function genLocalStreamImage($stream_id, $req_time, $req_size)
     global $mvLocalVideoPath, $mvStreamImageTable;
     //zsh edit
     return false;
     if (!$stream_id) {
         return false;
     if (!$req_time) {
         $req_time = 0;
     if (!$req_size) {
         $req_size = '320x240';
     list($im_width, $im_height, $ext) = MV_StreamImage::getSizeType($req_size);
     if ($req_size == null) {
         $s = '';
     } else {
         $s = '_' . $im_width . 'x' . $im_height;
     $img_dir = MV_StreamImage::getLocalImageDir($stream_id);
     $img_file = $img_dir . "/" . $req_time . $s . "." . $ext;
     $streampath = $mvLocalVideoPath . MV_StreamImage::getLocalStreamPath($stream_id);
     if (is_file($streampath)) {
         //check if the ffmpeg extension is installed:
         $extension = "ffmpeg";
         $extension_soname = $extension . "." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX;
         $extension_fullname = PHP_EXTENSION_DIR . "/" . $extension_soname;
         // load extension
         if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
             if (!dl($extension_soname)) {
                 return false;
         $mov = new ffmpeg_movie($streampath);
         $fps = $mov->getFrameRate();
         if ($req_time == 0) {
             $ff_frame = $mov->getFrame(1);
         } else {
             $ff_frame = $mov->getFrame($req_time * $fps);
         if ($ff_frame) {
             $ff_frame->resize($im_width, $im_height);
             $gd_image = $ff_frame->toGDImage();
             if ($gd_image) {
                 if ($ext == 'png') {
                     imagepng($gd_image, $img_file);
                 } else {
                     imagejpeg($gd_image, $img_file);
         if (is_file($img_file) && ($req_size == '320x240' || $req_size == '')) {
             $insAry = array();
             $insAry[stream_id] = $stream_id;
             $insAry[time] = $req_time;
             $db =& wfGetDB(DB_WRITE);
             if ($db->insert($mvStreamImageTable, $insAry)) {
                 return $img_file;
             } else {
                 //probably error out before we get here
                 return false;
     return $img_file;
 function get_fd_mvd_page(&$mvd_page, $content = '')
     global $wgOut, $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes;
     // print_r($mvd_page);
     // "<div id=\"mv_ctail_{$mvd_page->id}\" style=\"position:relative\">"
     if (isset($this->mv_interface->smwProperties['playback_resolution'])) {
         // for now just put in a hack that forces no size adjustment
         $img_url = MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($mvd_page->stream_id, $mvd_page->start_time, null, true);
     } else {
         $img_url = MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($mvd_page->stream_id, $mvd_page->start_time, $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes, true);
     $oe_class = '';
     //color annnotative layers seperatly:
     $oe_class .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars(strtolower($mvd_page->mvd_type));
     //preset classes for rendering on page load (will repaint but whatever)
     if ($this->oddEvenToggle) {
         $this->oddEvenToggle = false;
         $oe_class .= ' even';
     } else {
         $this->oddEvenToggle = true;
         $oe_class .= ' odd';
     // style=\"background:#".$this->getMvdBgColor($mvd_page)."\" "
     $wgOut->addHTML('<fieldset class="mv_fd_mvd' . htmlspecialchars($oe_class) . '" id="mv_fd_mvd_' . htmlspecialchars($mvd_page->id) . '" ' . 'name="' . htmlspecialchars($mvd_page->wiki_title) . '" ' . 'image_url="' . htmlspecialchars($img_url) . '" >');
     /*$wgOut->addHTML("<legend id=\"mv_ld_{$mvd_page->id}\">" .
     		$this->get_mvd_menu($mvd_page) .
