protected function getTableColumns()
     $request_str = implode('/', PRequest::get()->request);
     $dir_str = isset($_GET['dir']) && $_GET['dir'] != 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $words = new MOD_words();
     return array('select' => '', 'from' => '<a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=sender&amp;dir=' . $dir_str . '">' . $words->getSilent('From') . '</a> / <a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=date&amp;dir=' . (isset($_GET['dir']) ? $dir_str : 'ASC') . '">' . $words->getSilent('Date') . '</a>' . $words->flushBuffer(), 'message' => $words->get('MessagesText'));
     return array('select' => '', 'from' => 'From/To', 'message' => 'Text');
Exemple #2
  * Columns for messages table.
  * The $key of a column is used as a suffix for method tableCell_$key
  * @return array table columns, as $name => Column title
 protected function getTableColumns()
     // We don't mark the link of the current sortorder yet, but we could:
     // $sort_current = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'date';
     // This would lgo in the a-tag: '.(($sort_current == 'date') ? 'class="sort_selected"' : '').'
     $request_str = implode('/', PRequest::get()->request);
     $dir_str = isset($_GET['dir']) && $_GET['dir'] != 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $words = new MOD_words();
     return array('select' => '', 'from' => '<a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=sender&amp;dir=' . $dir_str . '">' . $words->getSilent('From') . '</a> / <a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=date&amp;dir=' . (isset($_GET['dir']) ? $dir_str : 'ASC') . '">' . $words->getSilent('Date') . '</a>' . $words->flushBuffer(), 'message' => $words->get('MessagesText'));
Exemple #3
 protected function getTableColumns()
     $columns = parent::getTableColumns();
     $columns['from'] = 'To';
     // We don't mark the link of the current sortorder yet, but we could:
     // $sort_current = isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'date';
     // This would lgo in the a-tag: '.(($sort_current == 'date') ? 'class="sort_selected"' : '').'
     $request_str = implode('/', PRequest::get()->request);
     $dir_str = isset($_GET['dir']) && $_GET['dir'] != 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     $words = new MOD_words();
     $columns['from'] = '<a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=receiver&amp;dir=' . $dir_str . '">' . $words->getSilent('To') . '</a> / <a href="' . $request_str . '?sort=date&amp;dir=' . (isset($_GET['dir']) ? $dir_str : 'ASC') . '">' . $words->getSilent('Date') . '</a>' . $words->flushBuffer();
     return $columns;
Exemple #4
    protected function showItems()
        $words = new MOD_words();
        // don't need a table - a simple list is enough.
        echo $words->flushBuffer();
        <script type="text/javascript">
    var DynamicExtensions = {
        dynamicize: function(element){
            element.dHref = element.href;
            element.dTarget =;
            element.href = "#";
   = "";
            element.dynamic = dynamicallyLoad.bindAsEventListener(element);
            Event.observe(element, 'click', element.dynamic);
            return element;


    function dynamicallyLoad(e) {
        element = Event.element(e);
        if (!element.dHref) element = element.parentNode;
        new Ajax.Updater(element.dTarget, element.dHref, {
            method: 'get',
            onComplete: function() {
                new Effect.Highlight(element.dTarget, {duration: 1});
                return false;

    function setLinks(e, target) {
        (target) ? selector = '#'+target+' ' : selector = '';

    Event.observe(window, 'load', setLinks);

        case 'Untrigger':
            echo $words->get('AdminMassMailSuccessUntrigger', $status[1], $status[2]);
    echo '</div>';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><th class="left" style="width:50%;">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailName') . '</th>';
if ($this->canTrigger) {
    echo '<th colspan="5">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailActions') . '</th>';
} else {
    echo '<th colspan="3">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailActions') . '</th>';
echo '<th><img src="images/icons/tick.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailEnqueued') . '"></th>' . '<th><img src="images/icons/exclamation.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailTriggered') . '"></th>' . '<th><img src="images/icons/email.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailSent') . '"></th>' . '<th><img src="images/icons/error.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailFailed') . '"></th>' . '<th>' . $words->flushBuffer() . '</th>' . '</tr>';
foreach ($this->pager->getActiveSubset($this->massmails) as $massmail) {
    $enqueued = $massmail->enqueuedCount != 0;
    $triggered = $massmail->triggeredCount != 0;
    $edit = '<a href="admin/massmail/edit/' . $massmail->id . '">' . '<img src="images/icons/comment_edit.png" alt="edit" /></a><br><a href="admin/massmail/edit/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailEdit') . '</a>';
    $enqueue = '<a href="admin/massmail/enqueue/' . $massmail->id . '">' . '<img src="images/icons/tick.png" alt="enqueue" /></a><br/><a href="admin/massmail/enqueue/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailEnqueue') . '</a>';
