  * Gets called when custom data is to be added for a file custom data can for example be
  * plugin specific name value items that should get added into a file listning.
  * @param MCManager $man MCManager reference that the plugin is assigned to.
  * @param BaseFile $file File reference to add custom info/data to.
  * @param string $type Where is the info needed for example list or info.
  * @param Array $custom Name/Value array to add custom items to.
  * @return bool true/false if the execution of the event chain should continue.
 function onCustomInfo(&$man, &$file, $type, &$input)
     switch ($type) {
         case "list":
             $input['previewable'] = $file->isFile() && $man->verifyFile($file, "preview") >= 0;
     return true;
     // Pass to next
  * Gets called when data is streamed/uploaded from client. This method should take care of
  * any uploaded files and move them to the correct location.
  * @param MCManager $man MCManager reference that the plugin is assigned to.
  * @param string $cmd Upload command that is to be performed.
  * @param string $input Array of input arguments.
  * @return object Result object data or null if the event wasn't handled.
 function onUpload(&$man, $cmd, $input)
     if ($cmd == "upload") {
         // Setup response
         $result = new Moxiecode_ResultSet("status,file,message");
         $path = $man->decryptPath($input["path"]);
         $config = $man->getConfig();
         // Check for flash upload
         if (isset($_FILES["Filedata"])) {
             $_FILES["file0"]["name"] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"];
             $_FILES["file0"]["type"] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["type"];
             $_FILES["file0"]["tmp_name"] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"];
             $_FILES["file0"]["error"] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["error"];
             $_FILES["file0"]["size"] = $_FILES["Filedata"]["size"];
             // Remove extension, will be added later.
             $input["name0"] = substr($_FILES["Filedata"]["name"], 0, strrpos($_FILES["Filedata"]["name"], "."));
         if ($man->verifyPath($path)) {
             $file =& $man->getFile($path);
             $config = $file->getConfig();
             $maxSizeBytes = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $config["upload.maxsize"]);
             if (strpos(strtolower($config["upload.maxsize"]), "k") > 0) {
                 $maxSizeBytes *= 1024;
             if (strpos(strtolower($config["upload.maxsize"]), "m") > 0) {
                 $maxSizeBytes *= 1024 * 1024;
             // Ok lets check the files array out.
             for ($i = 0; isset($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']); $i++) {
                 $filename = utf8_encode($input["name" . $i]);
                 // Do nothing in demo mode
                 if (checkBool($config['general.demo'])) {
                     $result->add("DEMO_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.demo}");
                 // No access, tool disabled
                 if (in_array("upload", explode(',', $config['general.disabled_tools'])) || !$file->canWrite() || !checkBool($config["filesystem.writable"])) {
                     $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                 // Get ext to glue back on
                 $ext = "";
                 if (strpos(basename($_FILES['file' . $i]['name']), ".") > 0) {
                     $ar = explode('.', basename($_FILES['file' . $i]['name']));
                     $ext = array_pop($ar);
                 $file =& $man->getFile($path, $filename . "." . $ext, "", MC_IS_FILE);
                 if ($man->verifyFile($file, "upload") < 0) {
                     $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                 $config = $file->getConfig();
                 if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name'])) {
                     // Hack attempt
                     if ($filename == $config['filesystem.local.access_file_name']) {
                         @unlink($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                         $result->add("MCACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                     if ($file->exists() && (!isset($config["upload.overwrite"]) || $config["upload.overwrite"] == false)) {
                         @unlink($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                         $result->add("OVERWRITE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.file_exists}");
                     if ($file->exists() && $config["upload.overwrite"] == true) {
                     if (getClassName($file) == 'moxiecode_localfileimpl') {
                         if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name'], $file->getAbsolutePath())) {
                             $result->add("RW_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.upload_failed}");
                         // Dispatch add event
                     } else {
                         $file->importFile($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                     if ($file->getLength() > $maxSizeBytes) {
                         $result->add("SIZE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.error_to_large}");
                     // Verify uploaded file, if it fails delete it
                     $status = $man->verifyFile($file, "upload");
                     if ($status < 0) {
                         $result->add("FILTER_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                     $result->add("OK", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#message.upload_ok}");
                 } else {
                     $result->add("GENERAL_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.upload_failed}");
         } else {
             $result->add("PATH_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($path), "{#error.upload_failed}");
         return $result;
Exemple #3
  * Gets called when data is streamed/uploaded from client. This method should take care of
  * any uploaded files and move them to the correct location.
  * @param MCManager $man MCManager reference that the plugin is assigned to.
  * @param string $cmd Upload command that is to be performed.
  * @param string $input Array of input arguments.