     // $menu_html = $this->get_mvd_menu($mvd_page);
     $wgOut->addHTML("<div id=\"mv_fcontent_{$mvd_page->id}\">");
     if ($content == '') {
     } else {
$mvTitle = new MV_Title('Stream:' . $stream_name);
if (!$mvTitle->doesStreamExist()) {
    print $stream_name . " does not exist ... creating\n";
    // print 'do stream desc'."\n";
    if (!isset($MVStreams)) {
        $MVStreams = array();
    // init the stream (legacy from old stream insert system)
    $MVStreams[$stream->name] = new MV_Stream($stream);
    do_add_stream($mvTitle, $stream);
$stream_id = $mvTitle->getStreamId();
print 'got stream id: ' . $stream_id . "\n";
//check for & update stream files:
$filedir = '/video/metavid/mvprime_stream_images/' . MV_StreamImage::getRelativeImagePath($stream_id);
if (!is_dir($filedir)) {
    shell_exec("mkdir {$filedir}");
    shell_exec("chmod -R 777 {$filedir}");
echo "working on: {$filename} \n";
$ocroutput = "";
//@@TODO we should do sequential output and parse the OCR file if it already exists.
//make sure we can write to the ocr file:
$ocrfileloc = "{$workingdir}/{$stream_name}.ocr";
$fh = @fopen($ocrfileloc, 'a') or die("\nError: can't write to ocr file\n");
//gets duration from ffmpeg
$dbw = $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
for ($i = 0; $i < $duration; $i += $interval) {
    //only run the ffmpeg cmd if we have to:
require_once '';
if (count($args) == 0 || isset($options['help'])) {
    print '
 php ogg_thumb_insert.php stream_name filename interval duration

EXAMPLE where stream.ogg is 10min 20 seconds long and we get a frame every 5 seconds:
 ogg_thumb_insert.php stream_name stream.ogg 5 620

  if possible you want to use the source footage rather than the ogg to generate the thumbnails (ie the mpeg2 or dv)

$stream_name = $args[0];
$filename = $args[1];
$interval = $args[2];
$duration = $args[3];
$MV_Stream = MV_Stream::newStreamByName($stream_name);
$stream_id = $MV_Stream->getStreamId();
$filedir = '../stream_images/' . MV_StreamImage::getRelativeImagePath($stream_id);
$dbw = $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
for ($i = 0; $i < $duration; $i += $interval) {
    shell_exec("ffmpeg -ss {$i} -i {$filename} -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -y {$filedir}/{$i}.jpg");
    if (is_file("{$filedir}/{$i}.jpg")) {
        $dbw->query("INSERT INTO `mv_stream_images` (`stream_id`, `time`) VALUES ({$stream_id}, {$i})");
    } else {
        print "failed to create file: {$filedir}/{$i}.jpg \n";
 * for each image add it to the image directory
function do_process_images($stream, $force = false)
    global $mvLocalImgLoc, $MVStreams, $wgDBname;
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
    $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
    // get all images for the current stream:
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `metavid`.`image_archive`\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `stream_fk`= {$stream->id}";
    $image_res = $dbr->query($sql);
    $img_count = $dbr->numRows($image_res);
    print "Found " . $img_count . " images for stream " . $stream->name . "\n";
    // grab from metavid and copy to local directory structure:
    $i = $j = 0;
    $mv_stream_id = $MVStreams[$stream->name]->getStreamId();
    // if force we can clear out existing images:
    if ($force) {
        print "force update flag (remove all existing images)\n";
        $local_img_dir = MV_StreamImage::getLocalImageDir($mv_stream_id);
        $res = $dbr->query("SELECT * FROM `{$wgDBname}`.`mv_stream_images` WHERE  `stream_id`={$mv_stream_id}");
        while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
            $local_img_file = $local_img_dir . '/' . $row->time . '*.jpg';
            shell_exec('rm -f ' . $local_img_file);
        // remove db entries:
        $dbw->query("DELETE FROM `{$wgDBname}`.`mv_stream_images` WHERE  `stream_id`={$mv_stream_id}");
    while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($image_res)) {
        // if(isset($row->
        $relative_time = $row->time - $stream->adj_start_time;
        // status updates:
        if ($i == 10) {
            print "On image {$j} of {$img_count} time: " . seconds2npt($relative_time) . " {$metavid_img_url}\n";
            $i = 0;
        // get streamImage obj:
        $local_img_dir = MV_StreamImage::getLocalImageDir($mv_stream_id);
