  * This function is called in addBrowseTableColumns() to filter the names displayed
  * by AnswerModelSnippetGeneric.
  * @see \Gems_Tracker_Snippets_AnswerModelSnippetGeneric
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @param array $currentNames The current names in use (allows chaining)
  * @return array Of the names of labels that should be shown
 public function filterAnswers(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, array $currentNames)
     $repeater = $model->loadRepeatable();
     $table = $bridge->getTable();
     // Filter unless option 'fullanswers' is true, can be set as get or post var.
     $requestFullAnswers = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getParam('fullanswers', false);
     if (!$repeater->__start()) {
         return $currentNames;
     $keys = array();
     if ($requestFullAnswers !== false) {
         // No filtering
         return $model->getItemsOrdered();
     } else {
         foreach ($model->getItemNames() as $name) {
             $start = substr(strtolower($name), 0, $this->IncludeLength);
             if (in_array($start, $this->IncludeStarts)) {
                 $keys[$name] = $name;
     $answers = $this->token->getRawAnswers();
     // Prevent errors when no answers present
     if (!empty($answers)) {
         $results = array_intersect($currentNames, array_keys($keys), array_keys($answers));
     } else {
         $results = array_intersect($currentNames, array_keys($keys));
     $results = $this->restoreHeaderPositions($model, $results);
     if ($results) {
         return $results;
     return $this->getHeaders($model, $currentNames);
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $model->set('gto_id_token', 'formatFunction', 'strtoupper');
     $bridge->setDefaultRowClass(\MUtil_Html_TableElement::createAlternateRowClass('even', 'even', 'odd', 'odd'));
     $tr1 = $bridge->tr();
     $tr1->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
     $tr1->appendAttrib('title', $bridge->gto_comment);
     $bridge->addColumn($this->createShowTokenButton($bridge), ' ')->rowspan = 2;
     // Space needed because TableElement does not look at rowspans
     // $bridge->addSortable('gto_mail_sent_num', $this->_('Contact moments'))->rowspan = 2;
     $this->addRespondentCell($bridge, $model);
     $bridge->addMultiSort('ggp_name', array($this->createActionButtons($bridge)));
     $tr2 = $bridge->tr();
     $tr2->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
     $tr2->appendAttrib('title', $bridge->gto_comment);
     $bridge->addSortable('gto_mail_sent_num', $this->_('Contact moments'));
     if ($this->multiTracks) {
         $model->set('gr2t_track_info', 'tableDisplay', 'smallData');
         $model->set('gto_round_description', 'tableDisplay', 'smallData');
         $bridge->addMultiSort('gtr_track_name', 'gr2t_track_info', array($bridge->gtr_track_name->if(\MUtil_Html::raw(' » ')), ' '), 'gsu_survey_name', 'gto_round_description');
     } else {
         $bridge->addMultiSort('gto_round_description', \MUtil_Html::raw('; '), 'gsu_survey_name');
  * Returns a text element for autosearch. Can be overruled.
  * The form / html elements to search on. Elements can be grouped by inserting null's between them.
  * That creates a distinct group of elements
  * @param array $data The $form field values (can be usefull, but no need to set them)
  * @return array Of \Zend_Form_Element's or static tekst to add to the html or null for group breaks.
