public function __construct()
     global $mts_simple_booking;
     // CSSロード
     // 予約条件パラメータのロード
     $this->controls = get_option($this->domain . '_controls');
     // 予約品目を読込む
     $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
     // 本日0時0分のUNIX Time
     $this->today_time = strtotime(date_i18n('Y-n-j'));
     * 月間予約カレンダー出力
    public function monthly_calendar($atts)
        // 予約受付終了状態
        if (empty($this->controls['available'])) {
            return $this->controls['closed_page'];
        // 日時の初期設定
        // ショートコードパラメータの初期化
        $params = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '-1', 'type' => 'table', 'class' => 'monthly-calendar', 'year' => $this->this_year, 'month' => $this->this_month, 'pagination' => '1', 'caption' => '1', 'link' => '1', 'weeks' => '', 'skiptime' => '0', 'href' => '', 'calendar_id' => ''), $atts);
        // 予約品目の取得
        $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles($params['id']);
        if (empty($this->articles)) {
            return __('Not found any articles of reservation.', $this->domain);
        // 日付が指定されたら当該日の予約表示をする
        if (isset($_GET['ymd']) && (!isset($_GET['cid']) || $_GET['cid'] == $params['calendar_id'])) {
            $daytime = intval($_GET['ymd']);
            $daytime = $daytime - $daytime % 86400;
            if ($this->today_time <= $daytime && $daytime < $this->max_time) {
                return $this->_daily_schedule($daytime, $params);
        // 対象年月
        $theyear = intval($params['year']);
        $themonth = intval($params['month']);
        // ページ切り替え
        if (isset($_GET['ym']) && (!isset($_GET['cid']) || $_GET['cid'] == $params['calendar_id'])) {
            $ym = explode('-', $_GET['ym']);
            if (count($ym) == 2) {
                $theyear = $ym[0] > $ym[1] ? intval($ym[0]) : intval($ym[1]);
                $themonth = $ym[0] > $ym[1] ? intval($ym[1]) : intval($ym[0]);
        // 対象年月チェック
        $thetime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth, 1, $theyear);
        if ($thetime < $this->this_time || $this->max_time <= $thetime) {
            $thetime = $this->this_time;
            $theyear = $this->this_year;
            $themonth = $this->this_month;
        // 対象年月のスケジュールを読込む
        $key_name = MTS_Simple_Booking::SCHEDULE_NAME . date_i18n('Ym', $thetime);
        foreach ($this->articles as $article_id => $article) {
            $this->schedule[$article_id] = get_post_meta($article_id, $key_name, true);
        // 対象年月の予約カウントデータを読込む
        $this->reserved = $this->get_reserved_count($theyear, $themonth);
        // 曜日データのローカライズ
        foreach ($this->weeks as $week) {
            $weeknames[] = __($week);
        if ($params['weeks']) {
            $weeks = explode(',', $params['weeks']);
            if (count($weeks) == 7) {
                $weeknames = $weeks;
        $days = (mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth + 1, 1, $theyear) - $thetime) / 86400;
        $starti = date('w', $thetime);
        $endi = $starti + $days + 5 - date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth, $days, $theyear));

	<div class="<?php 
        echo $params['class'];
        if ($params['caption'] == 1) {
            $this->_caption($theyear, $themonth, $thetime);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
            $week = strtolower($this->weeks[$i]);
            echo "<th class=\"week-title {$week}\">" . $weeknames[$i] . "</th>";

        for ($i = 0, $day = 1 - $starti; $i <= $endi; $i++, $day++) {
            // 行終了
            if ($i % 7 == 0) {
                echo (0 < $i ? "</tr>\n" : '') . "<tr>\n";
            if (0 < $day && $day <= $days) {
                $ymdtime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth, $day, $theyear);
                $this->_reservation_of_the_day($ymdtime, $params);
            } else {
                echo '<td class="day-box no-day">&nbsp;</td>' . "\n";
        $this->_prev_next_link($theyear, $themonth, $params);

