<?php /* * Longitudinal Reports Plugin * Luke Stevens, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au * Version date 16-Nov-2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // Validate id if (!isset($_POST['report_id'])) { exit('0'); } $report_id = $_POST['report_id']; $success = LongitudinalReports::deleteReport($report_id); if ($success) { REDCap::logEvent("Delete longitudinal report", "report_id = {$report_id}"); } print $success === false ? '0' : '1';
<?php /* * Longitudinal Reports Plugin * Luke Stevens, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au * Version date 16-Nov-2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // Get html report table list($report_table, $num_results_returned) = LongitudinalReports::doReport($_POST['report_id'], 'report', 'html', false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, isset($_GET['instruments']) ? explode(',', $_GET['instruments']) : array(), isset($_GET['events']) ? explode(',', $_GET['events']) : array()); // Display report and title and other text print "<div id='report_div' style='margin:10px 0 20px;'>" . RCView::div(array('style' => ''), RCView::div(array('class' => 'hide_in_print', 'style' => 'float:left;width:350px;'), RCView::div(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'), $lang['custom_reports_02'] . RCView::span(array('style' => 'margin-left:5px;color:#800000;font-size:15px;'), User::number_format_user($num_results_returned))) . RCView::div(array('style' => ''), $lang['custom_reports_03'] . RCView::span(array('style' => 'margin-left:5px;'), User::number_format_user(LongitudinalRecords::getRecordCount())) . (!$longitudinal ? "" : RCView::div(array('style' => 'margin-top:3px;color:#888;font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;'), $lang['custom_reports_09'])))) . RCView::div(array('class' => 'hide_in_print', 'style' => 'float:left;'), ($user_rights['data_export_tool'] == '0' ? '' : RCView::button(array('class' => 'report_btn jqbuttonmed', 'onclick' => "showExportFormatDialog('{$_POST['report_id']}');", 'style' => 'font-size:11px;padding:1px 4px 0px !important;'), RCView::img(array('src' => 'go-down.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;')) . RCView::span(array('style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'), $lang['custom_reports_12']))) . RCView::SP . RCView::button(array('class' => 'report_btn jqbuttonmed', 'onclick' => "window.print();", 'style' => 'font-size:11px;padding:1px 4px 0px !important;'), RCView::img(array('src' => 'printer.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;')) . RCView::span(array('style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'), $lang['custom_reports_13'])) . RCView::SP . ($_POST['report_id'] == 'ALL' || $_POST['report_id'] == 'SELECTED' || !$user_rights['reports'] ? '' : RCView::button(array('class' => 'report_btn jqbuttonmed', 'onclick' => "window.location.href = '" . APP_PATH_WEBROOT . LR_PATH_FROM_WEBROOT . "index.php?pid=" . PROJECT_ID . "&report_id={$_POST['report_id']}&addedit=1';", 'style' => 'font-size:11px;padding:1px 4px 0px !important;'), RCView::img(array('src' => 'pencil_small.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;')) . RCView::span(array('style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'), $lang['custom_reports_14'])))) . RCView::div(array('class' => 'clear'), '')) . RCView::div(array('id' => 'this_report_title', 'style' => 'margin:40px 0 8px;padding:5px 3px;color:#800000;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;'), LongitudinalReports::getReportNames($_POST['report_id'])) . $report_table . "</div>";
db_query($sql);*/ // Loop through report_ids and set new report_order $report_order = 1; $import = array(); foreach ($new_report_ids as $this_report_id) { /* $sql = "update redcap_reports set report_order = ".$report_order++." where project_id = $project_id and report_id = $this_report_id"; db_query($sql);*/ $rpt = array(); $rpt['report_id'] = $this_report_id; $rpt['report_order'] = $report_order++; $import[] = $rpt; } // Deal with orphaned report_ids added simultaneously by other user while this user reorders foreach ($append_report_ids as $this_report_id) { /* $sql = "update redcap_reports set report_order = ".$report_order++." where project_id = $project_id and report_id = $this_report_id"; db_query($sql);*/ $rpt = array(); $rpt['report_id'] = $this_report_id; $rpt['report_order'] = $report_order++; $import[] = $rpt; } $success = LongitudinalReports::save($import); if (!$success) { exit('0'); } // Logging REDCap::logEvent("Reorder longitudinal reports", "report_id = " . $_POST['report_ids']); // Return Value: If there are some extra reports that exist that are not currently in the list, then refresh the user's page print !empty($append_report_ids) ? '2' : '1';
$reportData['advanced_logic'] = $_POST['advanced_logic']; $reportData['filter_dags'] = json_encode($filter_dags); $reportData['orderby_field1'] = $orderby_field1; $reportData['orderby_sort1'] = $orderby_sort1; $reportData['orderby_field2'] = $orderby_field2; $reportData['orderby_sort2'] = $orderby_sort2; $reportData['orderby_field3'] = $orderby_field3; $reportData['orderby_sort3'] = $orderby_sort3; $reportData['update_by'] = $userid; $reportData['update_at'] = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $reportData['report_complete'] = '2'; $success = true; $data = array(); $data[] = $reportData; // Can handle multiple records - not needed here $success = LongitudinalReports::save($data); // If there are errors, then roll back all changes if (!$success) { //$errors > 0) { // Errors occurred, so undo any changes made // db_query("ROLLBACK"); // Return '0' for error exit('0'); } else { // Logging $log_descrip = $_GET['report_id'] != 0 ? "Edit longitudinal report" : "Create longitudinal report"; REDCap::logEvent($log_descrip, "report_id = {$report_id}: " . print_r($reportData, true)); // Commit changes // db_query("COMMIT"); // Response $dialog_title = RCView::img(array('src' => 'tick.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle')) . RCView::span(array('style' => 'color:green;vertical-align:middle'), $lang['report_builder_01']);
/** * GET DATA FOR RECORDS * [@param int $project_id - (optional) Manually supplied project_id for this project.] * @param string $returnFormat - Default 'array'. Return record data in specified format (array, csv, json, xml). * @param string/array $records - if provided as a string, will convert to an array internally. * @param string/array $fields - if provided as a string, will convert to an array internally. * @param string/array $events - if provided as a string, will convert to an array internally. * @param string/array $groups - if provided as a string, will convert to an array internally. * @param bool $combine_checkbox_values is only an option for $returnFormat csv, json, and xml, in which it determines whether * checkbox option values are returned as multiple fields with triple underscores or as a combined single field with all *checked* * options as comma-delimited (e.g., "1,3,4" if only choices 1, 3, and 4 are checked off). * NOTE: 'array' returnFormat will always have event_id as 2nd key and will always have checkbox options as a sub-array * for each given checkbox field. */ public static function getData() { global $salt, $reserved_field_names, $lang, $user_rights, $redcap_version, $datetime_format; // Get function arguments $args = func_get_args(); // Make sure we have a project_id if (!is_numeric($args[0]) && !defined("PROJECT_ID")) { throw new Exception('No project_id provided!'); } // If first parameter is numerical, then assume it is $project_id and that second parameter is $returnFormat if (is_numeric($args[0])) { $project_id = $args[0]; $returnFormat = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'array'; $records = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : array(); $fields = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : array(); $events = isset($args[4]) ? $args[4] : array(); $groups = isset($args[5]) ? $args[5] : array(); $combine_checkbox_values = isset($args[6]) ? $args[6] : false; $outputDags = isset($args[7]) ? $args[7] : false; $outputSurveyFields = isset($args[8]) ? $args[8] : false; $filterLogic = isset($args[9]) ? $args[9] : false; $outputAsLabels = isset($args[10]) ? $args[10] : false; $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels = isset($args[11]) ? $args[11] : false; $hashRecordID = isset($args[12]) ? $args[12] : false; $dateShiftDates = isset($args[13]) ? $args[13] : false; $dateShiftSurveyTimestamps = isset($args[14]) ? $args[14] : false; $sortArray = isset($args[15]) ? $args[15] : array(); $removeLineBreaksInValues = isset($args[16]) ? $args[16] : false; $replaceFileUploadDocId = isset($args[17]) ? $args[17] : false; $returnIncludeRecordEventArray = isset($args[18]) ? $args[18] : false; $orderFieldsAsSpecified = isset($args[19]) ? $args[19] : false; $outputSurveyIdentifier = isset($args[20]) ? $args[20] : $outputSurveyFields; $outputCheckboxLabel = isset($args[21]) ? $args[21] : false; $outputScheduleDates = isset($args[22]) ? $args[22] : false; $outputSurveyUrls = isset($args[23]) ? $args[23] : false; // Instantiate object containing all project information $Proj = new Project($project_id); $longitudinal = $Proj->longitudinal; $table_pk = $Proj->table_pk; } else { $project_id = PROJECT_ID; $returnFormat = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'array'; $records = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : array(); $fields = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : array(); $events = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : array(); $groups = isset($args[4]) ? $args[4] : array(); $combine_checkbox_values = isset($args[5]) ? $args[5] : false; $outputDags = isset($args[6]) ? $args[6] : false; $outputSurveyFields = isset($args[7]) ? $args[7] : false; $filterLogic = isset($args[8]) ? $args[8] : false; $outputAsLabels = isset($args[9]) ? $args[9] : false; $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels = isset($args[10]) ? $args[10] : false; $hashRecordID = isset($args[11]) ? $args[11] : false; $dateShiftDates = isset($args[12]) ? $args[12] : false; $dateShiftSurveyTimestamps = isset($args[13]) ? $args[13] : false; $sortArray = isset($args[14]) ? $args[14] : array(); $removeLineBreaksInValues = isset($args[15]) ? $args[15] : false; $replaceFileUploadDocId = isset($args[16]) ? $args[16] : false; $returnIncludeRecordEventArray = isset($args[17]) ? $args[17] : false; $orderFieldsAsSpecified = isset($args[18]) ? $args[18] : false; $outputSurveyIdentifier = isset($args[19]) ? $args[19] : $outputSurveyFields; $outputCheckboxLabel = isset($args[20]) ? $args[20] : false; $outputScheduleDates = isset($args[21]) ? $args[21] : false; $outputSurveyUrls = isset($args[22]) ? $args[22] : false; // Get existing values since Project object already exists in global scope global $Proj, $longitudinal, $table_pk; } // Get current memory limit in bytes $memory_limit = str_replace("M", "", ini_get('memory_limit')) * 1024 * 1024; // Set array of valid $returnFormat values $validReturnFormats = array('html', 'csv', 'xml', 'json', 'array'); // Set array of valid MC field types (don't include "checkbox" because it gets dealt with on its own) $mc_field_types = array("radio", "select", "yesno", "truefalse", "sql"); // If $returnFormat is not valid, set to default 'csv' if (!in_array($returnFormat, $validReturnFormats)) { $returnFormat = 'csv'; } // Cannot use $outputAsLabels for 'array' output if ($returnFormat == 'array') { $outputAsLabels = false; } // Can only use $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels for 'csv' output if ($returnFormat != 'csv') { $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels = false; } // If surveys are not enabled, then set $outputSurveyFields to false if (!