 protected function getAutoSearchElements(array $data)
     $elements = parent::getAutoSearchElements($data);
     $user = $this->loader->getCurrentUser();
     if ($user->hasPrivilege('pr.respondent.select-on-track')) {
         $tracks = $this->searchData['__active_tracks'];
         $masks['show_all'] = $this->_('(all)');
         $masks['show_without_track'] = $this->_('(no track)');
         if (count($tracks) > 1) {
             $masks['show_with_track'] = $this->_('(with track)');
         if (count($tracks) > 1) {
             $elements[] = $this->_createSelectElement('gr2t_id_track', $masks + $tracks);
         } else {
             $element = $this->_createRadioElement('gr2t_id_track', $masks + $tracks);
             $element->setSeparator(' ');
             $elements[] = $element;
         $lineBreak = true;
     } else {
         $lineBreak = false;
     if ($user->hasPrivilege('pr.respondent.show-deleted')) {
         $elements[] = $this->_createCheckboxElement('grc_success', $this->_('Show active'));
     if ($this->model->isMultiOrganization()) {
         $element = $this->_createSelectElement(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID2, $user->getRespondentOrganizations(), $this->_('(all organizations)'));
         if ($lineBreak) {
             $element->setLabel($this->_('Organization'))->setAttrib('onchange', 'this.form.submit();');
             $elements[] = \MUtil_Html::create('br');
         $elements[] = $element;
     return $elements;
  * Handles creating or replacing the view for this survey
  * @param \Gems_Tracker_Survey       $viewName
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $answerModel
 protected function replaceCreateView(\Gems_Tracker_Survey $survey, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $answerModel)
     $viewName = $this->getViewName($survey);
     $responseDb = $this->project->getResponseDatabase();
     $fieldSql = '';
     foreach ($answerModel->getItemsOrdered() as $name) {
         if (true === $answerModel->get($name, 'survey_question') && !in_array($name, array('submitdate', 'startdate', 'datestamp')) && !$answerModel->is($name, 'type', \MUtil_Model::TYPE_NOVALUE)) {
             // Only real answers
             $fieldSql .= ',MAX(IF(gdr_answer_id = ' . $responseDb->quote($name) . ', gdr_response, NULL)) AS ' . $responseDb->quoteIdentifier($name);
     if ($fieldSql > '') {
         $dbConfig = $this->db->getConfig();
         $tokenTable = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($dbConfig['dbname'] . '.gems__tokens');
         $createViewSql = 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ' . $responseDb->quoteIdentifier($viewName) . ' AS SELECT gdr_id_token';
         $createViewSql .= $fieldSql;
         $createViewSql .= "FROM gemsdata__responses join " . $tokenTable . " on (gto_id_token=gdr_id_token and gto_id_survey=" . $survey->getSurveyId() . ") GROUP BY gdr_id_token;";
         try {
         } catch (Exception $exc) {
             $responseConfig = $responseDb->getConfig();
             $dbUser = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($responseConfig['username']) . '@' . $this->db->quoteIdentifier($responseConfig['host']);
             $statement = "GRANT SELECT ON  " . $tokenTable . " TO " . $dbUser;
             $this->getBatch()->addMessage(sprintf($this->_("Creating view failed, try adding rights using the following statement: %s"), $statement));
  * Overrule to implement snippet specific filtering and sorting.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 protected function processFilterAndSort(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $filter[] = $this->db->quoteInto("gr2t_id_respondent_track IN (\n                    SELECT gr2t2a_id_respondent_track\n                    FROM gems__respondent2track2appointment\n                    WHERE gr2t2a_id_appointment = ?)", $this->request->getParam(\Gems_Model::APPOINTMENT_ID));
     // \MUtil_Model::$verbose = true;
  * Adds elements from the model to the bridge that creates the form.
  * Overrule this function to add different elements to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridgeInterface $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 protected function addFormElements(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridgeInterface $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     if (!$this->createData) {
     // gtr_track_class
     if ($this->trackEngine) {
         $options = $model->get('gtr_track_class', 'multiOptions');
         $alternatives = $this->trackEngine->getConversionTargets($options);
         if (count($alternatives) > 1) {
             $options = $alternatives;
             if (!isset($this->formData[$this->_oldClassName])) {
                 $this->formData[$this->_oldClassName] = $this->formData['gtr_track_class'];
             $classEdit = true;
         } else {
             $classEdit = false;
     } else {
         $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
         $options = $tracker->getTrackEngineList(true, true);
         $classEdit = true;
     $model->set('gtr_track_class', 'multiOptions', $options, 'escape', false);
     if ($classEdit) {
     } else {
     if (!$this->createData) {
     if ($model->has('gtr_code')) {
     if ($model->has('gtr_calculation_event', 'label')) {
     if ($model->has('gtr_completed_event', 'label')) {
     if ($model->has('gtr_beforefieldupdate_event', 'label')) {
     if ($model->has('gtr_fieldupdate_event', 'label')) {
     if (\MUtil_Bootstrap::enabled()) {
         $element = new \MUtil_Bootstrap_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=gtr_organizations]'));
     } else {