    $unqueue = '<a href="admin/massmail/unqueue/' . $massmail->id . '">' . '<img src="images/icons/delete.png" alt="unqueue" /></a><br/><a href="admin/massmail/unqueue/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailUnqueue') . '</a>';
    $trigger = '<a href="admin/massmail/trigger/' . $massmail->id . '">' . '<img src="images/icons/exclamation.png" alt="trigger" /></a><br/><a href="admin/massmail/trigger/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailTrigger') . '</a>';
    $untrigger = '<a href="admin/massmail/trigger/' . $massmail->id . '">' . '<img src="images/icons/delete.png" alt="untrigger" /></a><br/><a href="admin/massmail/untrigger/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $words->getBuffered('AdminMassMailUntrigger') . '</a>';
    if ($ii % 2 == 0) {
        $str = '<tr class="blank">';
    } else {
        $str = '<tr class="highlight">';
    $str .= '<td class="left"><a href="admin/massmail/details/' . $massmail->id . '">' . $massmail->Name . '</a></td>';
    if (!$enqueued) {
    protected function column_col3()
        $words = new MOD_words();
        $member = $this->member;
        $layoutkit = $this->layoutkit;
        $formkit = $layoutkit->formkit;
        $callback_tag = $formkit->setPostCallback('MembersController', 'RelationCallback');
        $page_url = PVars::getObj('env')->baseuri . implode('/', PRequest::get()->request);
        $TabRelationsType = $member->get_TabRelationsType();
        $relation = $this->model->get_relation_between_members($member->id);
        if (isset($relation['member']->Confirmed) && $relation['member']->Confirmed == 'No') {
            $action = 'confirm';
        } elseif (isset($relation['myself']->id)) {
            $action = 'update';
        } else {
            $action = 'add';
        if ($action == 'update' && isset($relation['member']->Confirmed)) {
            <p class="note"><?php 
            echo $words->get('RelationIsConfirmed', $member->Username);
        } elseif ($action == 'update') {
            <p class="note"><?php 
            echo $words->get('RelationWaitConfirmed', $member->Username);
        <form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $page_url;
" name="relation" id="relation" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <input type="hidden"  name="IdRelation"  value="<?php 
        echo $member->id;
" />
            <input type="hidden"  name="IdOwner"  value="<?php 
        echo $_SESSION['IdMember'];
" />
        echo $callback_tag;
        echo $words->get($action . 'Relation');
        echo $words->get('MyRelationListExplanation', $member->Username, $member->Username);
        if (count($relation['member']) <= 0) {
            <div class="row">
            <label class="grey"><?php 
            echo $words->get('RelationListCategory');
</label><br />
            $tt = $TabRelationsType;
            $max = count($tt);
            for ($ii = 0; $ii < $max; $ii++) {
                echo "<input type=checkbox name=\"Type_" . $tt[$ii] . "\"";
                if (count($relation['myself']) > 0 && strpos(" " . $relation['myself']->Type, $tt[$ii]) != 0) {
                    echo " checked ";
                echo "> " . $words->get("Relation_Type_" . $tt[$ii]) . "<br />";
            <p class="desc"><?php 
            echo $words->get('RelationListExplanation');
        } else {
            <div class="row">
            echo $words->get('RelationType');
: <strong><?php 
            echo $words->get("Relation_Type_" . $relation['member']->Type);
            <div class="row">
                <label class="grey"><?php 
        echo $words->get("RelationText", $member->Username);
:</label><br />
                <textarea rows="4" cols="60" name="Comment"><?php 
        if (isset($relation['myself']->Comment)) {
            $lang = $this->model->get_profile_language();
            $comment = $words->mInTrad($relation['myself']->IdTradComment, $lang->id);
            // Hack to filter out accidental '0' or '123456' comments that were saved
            // by users while relation comment update form was buggy (see #1580)
            if (is_numeric($comment)) {
                $comment = '';
            echo $comment;
        if ($action == 'confirm') {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="Type" value="' . $relation['member']->Type . '">';
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="RelationId" value="' . $relation['member']->id . '">';
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="confirm">';
        } elseif ($action == 'update') {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="RelationId" value="' . $relation['myself']->id . '">';
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update">';
        } else {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="add">';
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
        echo $words->getSilent($action . 'Relation');
" /><?php 
        echo $words->flushBuffer();
            <br />
Exemple #7
    $threadsliced = array_slice($threads, 0, 5);
    foreach ($threadsliced as $cnt => $thread) {
        $url = ForumsView::threadURL($thread);
        if ($url[0] == 's') {
            // JeanYves Hack/Fix to be sure that forums/ is written in the beginning of the links !