        $metavid_img_url = '' . $row->id . '.jpg';
        $local_img_file = $local_img_dir . '/' . $relative_time . '.jpg';
        // check if the image already exist in the new table
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$wgDBname}`.`mv_stream_images` " . "WHERE `stream_id`={$mv_stream_id} " . "AND `time`={$relative_time}";
        $img_check = $dbr->query($sql);
        $doInsert = true;
        if ($dbr->numRows($img_check) != 0) {
            // make sure its there and matches what it should be:
            if (is_file($local_img_file)) {
                $row = $dbr->fetchObject($img_check);
                // print "file $local_img_file skiped, stream_id:" . $mv_stream_id . " time: " . seconds2npt($relative_time) . "\n";
            } else {
                // grab but don't insert:
                $doInsert = false;
        if ($doInsert) {
            // insert:
            $dbw->insert('mv_stream_images', array('stream_id' => $MVStreams[$stream->name]->getStreamId(), 'time' => $relative_time));
            $img_id = $dbw->insertId();
            // $grab = exec('cd ' . $img_path . '; wget ' . $im_url);
        if (is_file($local_img_file)) {
            echo "skipped {$local_img_file} \n";
        // print "run copy: $metavid_img_url, $local_img_file \n";
        if (!copy($metavid_img_url, $local_img_file)) {
            echo "failed to copy {$metavid_img_url} to {$local_img_file}...\n";
        } else {
            // all good don't report anything'
            // print "all good\n";
 function getStreamImageURL($size = null, $req_time = null, $foce_server = '')
     global $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes;
     if ($size == null) {
         $size = $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes;
     if ($req_time == null) {
         $req_time = $this->getStartTime();
         if (!$req_time) {
             $req_time = '0:00:00';
     if ($foce_server == '') {
         //get the image path: (and generate the image if necessary)
         return MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($this->getStreamId(), $req_time, $size);
     } else {
         return $foce_server . $this->getStreamName() . '?t=' . $req_time;
function mv_frame_server($stream_name = '', $req_time = '', $req_size = '')
    global $wgRequest;
    $stream_id = '';
    // try loading vals from $wgRequest if not set
    $stream_name = $stream_name == '' ? $wgRequest->getVal('stream_name') : $stream_name;
    if ($stream_name == null) {
        $stream_id = $wgRequest->getVal('stream_id');
    $req_time = $req_time == '' ? $wgRequest->getVal('t') : $req_time;
    $req_size = $req_size == '' ? $wgRequest->getVal('size') : $req_size;
    $redirect_req = $wgRequest->getVal('redirect') == 'true' ? true : false;
    if ($stream_id == '') {
        $mvStream = mvGetMVStream($stream_name);
        $stream_id = $mvStream->getStreamId();
    } else {
        $mvStream = new MV_Stream(array('id' => $stream_id));
    if ($mvStream->db_load_stream()) {
        global $mvServeImageRedirect, $mvExternalImages;
        if ($mvServeImageRedirect || $redirect_req || $mvExternalImages) {
            header("Location:" . MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($stream_id, $req_time, $req_size, true));
        } else {
            // serve up the image directly
            MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageRaw($stream_id, $req_time, $req_size, true);
    } else {
        return 'error: invalid stream name';
 function get_fd_mvd_page(&$mvd_page, $content = '')
     global $wgOut;
     //"<div id=\"mv_ctail_{$mvd_page->id}\" style=\"position:relative\">"
     if (isset($this->mv_interface->smwProperties['playback_resolution'])) {
         //for now just put in a hack that forces no size adjustment
         $img_url = MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($mvd_page->stream_id, $mvd_page->start_time, null, true);
     } else {
         $img_url = MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($mvd_page->stream_id, $mvd_page->start_time, 'medium', true);
     $type = substr($mvd_page->wiki_title, 0, strpos($mvd_page->wiki_title, ':'));
     $wgOut->addHTML("<fieldset class=\"mv_fd_mvd {$type}\" style=\"background:#" . $this->getMvdBgColor($mvd_page) . "\" " . "id=\"mv_fd_mvd_{$mvd_page->id}\" name=\"{$mvd_page->wiki_title}\" " . "image_url=\"{$img_url}\" >");