         $element = new \Gems_JQuery_Form_Element_ToggleCheckboxes('toggleOrg', array('selector' => 'input[name^=gtr_organizations]'));
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if (!$this->model instanceof LogModel) {
         $this->model = $this->loader->getModels()->createLogModel();
     return $this->model;
 private function _addIf(array $names, \MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     foreach ($names as $name) {
         if ($model->has($name, 'label')) {
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     // Data needed for edit button
     // Data needed for edit button
     $HTML = \MUtil_Html::create();
     // Get the buttons
     $respMenu = $this->menu->findAllowedController('respondent', 'show');
     if ($respMenu) {
         $respondentButton = $respMenu->toActionLink($this->request, $bridge, $this->_('Show respondent'));
         $respondentButton->appendAttrib('class', 'rightFloat');
     } else {
         $respondentButton = null;
     $trackMenu = $this->menu->findAllowedController('respondent', 'show-track');
     if ($trackMenu) {
         $trackButton = $trackMenu->toActionLink($this->request, $bridge, $this->_('Show track'));
         $trackButton->appendAttrib('class', 'rightFloat');
     } else {
         $trackButton = null;
     // Row with dates and patient data
     $bridge->tr(array('onlyWhenChanged' => true, 'class' => 'even'));
     $bridge->addSortable('respondent_name')->colspan = 2;
     if ($this->multiTracks) {
         $bridge->addMultiSort('grs_city', array($respondentButton));
         $model->set('gr2t_track_info', 'tableDisplay', 'smallData');
         // Row with track info
         $bridge->tr(array('onlyWhenChanged' => true, 'class' => 'even'));
         $td = $bridge->addMultiSort('gtr_track_name', 'gr2t_track_info');
         $td->class = 'indentLeft';
         $td->colspan = 4;
         $td->renderWithoutContent = false;
         // Do not display this cell and thus this row if there is not content
         $td = $bridge->addMultiSort('progress', array($trackButton));
         $td->renderWithoutContent = false;
         // Do not display this cell and thus this row if there is not content
     } else {
         $bridge->addMultiSort('progress', array($respondentButton));
     $bridge->tr(array('class' => array('odd', $bridge->row_class), 'title' => $bridge->gto_comment));
     $bridge->addColumn($this->createShowTokenButton($bridge))->class = 'rightAlign';
     $model->set('gto_round_description', 'tableDisplay', 'smallData');
     $bridge->addMultiSort('gsu_survey_name', 'gto_round_description')->colspan = 2;
     $bridge->tr(array('class' => array('odd', $bridge->row_class), 'title' => $bridge->gto_comment));
     $bridge->addMultiSort('ggp_name', array($this->createActionButtons($bridge)));
  * Overrule to implement snippet specific filtering and sorting.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 protected function processFilterAndSort(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     if ($this->request->getParam('log')) {
         $model->setFilter(array('gla_id'), $this->request->getParam('log'));
     } else {
  * Appends the needed fields for this config to the $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $orgModel
 public function addConfigFields(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $orgModel)
     $configModel = $this->getConfigModel(true);
     $order = $orgModel->getOrder('gor_user_class') + 1;
     foreach ($configModel->getItemNames() as $name) {
         $orgModel->set($name, 'order', $order++, 'tab', 'access');
         $orgModel->set($name, $configModel->get($name));
Exemple #12
  * Should handle execution of the task, taking as much (optional) parameters as needed
  * The parameters should be optional and failing to provide them should be handled by
  * the task
  * @param array $row Row to save
 public function execute($row = null)
     if ($row) {
         $batch = $this->getBatch();
         // \MUtil_Echo::track($row);
         $batch->addToCounter('changed', $this->targetModel->getChanged());
  * Adds elements from the model to the bridge that creates the form.
  * Overrule this function to add different elements to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridgeInterface $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 protected function addFormElements(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_FormBridgeInterface $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $onOffFields = array('gr2t_track_info', 'gto_round_description', 'grc_description');
     foreach ($onOffFields as $field) {
         if (!(isset($this->formData[$field]) && $this->formData[$field])) {
             $model->set($field, 'elementClass', 'None');
     parent::addFormElements($bridge, $model);
 * Adds rows from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
 * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
 * having to recode the core table building code.
 * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge
 * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 * @return void
 * /
     protected function addShowTableRows(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
    parent::addShowTableRows($bridge, $model);
 * Creates the model
 * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if (!$this->model instanceof \Gems_Model_AppointmentModel) {
         $this->model = $this->loader->getModels()->createAppointmentModel();
     $this->model->set('gap_admission_time', 'formatFunction', array($this, 'displayDate'));
     $this->model->set('gap_discharge_time', 'formatFunction', array($this, 'displayDate'));
     return $this->model;
Exemple #15
  * Construct the bridge while setting the model.