            $url = "forums/" . $url;
        $max = $thread->replies + 1;
        $maxPage = ceil($max / $this->_model->POSTS_PER_PAGE);
        $last_url = $url . ($maxPage != 1 ? '/page' . $maxPage : '') . '/#post' . $thread->last_postid;
                <td class="forumsboardthreadtitle"><?php 
        echo '<img src="styles/css/minimal/images/iconsfam/comment_add.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" title="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" />' . $words->flushBuffer();
        if ($thread->ThreadDeleted == 'Deleted') {
            echo "[Deleted]";
        if ($thread->ThreadVisibility == "ModeratorOnly") {
            echo "[ModOnly]";
                    <a href="<?php 
        echo $url;
" class="news">
        echo $words->fTrad($thread->IdTitle);
    protected function column_col3()
        $words = new MOD_words();
        $message = $this->message;
        $purifier = new MOD_htmlpure();
        $purifier = $purifier->getMessagesHtmlPurifier();
        $contact_username = $message->senderUsername;
        $model = new MembersModel();
        $direction_in = true;
        if ($contact_username == $_SESSION['Username']) {
            $contact_username = $message->receiverUsername;
            $direction_in = false;
        $member = $model->getMemberWithUsername($contact_username);
        <div id="message" class="floatbox">
            <div id="shade_top"></div>
            <div id="buttonstop">
                <p class="floatbox">
        if ($direction_in) {
                        <a class="button float_left"
            echo $message->id;
            echo $words->get('replymessage');
            if ($message->InFolder == 'Spam') {
                            <a class="button float_right"
                echo $message->id;
                echo $words->get('marknospam');
            } else {
                            <a class="button float_right"
                echo $message->id;
                echo $words->get('markspam');
        } else {
                        <a class="button float_left"
            echo $message->id;
            echo $words->get('editmessage');
                    <a class="button float_right" href="messages/<?php 
        echo $message->id;
                       onclick="return confirm ('<?php 
        echo $words->getBuffered('MessagesWarningConfirmDelete');
        echo $words->get('delmessage');
        echo $words->flushBuffer();
            <!-- buttonstop -->
            <div id="messageheader" class="floatbox">
                <div id="messageside" class="float_right">
                    <p class="small grey">
        echo $words->get('LivesIn');
        echo $member->City;
, <?php 
        echo $member->Country;
        echo $words->get('Speaks');
        $languages = $member->get_languages_spoken();
        if (count($languages) > 0) {
            $ii = 0;
            $max = count($languages);
            foreach ($languages as $language) {
                $space = $ii != $max - 1 ? ', ' : '';
                echo $words->getSilent('LanguageLevel_' . $language->Level);
                echo $language->Name;
                echo $space;
                echo $words->flushBuffer();

                    <p class="small grey">
                        <a href="messages/with/<?php 
        echo $contact_username;
"><img src="images/icons/comments.png"
        echo $words->getSilent('messages_allmessageswith', $contact_username);
        echo $words->getSilent('messages_allmessageswith', $contact_username);
"/> <?php 
        echo $words->getSilent('messages_allmessageswith', $contact_username);
                <!-- messageside -->
                <p class="float_left">
        echo MOD_layoutbits::PIC_50_50($contact_username);

                <p class="">
        echo $direction_in ? $words->get('MessageFrom', '<a href="members/' . $contact_username . '">' . $contact_username . '</a>') : $words->get('MessageTo', '<a href="members/' . $contact_username . '">' . $contact_username . '</a>');

                <p class="">
                    <span class="grey"><?php 
        echo $words->get('MessagesDate');
