue->put($from, $recipient, $hdrs, $body_all);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;