$Proj->project['surveys_enabled'] || empty($Proj->surveys)) { $outputSurveyFields = false; } // Use for replacing strings in labels (if needed) $orig = array("\"", "\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $repl = array("'", " ", " ", ""); // Determine if we should apply sortArray $applySortFields = is_array($sortArray) && !empty($sortArray); ## Set all input values // Get unique event names (with event_id as key) $unique_events = $Proj->getUniqueEventNames(); // Create array of formatted event labels if ($longitudinal && $outputAsLabels) { $event_labels = array(); foreach (array_keys($unique_events) as $this_event_id) { $event_labels[$this_event_id] = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->eventInfo[$this_event_id]['name_ext']))); } } // If $fields is a string, convert to array if (!is_array($fields) && $fields != null) { $fields = array($fields); } // If $fields is empty, replace it with array of ALL fields. $removeTablePk = false; if (empty($fields)) { foreach (array_keys($Proj->metadata) as $this_field) { // Make sure field is not a descriptive field (because those will never have data) if ($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_type'] != 'descriptive') { $fields[] = $this_field; } } $checkFieldNameEachLoop = true; } else { // If only returning the record-event array (as the subset record list for a report), // then make sure the record ID is added, or else it'll break some things downstream (not ideal solution but works as quick patch). // Also do this for longitudinal projects because if we don't, it might not pull data for an entire event if data doesn't exist // for any fields here except the record ID field. NOTE: Make sure we remove the record ID field in the end though (so it doesn't get returned if (($Proj->longitudinal || $returnIncludeRecordEventArray) && !in_array($Proj->table_pk, $fields)) { $fields = array_merge(array($Proj->table_pk), $fields); $removeTablePk = true; } // Validate all field names and order fields according to metadata field order $field_order = array(); foreach ($fields as $this_key => $this_event_field) { $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_event_field); // Make sure field exists AND is not a descriptive field (because those will never have data) if (isset($Proj->metadata[$this_field]) && $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_type'] != 'descriptive') { // Put in array for sorting $field_order[] = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['field_order']; } else { // Remove any invalid field names unset($fields[$this_key]); } } // Sort fields by metadata field order (unless passing a flag to prevent reordering) if (!$orderFieldsAsSpecified) { array_multisort($field_order, SORT_NUMERIC, $fields); } unset($field_order); // If we're querying more than 25% of the project's fields, then don't put field names in query but check via PHP each loop. $checkFieldNameEachLoop = count($fields) / count($Proj->metadata) > 0.25; } // Create array of fields with field name as key $fieldsKeys = array_fill_keys($fields, true); // If $events is a string, convert to array if (!is_array($events) && $events != null) { $events = array($events); } // If $events is empty, replace it with array of ALL fields. if (empty($events)) { $events = array_keys($Proj->eventInfo); } else { // If $events has unique event name (instead of event_ids), then convert all to event_ids $events_temp = array(); foreach ($events as $this_key => $this_event) { // If numeric, validate event_id if (is_numeric($this_event)) { if (!isset($Proj->eventInfo[$this_event])) { // Remove invalid event_id unset($events[$this_key]); } else { // Valid event_id $events_temp[] = $this_event; } } else { // Get array key of unique event name provided $event_id_key = array_search($this_event, $unique_events); if ($event_id_key !== false) { // Valid event_id $events_temp[] = $event_id_key; } } } // Now swap out $events_temp for $events $events = $events_temp; unset($events_temp); } // Get array of all DAGs $allDags = $Proj->getUniqueGroupNames(); // Validate DAGs if (empty($allDags)) { // If no DAGs exist, then automatically set array as empty $groups = array(); // Automatically set $outputDags as false (in case was set to true mistakenly) $outputDags = false; } else { // If $groups is a string, convert to array if (!is_array($groups) && $groups != null) { $groups = array($groups); } // If $groups is not empty, replace it with array of ALL data access group IDs. if (!empty($groups)) { // If $groups has unique group name (instead of group_ids), then convert all to group_ids $groups_temp = array(); foreach ($groups as $this_key => $this_group) { // If numeric, validate group_id if (is_numeric($this_group)) { if (!isset($allDags[$this_group])) { // Check to see if its really the unique group name (and not the group_id) // LS Patched: https://iwg.devguard.com/trac/redcap/changeset/7747#file0 $group_id_key = array_search($this_group, $allDags); if ($group_id_key !== false) { // Valid group_id $groups_temp[] = $group_id_key; } else { // Remove invalid group_id unset($groups[$this_key]); } } else { // Valid group_id $groups_temp[] = $this_group; } } else { // Get array key of unique group name provided $group_id_key = array_search($this_group, $allDags); if ($group_id_key !== false) { // Valid group_id $groups_temp[] = $group_id_key; } } } // Now swap out $groups_temp for $groups $groups = $groups_temp; unset($groups_temp); } } ## RECORDS // If $records is a string, convert to array if (!is_array($records) && $records != null) { $records = array($records); } // If $records is empty, replace it with array of ALL records. $recordsEmpty = false; $recordCount = null; if (empty($records)) { $records = self::getRecordList($project_id); // Set flag that $records was originally passed as empty $recordsEmpty = true; $checkRecordNameEachLoop = true; } else { // If we're querying more than 25% of the project's records, then don't put field names in query but check via PHP each loop. if ($recordCount == null) { $recordCount = self::getRecordCount(); } $checkRecordNameEachLoop = count($records) / $recordCount > 0.25; } // Create array of fields with field name as key $recordsKeys = array_fill_keys($records, true); ## DAG RECORDS: If pulling data for specific DAGs, get list of records in DAGs specified and replace $records with them $hasDagRecords = false; if (!empty($groups)) { // Collect all DAG records into array $dag_records = array(); $sql = "select distinct record from redcap_data where project_id = {$project_id}\n\t\t\t\t\tand field_name = '__GROUPID__' and value in (" . prep_implode($groups) . ")"; if (!$checkRecordNameEachLoop) { $sql .= " and record in (" . prep_implode($records) . ")"; } $q = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // If we need to validate the record name in each loop, then check. if ($checkRecordNameEachLoop && !isset($recordsKeys[$row['record']])) { continue; } // Add to array $dag_records[] = $row['record']; } // Set flag if returned some DAG records $hasDagRecords = !empty($dag_records); // Replace $records array $records = $dag_records; unset($dag_records); // If we're querying more than 25% of the project's records, then don't put field names in query but check via PHP each loop. if ($recordCount == null) { $recordCount = self::getRecordCount(); } $checkRecordNameEachLoop = count($records) / $recordCount > 0.25; // Create array of fields with field name as key $recordsKeys = array_fill_keys($records, true); } ## APPLY FILTERING LOGIC: Get records-events where filter logic is true $filterResults = false; $filterReturnedEmptySet = false; if ($filterLogic != '') { // Get array of applicable record-events (only pass $project_id if already passed explicitly to getData) $record_events_filtered = self::applyFilteringLogic($filterLogic, $records, is_numeric($args[0]) ? $project_id : null); $filterResults = $record_events_filtered !== false; // If logic returns zero record/events, then manually set $records to ''/blank if ($filterResults) { if (empty($record_events_filtered)) { $records = array(''); $checkRecordNameEachLoop = false; $filterReturnedEmptySet = true; } else { // Replace headers $records = array_keys($record_events_filtered); // If we're querying more than 25% of the project's records, then don't put field names in query but check via PHP each loop. if ($recordCount == null) { $recordCount = self::getRecordCount(); } $checkRecordNameEachLoop = count($records) / $recordCount > 0.25; // Create array of fields with field name as key $recordsKeys = array_fill_keys($records, true); } } } ## SORTING IN REPORTS: If the sort fields are NOT in $fields (i.e. should be returned as data), // then temporarily add them to $fields and then remove them later when performing sorting. if ($applySortFields) { $sortArrayRemoveFromData = array(); foreach (array_keys($sortArray) as $this_field) { if (!in_array($this_field, $fields)) { $sortArrayRemoveFromData[] = $fields[] = $this_field; } } } ## PIPING (only for exporting labels OR for displaying reports) $piping_receiver_fields = array(); $do_label_piping = false; if ($outputAsLabels || $returnFormat == 'html') { // If any dropdowns, radios, or checkboxes are using piping in their option labels, then get data for those and then inject them $piping_transmitter_fields = $piping_record_data = array(); foreach ($fields as $this_field) { $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_field); if (in_array($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_type'], array('dropdown', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox'))) { $this_field_enum = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']; // If has at least one left and right square bracket if ($this_field_enum != '' && strpos($this_field_enum, '[') !== false && strpos($this_field_enum, ']') !