                        : </span> <?php 
        echo date($words->getSilent('DateFormatShort'), strtotime($message->created));
            <div id="messagecontent">
                <p class="text">
        echo $purifier->purify($message->Message);
            <!-- messagecontent -->
            <div id="messagefooter">
                <p class="floatbox">
        if ($direction_in) {
                        <a class="button float_left"
            echo $message->id;
            echo $words->get('replymessage');
            if ($message->InFolder == 'Spam') {
                            <a class="button float_right"
                echo $message->id;
                echo $words->get('marknospam');
            } else {
                            <a class="button float_right"
                echo $message->id;
                echo $words->get('markspam');
        } else {
                        <a class="button float_left"
            echo $message->id;
            echo $words->get('editmessage');
                    <a class="button float_right"
        echo $message->id;
        echo $words->get('delmessage');
            <!-- messagefooter -->
            <div id="shade"></div>
        </div> <!-- message -->
        echo $words->flushBuffer();

function getLanguagesOptionsDropDown($vars)
    $words = new MOD_words();
    $languages = array();
    $model = new RoxModelBase();
    $member = $model->getLoggedInMember();
    if ($member) {
        $languages = $member->get_languages_spoken();
    $select = '<strong class="small">' . $words->getFormatted('SearchLanguages') . '</strong><br/>';
    $select .= '<select name="search-languages[]" multiple="multiple" ';
    if (!$member) {
        $select .= 'disabled="disabled" ';
    $select .= 'class="multiselect sval">';
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        $select .= '<option value="' . $language->IdLanguage . '"';
        if (isset($vars['search-languages']) && in_array($language->IdLanguage, $vars['search-languages']) === true) {
            $select .= ' selected="selected"';
        $select .= '>' . $language->Name . '</option>';
    $select .= '</select>' . $words->flushBuffer();
    return $select;
Exemple #10
echo '<h2 class="paddingtop">' . $words->get('members') . '</h2>';
$User = new APP_User();
$words = new MOD_words();
$layoutbits = new MOD_layoutbits();
$url = '/places/' . htmlspecialchars($this->countryName) . '/' . $this->countryCode . '/';
if ($this->regionCode) {
    $url .= htmlspecialchars($this->regionName) . '/' . $this->regionCode . '/';
if ($this->cityCode) {
    $url .= htmlspecialchars($this->cityName) . '/' . $this->cityCode . '/';
$loginUrlOpen = '<a href="login' . $url . '#login-widget">';
$loginUrlClose = '</a>';
if (!$this->members) {
    if ($this->totalMemberCount) {
        echo $words->get('PlacesMoreMembers', $words->getSilent('PlacesMoreLogin'), $loginUrlOpen, $loginUrlClose) . $words->flushBuffer();
    } else {
        echo $words->get('PlacesNoMembersFound', htmlspecialchars($this->placeName));
} else {
    if ($this->totalMemberCount != $this->memberCount) {
        echo $words->get('PlacesMoreMembers', $words->getSilent('PlacesMoreLogin'), $loginUrlOpen, $loginUrlClose) . $words->flushBuffer();
    // divide members into pages of Places::MEMBERS_PER_PAGE (20)
    $params = new StdClass();
    $params->strategy = new HalfPagePager('right');
    $params->page_url = $url;
    $params->page_url_marker = 'page';
    $params->page_method = 'url';
    $params->items = $this->memberCount;
    $params->active_page = $this->pageNumber;
        if (!in_array($url_bit, $request)) {
            $url = $uri . $url_bit . '/';
            $breadcrumb .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $wordtag . '</a> ';
        } else {
            $breadcrumb .= '' . $wordtag . ' ';
        // Heritage of TravelBook
        if ($wordtag == 'help' || $wordtag == 'Help and Support') {
            $ShowHelp = true;
            // todo deal with this in a better way
    if ($breadcrumb) {
        // we will later use the 'tags' word, but don't want an edit link inside the html tag!