	</div><!-- reservation-table -->
        echo apply_filters('mtssb_monthly_message_after', '', $params['type']);

        return ob_get_clean();
     * 管理画面メニュー処理
    public function schedule_page()
        $this->errflg = false;
        $this->message = '';
        // 予約品目の読み込み
        $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
        if (empty($this->articles)) {
            $this->message = __('The exhibited reservation item data has nothing.', $this->domain);
        $this->article_id = key($this->articles);
        $this->themonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date_i18n('n'), 1, date_i18n('Y'));
        if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
            switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
                case 'schedule':
                    $this->_schedule_parameter(intval($_GET['article_id']), intval($_GET['schedule_year']), intval($_GET['schedule_month']));
                case 'save':
                    if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], self::PAGE_NAME . '-save')) {
                        $this->article_id = intval($_POST['article_id']);
                        $this->_schedule_parameter(intval($_POST['article_id']), intval($_POST['schedule_year']), intval($_POST['schedule_month']));
                        $this->message = __('Schedule has been saved.', $this->domain);
                    } else {
                        $this->errflg = true;
                        $this->message = "Nonce error";
                    $this->errflg = true;
                    $this->message = "Unknown action";
        // 対象年月のスケジュールデータの読み込み
        $key_name = MTS_Simple_Booking::SCHEDULE_NAME . date_i18n('Ym', $this->themonth);
        $this->schedule = get_post_meta($this->article_id, $key_name, true);
	<div class="wrap">
        _e('Schadule Management', $this->domain);
        if (!empty($this->message)) {
			<div class="<?php 
            echo $this->errflg ? 'error' : 'updated';
            echo $this->message;

        if (!empty($this->articles)) {




	</div><!-- wrap -->
Exemple #4
     * スケジュール指定フォームの出力
    private function _select_form()
        // 全予約品目を取得する
        if (empty($this->articles)) {
            $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
        // 選択年月の上限・下限を求める
        $controls = get_option($this->domain . '_controls');
        $this_year = date_i18n('Y');
        $upyear = date_i18n('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date_i18n('n') + $controls['period'], 1, $this_year)) - $this_year;
        $downyear = $this_year - self::START_YEAR + 1;
        // ソート指定
        $order = $this->set_order_key($_REQUEST);
        <form method="get" action="">
            <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo self::PAGE_NAME;
" />

            <div id="list-condition-select">
        _e('Article:', $this->domain);
                <select id="select_aid" class="select-article" name="aid">
                    <option value=""> </option>
        foreach ($this->articles as $article_id => $article) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$article_id}\"";
            if ($article_id == $this->article_id) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';
            echo ">{$article['name']}</option>\n";
                <button class="button-secondary" name="action" value="select"><?php 
        _e('Select Article', $this->domain);

        echo $this->wpdate->date_form('select', 'select', $upyear, $downyear);
                <button class="button-secondary" name="action" value="select"><?php 
        _e('Change Date', $this->domain);

            <div id="list-condition-out">
                <button class="button-secondary" name="action" value="download"><?php 
        _e('List Download', $this->domain);
            <div class="clear"></div>

            <input id="list_key" type="hidden" name="orderby" value="<?php 
        echo $order['key'];
            <input id="list_direction" type="hidden" name="order" value="<?php 
        echo $order['direction'];