== false) { // If has at least one field piped $these_piped_fields = array_keys(getBracketedFields($this_field_enum, true, true, true)); if (!empty($these_piped_fields)) { $piping_receiver_fields[] = $this_field; $piping_transmitter_fields = array_merge($piping_transmitter_fields, $these_piped_fields); } } } } if (!empty($piping_receiver_fields)) { // Get data for piping fields $piping_record_data = self::getData('array', $records, $piping_transmitter_fields); // Remove unneeded variables unset($piping_transmitter_fields, $potential_piping_fields); // Set flag $do_label_piping = true; } } ## GATHER DEFAULT VALUES // Get default values for all records (all fields get value '', except Form Status and checkbox fields get value 0) $default_values = $mc_choice_labels = array(); $prev_form = null; $fieldsNoEventRef = array(); foreach ($fields as $this_field) { //LongitudinalReports: make array of field names without event ref for reading from redcap_data $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_field); if (array_search($this_field, $fieldsNoEventRef) === false) { $fieldsNoEventRef[] = $this_field; } // Get field's field type $field_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_type']; // If exporting labels for multiple choice questions, store codes/labels in array for later use when replacing if ($outputAsLabels && ($field_type == 'checkbox' || in_array($field_type, $mc_field_types))) { if ($field_type == "yesno") { $mc_choice_labels[$this_field] = parseEnum("1, Yes \\n 0, No"); } elseif ($field_type == "truefalse") { $mc_choice_labels[$this_field] = parseEnum("1, True \\n 0, False"); } else { $enum = $field_type == "sql" ? getSqlFieldEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']) : $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']; foreach (parseEnum($enum) as $this_value => $this_label) { // Decode (just in case) $this_label = html_entity_decode($this_label, ENT_QUOTES); // Replace double quotes with single quotes $this_label = str_replace("\"", "'", $this_label); // Replace line breaks with two spaces $this_label = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $this_label); // Add to array $mc_choice_labels[$this_field][$this_value] = $this_label; } } } // Loop through all designated events so that each event foreach (array_keys($Proj->eventInfo) as $this_event_id) { // If event_id isn't in list of event_ids provided, then skip if (!in_array($this_event_id, $events)) { continue; } // Get the form_name of this field $this_form = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['form_name']; $current_event_field = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($this_event_id)}][{$this_field}]"; if (array_search($current_event_field, $fields) !== false || $this_field == $Proj->table_pk && $this_event_id == $Proj->firstEventId) { // If we're starting a new survey, then add its Timestamp field as the first field in the instrument if ($outputSurveyFields && $this_field != $table_pk && isset($Proj->forms[$this_form]['survey_id'])) { $current_event_field = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($this_event_id)}][{$this_field}_timestamp]"; $default_values[$current_event_field] = ''; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_form.'_timestamp'] = ''; } // If longitudinal, is this form designated for this event $validFormEvent = !$longitudinal || $longitudinal && in_array($this_form, $Proj->eventsForms[$this_event_id]); // Check a checkbox or Form Status field if ($Proj->isCheckbox($this_field)) { // Loop through all choices and set each as 0 foreach (array_keys(parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum'])) as $choice) { // Set default value as 0 (unchecked) if (!$validFormEvent || $outputAsLabels && $outputCheckboxLabel) { $default_values[$current_event_field][$choice] = ''; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field][$choice] = ''; } elseif ($outputAsLabels) { $default_values[$current_event_field][$choice] = 'Unchecked'; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field][$choice] = 'Unchecked'; } else { $default_values[$current_event_field][$choice] = '0'; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field][$choice] = '0'; } } } elseif ($this_field == $this_form . "_complete") { // Set default Form Status as 0 if (!$validFormEvent) { $default_values[$current_event_field] = ''; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field] = ''; } elseif ($outputAsLabels) { $default_values[$current_event_field] = 'Incomplete'; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field] = 'Incomplete'; } else { $default_values[$current_event_field] = '0'; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field] = '0'; } } else { // Set as '' $default_values[$current_event_field] = ''; //$default_values[$this_event_id][$this_field] = ''; // If this is the Record ID field and we're exporting DAG names and/or survey fields, them add them. // If the Record ID field is not included in the report, then add DAG names and/or survey fields if not already added. if ($this_field == $table_pk || !in_array($table_pk, $fields)) { // DAG field if ($outputDags && !isset($default_values['redcap_data_access_group'])) { $default_values['redcap_data_access_group'] = ''; } if ($outputSurveyIdentifier && !isset($default_values['redcap_survey_identifier'])) { // Survey Identifier field $default_values['redcap_survey_identifier'] = ''; // Survey Timestamp field (first instrument only - for other instruments, it's doing this same thing above in the loop) // if ($prev_form == null && isset($Proj->forms[$this_form]['survey_id'])) { // $default_values[$this_event_id][$this_form.'_timestamp'] = ''; // } } // Event schedule dates selected if (is_array($outputScheduleDates) && count($outputScheduleDates) > 0) { foreach ($outputScheduleDates as $outputDateEventId) { $default_values["[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($outputDateEventId)}][___schedule_date]"] = ''; } } // Survey URLs selected if (is_array($outputSurveyUrls) && count($outputSurveyUrls) > 0) { foreach ($outputSurveyUrls as $outputSurveyEventIdSurveyId) { //Event id/survey form stored as pipe-separated pair e.g. 2365|my_survey $eventsurvey = explode('|', $outputSurveyEventIdSurveyId); $eventRef = $Proj->getUniqueEventNames($eventsurvey[0]); $default_values["[{$eventRef}][{$eventsurvey['1']}___url]"] = ''; } } } } } // Set for next loop $prev_form = $this_form; } } ## QUERY DATA TABLE // Set main query $sql = "select record, event_id, field_name, value from redcap_data\n\t\t\t\twhere project_id = " . $project_id . " and record != ''"; if (!empty($events)) { $sql .= " and event_id in (" . prep_implode($events) . ")"; } if (!$checkFieldNameEachLoop && !empty($fields)) { // $sql .= " and field_name in (" . prep_implode($fields) . ")"; $sql .= " and field_name in (" . prep_implode($fieldsNoEventRef) . ")"; } if (!$checkRecordNameEachLoop && !empty($records)) { $sql .= " and record in (" . prep_implode($records) . ")"; } // If we are to return records for specific DAG(s) but those DAGs contain no records, then cause the query to return nothing. if (!$hasDagRecords && !empty($groups)) { $sql .= " and 1 = 2"; } // Order query results by record name if constant has been defined if (defined("EXPORT_WRITE_TO_FILE")) { $sql .= " order by record"; } //print "<br><b>MySQL Error:</b> ".db_error()."<br><b>Query:</b> $sql<br><br>"; // Use unbuffered query method $q = db_query($sql, null, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); // Return database query error to super users if (defined('SUPER_USER') && SUPER_USER && db_error() != '') { print "<br><b>MySQL Error:</b> " . db_error() . "<br><b>Query:</b> {$sql}<br><br>"; } // Set flag is record ID field is a display field $recordIdInFields = in_array($Proj->table_pk, $fields); // Remove unnecessary things for memory usage purposes // unset($fields, $events); // Set intial values $num_rows_returned = 0; $event_id = 0; $record = ""; $record_data = array(); $days_to_shift = array(); $record_data_tmp_line = array(); $record_line = 1; // If writing data to a file instead to memory, create temp file if (defined("EXPORT_WRITE_TO_FILE")) { $record_data_tmp_file = tmpfile(); } // Loop through data one record at a time while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // If value is blank, then skip if ($row['value'] == '') { continue; } // If we need to validate the record name in each loop, then check. if ($checkRecordNameEachLoop && !isset($recordsKeys[$row['record']])) { continue; } // If we need to validate the field name in each loop, then check. if ($checkFieldNameEachLoop && !isset($fieldsKeys["[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($row['event_id'])}][{$row['field_name']}]"])) { continue; } // // If filtering the results using a logic string, then skip this record-event if doesn't match valid logic // if ($filterResults && !isset($record_events_filtered[$row['record']][$row['event_id']])) continue; // Add initial default data for this record-event if (!isset($record_data[$row['record']])) { // [$row['event_id']])) { /* // If we're close to running out of memory, then set contstant and call this method recursively // to start over and write data to file instead of to memory (to allow full data export w/o hitting memory limits). if (!defined("EXPORT_WRITE_TO_FILE") && memory_get_usage() >= $memory_limit*0.8) { // Define the constant define("EXPORT_WRITE_TO_FILE", true); // Unset variables to clear up memory unset($record_data, $records, $recordsKeys, $fieldsKeys, $record_events_filtered); // Close the unbuffered query db_free_result($q); // Call this function with constant defined to start over while writing data to file return call_user_func_array('Records::getData', $args); } elseif (defined("EXPORT_WRITE_TO_FILE") && $event_id > 0) { // Add data to file and clear from array fwrite($record_data_tmp_file, serialize(array($record=>array($event_id=>$record_data[$record][$event_id])))."\n"); // Add this to record line $record_data_tmp_line[$record][$event_id] = $record_line++; // Clear array for next record-event $record_data = array(); } */ // Add default data // $record_data[$row['record']][$row['event_id']] = $default_values[$row['event_id']]; $record_data[$row['record']] = $default_values; // Get date shift amount for this record (if applicable) if ($dateShiftDates) { $days_to_shift[$row['record']] = self::get_shift_days($row['record'], $Proj->project['date_shift_max'], $Proj->project['__SALT__']); } } // Decode the value $row['value'] = html_entity_decode($row['value'], ENT_QUOTES); // Set values for this loop $event_id = $row['event_id']; $record = $row['record']; // Add the value into the array (double check to make sure the event_id still exists) // - but only if it is an event/field we're interested in for Longitudinal Report if (isset($unique_events[$event_id])) { $current_event_field = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($event_id)}][{$row['field_name']}]"; if (array_search($current_event_field, $fields) !