  * Extra parameters can be added in subclasses, but the first parameter
  * must remain the model.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @param \Zend_Form $form Rquired
 public function __construct(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, \Zend_Form $form = null)
     $this->model = $model;
     $this->form = $form;
     if (!$form instanceof \Zend_Form) {
         throw new \MUtil_Model_ModelException("No form specified while create a form bridge for model " . $model->getName());
     if (!$form->getName()) {
  * Set the surveys to be listed as valid for choices for this item and the way they are displayed (if at all)
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model The round model
  * @param array $itemData    The current items data
  * @param boolean True if the update changed values (usually by changed selection lists).
 protected function applySurveyListValidFor(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, array &$itemData)
     if (!(isset($itemData['gro_id_round']) && $itemData['gro_id_round'])) {
         $itemData['gro_id_round'] = '';
     // Fixed value
     $itemData['gro_valid_for_id'] = $itemData['gro_id_round'];
     // The options array
     $rounds[$itemData['gro_id_round']] = $this->_('This round');
     $model->set('gro_valid_for_id', 'multiOptions', $rounds, 'elementClass', 'Exhibitor');
     return false;
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     // Replace two checkboxes with on radio button control
     $this->model->set('ggp_staff_members', 'elementClass', 'Hidden');
     $this->model->setOnSave('ggp_staff_members', array($this, 'saveIsStaff'));
     $this->model->set('ggp_respondent_members', 'elementClass', 'Hidden');
     $this->model->setOnSave('ggp_respondent_members', array($this, 'saveIsRespondent'));
     $options = array('1' => $this->model->get('ggp_staff_members', 'label'), '2' => $this->model->get('ggp_respondent_members', 'label'));
     $this->model->set('staff_respondent', 'label', $this->_('Can be assigned to'), 'elementClass', 'Radio', 'multiOptions', $options, 'order', $this->model->getOrder('ggp_staff_members') + 1);
     $this->model->setOnLoad('staff_respondent', array($this, 'loadStaffRespondent'));
     return $this->model;
  * Restores the header position of question before their corresponding question_sub
  * When sub-questions with the same parent are shown continuous the parent is shown
  * once before them. When the sub-questions are displayed in seperate groups the
  * parent is shown once at their start.
  * Stand alone headers without any corresponding value are removed. When they do have
  * a value of their own they are still shown, but their position may change according
  * to their sub-questions position. (NOTE: As in LimeSurvey their are no question
  * headers with values we leave it at this for the moment.)
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @param array $currentNames The current names in use (allows chaining)
  * @return array Of the names of labels that should be shown
 protected function restoreHeaderPositions(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, array $currentNames)
     $lastParent = null;
     $results = array();
     foreach ($currentNames as $name) {
         if ($model->is($name, 'type', \MUtil_Model::TYPE_NOVALUE)) {
             // Skip header types that contain no value
         if ($parent = $model->get($name, 'parent_question')) {
             // Check for change of parent
             if ($lastParent !== $parent) {
                 if (isset($results[$parent])) {
                     // Add another copy of the parent to the array
                     $results[] = $parent;
                 } else {
                     // Insert parent header on name if it was not shown before
                     $results[$parent] = $parent;
                 $lastParent = $parent;
         } else {
             // Make sure a question (without parent) is picked up as parent too
             $lastParent = $name;
         // If already set (as a $parent) this will not
         // redisplay the $parent as $result[$name] does
         // not change position
         $results[$name] = $name;
     return $results;
  * The place to check if the data set in the snippet is valid
  * to generate the snippet.
  * When invalid data should result in an error, you can throw it
  * here but you can also perform the check in the
  * checkRegistryRequestsAnswers() function from the
  * {@see \MUtil_Registry_TargetInterface}.