  * @return object Result object data or null if the event wasn't handled.
 function onUpload(&$man, $cmd, $input)
     if ($cmd == "upload") {
         // Setup response
         $result = new Moxiecode_ResultSet("status,file,message");
         $path = $man->decryptPath($input["path"]);
         $config = $man->getConfig();
         if ($man->verifyPath($path)) {
             $file =& $man->getFile($path);
             $config = $file->getConfig();
             $maxSizeBytes = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $config["upload.maxsize"]);
             if (strpos(strtolower($config["upload.maxsize"]), "k") > 0) {
                 $maxSizeBytes *= 1024;
             if (strpos(strtolower($config["upload.maxsize"]), "m") > 0) {
                 $maxSizeBytes *= 1024 * 1024;
             // Is chunked upload
             if (isset($input["chunk"])) {
                 $filename = $input["name"];
                 $chunk = intval($input["chunk"]);
                 $chunks = intval($input["chunks"]);
                 // No access, tool disabled
                 if (in_array("upload", explode(',', $config['general.disabled_tools'])) || !$file->canWrite() || !checkBool($config["filesystem.writable"])) {
                     $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                     return $result;
                 $file =& $man->getFile($path, $filename, MC_IS_FILE);
                 if ($man->verifyFile($file, "upload") < 0) {
                     $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                     return $result;
                 // Hack attempt
                 if ($filename == $config['filesystem.local.access_file_name']) {
                     $result->add("MCACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                     return $result;
                 // Only peform IO when not in demo mode
                 if (!checkBool($config['general.demo'])) {
                     if ($chunk == 0 && $file->exists() && (!isset($config["upload.overwrite"]) || $config["upload.overwrite"] == false)) {
                         $result->add("OVERWRITE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.file_exists}");
                         return $result;
                     if ($chunk == 0 && $file->exists() && $config["upload.overwrite"] == true) {
                     // Write file
                     $stream =& $file->open($chunk == 0 ? 'wb' : 'ab');
                     if ($stream) {
                         $in = fopen("php://input", "rb");
                         if ($in) {
                             while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
                     // Check file size
                     if ($file->getLength() > $maxSizeBytes) {
                         $result->add("SIZE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.error_to_large}");
                         return $result;
                     // Verify uploaded file, if it fails delete it
                     $status = $man->verifyFile($file, "upload");
                     if ($status < 0) {
                         $result->add("FILTER_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                         return $result;
                     // Import file when all chunks are complete
                     if ($chunk == $chunks - 1) {
                         debug($chunk, $chunks, filesize($file->getAbsolutePath()), $chunk == 0 ? 'wb' : 'ab');
                 $result->add("OK", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#message.upload_ok}");
                 return $result;
             } else {
                 // Ok lets check the files array out.
                 for ($i = 0; isset($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']); $i++) {
                     $filename = utf8_encode($input["name" . $i]);
                     // Do nothing in demo mode
                     if (checkBool($config['general.demo'])) {
                         $result->add("DEMO_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.demo}");
                     // No access, tool disabled
                     if (in_array("upload", explode(',', $config['general.disabled_tools'])) || !$file->canWrite() || !checkBool($config["filesystem.writable"])) {
                         $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                     // Get ext to glue back on
                     $ext = "";
                     if (strpos(basename($_FILES['file' . $i]['name']), ".") > 0) {
                         $ar = explode('.', basename($_FILES['file' . $i]['name']));
                         $ext = array_pop($ar);
                     $file =& $man->getFile($path, $filename . "." . $ext, "", MC_IS_FILE);
                     if ($man->verifyFile($file, "upload") < 0) {
                         $result->add("ACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                     $config = $file->getConfig();
                     if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name'])) {
                         // Hack attempt
                         if ($filename == $config['filesystem.local.access_file_name']) {
                             @unlink($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                             $result->add("MCACCESS_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.no_access}");
                         if ($file->exists() && (!isset($config["upload.overwrite"]) || $config["upload.overwrite"] == false)) {
                             @unlink($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                             $result->add("OVERWRITE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.file_exists}");
                         if ($file->exists() && $config["upload.overwrite"] == true) {
                         if (getClassName($file) == 'moxiecode_localfileimpl') {
                             if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name'], $file->getAbsolutePath())) {
                                 $result->add("RW_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.upload_failed}");
                             // Dispatch add event
                         } else {
                             $file->importFile($_FILES['file' . $i]['tmp_name']);
                         if ($file->getLength() > $maxSizeBytes) {
                             $result->add("SIZE_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.error_to_large}");
                         // Verify uploaded file, if it fails delete it
                         $status = $man->verifyFile($file, "upload");
                         if ($status < 0) {
                             $result->add("FILTER_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), $man->getInvalidFileMsg());
                         $result->add("OK", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#message.upload_ok}");
                     } else {
                         $result->add("GENERAL_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($file->getAbsolutePath()), "{#error.upload_failed}");
         } else {
             $result->add("PATH_ERROR", $man->encryptPath($path), "{#error.upload_failed}");
         return $result;