== false || $row['field_name'] == $Proj->table_pk && $event_id == $Proj->firstEventId) { // Get field's field type $field_type = $Proj->metadata[$row['field_name']]['element_type']; if ($field_type == 'checkbox') { // Make sure that this checkbox option still exists //if (isset($default_values[$event_id][$row['field_name']][$row['value']])) { if (isset($default_values[$current_event_field][$row['value']])) { // Add checkbox field value if ($outputAsLabels) { // If using $outputCheckboxLabel API flag, then output the choice label if ($outputCheckboxLabel) { // Get MC option label $this_mc_label = $mc_choice_labels[$row['field_name']][$row['value']]; // PIPING (if applicable) if ($do_label_piping && in_array($row['field_name'], $piping_receiver_fields)) { $this_mc_label = strip_tags(Piping::replaceVariablesInLabel($this_mc_label, $record, $event_id, $piping_record_data)); } // Add option label //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']][$row['value']] = $this_mc_label; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field][$row['value']] = $this_mc_label; } else { //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']][$row['value']] = 'Checked'; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field][$row['value']] = 'Checked'; } } else { //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']][$row['value']] = '1'; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field][$row['value']] = '1'; } } } else { // Non-checkbox field value // When outputting labels for MULTIPLE CHOICE questions (excluding checkboxes), add choice labels to answers_labels if ($outputAsLabels && isset($mc_choice_labels[$row['field_name']])) { // Get MC option label $this_mc_label = $mc_choice_labels[$row['field_name']][$row['value']]; // PIPING (if applicable) if ($do_label_piping && in_array($row['field_name'], $piping_receiver_fields)) { $this_mc_label = strip_tags(Piping::replaceVariablesInLabel($this_mc_label, $record, $event_id, $piping_record_data)); } // Add option label //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']] = $this_mc_label; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field] = $this_mc_label; } else { // Shift all date[time] fields, when applicable if ($dateShiftDates && $field_type == 'text' && (substr($Proj->metadata[$row['field_name']]['element_validation_type'], 0, 8) == 'datetime' || in_array($Proj->metadata[$row['field_name']]['element_validation_type'], array('date', 'date_ymd', 'date_mdy', 'date_dmy')))) { //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']] = Records::shift_date_format($row['value'], $days_to_shift[$record]); $record_data[$record][$current_event_field] = Records::shift_date_format($row['value'], $days_to_shift[$record]); } elseif ($replaceFileUploadDocId && $field_type == 'file') { //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']] = '[document]'; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field] = '[document]'; } else { // Check if we should replace any line breaks with spaces or double quotes with single quotes if ($removeLineBreaksInValues) { $row['value'] = str_replace($orig, $repl, $row['value']); } // Add value //$record_data[$record][$event_id][$row['field_name']] = $row['value']; $record_data[$record][$current_event_field] = $row['value']; } } } } } // Increment row counter $num_rows_returned++; } db_free_result($q); // If query returns 0 rows, then simply put default values for $record_data as placeholder for blanks and other defaults. // If DAGs were specified as input parameters but there are no records in those DAGs, then output NOTHING but a blank array. if ($num_rows_returned < 1 && !($hasDagRecords && !empty($groups))) { if ($recordsEmpty) { // Loop through ALL records and add default values for each foreach ($records as $this_record) { $record_data[$this_record] = $default_values; } } else { // Validate the records passed in $records and loop through them and add default values for each foreach (array_intersect($records, self::getRecordList($project_id)) as $this_record) { $record_data[$this_record] = $default_values; } } } /* print memory_get_usage()/1024/1024; //print_array($record_data); print_array($record_data_tmp_line); fseek($record_data_tmp_file, 0); echo stream_get_contents($record_data_tmp_file); */ // REPORTS ONLY: If the Record ID field is included in the report, then also display the Custom Record Label $extra_record_labels = array(); if ($returnFormat == 'html' && $recordIdInFields) { $extra_record_labels = Records::getCustomRecordLabelsSecondaryFieldAllRecords($records, false, 'all'); } // Sort by record and event name ONLY if we are NOT sorting by other fields if (empty($sortArray)) { ## SORT RECORDS BY RECORD NAME (i.e., array keys) using case insensitive natural sort natcaseksort($record_data); /* ## SORT EVENTS WITHIN EACH RECORD (LONGITUDINAL ONLY) if ($longitudinal) { // Create array of event_id's in order by arm_num, then by event order $event_order = array_keys($Proj->eventInfo); // Loop through each record and reorder the events (if has more than one event of data per record) foreach ($record_data as $this_record=>&$these_events) { // Set array to collect the data for this record in reordered form $this_record_data_reordered = array(); // Skip if there's only one event with data if (count($these_events) == 1) continue; // Loop through all existing PROJECT events in their proper order foreach (array_intersect($event_order, array_keys($these_events)) as $this_event_id) { // Add this event's data to reordered data array $this_record_data_reordered[$this_event_id] = $these_events[$this_event_id]; } // Replace old data with reordered data $record_data[$this_record] = $this_record_data_reordered; } // Remove unnecessary things for memory usage purposes unset($this_record_data_reordered, $these_events, $event_order); }*/ } ## ADD DATA ACCESS GROUP NAMES (IF APPLICABLE) if ($outputDags) { // If exporting labels, then create array of DAG labels if ($outputAsLabels) { $allDagLabels = $Proj->getGroups(); } // Get all DAG values for the records $sql = "select distinct record, value from redcap_data \n\t\t\t\t\twhere project_id = {$project_id} and field_name = '__GROUPID__'"; if (!$checkRecordNameEachLoop) { // For performance reasons, don't use "record in ()" unless we really need to $sql .= " and record in (" . prep_implode($records, false) . ")"; } $q = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // Validate record name and DAG group_id value if (isset($allDags[$row['value']]) && isset($record_data[$row['record']])) { // Add unique DAG name to every event for this record // foreach (array_keys($record_data[$row['record']]) as $dag_event_id) { // Add DAG name or unique DAG name //$record_data[$row['record']][$dag_event_id]['redcap_data_access_group'] $record_data[$row['record']]['redcap_data_access_group'] = $outputAsLabels ? $allDagLabels[$row['value']] : $allDags[$row['value']]; // } } } unset($allDagLabels); } ## ADD DATES FROM SCHEDULE IF REQURIED if (isset($outputScheduleDates) && count($outputScheduleDates) > 0) { $sql = "select event_id, record, event_date, event_time, event_status " . "from redcap_events_calendar " . "where project_id = {$project_id} "; if (!$checkRecordNameEachLoop) { // For performance reasons, don't use "record in ()" unless we really need to $sql .= " and r.record in (" . prep_implode($records, false) . ")"; } $q = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // Process further only if record is in our array if (!isset($record_data[$row['record']])) { continue; } if (array_search($row['event_id'], $outputScheduleDates) !== false) { $record_data[$row['record']]["[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($row['event_id'])}][___schedule_date]"] = trim("{$row['event_date']} {$row['event_time']}"); } } } ## ADD SURVEY IDENTIFIER AND TIMESTAMP FIELDS FOR ALL SURVEYS /* TODO Longitudinal Reports: include survey timestamps/urls/returncodes/survey queue links */ if ($outputSurveyFields || isset($outputSurveyUrls) && count($outputSurveyUrls) > 0) { $sql = "select r.record, r.first_submit_time, r.completion_time, p.participant_identifier, s.form_name, p.event_id, p.hash, r.return_code " . "from redcap_surveys s, redcap_surveys_response r, redcap_surveys_participants p, redcap_events_metadata a " . "where p.participant_id = r.participant_id and s.project_id = {$project_id} and s.survey_id = p.survey_id " . "and p.event_id = a.event_id "; //and r.first_submit_time is not null"; if (!$checkRecordNameEachLoop) { // For performance reasons, don't use "record in ()" unless we really need to $sql .= " and r.record in (" . prep_implode($records, false) . ")"; } $q = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { // Make sure we have this record-event in array first //if (!isset($record_data[$row['record']][$row['event_id']])) continue; if (!isset($record_data[$row['record']])) { continue; } /* // Add participant identifier if ($row['participant_identifier'] != "" && isset($default_values[$row['event_id']]['redcap_survey_identifier'])) { $record_data[$row['record']][$row['event_id']]['redcap_survey_identifier'] = html_entity_decode($row['participant_identifier'], ENT_QUOTES); } // If response exists but is not completed, note this in the export if ($dateShiftSurveyTimestamps && $row['completion_time'] != "") { // Shift the survey timestamp, if applicable $row['completion_time'] = Records::shift_date_format($row['completion_time'], $days_to_shift[$row['record']]); } elseif ($row['completion_time'] == "") { // Replace with text "[not completed]" if survey wasn't completed $row['completion_time'] = "[not completed]"; } // Add to record_data array if (isset($record_data[$row['record']][$row['event_id']][$row['form_name'].'_timestamp'])) { $record_data[$row['record']][$row['event_id']][$row['form_name'].'_timestamp'] = $row['completion_time']; }*/ $frm = $row['form_name']; $evt = $row['event_id']; if (array_search("{$evt}|{$frm}", $outputSurveyUrls) !