  * @return boolean
 public function hasHtmlOutput()
     $reqFilter = $this->request->getParam('filter');
     switch ($reqFilter) {
         case 'todo':
             //Only actions valid now that are not already done
             $filter[] = 'gto_completion_time IS NULL';
             $filter[] = 'gto_valid_from <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
             $filter[] = '(gto_valid_until IS NULL OR gto_valid_until >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)';
         case 'done':
             //Only completed actions
             $filter[] = 'gto_completion_time IS NOT NULL';
         case 'missed':
             //Only missed actions (not filled in, valid until < today)
             $filter[] = 'gto_completion_time IS NULL';
             $filter[] = 'gto_valid_until < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
         case 'all':
             $filter[] = 'gto_valid_from IS NOT NULL';
             //2 weeks look ahead, valid from date is set
             $filter[] = 'gto_valid_from IS NOT NULL';
             $filter[] = 'DATEDIFF(gto_valid_from, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) < 15';
             $filter[] = '(gto_valid_until IS NULL OR gto_valid_until >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)';
     $this->model->setMeta('tab_filter', $filter);
     return parent::hasHtmlOutput();
  * Overrule to implement snippet specific filtering and sorting.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
 protected function processFilterAndSort(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $filter['gto_id_respondent'] = $this->respondent->getId();
     if (is_array($this->forOtherOrgs)) {
         $filter['gto_id_organization'] = $this->forOtherOrgs;
     } elseif (true !== $this->forOtherOrgs) {
         $filter['gto_id_organization'] = $this->respondent->getOrganizationId();
     // Filter for valid track reception codes
     $filter[] = 'gr2t_reception_code IN (SELECT grc_id_reception_code FROM gems__reception_codes WHERE grc_success = 1)';
     $filter['grc_success'] = 1;
     // Active round
     // or
     // no round
     // or
     // token is success and completed
     $filter[] = 'gro_active = 1 OR gro_active IS NULL OR (grc_success=1 AND gto_completion_time IS NOT NULL)';
     $filter['gsu_active'] = 1;
     // NOTE! $this->model does not need to be the token model, but $model is a token model
     $tabFilter = $this->model->getMeta('tab_filter');
     if ($tabFilter) {
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($model->getFilter());
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if (!$this->model instanceof \Gems_Model_StaffModel) {
         $this->model = $this->loader->getModels()->getStaffModel(false);
     return $this->model;
  * Use this function for a default application of this type to the model
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @param string $valueField The field containing the value to be encrypted
  * #param string $methodField the field storing the method of encryption
  * @return \Gems_Model_Type_EncryptedField (continuation pattern)
 public function apply(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, $valueField, $methodField)
     $this->findValue[$methodField] = $valueField;
     $model->setOnLoad($valueField, array($this, 'loadValue'));
     $model->setOnSave($valueField, array($this, 'saveValue'));
     // Only hidden to make sure onSave's are triggered
     $model->set($methodField, 'elementClass', 'hidden');
     $model->setOnLoad($methodField, 'default');
     // Yes you can set this to a constant
     $model->setSaveWhen($methodField, array($this, 'whenEncryption'));
     $model->setOnSave($methodField, array($this, 'saveEncryption'));
     if ($model instanceof \MUtil_Model_DatabaseModelAbstract) {
         $model->setOnTextFilter($valueField, false);
         $model->setOnTextFilter($methodField, false);
     return $this;
  * The transform function performs the actual transformation of the data and is called after
  * the loading of the data in the source model.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model The parent model
  * @param array $data Nested array
  * @param boolean $new True when loading a new item
  * @param boolean $isPostData With post data, unselected multiOptions values are not set so should be added
  * @return array Nested array containing (optionally) transformed data
 public function transformLoad(\MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model, array $data, $new = false, $isPostData = false)
     // get tokens
     $tokens = \MUtil_Ra::column('gto_id_token', $data);
     $answerRows = $this->source->getRawTokenAnswerRows(array('token' => $tokens), $this->survey->getSurveyId());
     $resultRows = array();
     $emptyRow = array_fill_keys($model->getItemNames(), null);
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $tokenId = $row['gto_id_token'];
         if (isset($answerRows[$tokenId])) {
             $resultRows[$tokenId] = $row + $answerRows[$tokenId] + $emptyRow;
         } else {
