$allRows[] = $res->fields;
if (!empty($allRows)) {
if (empty($export)) {
    echo "\n\t<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0>\n\t    <TR " . $COLORS['BaseBorderTableBgcolor'] . ">\n\t\t<td>\n\t<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4 border=0><TR " . $COLORS['BaseTablesBgcolor'] . "><TH>&nbsp;</TH><TH>" . $GUI_LANG['TheDescriptionIsAccessible'] . ":</TH><TH>" . $GUI_LANG['PhoneNumber'] . "</TH><TH>" . $GUI_LANG['Description'] . "</TH><TH>&nbsp;</TH>";
} else {
    $expor_excel->MontaConteudo(0, 0, $GUI_LANG['PhoneNumber']);
    $expor_excel->MontaConteudo(0, 1, $GUI_LANG['Description']);
    $expor_excel->MontaConteudo(1, 0, "   ");
    $expor_excel->MontaConteudo(1, 1, "   ");
if (!empty($allRows)) {
    $linha = 0;
    while (list($key, $row) = each($allRows)) {
        $FontColor = '';
        $FontColorEnd = '';
        if (ereg($MobileCallsR, $row[1])) {
            $FontColor = "<font " . $COLORS['MobileCalls'] . ">";
            $FontColorEng = "</font>";
        } elseif (ereg($InternationalCalls, $row[1])) {
            $FontColor = "<font " . $COLORS['InternationalCalls'] . ">";
            $FontColorEng = "</font>";
        } elseif (ereg($LongDistanceCalls, $row[1])) {
            $FontColor = "<font " . $COLORS['LongDistanceCalls'] . ">";
            $FontColorEng = "</font>";

if ($table == "") {
    echo "Se requiere el nombre de la tabla en la variable <b>table</b>";
// parametros do seu servidor
require "../config/variables.php";
//echo DB_USER."++".$table;
$usuario = DB_USER;
$senha = DB_PASS;
$banco = DB_NAME;
$conexao = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, $usuario, $senha);
mysql_select_db($banco, $conexao);
require "excel_lib.php";
$mid_excel = new MID_SQLPARAExel();
$mid_excel2 = new MID_SQLPARAExel();
// data to the file(Dados para o arquivo)
$sql = "select * from " . $table;
//$mid_excel->mid_sqlparaexcel("DataBaseName", "TABLEname", RECORDSET, "FILEname");
$mid_excel->mid_sqlparaexcel(DB_NAME, $table, $sql, "jmm1");
//$mid_excel->mid_sqlparaexcel(DB_NAME, $table, $sql, "111111111");
//$mid_excel->mid_sqlparaexcel(DB_NAME, $table, $sql, "222222222");