== false) { // Found a record/survey we want to include $url = $row['completion_time'] == "" ? APP_PATH_WEBROOT_FULL . "surveys/?s=" . $row['hash'] : $row['completion_time']; $record_data[$row['record']]["[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($evt)}][{$frm}___url]"] = $url; } } } unset($days_to_shift); ## HASH THE RECORD ID (replace record names with hash value) if ($hashRecordID) { foreach ($record_data as $this_record => $eattr) { // Hash the record name using a system-level AND project-level salt $this_new_record = md5($salt . $this_record . $Proj->project['__SALT__']); // Add new record name $record_data[$this_new_record] = $record_data[$this_record]; // Remove the old one unset($record_data[$this_record]); // If Record ID field exists in the report, then set it too at the value level foreach ($eattr as $this_event_id => $attr) { if (isset($attr[$Proj->table_pk])) { //$record_data[$this_new_record][$this_event_id][$Proj->table_pk] = $this_new_record; $record_data[$this_new_record][$Proj->table_pk] = $this_new_record; } } } unset($eattr, $attr); } // Remove unnecessary things for memory usage purposes unset($records, $default_values, $fieldsKeys, $recordsKeys, $record_events_filtered); db_free_result($q); // // If we need to remove the record ID field, then loop through all events of data and remove it // If we need to remove the record ID field, then loop through all records of data and remove it if ($removeTablePk) { foreach ($record_data as $this_record => &$these_fields) { //&$these_events) { // foreach ($these_events as $this_event_id=>&$these_fields) { if (isset($these_fields[$Proj->table_pk])) { //unset($record_data[$this_record][$this_event_id][$Proj->table_pk]); unset($record_data[$this_record][$Proj->table_pk]); } // } } } ## RETURN DATA IN SPECIFIED FORMAT // ARRAY format if ($returnFormat == 'array') { // Return as-is (already in array format) return $record_data; } else { ## For non-array formats, reformat data array (e.g., add unique event names, separate check options) // HEADERS: Do initial loop through array to build headers (do JUST one loop) $headers = $checkbox_choice_labels = array(); /* foreach ($record_data as $this_record=>&$field_data) { // &$event_data) { // Loop through events in this record foreach ($event_data as $this_event_id=>&$field_data) { // Create array of all forms $all_forms = array_keys($Proj->forms); // Loop through fields in this event foreach ($field_data as $this_field=>$this_value) { // Skip the Record ID field since it will be redundant //if ($this_field == $table_pk) continue; // If field is only a sorting field and not a real data field to return, then skip it if ($applySortFields && in_array($this_field, $sortArrayRemoveFromData)) continue; $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_field); // If a checkbox split into multiple fields if (is_array($this_value) && !$combine_checkbox_values) { // If exporting labels, get labels for this field if ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { $this_field_enum = parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']); } // Loop through all checkbox choices and add as separate "fields" foreach ($this_value as $this_code=>$this_checked_value) { // Store original code before formatting $this_code_orig = $this_code; // If coded value is not numeric, then format to work correct in variable name (no spaces, caps, etc) $this_code = (Project::getExtendedCheckboxCodeFormatted($this_code)); // Add choice to header $headers[] = ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) ? str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label'])))." (choice=".str_replace(array("'","\""),array("",""),$this_field_enum[$this_code_orig]).")" : $this_field."___".$this_code; } // If a normal field or DAG/Survey fields } else { // Get this field's form $this_form = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['form_name']; // If the record ID field if ($this_field == $table_pk) { $headers[] = ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) ? str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$table_pk]['element_label']))) : $table_pk; // If longitudinal, add unique event name to line if ($longitudinal) { $headers[] = ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) ? 'Event Name' : 'redcap_event_name'; } } // Check if a special field or a normal field elseif (!$outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { // Add field to header array $headers[] = $this_field; // Add checkbox labels to array (only for $combine_checkbox_values=TRUE) if (is_array($this_value) && $combine_checkbox_values) { foreach (parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']) as $raw_coded_value=>$checkbox_label) { $checkbox_choice_labels[$raw_coded_value] = $checkbox_label; } } // Output labels for normal field or DAG/Survey fields } elseif ($this_field == 'redcap_data_access_group') { $headers[] = 'Data Access Group'; } elseif ($this_field == 'redcap_survey_identifier') { $headers[] = 'Survey Identifier'; } elseif (substr($this_field, -10) == '_timestamp' && in_array(substr($this_field, 0, -10), $all_forms)) { $headers[] = 'Survey Timestamp'; } else { $headers[] = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label']))); } } } unset($all_forms); // Stop after we have all the fields for the first event listed (that's all we need) break; // 2; // } } */ // Loop through fields in order specified in LongitudinalReport spec foreach ($fields as $this_eventfield) { // If field is only a sorting field and not a real data field to return, then skip it if ($applySortFields && in_array($this_eventfield, $sortArrayRemoveFromData)) { continue; } $this_eventref = LongitudinalReports::getEventFromEventField($this_eventfield); $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_eventfield); // If a checkbox split into multiple fields // if (is_array($this_value) && !$combine_checkbox_values) { if ($Proj->isCheckbox($this_field) && !$combine_checkbox_values) { // If exporting labels, get labels for this field //if ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { $this_field_enum = parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']); //} // Loop through all checkbox choices and add as separate "fields" foreach ($this_field_enum as $this_code => $this_checked_value) { // Store original code before formatting $this_code_orig = $this_code; // If coded value is not numeric, then format to work correct in variable name (no spaces, caps, etc) $this_code = Project::getExtendedCheckboxCodeFormatted($this_code); // Add choice to header // $headers[] = ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) // ? str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label'])))." (choice=".str_replace(array("'","\""),array("",""),$this_field_enum[$this_code_orig]).")" // : $this_field."___".$this_code; if ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { // Longitudinal Reports - also include event name in header labels/ref $event_id = $Proj->getEventIdUsingUniqueEventName($this_eventref); $event_name = REDCap::getEventNames(false, true, $event_id); $hdr_display = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label']))) . " ({$event_name})" . " (choice=" . str_replace(array("'", "\""), array("", ""), $this_field_enum[$this_code_orig]) . ")"; $headers[] = $hdr_display; } else { $headers[] = "[{$this_eventref}][{$this_field}___{$this_code}]"; } } // If a normal field or DAG/Survey fields } else { // Get this field's form $this_form = $Proj->metadata[$this_field]['form_name']; // If the record ID field if ($this_field == $table_pk) { $headers[] = $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels ? str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$table_pk]['element_label']))) : $table_pk; // // If longitudinal, add unique event name to line // if ($longitudinal) { // $headers[] = ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) ? 'Event Name' : 'redcap_event_name'; // } } elseif (!$outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { // Add field to header array $headers[] = $this_eventfield; // $this_field; // Add checkbox labels to array (only for $combine_checkbox_values=TRUE) //if (is_array($this_value) && $combine_checkbox_values) { if ($combine_checkbox_values && $Proj->isCheckbox($this_field)) { foreach (parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_enum']) as $raw_coded_value => $checkbox_label) { $checkbox_choice_labels[$raw_coded_value] = $checkbox_label; } } /* // Output labels for normal field or DAG/Survey fields } elseif ($this_field == 'redcap_data_access_group') { $headers[] = 'Data Access Group'; } elseif ($this_field == 'redcap_survey_identifier') { $headers[] = 'Survey Identifier'; } elseif (substr($this_field, -10) == '_timestamp' && in_array(substr($this_field, 0, -10), $all_forms)) { $headers[] = 'Survey Timestamp'; */ } else { // $headers[] = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label']))); // Longitudinal Reports - also include event name in header labels/ref $event_id = $Proj->getEventIdUsingUniqueEventName($this_eventref); $event_name = REDCap::getEventNames(false, true, $event_id); $hdr_display = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_field]['element_label']))) . " ({$event_name})"; $headers[] = $hdr_display; } } } // Add other fields at the end (DAG, survey stuff...) if ($outputDags) { $headers[] = $outputCsvHeadersAsLabels ? 'Data Access Group' : 'redcap_data_access_group'; } if ($outputSurveyFields) { $headers[] = 'Survey Identifier'; $headers[] = 'Survey Timestamp'; } if (isset($outputScheduleDates) && count($outputScheduleDates) > 0) { foreach ($outputScheduleDates as $evt) { if ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { $headers[] = "Schedule Date ({$Proj->eventInfo[$evt]['name_ext']})"; } else { $headers[] = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($evt)}][___schedule_date]"; } } } if (isset($outputSurveyUrls) && count($outputSurveyUrls) > 0) { foreach ($outputSurveyUrls as $evtSurv) { //Event id/survey form stored as pipe-separated pair e.g. 2365|my_survey $es = explode('|', $evtSurv); if ($outputCsvHeadersAsLabels) { $headers[] = label_decode(strip_tags($Proj->forms[$es[1]]['menu'])) . " URL ({$Proj->eventInfo[$evt]['name_ext']})"; } else { $headers[] = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($es[0])}][{$es['1']}___url]"; } } } // Place formatted data into $record_data_formatted $record_data_formatted = array(); // Set line/item number for each record/event //$recordEventNum = 0; $recordNum = 0; // If no results were returned (empty array with no values), then output row with message stating that if (!$filterReturnedEmptySet) { // Loop through array and output line as CSV foreach ($record_data as $this_record => &$field_data) { // &$event_data) { // Loop through events in this record // foreach ($event_data as $this_event_id=>&$field_data) { // // Loop through fields in this event // Loop through fields in order specified in setup foreach ($fields as $this_eventfield) { $this_eventref = LongitudinalReports::getEventFromEventField($this_eventfield); $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_eventfield); $this_value = $field_data[$this_eventfield]; // Is value an array? (i.e. a checkbox) $value_is_array = is_array($this_value); // Check field type if ($value_is_array && !$combine_checkbox_values) { // Loop through all checkbox choices and add as separate "fields" foreach ($this_value as $this_code => $this_checked_value) { // If coded value is not numeric, then format to work correct in variable name (no spaces, caps, etc) $this_code = Project::getExtendedCheckboxCodeFormatted($this_code); //$record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum][$this_field."___".