             $resultRows[$tokenId] = $row + $emptyRow;
     // No changes
     return $resultRows;
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     // $bridge->getTable()->setAlternateRowClass('odd', 'odd', 'even', 'even');
     // \MUtil_Model::$verbose = true;
     $bridge->add('gro_round_description', $bridge->createSortLink('gro_id_order', $model->get('gro_round_description', 'label')));
     $bridge->th(array($bridge->createSortLink('answered'), 'colspan' => 2))->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($bridge->answered)->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($this->percentageLazy($bridge->answered, $bridge->total))->class = 'rightAlign';
     $bridge->th(array($bridge->createSortLink('missed'), 'colspan' => 2))->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($bridge->missed)->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($this->percentageLazy($bridge->missed, $bridge->total))->class = 'rightAlign';
     $bridge->th(array($bridge->createSortLink('open'), 'colspan' => 2))->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($bridge->open)->class = 'centerAlign';
     $bridge->td($this->percentageLazy($bridge->open, $bridge->total))->class = 'rightAlign';
     // $bridge->addSortable('answered');
     // $bridge->addSortable('missed');
     // $bridge->addSortable('open');
     // $bridge->add('future');
     // $bridge->add('unknown');
     $bridge->addColumn(array('=', 'class' => 'centerAlign'));
     // $bridge->tr();
     // $bridge->add('gsu_survey_name')->colspan = 4;
     // $bridge->add('gsu_id_primary_group')->colspan = 2;
     // $bridge->addColumn();
                         \MUtil_Html::create('em', ' - ', $bridge->gsu_id_primary_group)
                         $model->get('gsu_survey_name', 'label'),
                         \MUtil_Html::create('em', ' - ', $model->get('gsu_id_primary_group', 'label'))
                     )->colspan = 7;
              // */
  * Adds rows from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addShowTableRows(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_VerticalTableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $items = $model->getItemsOrdered();
     foreach ($items as $name) {
         if ($model->get($name, 'type') === \MUtil_Model::TYPE_CHILD_MODEL) {
             $this->submodel = $model->get($name, 'model');
             $subitems = $this->submodel->getItemsOrdered();
     if (isset($subitems) && is_array($subitems)) {
         $items = array_diff($items, $subitems);
     foreach ($items as $name) {
         if ($label = $model->get($name, 'label')) {
             $bridge->addItem($name, $label);
     /*if ($subitems) {
           $bridge->addItem('gctt', 'moo');
     if ($model->has('row_class')) {
         // Make sure deactivated rounds are show as deleted
         foreach ($bridge->getTable()->tbody() as $tr) {
             foreach ($tr as $td) {
                 if ('td' === $td->tagName) {
                     $td->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     if ($model->has('row_class')) {
         $bridge->getTable()->tbody()->getFirst(true)->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
     if ($editMenuItem = $this->getEditMenuItem()) {
         $bridge->addItemLink($editMenuItem->toActionLinkLower($this->request, $bridge));
     // make sure search results are highlighted
     if ($this->columns) {
         foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
             call_user_func_array(array($bridge, 'addMultiSort'), $column);
     } elseif ($this->sortableLinks) {
         foreach ($model->getItemsOrdered() as $name) {
             if ($label = $model->get($name, 'label')) {
                 $bridge->addSortable($name, $label);
     } else {
         foreach ($model->getItemsOrdered() as $name) {
             if ($label = $model->get($name, 'label')) {
                 $bridge->add($name, $label);
     if ($deleteMenuItem = $this->findMenuItem($this->request->getControllerName(), 'delete')) {
         $bridge->addItemLink($deleteMenuItem->toActionLinkLower($this->request, $bridge));
  * Creates the model
  * @return \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
 protected function createModel()
     if (!$this->model instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Model_TrackModel) {
         $tracker = $this->loader->getTracker();
         $this->model = $tracker->getRespondentTrackModel();
         if (!$this->trackEngine instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Engine_TrackEngineInterface) {
             $this->trackEngine = $this->respondentTrack->getTrackEngine();
     $this->model->set('restore_tokens', 'label', $this->_('Restore tokens'), 'description', $this->_('Restores tokens with the same code as the track.'), 'elementClass', 'Checkbox');
     return $this->model;
Exemple #28
  * Returns true if and only if $value meets the validation requirements
  * If $value fails validation, then this method returns false, and
  * getMessages() will return an array of messages that explain why the
  * validation failed.
