$num_failed_attempts = 0; if (BPConfig::$login_throttle_enabled) { $loginThrottleTable = substr(BPConfig::$login_throttle_blueprint, 0, strpos(BPConfig::$login_throttle_blueprint, ".")); $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $loginThrottleTable . " WHERE (" . BPConfig::$login_throttle_field_id . "={$member_id}) AND (time >= (UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL " . BPConfig::$login_throttle_lockout_period . " SECOND) )"; $sql = new DatabaseQuery($query); $sql->doQuery(); $num_failed_attempts = $sql->get_num_rows(); } if ($num_failed_attempts >= BPConfig::$login_throttle_lockout_attempts) { Log::warning("* THROTTLE LOCKOUT: " . $num_failed_attempts . " failed login attempts during the last " . BPConfig::$login_throttle_lockout_period . " seconds"); $status = "error"; $message = "Login throttle has prevented another attempt."; } else { // Check Password if (Login::checkPassword($entity_blueprint, $login_key, $passwd_key, $login, $passwd)) { Login::start($login, $domain); // ! TODO: inject BPConfig::$guardian_identity_session_key into the users session $status = "success"; $message = "Login Successful."; } else { $status = "error"; $message = "Username or password is incorrect."; Log::warning("* Failed login attempt"); if (BPConfig::$login_throttle_enabled) { // Record a failed login attempt $failedLoginAttemptBP = BlueprintReader::read(BPConfig::$login_throttle_blueprint); $failedLoginAttemptDAO = new EntityDAO($failedLoginAttemptBP, "+0:00"); $fla = $failedLoginAttemptBP->build(); $fla->set(BPConfig::$login_throttle_field_id, $member_id); $fla->set("time", gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $failedLoginAttemptDAO->insert($fla);
break; default: if (!isset($_SESSION['home'])) { $_SESSION['home'] = 'http://' . URL . DS . $row[0]; } break; } session_write_close(); //echo $_SESSION['home']; exit(header('Location: ' . $_SESSION['home'])); //echo $row[0]; } else { //entra a esta parte en caso sean incorrectos los datos. //$loginP->start('error'); echo "9"; } } else { if ($loggedstatus === "islogged") { $loginP->start("logged"); } else { if ($loggedstatus === "notexist") { $loginP->start("notexist"); } else { $loginP->start("error"); } } } } else { // En caso no se ingresen los campos. $loginP->start("null"); }
<div id="logo"> <div id="logo_text"> <h1><a href="/">Lar da<span class="logo_colour"> Vovó</span></a></h1> <h2>Asilo Nossa Senhora da Piedade.</h2> </div> </div> <nav> </nav> </header> <div id="site_content"> <div id="content"> <div class="form_settings" style="width:315px;margin: 0 auto; padding-top:10px"> <form id="login" method="post" action=""> <p><span>Usuário</span><input class="validate[required] text-input" type="text" name="name" value=""/></p> <p><span>Senha</span><input class="validate[required] text-input" type="password" name="senha" value=""/></p> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="login_submit" value="Login"/></p> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['login_submit'])) { $Login = new Login($_POST['name'], $_POST['senha']); $Login->start(); } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div>