$this_code] = $this_checked_value; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["[{$this_eventref}][{$this_field}" . "___" . "{$this_code}]"] = $this_checked_value; } } elseif ($value_is_array && $combine_checkbox_values) { // Loop through all checkbox choices and create comma-delimited list of all *checked* options as value of single field $checked_off_options = array(); foreach ($this_value as $this_code => $this_checked_value) { // If value is 0 (unchecked), then skip it here. (Also skip if blank, which means that this form not designated for this event.) if ($this_checked_value == '0' || $this_checked_value == '' || $this_checked_value == 'Unchecked') { continue; } // If coded value is not numeric, then format to work correct in variable name (no spaces, caps, etc) // $this_code = (Project::getExtendedCheckboxCodeFormatted($this_code)); // Add checked off option code to array of checked off options $checked_off_options[] = $outputAsLabels ? $checkbox_choice_labels[$this_code] : $this_code; } // Add checkbox as single field //$record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum][$this_field] = implode(",", $checked_off_options); $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["[{$this_eventref}][{$this_field}]"] = implode(",", $checked_off_options); } else { // Add record name to line if ($this_field == $table_pk) { //$record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum][$table_pk] = $this_record; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum][$table_pk] = $this_record; // // If longitudinal, add unique event name to line // if ($longitudinal) { // if ($outputAsLabels) { // $record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum]['redcap_event_name'] = $event_labels[$this_event_id]; // } else { // $record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum]['redcap_event_name'] = $unique_events[$this_event_id]; // } // } } else { // Add field and its value //$record_data_formatted[$recordEventNum][$this_field] = $this_value; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["[{$this_eventref}][{$this_field}]"] = $this_value; } } } // Add data for other fields at the end (DAG, survey stuff...) if ($outputDags) { $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["redcap_data_access_group"] = $field_data["redcap_data_access_group"]; } if ($outputSurveyFields) { $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["Survey Identifier"] = "_"; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum]["Survey Timestamp"] = "_"; } if (isset($outputScheduleDates) && count($outputScheduleDates) > 0) { foreach ($outputScheduleDates as $evt) { $colRef = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($evt)}][___schedule_date]"; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum][$colRef] = $field_data[$colRef]; } } if (isset($outputSurveyUrls) && count($outputSurveyUrls) > 0) { foreach ($outputSurveyUrls as $evtSurv) { //Event id/survey form stored as pipe-separated pair e.g. 2365|my_survey $es = explode('|', $evtSurv); $colRef = "[{$Proj->getUniqueEventNames($es[0])}][{$es['1']}___url]"; //$url = ($returnFormat == 'html') // ? "<a href=\"{$field_data[$colRef]}\" target=\"_blank\">{$field_data[$colRef]}</a>" // : $field_data[$colRef]; $record_data_formatted[$recordNum][$colRef] = $field_data[$colRef]; } } // Increment item counter //$recordEventNum++; $recordNum++; //} // Remove record from array to free up memory as we go unset($record_data[$this_record]); } } unset($record_data); // APPLY MULTI-FIELD SORTING if ($applySortFields) { // Move array keys to array with them as values $sortFields = array_keys($sortArray); $sortTypes = array_values($sortArray); // Determine if any of the sort fields are numerical fields (number, integer, calc, slider) $sortFieldIsNumber = array(); foreach ($sortFields as $this_sort_field) { $this_sort_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_sort_field); $field_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_sort_field]['element_type']; $val_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_sort_field]['element_validation_type']; $sortFieldIsNumber[] = $this_sort_field == $Proj->table_pk && $Proj->project['auto_inc_set'] || $val_type == 'float' || $val_type == 'int' || $field_type == 'calc' || $field_type == 'slider'; } // Loop through each record/event and build separate array for each sort field $sortFieldValues = array(); foreach ($record_data_formatted as &$line) { foreach ($sortFields as $key => $this_sort_field) { // Add value to array as lower case (since we need to do case insensitive sorting) $sortFieldValues[$key][] = strtolower($line[$this_sort_field]); } } // print_array($sortFieldValues); // Sort the data array if (count($sortFieldValues) == 1) { // One sort field array_multisort($sortFieldValues[0], $sortTypes[0] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[0] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $record_data_formatted); } elseif (count($sortFieldValues) == 2) { // Two sort fields array_multisort($sortFieldValues[0], $sortTypes[0] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[0] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $sortFieldValues[1], $sortTypes[1] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[1] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $record_data_formatted); } else { // Three sort fields array_multisort($sortFieldValues[0], $sortTypes[0] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[0] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $sortFieldValues[1], $sortTypes[1] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[1] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $sortFieldValues[2], $sortTypes[2] == 'ASC' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC, $sortFieldIsNumber[2] ? SORT_NUMERIC : SORT_STRING, $record_data_formatted); } // If any sorting fields did NOT exist in $fields originally (but were added so their data could be obtained for // sorting purposes only), then remove them now. if (!empty($sortArrayRemoveFromData)) { foreach ($sortArrayRemoveFromData as $this_field) { foreach ($record_data_formatted as &$this_item) { // Remove field from this record-event unset($this_item[$this_field]); } } } // Remove vars to save memory unset($sortFieldValues); } ## HTML format (i.e., report) if ($returnFormat == 'html') { // Build array of events with unique event name as key and full event name as value $eventsUniqueFullName = $eventsUniqueEventId = array(); if ($longitudinal) { foreach ($unique_events as $this_event_id => $this_unique_name) { // Arrays event name and event_id with unique event name as key $eventsUniqueFullName[$this_unique_name] = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->eventInfo[$this_event_id]['name_ext']))); $eventsUniqueEventId[$this_unique_name] = $this_event_id; } } // Build array of DAGs with unique DAG names as key and $dagUniqueFullName = array(); foreach ($Proj->getUniqueGroupNames() as $this_group_id => $this_unique_dag) { $dagUniqueFullName[$this_unique_dag] = str_replace($orig, $repl, strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->getGroups($this_group_id)))); } // Set number of results $num_results_returned = count($record_data_formatted); // If we're JUST returning Records/Events array and NOT the html report, then collect all records/event_ids and return if ($returnIncludeRecordEventArray) { // Collect records/event_ids in array $includeRecordsEvents = array(); foreach ($record_data_formatted as $key => $item) { // Add record/event $this_event_id = $longitudinal ? $eventsUniqueEventId[$item['redcap_event_name']] : $Proj->firstEventId; $includeRecordsEvents[$item[$Proj->table_pk]][$this_event_id] = true; // Remove each as we go to save memory unset($record_data_formatted[$key]); } // Return array of the whole table, number of results returned, and total number of items queried return array($includeRecordsEvents, $num_results_returned); } // PAGING FOR REPORTS: If has more than $num_per_page results, then page it $num_per_page per page // (only do this for pre-defined reports though) $num_per_page = LR_RESULTS_PER_PAGE; $limit_begin = 0; if (isset($_GET['pagenum']) && is_numeric($_GET['pagenum'])) { $limit_begin = ($_GET['pagenum'] - 1) * $num_per_page; } elseif (!isset($_GET['pagenum'])) { $_GET['pagenum'] = 1; } else { $_GET['pagenum'] = 'ALL'; } $pageNumDropdown = ""; //if (isset($_POST['report_id']) && !is_numeric($_POST['report_id']) && $num_results_returned > $num_per_page) if ($num_results_returned > $num_per_page) { // Build drop-down list of page numbers $num_pages = ceil($num_results_returned / $num_per_page); // Only display drop-down if we have more than one page if ($num_pages > 1) { // Initialize array of options for drop-down $pageNumDropdownOptions = array('ALL' => '-- ' . $lang['docs_44'] . ' --'); // Loop through pages for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { $end_num = $i * $num_per_page; $begin_num = $end_num - $num_per_page + 1; $value_num = $end_num - $num_per_page; if ($end_num > $num_results_returned) { $end_num = $num_results_returned; } // If Record ID field not included in report, then use "results 1 through 100" instead of "A101 through B203" using record names if (isset($record_data_formatted[0][$Proj->table_pk])) { $resultNamePrefix = $lang['data_entry_177'] . " "; $resultName1 = "\"" . $record_data_formatted[$begin_num - 1][$Proj->table_pk] . "\""; $resultName2 = "\"" . $record_data_formatted[$end_num - 1][$Proj->table_pk] . "\""; } else { $resultNamePrefix = $lang['report_builder_112'] . " "; $resultName1 = $begin_num; $resultName2 = $end_num; } $pageNumDropdownOptions[$i] = "{$resultName1} {$lang['data_entry_216']} {$resultName2}"; } // Create HTML for pagenum drop-down $pageNumDropdown = RCView::div(array('class' => 'chklist hide_in_print report_pagenum_div'), (!