        if ($ShowHelp) {
            echo '<img src="styles/css/minimal/images/iconsfam/help.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" title="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" class="forum_icon" />' . $words->flushBuffer();
        } elseif (isset($thread->continent) && $thread->continent) {
            echo '<img src="styles/css/minimal/images/iconsfam/world.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" title="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" class="forum_icon" />' . $words->flushBuffer();
        } else {
            echo '<img src="styles/css/minimal/images/iconsfam/tag_blue.png" alt="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" title="' . $words->getBuffered('tags') . '" class="forum_icon" />' . $words->flushBuffer();
        echo $breadcrumb;
                <td class="forumsboardthreadreplies"><?php 
    echo $thread->replies;
                <td class="forumsboardthreadauthor"><a href="bw/member.php?cid=<?php 
    $vars =& PPostHandler::getVars($callbackId);
    $callbackIdCom = $gallery_ctrl->commentProcess($image);
    $varsCom =& PPostHandler::getVars($callbackIdCom);
    $R = MOD_right::get();
    $GalleryRight = $R->hasRight('Gallery');
if (!isset($vars['errors'])) {
    $vars['errors'] = array();
$Previous = $this->previous;
$Next = $this->next;
$userpic = MOD_layoutbits::PIC_30_30($d->user_handle, '', $style = 'float_left');
echo <<<HTML
    <div class="floatbox" style="padding-top: 30px;">
        <h3><a href="gallery/show/user/{$image->user_handle}">{$words->getFormatted('galleryUserOthers', $image->user_handle)}</a></h3>
$UserId = 1;
$SetId = false;
require_once 'surrounditems_small.php';
if ($this->gallery) {
    echo '<div class="floatbox" style="padding-top: 30px;"><h3 class="borderless">' . $words->getFormatted('Belongs to album') . '</h3>';
    echo '<a href="gallery/show/sets/' . $this->gallery->id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($this->gallery->title) . '</a>
$d = $image;
echo '    <div class="floatbox" style="padding-top: 30px;">
<h3 class="borderless">' . $words->getFormatted('GalleryImageAdditionalInfo') . '</h3>';
echo '  
Exemple #13
    echo "<h2 class=\"forumstopic\">";
    if ($topic->topicinfo->ThreadDeleted == 'Deleted') {
        echo "[Deleted]";
    if ($topic->topicinfo->ThreadVisibility == 'ModeratorOnly') {
        echo "[ModOnly]";
    echo $words->fTrad($topic->topicinfo->IdTitle);
    if ($User) {
        $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        if (strpos($url, "/reverse") === false) {
            // THis in order to avoid to concatenate /reverse twice
            $url .= "/reverse";
        echo ' <a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $words->getSilent('ReverseOrder') . '" ><img src="images/icons/reverse_order.png" alt="' . $words->getSilent('ReverseOrder') . '" /></a> ' . $words->flushBuffer();
    echo "</h2>";

    <div class="forumthreadinfo">
        <div class="float_left">
    if ($topic->topicinfo->IdGroup > 0) {
                <p class="forumsthreadtags"><strong><?php 
        echo $words->get("group");
                    <a href="groups/<?php 
        echo $this->_model->getGroupName($topic->topicinfo->IdGroup);
Exemple #14
$d = $image;
$d->user_handle = MOD_member::getUserHandle($d->user_id_foreign);
$canEdit = $member && $member->Username == $d->user_handle ? true : false;
if (!isset($vars['errors'])) {
    $vars['errors'] = array();
echo <<<HTML
<h3 id="g-title">{$d->title}</h3>
if (!$d->description == 0) {
    echo <<<HTML
        <p id="g-text">{$d->description}</p>
} elseif ($canEdit) {
    echo <<<HTML
        <p id="g-text">{$words->getBuffered("GalleryAddDescription")}</p>{$words->flushBuffer()}
if ($canEdit || $GalleryRight > 1) {
    $title = htmlentities($d->title, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    $description = htmlentities($d->description, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    echo <<<HTML
    <a href="gallery/show/image/{$d->id}" id="g-title-edit" class="button" style="display:none;">{$words->getSilent("EditTitle")}</a>
    <a href="gallery/show/image/{$d->id}" id="g-text-edit" class="button" style="display:none;">{$words->getSilent("EditDescription")}</a>
    <a style="cursor:pointer" href="gallery/show/image/<?={$d->id}?>/delete" class="button" onclick="return confirm('{$words->getFormatted("confirmdeletepicture")}')">{$words->getSilent("Delete")}</a>

<form method="post" action="gallery/show/image/{$d->id}/edit" class="def-form">
    <fieldset id="image-edit" class="inline NotDisplayed">
Exemple #15