        // 前月・翌月リンクの表示
        if (0 < $this->wpdate->month && $this->wpdate->day <= 0) {
     * ミックス予約カレンダー出力
    public function mix_calendar($atts = array())
        // 予約受付終了状態
        if (empty($this->controls['available'])) {
            return $this->controls['closed_page'];
        // ショートコードパラメータの初期化
        $this->params = shortcode_atts(array_merge($this->calendar->commonParams(), array('class' => 'mix-calendar', 'title' => '予約カレンダー', 'anchor' => 'mix-anchor', 'time' => 'row', 'drop_off' => '0', 'space_line' => '1', 'time_cell' => '1', 'linkurl' => $this->this_page)), $atts);
        // 予約カレンダー対象年月
        $theyear = intval($this->params['year']);
        $themonth = intval($this->params['month']);
        // 予約品目の取得
        $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles($this->params['id']);
        if (empty($this->articles)) {
            return __('Not found any articles of reservation.', $this->domain);
        // 予約品目先頭のID
        $current_article = current($this->articles);
        $this->first_article_id = $current_article['article_id'];
        // カレンダーから日付リンクが指定された
        $link_daytime = 0;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['ymd']) && (!isset($_REQUEST['cid']) || $_REQUEST['cid'] == $this->params['calendar_id'])) {
            $link_daytime = intval($_REQUEST['ymd']);
        // パラメータで年月日が指定された
        if (0 < $this->params['day']) {
            $link_daytime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->params['month'], $this->params['day'], $this->params['year']);
        // 予約の日付が指定されたら時間割カレンダーを表示する。ただしWidgetの月表示を除く。
        if ($this->params['widget'] != 1 && $link_daytime) {
            $calendar = $this->_day_mix_calendar($link_daytime);
            if ($calendar) {
                return $calendar;
        // フロントエンドからのページ切り替え
        if ($link_daytime) {
            $theyear = date_i18n('Y', $link_daytime);
            $themonth = date_i18n('n', $link_daytime);
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['utm'])) {
            $theyear = date_i18n('Y', intval($_REQUEST['utm']));
            $themonth = date_i18n('n', intval($_REQUEST['utm']));
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['ym'])) {
            $ym = explode('-', $_REQUEST['ym']);
            if (count($ym) == 2) {
                $theyear = $ym[0] > $ym[1] ? intval($ym[0]) : intval($ym[1]);
                $themonth = $ym[0] > $ym[1] ? intval($ym[1]) : intval($ym[0]);
        // 対象年月でなければ当月とする
        $this->calendar->calendarTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth, 1, $theyear);
        if (!$this->calendar->isMonthly($this->calendar->calendarTime)) {
            $this->calendar->calendarTime = $this->calendar->monthTime;
            $theyear = $this->calendar->thisYear;
            $themonth = $this->calendar->thisMonth;
        // 対象年月の予約カウントデータを読込む
        $this->reserved = $this->get_reserved_count($theyear, $themonth);
        // カレンダー先頭のUnixtime
        $caltime = $this->calendar->calendarTime - (7 + date_i18n('w', $this->calendar->calendarTime) - $this->calendar->startOfWeek) % 7 * 86400;
        // カレンダー月翌月のUnixtime
        $nextime = mktime(0, 0, 0, $themonth + 1, 1, $theyear);
        // アンカー指定
        $anchor = $this->params['anchor'] && !$this->params['widget'] ? sprintf(' id="%s"', $this->params['anchor']) : '';
        echo sprintf('%s class="%s"', $anchor, $this->params['class']);
        echo apply_filters('mtssb_calendar_before', '', array('cid' => $this->params['calendar_id']));
        // タイトル表示
        echo $this->view->calendarTitle($this->params);
        // キャプション・月リンク表示
        echo $this->view->captionPagination($this->params, $this->calendar);
        // 曜日ヘッダー表示
        echo $this->view->weekHeader($caltime, $this->params['weeks']);
        // カレンダー表示
        for ($i = 0; $caltime < $nextime || 0 < $i; $i = ($i + 1) % 7, $caltime += 86400) {
            if ($i == 0) {
                echo "<tr>\n";
            if ($caltime < $this->calendar->calendarTime || $nextime <= $caltime) {
            } else {
            if ($i == 6) {
                echo "</tr>\n";

        if ($this->params['pagination'] == 1 || $this->params['pagination'] == 3) {
            echo $this->view->pagination($this->params, $this->calendar);
        echo apply_filters('mtssb_calendar_after', '', array('cid' => $this->params['calendar_id']));