  * @param  mixed $value
  * @param  array $context
  * @return boolean
  * @throws \Zend_Validate_Exception If validation of $value is impossible
 public function isValid($value, $context = array())
     // Make sure the (optionally filtered) value is in the context
     $context[reset($this->_fields)] = $value;
     $filter = array();
     foreach ($this->_fields as $name) {
         // Return valid when not all the fields to check for are in the context
         if (!isset($context[$name])) {
             return true;
         $filter[$name] = $context[$name];
     $check = array();
     $doGet = $this->_model->hasItemsUsed();
     $keys = $this->_model->getKeys();
     foreach ($keys as $id => $key) {
         if ($doGet) {
             // Make sure the item is used
         if (isset($context[$id])) {
             $check[$key] = $context[$id];
         } elseif (isset($context[$key])) {
             $check[$key] = $context[$key];
         } else {
             // Not all keys are in => therefore this is a new item
             $check = false;
     $rows = $this->_model->load($filter);
     if (!$rows) {
         return true;
     if (!$check) {
         // Rows where found while it is a new item
         return false;
     $count = count($check);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         // Check for return of the whole check
         if (count(array_intersect_assoc($check, $row)) !== $count) {
             // There exists a row with the same values but not the same keys
             return false;
     return true;
  * The place to check if the data set in the snippet is valid
  * to generate the snippet.
  * When invalid data should result in an error, you can throw it
  * here but you can also perform the check in the
  * checkRegistryRequestsAnswers() function from the
  * {@see \MUtil_Registry_TargetInterface}.
  * @return boolean
 public function hasHtmlOutput()
     $sql = "SELECT COALESCE(gto_round_description, '') AS label,\n                        SUM(\n                            CASE\n                            WHEN gto_completion_time IS NOT NULL\n                            THEN 1\n                            ELSE 0\n                            END\n                        ) AS completed,\n                        SUM(\n                            CASE\n                            WHEN gto_completion_time IS NULL AND\n                                gto_valid_from < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND\n                                (gto_valid_until > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP OR gto_valid_until IS NULL)\n                            THEN 1\n                            ELSE 0\n                            END\n                        ) AS waiting,\n                        COUNT(*) AS any\n                    FROM gems__tokens INNER JOIN\n                        gems__surveys ON gto_id_survey = gsu_id_survey INNER JOIN\n                        gems__rounds ON gto_id_round = gro_id_round INNER JOIN\n                        gems__respondent2track ON gto_id_respondent_track = gr2t_id_respondent_track INNER JOIN\n                        gems__reception_codes AS rcto ON gto_reception_code = rcto.grc_id_reception_code INNER JOIN\n                        gems__reception_codes AS rctr ON gr2t_reception_code = rctr.grc_id_reception_code\n                    WHERE gto_id_respondent = ? AND\n                        gro_active = 1 AND\n                        gsu_active = 1 AND\n                        rcto.grc_success = 1 AND\n                        rctr.grc_success = 1\n                    GROUP BY COALESCE(gto_round_description, '')\n                    ORDER BY MIN(COALESCE(gto_round_order, 100000)), gto_round_description";
     // \MUtil_Echo::track($this->respondentId);
     $tabLabels = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, $this->respondentId);
     if ($tabLabels) {
         $default = null;
         $filters = array();
         $noOpen = true;
         $tabs = array();
         foreach ($tabLabels as $row) {
             $name = '_' . \MUtil_Form::normalizeName($row['label']);
             $label = $row['label'] ? $row['label'] : $this->_('empty');
             if ($row['waiting']) {
                 $label = sprintf($this->_('%s (%d open)'), $label, $row['waiting']);
             } else {
                 $label = $label;
             if (!$row['label']) {
                 $label = \MUtil_Html::create('em', $label);
             $filters[$name] = $row['label'];
             $tabs[$name] = $label;
             if ($noOpen && $row['completed'] > 0) {
                 $default = $name;
             if ($row['waiting'] > 0) {
                 $default = $name;
                 $noOpen = false;
         if (null === $default) {
             $default = key($filters);
         // Set the model
         $reqFilter = $this->request->getParam($this->getParameterKey());
         if (!isset($filters[$reqFilter])) {
             $reqFilter = $default;
         if ('' === $filters[$reqFilter]) {
             $this->model->setMeta('tab_filter', array("(gto_round_description IS NULL OR gto_round_description = '')"));
         } else {
             $this->model->setMeta('tab_filter', array('gto_round_description' => $filters[$reqFilter]));
         // \MUtil_Echo::track($tabs, $reqFilter, $default, $tabLabels);
         $this->defaultTab = $default;
         $this->_tabs = $tabs;
     return $this->_tabs && parent::hasHtmlOutput();
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     // Make sure these fields are loaded
     parent::addBrowseTableColumns($bridge, $model);