$navigationPath .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($boards->getBoardLink(), ENT_QUOTES) . '">' . $boardName . '</a>';

// Quick hack to avoid "no tags" showing up at the top of tag search results
// TODO: fix this properly in Forums::boardTopLevelLastPosts() (forums model)
if ($boardName != 'no tags') {
    echo "<h2>" . $navigationPath . "</h2>";
if ($this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator", "Edit") || $this->BW_Right->HasRight("ForumModerator", "All")) {
    if (isset($boards->IdTag)) {
        echo " <a href=\"forums/modedittag/" . $boards->IdTag . "\">Edit Tag</a>";
if (isset($boards->IdSubscribe)) {
    echo " <span class=\"button\"><a href=\"forums/subscriptions/unsubscribe/tag/", $boards->IdTag, "\">", $words->getBuffered('ForumUnsubscribe'), "</a></span>", $words->flushBuffer();
} else {
    if (isset($boards->IdTag)) {
        echo " <span class=\"button\"><a href=\"forums/subscribe/tag/", $boards->IdTag, "\">", $words->getBuffered('ForumSubscribe'), "</a></span>", $words->flushBuffer();
$tags = $boards->getBoardDescription();
<!-- cut end -->
if ($boards->hasSubBoards()) {
    require 'boardboards.php';
Exemple #16
    </div> <!-- forumsauthor -->
    <div class="forumsmessage">
        <div class="floatbox">
        <!-- Display the time the post was made -->
        <p class="forumstime">
//echo "[",$post->posttime,"]",$words->getFormatted('DateHHMMShortFormat') ;
echo $words->getFormatted('posted');
echo date($words->getBuffered('DateHHMMShortFormat'), ServerToLocalDateTime($post->posttime));
echo $words->flushBuffer() . "  &nbsp;&nbsp; " . $words->getFormatted("forum_label_visibility") . ": " . $words->getFormatted("forum_edit_vis_" . $post->PostVisibility);
$max = 0;
if (!empty($post->Trad)) {
    $max = count($post->Trad);
for ($jj = 0; $jj < $max and $topic->WithDetail; $jj++) {
    // Not optimized, it is a bit stupid to look in all the trads here
    if ($post->Trad[$jj]->trad_created != $post->Trad[$jj]->trad_updated) {
        // If one of the trads have been updated
        if ($post->Trad[$jj]->IdLanguage == $_SESSION["IdLanguage"]) {
            echo "<br /><em>last edited on ", date($words->getFormatted('DateHHMMShortFormat'), ServerToLocalDateTime($post->Trad[$jj]->trad_updated)), " by ", $post->Trad[$jj]->TranslatorUsername, "</em>";
        </p> <!-- forumstime -->
<table style="width:100%">
    <tr><td colspan="2"><h3><?php 
echo $words->get("ForumSubscriptions");
echo $words->getFormatted("ForumDisableAllNotifications");
        <td style="text-align: right"><a href="forums/subscriptions/disable" class="button"><?php 
echo $words->getSilent('ForumDisable');
echo $words->flushBuffer();
echo $words->getFormatted("ForumEnableAllNotifications");
        <td style="text-align: right"><a href="forums/subscriptions/enable" class="button"><?php 
echo $words->getSilent('ForumEnable');
echo $words->flushBuffer();
    <tr><td colspan="2"><?php 
echo $words->get('ForumNotificationsInfo');
Exemple #18
        $url = ForumsView::threadURL($thread, 'groups/' . $thread->IdGroup . '/forum/');
    } else {
        $url = ForumsView::threadURL($thread);
    $max = $thread->replies + 1;
    $maxPage = ceil($max / $this->_model->POSTS_PER_PAGE);
    $last_url = $url . ($maxPage != 1 ? '/page' . $maxPage : '') . '/#post' . $thread->last_postid;
            <tr class="<?php 
    echo $styles[$cnt % 2];
                <td class="forumsboardthreadtitle">
    if ($thread->stickyvalue < 0) {
        echo '<img src="styles/css/minimal/images/icons16/pin_blue.png" alt="' . $words->getSilent('PinnedPost') . '" title="' . $words->getSilent('PinnedPost') . '" class="forum_icon" />' . $words->flushBuffer();
    if ($thread->ThreadDeleted == "Deleted") {
        echo "[Deleted] ";
    if ($thread->ThreadVisibility == "ModeratorOnly") {
        echo "[ModOnly] ";
    echo "<a href=\"", $url, "\">";
    echo $words->fTrad($thread->IdTitle);
                    <br />
                    <span class="forumsboardthreadtags"><?php 
    // show tags if post is part of a group
    if ($thread->IdGroup > 0) {
Exemple #19
        if (strlen($d->title) >= 20) {
            echo substr($d->title, 0, 15) . '...';
        } else {
            echo $d->title;
</a> <a href="gallery/img?id=<?php 
        echo $d->id;
" class="lightview" rel="gallery[BestOf]"><img src="styles/css/minimal/images/icon_image_expand.gif" title="<?php 
        echo $words->getSilent('Preview image');
" ><?php 
        echo $words->flushBuffer();
        echo '
    <p class="small">
        ' . $layoutbits->ago(strtotime($d->created)) . ' ' . $words->getFormatted('by') . '
        <a href="members/' . $d->user_handle . '">' . $d->user_handle . '</a>. 