(isset($_GET['pagenum']) && is_numeric($_GET['pagenum'])) ? '' : RCView::span(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;margin-right:7px;font-size:13px;'), "{$lang['survey_132']} {$_GET['pagenum']} {$lang['survey_133']} {$num_pages}{$lang['colon']}")) . $resultNamePrefix . RCView::select(array('class' => 'x-form-text x-form-field', 'style' => 'font-size:11px;margin-left:6px;margin-right:4px;padding-right:0;padding-top:1px;height:19px;', 'onchange' => "loadReportNewPage(this.value);"), $pageNumDropdownOptions, $_GET['pagenum'], 500) . $lang['survey_133'] . RCView::span(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;margin:0 4px;font-size:13px;'), User::number_format_user($num_results_returned)) . $lang['report_builder_113']); unset($pageNumDropdownOptions); } // Filter the results down to just a single page if (is_numeric($_GET['pagenum'])) { $record_data_formatted = array_slice($record_data_formatted, $limit_begin, $num_per_page, true); } } // Set extra set of reserved field names for survey timestamps and return codes pseudo-fields $reserved_field_names2 = explode(',', implode("_timestamp,", array_keys($Proj->forms)) . "_timestamp" . "," . implode("_return_code,", array_keys($Proj->forms)) . "_return_code"); $reserved_field_names2 = $reserved_field_names + array_fill_keys($reserved_field_names2, 'Survey Timestamp'); // Place all html in $html $html = $pageNumDropdown . "<table id='report_table' class='dt2' style='margin:0;font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;'>"; $mc_choices = array(); // Array to store fields to which user has no form-level access $fields_no_access = array(); // Add form fields where user has no access foreach ($user_rights['forms'] as $this_form => $this_access) { if ($this_access == '0') { $fields_no_access[$this_form . "_timestamp"] = true; } } // Loop through header fields and build HTML row $datetime_convert = array(); $row = ""; foreach ($headers as $this_hdr_ef) { $this_hdr_ev = LongitudinalReports::getEventFromEventField($this_hdr_ef); $this_hdr = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_hdr_ef); // Set original field name $this_hdr_orig = $this_hdr; // Determine if a checkbox $isCheckbox = false; $checkbox_label_append = ""; if (!isset($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]) && strpos($this_hdr, "___") !== false) { // Set $this_hdr as the true field name list($this_hdr, $raw_coded_value_formatted) = explode("___", $this_hdr, 2); $isCheckbox = $Proj->isCheckbox($this_hdr); // Obtain the label for this checkbox choice foreach (parseEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_enum']) as $raw_coded_value => $checkbox_label) { if ($this_hdr_orig == Project::getExtendedCheckboxFieldname($this_hdr, $raw_coded_value)) { $checkbox_label_append = " (Choice = '" . strip_tags(label_decode($checkbox_label)) . "')"; // If user does not have form-level access to this field's form if ($user_rights['forms'][$Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['form_name']] == '0') { $fields_no_access[$this_hdr_orig] = true; } break; } } } // If user does not have form-level access to this field's form if (isset($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]) && $this_hdr != $Proj->table_pk && $user_rights['forms'][$Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['form_name']] == '0') { $fields_no_access[$this_hdr] = true; } // If field is a reserved field name (redcap_event_name, redcap_data_access_group) if (!isset($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr_orig]) && !$isCheckbox) { if (isset($reserved_field_names2[$this_hdr_orig])) { $field_type = ''; $field_label_display = strip_tags(label_decode($reserved_field_names2[$this_hdr_orig])); } else { if ($this_hdr_orig == "___schedule_date") { $field_label_display = "Schedule Date"; } else { if (strpos($this_hdr_orig, "___url") !== false) { $frm = str_replace("___url", "", $this_hdr_orig); $field_label_display = "{$Proj->forms[$frm]['menu']} URL"; } } } } else { $field_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_type']; $field_label = strip_tags(label_decode($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_label'])); if (strlen($field_label) > 100) { $field_label = substr($field_label, 0, 67) . " ... " . substr($field_label, -30); } $field_label_display = $field_label . $checkbox_label_append; } // Longitudinal Reports - also include event name in header labels/ref (unless lone pk field) if ($this_hdr_ev !== '') { $event_id = $Proj->getEventIdUsingUniqueEventName($this_hdr_ev); $event_name = REDCap::getEventNames(false, true, $event_id); $field_label_display .= "<div style='font-weight:normal;color:#800000;margin:3px 0;'>{$event_name}</div>"; } // Add field to header html row $row .= "<th" . (isset($fields_no_access[$this_hdr]) ? " class=\"form_noaccess\"" : '') . ">" . "{$field_label_display}<div class=\"rprthdr\">" . str_replace('][', ']<br>[', implode("_<wbr>", explode("_", $this_hdr_ef))) . "</div></th>"; // Place only MC fields into array to reference if (in_array($field_type, array('yesno', 'truefalse', 'sql', 'select', 'radio', 'advcheckbox', 'checkbox'))) { // Convert sql field types' query result to an enum format $enum = $field_type == "sql" ? getSqlFieldEnum($Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_enum']) : $Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_enum']; // Add to array if ($isCheckbox) { // Reformat checkboxes to export format field name foreach (parseEnum($enum) as $raw_coded_value => $checkbox_label) { $this_hdr_chkbx = $Proj->getExtendedCheckboxFieldname($this_hdr, $raw_coded_value); $mc_choices[$this_hdr_chkbx] = array('0' => "Unchecked", '1' => "Checked"); } } else { $mc_choices[$this_hdr] = parseEnum($enum); } } // Put all date/time fields into array for quick converting of their value to desired date format if (!$isCheckbox) { $val_type = $Proj->metadata[$this_hdr]['element_validation_type']; if (substr($val_type, 0, 4) == 'date' && (substr($val_type, -4) == '_mdy' || substr($val_type, -4) == '_dmy')) { // Add field name as key to array with 'mdy' or 'dmy' as value $datetime_convert[$this_hdr] = substr($val_type, -3); } if ($this_hdr_orig == '___schedule_date') { // Include event schedule dates for date formatting as per user pref $formatPref = 'ymd'; if (substr($datetime_format, 0, 1) == "D") { $formatPref = 'dmy'; } else { if (substr($datetime_format, 0, 1) == "M") { $formatPref = 'mdy'; } } $datetime_convert[$this_hdr_orig] = 'dmy'; } } } $html .= "<thead><tr class=\"hdr2\">{$row}</tr></thead>"; // If no data, then output row with message noting this if (empty($record_data_formatted)) { $html .= RCView::tr(array('class' => 'odd'), RCView::td(array('style' => 'color:#777;', 'colspan' => count($headers)), $lang['report_builder_87'])); } // If record ID is in report for a classic project and will thus be displayed as a link, then get // the user's first form based on their user rights (so we don't point to a form that they don't have access to.) if ($recordIdInFields && !$longitudinal) { foreach (array_keys($Proj->forms) as $this_form) { if ($user_rights['forms'][$this_form] == '0') { continue; } $first_form = $this_form; break; } } // DATA: Loop through each row of data (record-event) and output to html $j = 1; foreach ($record_data_formatted as $key => &$line) { // Set row class $class = $j % 2 == 1 ? "odd" : "even"; $row = ""; // Loop through each element in row foreach ($line as $this_eventfieldname => $this_value) { $this_eventname = LongitudinalReports::getEventFromEventField($this_eventfieldname); $this_fieldname = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_eventfieldname); // Check for form-level user access to this field if (isset($fields_no_access[$this_fieldname])) { // User has no rights to this field $row .= "<td class=\"form_noaccess\">-</td>"; } else { // If redcap_event_name field if ($this_fieldname == 'redcap_event_name') { $cell = $eventsUniqueFullName[$this_value]; } elseif ($this_fieldname == 'redcap_data_access_group') { $cell = $dagUniqueFullName[$this_value]; } elseif (strpos($this_fieldname, "___url") !== false) { if (filter_var($this_value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $hash = substr($this_value, -10); if (strpos($hash, '=') !== false) { $hash = substr($this_value, -6); } $cell = RCView::a(array('href' => $this_value, 'target' => '_blank', 'style' => 'margin-right:10px;'), RCView::img(array('src' => 'link.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'))) . RCView::a(array('href' => 'javascript:;', 'onclick' => "getAccessCode('{$hash}');"), !gd2_enabled() ? RCView::img(array('src' => 'ticket_arrow.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;')) : RCView::img(array('src' => 'access_qr_code.gif', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'))); } else { // Show completion timestamp $cell = DateTimeRC::datetimeConvert(substr($this_value, 0, 16), 'ymd', DateTimeRC::get_user_format_base()); } } elseif (isset($mc_choices[$this_fieldname])) { // Get option label $cell = $mc_choices[$this_fieldname][$this_value]; // PIPING (if applicable) if ($do_label_piping && in_array($this_fieldname, $piping_receiver_fields)) { $cell = strip_tags(Piping::replaceVariablesInLabel($cell, $line[$Proj->table_pk], $longitudinal ? $Proj->getEventIdUsingUniqueEventName($line['redcap_event_name']) : $Proj->firstEventId, $piping_record_data)); } // Append raw coded value if (trim($this_value) != "") { $cell .= " <span class=\"ch\">({$this_value})</span>"; } } elseif (substr($this_fieldname, -10) == '_timestamp' && isset($reserved_field_names2[$this_fieldname])) { // Convert datetime to user's preferred date format if ($this_value == "[not completed]") { $cell = $this_value; } else { $cell = DateTimeRC::datetimeConvert(substr($this_value, 0, 16), 'ymd', DateTimeRC::get_user_format_base()); } } else { // If a date/time field, then convert value to its designated date format (YMD, MDY, DMY) if (isset($datetime_convert[$this_fieldname])) { $cell = DateTimeRC::datetimeConvert($this_value, 'ymd', $datetime_convert[$this_fieldname]); } else { $cell = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($this_value, ENT_QUOTES)); } } // If record name, then convert it to a link (unless project is archived/inactive) if ($Proj->project['status'] < 2 && $this_fieldname == $Proj->table_pk) { // Link URL $this_arm = $Proj->longitudinal ? $Proj->eventInfo[$eventsUniqueEventId[$line['redcap_event_name']]]['arm_num'] : $Proj->firstArmNum; if ($longitudinal) { $this_url = "grid.php?pid={$Proj->project_id}&id=" . removeDDEending($this_value) . "&arm={$this_arm}"; } else { $this_url = "index.php?pid={$Proj->project_id}&id=" . removeDDEending($this_value) . "&page=" . $first_form; } // If has custom record label, then display it $this_custom_record_label = isset($extra_record_labels[$this_arm][$this_value]) ? " " . $extra_record_labels[$this_arm][$this_value] : ''; // Wrap record name with link HTML $cell = RCView::a(array('href' => APP_PATH_WEBROOT . "DataEntry/{$this_url}", 'class' => 'rl'), removeDDEending($cell)) . $this_custom_record_label; } // Add cell to row $row .= "<td>{$cell}</td>"; } } // Add row $html .= "<tr class=\"{$class}\">{$row}</tr>"; // Remove line from array to free up memory as we go unset($record_data_formatted[$key]); $j++; } unset($row); // Build entire HTML table $html .= "</table>" . $pageNumDropdown; // Return array of the whole table, number of results returned, and total number of items queried return array($html, $num_results_returned); } elseif ($returnFormat == 'csv') { // Open connection to create file in memory and write to it $fp = fopen('php://memory', "x+"); // Add header row to CSV fputcsv($fp, $headers); // Loop through array and output line as CSV foreach ($record_data_formatted as $key => &$line) { // Write this line to CSV file fputcsv($fp, $line); // Remove line from array to free up memory as we go unset($record_data_formatted[$key]); } // Open file for reading and output to user fseek($fp, 0); $csv_file_contents = stream_get_contents($fp); fclose($fp); // Return CSV string return $csv_file_contents; } elseif ($returnFormat == 'xml') { // Convert all data into XML string $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n<records>\n"; // Loop through array and add to XML string foreach ($record_data_formatted as $key => &$item) { // Begin item $xml .= "<item>"; // Loop through all fields/values foreach ($item as $this_field => $this_value) { // If ]]> is found inside this value, then "escape" it (cannot really escape it but can do clever replace with "]]]]><![CDATA[>") if (strpos($this_value, "]]>") !== false) { $this_value = str_replace("]]>", "]]]]><![CDATA[>", $this_value); } // Add value $xml .= "<{$this_field}><![CDATA[{$this_value}]]></{$this_field}>"; } // End item $xml .= "</item>\n"; // Remove line from array to free up memory as we go unset($record_data_formatted[$key]); } // End XML string $xml .= "</records>"; // Return XML string return $xml; } elseif ($returnFormat == 'json') { // Convert all data into JSON string (do record by record to preserve memory better) $json = ''; foreach ($record_data_formatted as $key => &$item) { // Loop through each record and encode $json .= "," . json_encode($item); // Remove line from array to free up memory as we go unset($record_data_formatted[$key]); } return '[' . substr($json, 1) . ']'; } } }