        return ob_get_clean();
Exemple #6
  * その他データのアップデート
 private function _update_data($tbl_version)
     global $wpdb;
     // スケジュールデータをoptionsからpostsへ移動する
     if ($tbl_version == '1.0' && '1.2' < self::VERSION) {
         // 予約品目を読込む
         $articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
         // 対象年月のスケジュールデータの読み込み
         $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$wpdb->options}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE option_name REGEXP '{$this->domain}_[[:digit:]]{6}'\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY option_name";
         $schedules = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
         // スケジュールデータのunserialize
         foreach ($schedules as &$schedule) {
             $schedule['option_value'] = unserialize($schedule['option_value']);
         // 品目毎にスケジュールデータを移動する
         foreach ($articles as $article_id => $article) {
             foreach ($schedules as &$schedule) {
                 $aid = 'A' . $article_id;
                 // 当該品目のスケジュールデータがあればコピーする
                 if (isset($schedule['option_value'][$aid])) {
                     $data = $schedule['option_value'][$aid];
                     $key_name = MTS_Simple_Booking::SCHEDULE_NAME . substr($schedule['option_name'], 19);
                     update_post_meta($article_id, $key_name, $data);
         // optionsのスケジュールデータを削除する
         //foreach ($schedules as &$schedule) {
         //	delete_option($schedule['option_name']);
Exemple #7
     * 月リスト予約カレンダー出力
    public function listMonthlyCalendar($atts)
        // 予約受付終了状態
        if (empty($this->controls['available'])) {
            return $this->controls['closed_page'];
        // ショートコードパラメータの初期化
        $this->params = shortcode_atts(array_merge($this->calendar->commonParams(), array('class' => 'list-monthly-calendar', 'title' => '予約カレンダー', 'xaxis' => '')), $atts);
        // カレンダーID指定の確認
        if (isset($_GET['cid']) && $_GET['cid'] != $params['calendar_id']) {
            return '';
        // 予約日が指定された場合は時間割カレンダーを表示する
        $dayTime = $this->calendar->defDayTime($this->params);
        if ($dayTime) {
            return $this->_dayTimetable($dayTime);
        // カレンダー表示月を決定する(yyyy年mm月1日)
        // 予約品目の取得
        $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles($this->params['id']);
        if (empty($this->articles)) {
            return __('Not found any articles of reservation.', $this->domain);
        // 対象年月のスケジュールを読込む
        foreach ($this->articles as $articleId => &$article) {
            $key_name = MTS_Simple_Booking::SCHEDULE_NAME . date_i18n('Ym', $this->calendar->calendarTime);
            $article['schedule'] = get_post_meta($articleId, $key_name, true);
        // 対象年月の予約カウントデータを読込む
        $this->reserved = $this->get_reserved_count($this->calendar->calendarYear, $this->calendar->calendarMonth);
        // アンカー指定
        $anchor = $this->params['anchor'] && !$this->params['widget'] ? sprintf(' id="%s"', $this->params['anchor']) : '';
        echo sprintf('%s class="%s"', $anchor, $this->params['class']);
        echo apply_filters('mtssb_calendar_before', '', $this->params['calendar_id']);
        // タイトル表示
        echo $this->view->calendarTitle($this->params);
        // キャプション・月リンク表示
        echo $this->view->captionPagination($this->params, $this->calendar);
        if (empty($this->params['xaxis'])) {

        if ($this->params['pagination'] == 1 || $this->params['pagination'] == 3) {
            echo $this->view->pagination($this->params, $this->calendar);
        echo apply_filters('mtssb_calendar_after', '', $this->params['calendar_id']);


        return ob_get_clean();
     * 新規予約登録 予約品目の選択
    private function _select_article_page()
        // 予約品目
        $articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
        // 日付フォームオブジェクト生成、初期日付をセット
        $odate = new MTS_WPDate();
        $article_id = key($articles);
	<div class="wrap">

        _e('Add Booking', $this->domain);
        if (!empty($this->message)) {
			<div class="<?php 
            echo $this->errflg ? 'error' : 'updated';
            echo $this->message;

        _e('Select article', $this->domain);
		<form id="select-article" method="get" action="<?php 
        echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
			<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo self::PAGE_NAME;
" />

			<table class="form-table" style="width: 100%">
				<tr class="form-field">
        _e('Booking Date', $this->domain);
        echo $odate->date_form('booking_new', 'bd');
				<tr class="form-field">
        _e('Booking Event', $this->domain);
						<select id="booking-article" class="booking-select-article" name="article_id">
        foreach ($articles as $aid => $article) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$aid}\">{$article['name']}</option>\n";
						<select id="booking-time" class="booking-select-time" name="timetable">
        if (empty($articles[$article_id]['timetable'])) {
            echo '<option value="">' . __('Nothing', $this->domain) . "</option>\n";
        } else {
            foreach ($articles[$article_id]['timetable'] as $time) {
                echo "<option value=\"{$time}\">" . date('H:i', $time) . "</option>\n";
						<span id="loader-img" style="display:none"><img src="<?php 
        echo $this->plugin_url . 'image/ajax-loader.gif';
" alt="Loading" /></span>
						<input type="hidden" id="ajax-nonce" value="<?php 
        echo wp_create_nonce('mtssb_get_timetable');