        <a href="gallery/show/user/' . $d->user_handle . '" title="' . $words->getSilent('galleryUserOthers', $d->user_handle) . '">
        <img src="styles/css/minimal/images/iconsfam/pictures.png" style="float: none">
        </a>' . $words->flushBuffer() . '
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="floatbox">';
Exemple #20
    <div class="float_right" style="padding-top: 1em">
        <form method="get" action="blog/search/" class="def-form" id="blog-search-form">
                <div id="search" class="row">
                    <input type="text" id="search-field" name="s" />
                    <input type="submit" value="Search" class="submit"<?php 
echo isset($submitName) && !empty($submitName) ? ' name="' . $submitName . '"' : '';
<h1><a href="blog"><?php 
echo $words->getFormatted('blogs');
$titleSetting = false;
/* TODO: Create a user-setting for a blog-title
$titleSetting = A PP_User::getSetting($userId, 'blog_title'); */
if ($userHandle) {
    if (!$titleSetting) {
        echo MOD_layoutbits::PIC_50_50($userHandle, '', $style = 'framed float_left');
        echo '<h1>' . $words->getFormatted('blogUserPublicTitle', $userHandle) . '</h1>';
    } else {
        echo '<h1>' . $titleSetting->value . '</h1>';
echo $words->flushBuffer();
Exemple #21
    $pagination = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $pager->getHtml());
    $pagination_attr = htmlspecialchars($pager->getHtml(), ENT_QUOTES);
echo <<<XML
<pager per_page='{$vars['limitcount']}' paging='{$pagination_attr}'>{$pagination}</pager>
if ($ShowMemberFunction == 'ShowMembersAjaxShort') {
    echo "<header header='" . "'/>";
} else {
    if (sizeof($TList) > 0) {
        echo "<header header='" . htmlspecialchars("<table class=\"full\">\n            <tr>\n                <th colspan=\"2\">" . $words->getFormatted('Member') . "</th>\n                <th>" . $words->getFormatted('ProfileSummary') . "</th>\n                <th>" . $words->getFormatted('Host') . "</th>\n                <th>" . $words->getFormatted('MemberSince') . "</th>\n                <th>" . $words->getFormatted('LastLogin') . "</th>\n                <th>" . $words->getFormatted('Comments') . "</th>\n                <th align=\"right\">" . $words->getFormatted('Age') . "<br />" . $words->getFormatted('Gender') . "</th>\n            </tr>", ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>";
    } else {
        echo "<header header='" . htmlspecialchars($words->getFormatted("searchmembersNoSearchResults"), ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>";
echo "<footer footer='" . htmlspecialchars("" . $words->flushBuffer() . "</table>", ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>";
echo "<num_results num_results='" . $maxpos . "' num_all_results='" . $maxLoggedIn . "'/>";
echo "</content>\n";
// Set session variables for use at another time.
$_SESSION['SearchMapStyle'] = $mapstyle;
$_SESSION['SearchMembersVars'] = $vars;
$_SESSION['SearchMembersTList'] = $TList;
function ShowMembersAjax($TM, $maxpos, $Accomodation)
    static $ii = 0;
    $layoutbits = new MOD_layoutbits();
    $info_styles = array(0 => "<tr class=\"blank\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">", 1 => "<tr class=\"highlight\" align=\"left\" valign=\"center\">");
    $string = $info_styles[$ii++ % 2];
    // this display the <tr>
    $string .= "<td class=\"memberlist\">";
    $string .= "<img src=\"members/avatar/" . $TM->Username . "?xs\" class=\"framed\">";