     $wgOut->addHTML("<legend id=\"mv_ld_{$mvd_page->id}\">" . $this->get_mvd_menu($mvd_page) . "</legend>");
     $wgOut->addHTML("<div id=\"mv_fcontent_{$mvd_page->id}\">");
     if ($content == '') {
     } else {
 function formatResult($skin, $result)
     global $wgUser, $wgLang, $mvImageArchive;
     $sit = new MV_Sitting(array('id' => $this->sitting_id));
     #make sure the first letter is upper case (makeTitle() should do that)
     $result->title = strtoupper($result->title[0]) . substr($result->title, 1);
     $img_url = $mvImageArchive . $result->title . '?size=icon&time=0:00:00';
     $img_url = MV_StreamImage::getStreamImageURL($result->stream_id, '0:00:00', 'icon', true);
     $img_html = '<img src="' . $img_url . '" width="80" height="60">';
     $title = Title::makeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $result->title);
     $rlink = $skin->makeLinkObj($title, $img_html . ' ' . $title->getText());
     //if admin expose an edit link
     if ($this->existing == 'false') {
         $rlink .= ' ' . $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(Title::makeTitle(MV_NS_STREAM, $title->getText()), 'edit', 'action=edit');
     } else {
         $rlink .= ' ' . $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(Title::makeTitle(MV_NS_SITTING, $sit->name), 'add', 'action=edit&mv_action=add&stream_id=' . $result->stream_id);
     return $rlink;
 function getEmbedVideoHtml($options = array())
     global $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey, $mvDefaultVideoQualityKey, $mvDefaultMP4QualityKey;
     //init options if unset:
     $vid_id = isset($options['id']) ? $options['id'] : '';
     $size = isset($options['size']) ? $options['size'] : '';
     $force_server = isset($options['force_server']) ? $options['force_server'] : '';
     $autoplay = isset($options['autoplay']) ? $options['autoplay'] : false;
     $showmeta = isset($options['showmeta']) ? $options['showmeta'] : false;
     $tag = 'video';
     if ($size == '') {
         global $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes;
         $size = $mvDefaultVideoPlaybackRes;
         list($vWidth, $vHeight) = explode('x', $size);
     } else {
         list($vWidth, $vHeight, $na) = MV_StreamImage::getSizeType($size);
     $stream_web_url = $this->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultVideoQualityKey);
     $flash_stream_url = $this->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultFlashQualityKey);
     $mp4_stream_url = $this->getWebStreamURL($mvDefaultMP4QualityKey);
     // print "looking for q: $mvDefaultFlashQualityKey ";
     // print "FOUND: $flash_stream_url";
     $roe_url = $this->getROEURL();
     //if no urls available return missing:
     if (!$stream_web_url && !$flash_stream_url && !$mp4_stream_url) {
         return wfMsgWikiHtml('mv_error_stream_missing');
     if ($stream_web_url || $flash_stream_url || $mp4_stream_url) {
         $o = '';
         			$o.='<span id="mv_videoPlayerTime">'.$this->getStartTime().' to '.
         					htmlspecialchars( $this->getEndTime() ) .
         $o .= '<' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . ' ';
         $o .= $vid_id == '' ? '' : ' id="' . htmlspecialchars($vid_id) . '" ';
         $o .= 'poster="' . $this->getStreamImageURL($size, null, $force_server) . '" ' . 'roe="' . $roe_url . '" ';
         $o .= $showmeta ? 'show_meta_link="true" ' : 'show_meta_link="false" ';
         $o .= $autoplay ? ' autoplay="true" ' : '';
         $o .= 'style="width:' . htmlspecialchars($vWidth) . 'px;height:' . htmlspecialchars($vHeight) . 'px" ' . 'controls="true" embed_link="true" >';
         if ($stream_web_url) {
             $o .= '<source timeFormat="anx" type="' . htmlspecialchars(MV_StreamFile::getTypeForQK($mvDefaultVideoQualityKey)) . '" src="' . $stream_web_url . '"></source>';
         if ($flash_stream_url) {
             $o .= '<source timeFormat="anx" type="' . htmlspecialchars(MV_StreamFile::getTypeForQK($mvDefaultFlashQualityKey)) . '" src="' . $flash_stream_url . '"></source>';
         if ($mp4_stream_url) {
             $o .= '<source timeFormat="mp4" type="' . htmlspecialchars(MV_StreamFile::getTypeForQK($mvDefaultMP4QualityKey)) . '" src="' . $mp4_stream_url . '"></source>';
         $o .= '</' . htmlspecialchars($tag) . '>';
         return $o;