<?php /* * Longitudinal Reports Plugin * Luke Stevens, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au * Version date 16-Nov-2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // Create array of all field validation types and their attributes $allValTypes = getValTypes(); // Operator drop-down list (>, <, =, etc.) print LongitudinalReports::outputLimiterOperatorDropdown($_POST['field_name'], '', $allValTypes); // Value text box OR drop-down list (if multiple choice) print LongitudinalReports::outputLimiterValueTextboxOrDropdown($_POST['field_name'], '');
// Surveys/automated_invitations_check_logic.php from LongitudinalReports.js function saveReport() var redcap_csrf_token = '<?php echo getCsrfToken(); ?> '; $(function(){ appendCsrfTokenToForm(); }); </script> <?php // Tabs LongitudinalReports::renderTabs(); // Output content print $html; // If displaying the "add/edit report" table, do direct Print to page because $html might get very big if (isset($_GET['addedit'])) { LongitudinalReports::outputCreateReportTable($_GET['report_id']); } // Footer include APP_PATH_DOCROOT . 'ProjectGeneral/footer.php'; // Classes for backward-compatibility with versions < 6.13.0 if (version_compare($redcap_version, '6.13.0', '<')) { ?> <style type='text/css'> .labelrc { font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background: #F0F0F0 url(../images/label-bg.gif) repeat-x scroll 0 0; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } .labelrc a:link, .labelrc a:visited, .labelrc a:active, .labelrc a:hover { text-decoration: underline;
$pathway_mapper = "<div style='padding-bottom:5px;'> <a href='".APP_PATH_WEBROOT."DataExport/sas_pathway_mapper.php?pid=$project_id' ><img src='".APP_PATH_IMAGES."download_pathway_mapper.gif'></a> </div>"; } */ ## NOTICES FOR CITATIONS (GRANT AND/OR SHARED LIBRARY) AND DATE-SHIFT NOTICE //Do not display grant statement unless $grant_cite has been set for this project. $citationText = ""; if ($grant_cite != "") { $citationText .= "{$lang['data_export_tool_77']} {$site_org_type} {$lang['data_export_tool_78']} <b>({$grant_cite})</b> \n\t\t\t\t\t {$lang['data_export_tool_79']}\n\t\t\t\t\t <div style='padding:8px 0 0;'>{$lang['data_export_tool_80']}"; } else { $citationText .= "<div>" . $lang['data_export_tool_81']; } $citationText .= " " . $lang['data_export_tool_82'] . " <a href='http://projectredcap.org/cite.php' target='_blank' style='text-decoration:underline;'>{$lang['data_export_tool_83']}</a>){$lang['period']}</div>"; // If instruments have been downloaded from the Shared Library, provide citatation if ($Proj->formsFromLibrary()) { $citationText .= "<div style='padding:8px 0 0;'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$lang['data_export_tool_144']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href='javascript:;' style='text-decoration:underline;' onclick=\"simpleDialog(null,null,'rsl_cite',550);\">{$lang['data_export_tool_145']}</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t </div>"; } if ($citationText != '') { $citationText = RCView::fieldset(array('style' => 'margin-top:10px;padding-left:8px;background-color:#FFFFD3;border:1px solid #FFC869;color:#800000;'), RCView::legend(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'), $lang['data_export_tool_147']) . RCView::div(array('style' => 'padding:5px 8px 8px 2px;'), $citationText)); } // If dates were date-shifted, give note of that. $dateShiftText = ""; if ($dateShiftDates) { $dateShiftText = RCView::fieldset(array('class' => 'red', 'style' => 'margin-top:10px;padding:0 0 0 8px;max-width:1000px;'), RCView::legend(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'), $lang['global_03']) . RCView::div(array('style' => 'padding:5px 8px 8px 2px;'), "{$lang['data_export_tool_85']} {$date_shift_max} {$lang['data_export_tool_86']}")); } // RESPONSE $dialog_title = RCView::img(array('src' => 'tick.png', 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle')) . RCView::span(array('style' => 'color:green;vertical-align:middle;font-size:15px;'), $lang['data_export_tool_05']); $dialog_content = RCView::div(array('style' => 'margin-bottom:20px;'), $lang['data_export_tool_183'] . $citationText . $dateShiftText) . RCView::div(array('style' => 'background-color:#F0F0F0;border:1px solid #888;padding:10px 5px;margin-bottom:10px;'), RCView::table(array('style' => 'border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;table-layout:fixed;'), RCView::tr(array(), RCView::td(array('rowspan' => '3', 'valign' => 'top', 'style' => 'padding-left:10px;width:70px;'), RCView::img(array('src' => $docs_logo, 'title' => $docs_header))) . RCView::td(array('rowspan' => '3', 'valign' => 'top', 'style' => 'line-height:14px;border-right:1px solid #ccc;font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding-right:20px;'), RCView::div(array('style' => 'font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:10px;'), $docs_header) . $instr) . RCView::td(array('valign' => 'top', 'class' => 'nowrap', 'style' => 'color:#666;font-size:11px;padding:0 5px 0 10px;width:125px;'), $lang['data_export_tool_184'])) . RCView::tr(array(), RCView::td(array('valign' => 'top', 'class' => 'nowrap', 'style' => 'padding:10px 0 0 20px;'), RCView::SP . RCView::SP . RCView::SP . RCView::a(array('href' => APP_PATH_WEBROOT . "FileRepository/file_download.php?pid={$project_id}&id={$data_edoc_id}" . ($outputFormat == 'r' ? '&exporttype=R' : ($outputFormat == 'stata' ? '&exporttype=STATA' : ''))), trim(LongitudinalReports::getDownloadIcon($syntax_edoc_id == null ? $outputFormat : '', $dateShiftDates))) . $pathway_mapper)) . RCView::tr(array(), RCView::td(array('valign' => 'bottom', 'style' => 'padding-left:20px;'), $senditLinks)))); print json_encode(array('title' => $dialog_title, 'content' => $dialog_content));
$selectAllStyle = 'float:right;display:inline-block;color:#777;margin:5px 0;font-weight:normal;font-size:12px;'; $selectAllStyle .= LR_SHOW_QUICK_ADD_ALL_PROJECT_FIELDS ? '' : 'visibility:hidden;'; // Validate checked_fields, if is not empty $checked_fields = explode(",", $_POST['checked_fields']); foreach ($checked_fields as $key => $this_field) { $this_field = LongitudinalReports::getFieldFromEventField($this_field); // remvoe square brackets and event ref if (!isset($Proj->metadata[$this_field])) { unset($checked_fields[$key]); } } // Set fields as keys in array $checked_fields = array_flip(array_unique($checked_fields)); // Loop through all fields and build HTML table (exclude Descriptive fields) $t = ""; $rc_field_dropdown_options = LongitudinalReports::getFieldDropdownOptions(); //Form::getFieldDropdownOptions(); $select = RCView::a(array('href' => 'javascript:;', 'style' => 'font-size:11px;margin:0 3px;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal;', 'onclick' => "reportQuickAddForm('all',true);"), $lang['data_export_tool_52']); $deselect = RCView::a(array('href' => 'javascript:;', 'style' => 'font-size:11px;margin:0 3px;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal;', 'onclick' => "reportQuickAddForm('all',false);"), $lang['data_export_tool_53']); $t .= RCView::tr(array(), RCView::td(array('class' => 'header', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'style' => 'color:#800000;font-size:14px;'), RCView::div(array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;'), "Events / Fields") . RCView::div(array('style' => $selectAllStyle), " ({$select}/{$deselect})"))); //$rc_field_dropdown_options = $indexCompleted; $accordion = ""; foreach ($rc_field_dropdown_options as $eventFieldGroup => $eventFields) { if ($eventFieldGroup !== '') { // Only show Select All / Deselect All if count of fields in group is less than threshold $selectAllInGroupStyle = 'color:#777;margin:5px 0;font-weight:normal;font-size:11px;'; if (count($eventFields) < 2 || count($eventFields) > LR_SHOW_QUICK_ADD_ALL_GROUP_THRESHOLD) { $selectAllInGroupStyle .= 'visibility:hidden;'; } $eventFieldRef = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_]/", "", strtolower($eventFieldGroup)); $select = RCView::a(array('href' => 'javascript:;', 'style' => 'display:inline-block;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal;padding:0 3px;', 'onclick' => "reportQuickAddForm('{$eventFieldRef}',true);"), $lang['data_export_tool_52']);
<?php /* * Longitudinal Reports Plugin * Luke Stevens, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au * Version date 16-Nov-2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // Validate id if (!isset($_POST['report_id'])) { exit('0'); } $report_id = $_POST['report_id']; //$report = LongitudinalReports::getReports($report_id); //if (empty($report)) exit('0'); // Copy the report and return the new report_id $new_report_id = LongitudinalReports::copyReport($report_id); if ($new_report_id === false) { exit('0'); } REDCap::logEvent("Copy longitudinal report", "report_id = {$report_id}, new_report_id = {$new_report_id}"); // Return HTML of updated report list and report_id print json_encode(array('new_report_id' => $new_report_id, 'html' => LongitudinalReports::renderReportList()));
<?php /* * Longitudinal Reports Plugin * Luke Stevens, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute https://www.mcri.edu.au * Version date 16-Nov-2015 */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; // Display list of usernames who would have access $content = LongitudinalReports::displayReportAccessUsernames($_POST); // Output JSON print json_encode(array('content' => $content, 'title' => $lang['report_builder_108']));