			<p><input class="button-secondary" type="submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Add booking', $this->domain);
" /></P>

     * 管理画面メニュー処理
    public function booking_page()
        $this->errflg = false;
        $this->message = '';
        // 予約品目
        $this->articles = MTSSB_Article::get_all_articles();
        if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
            $action = $_POST['action'];
            if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], self::PAGE_NAME . "_{$action}")) {
                die("Nonce error!");
            // 予約データを正規化し、登録データを取得する
            $this->booking = $this->normalize_booking($_POST['booking']);
            switch ($action) {
                case 'add':
                    $booking_id = $this->add_booking();
                    if ($booking_id) {
                        $this->message = __('Booking data has been added.', $this->domain);
                        $this->booking = $this->new_booking($this->booking['booking_time'] - $this->booking['booking_time'] % 86400, $this->booking['article_id']);
                    } else {
                        $this->message = __('Booking data has been failed to add.', $this->domain);
                        $this->errflg = true;
                case 'save':
                    $booking_id = $this->save_booking();
                    if ($booking_id) {
                        $this->message = __('Booking data has been saved.', $this->domain);
                        $this->booking['booking_id'] = $booking_id;
                    } else {
                        $this->message = __('Booking data has been failed to save.', $this->domain);
                        $this->errflg = true;
        } else {
            if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit') {
                // 格納データを操作データオブジェクトに移す
                $this->booking = $this->array_merge_default($this->new_booking(), $this->get_booking(intval($_REQUEST['booking_id'])));
            } else {
                $daytime = isset($_GET['dt']) ? intval($_GET['dt']) : 0;
                $article_id = isset($_GET['article_id']) ? intval($_GET['article_id']) : 0;
                $this->booking = $this->new_booking($daytime, $article_id);
        $action = $this->booking['booking_id'] ? 'save' : 'add';
	<div class="wrap columns-2">
        echo $action == 'save' ? __('Edit Booking', $this->domain) : __('Add Booking', $this->domain);
        if (!empty($this->message)) {
			<div class="<?php 
            echo $this->errflg ? 'error' : 'updated';
            echo $this->message;

		<form id="add-booking" method="post" action="?page=<?php 
        echo self::PAGE_NAME;
			<div id="poststuff">
				<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-2">

					<div id="post-body-content">

					<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">
						<!-- div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable" -->
							<div id="addsubmitdiv" class="postbox">
        echo $action == 'save' ? __('Edit Booking', $this->domain) : __('Add Booking', $this->domain);
								<div class="inside">
									<div id="minor-publishing">
										<div id="misc-publishing-actions">
											<div class="misc-pub-section">
												<label for="booking-confirmed"><?php 
        _e('Booking Confirmation:', $this->domain);
												<input type="hidden" name="booking[confirmed]" value="0" />
												<input id="booking-confirmed" type="checkbox" name="booking[confirmed]" value="1"<?php 
        echo $this->booking['confirmed'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
									<div id="major-publishing-actions">
        if ($action == 'save') {
<div id="delete-action">
											<a href="?page=simple-booking-list&amp;booking_id=<?php 
            echo $this->booking['booking_id'];
            echo wp_create_nonce('simple-booking-list_delete');
" onclick="return confirm('<?php 
            _e('Do you really want to delete this booking?', $this->domain);
										<div id="publishing-action">
											<input id="publish" class="button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php 
        echo $action == 'save' ? __('Save Booking', $this->domain) : __('Add Booking', $this->domain);
" name="save">
										<div class="clear"> </div>
									<div class="clear"> </div>
						<!-- /div -->

					<div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">

			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php 
        echo $action;
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="<?php 
        echo wp_create_nonce(self::PAGE_NAME . "_{$action}");
" />

	</div><!-- wrap -->
