public function __construct() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->user = User::getInstance(); $this->webDBUtils = WebDBUtils::getInstance(); $this->log = Log::getInstance(); }
/** * * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $itemid */ public function read($itemid) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $log = Log::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT link_type_item type," . "v_descr name,material," . "price_unit,price_paq price_pack,price_box," . "stock_min,link_marca trademark,image " . "FROM " . TBL_ITEM . " WHERE id={$itemid}"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $log->addError("No se puedo obtener datos de Producto."); return false; } if ($db->rows($res) != 1) { $log->addError("No se encontraron datos de Producto solicitado."); $db->dispose($res); return false; } $row = $db->getRow($res); $this->id = $itemid; $this->name = $row['name']; $this->type = $row['type']; $this->stockMin = $row['stock_min']; $this->trademark = $row['trademark']; $this->priceUnit = $row['price_unit']; $this->priceBox = $row['price_box']; $this->pricePack = $row['price_pack']; $this->material = $row['material']; return true; }
public function execute($sql, $params = array()) { $startTime = microtime(true); $this->affectRowCount = 0; $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql); if ($stmt) { if ($params) { foreach ($params as $k => &$param) { $stmt->bindParam($k, $param, PDO::PARAM_STR, strlen($param)); } } } else { return false; } $res = $stmt->execute(); $endTime = microtime(true); $execTime = round($endTime - $startTime, 3); if ($this->longtime && $execTime > $this->longtime) { Log::getInstance('LongTime')->write(json_encode(array('sql' => $sql, 'params' => $params, 'runTime' => $execTime))); } if (!$res) { $error = $stmt->errorInfo(); if (isset($error[2]) && $error[2]) { Log::getInstance('DBerror')->write(json_encode(array('sql' => $sql, 'params' => $params, 'error' => $error[2]))); } } $this->affectRowCount = $res ? $stmt->rowCount() : 0; return $stmt; }
public function __construct() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->log = Log::getInstance(); $this->loadEmbedSettings(); $this->procUtils = ProcUtils::getInstance(); }
/** * * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $lotid */ public function read($lotid) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $log = Log::getInstance(); $sql = "SELECT itemid,cajas,unidades,stock,active,idalmacen,costo,tran_mar,tran_ter,aduana,trans_bank,otros,price_final,obs FROM " . TBL_LOT . " WHERE id={$lotid}"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $log->addError("No se pudo recuperar información de Lote."); return false; } if ($db->rows($res) != 1) { $log->addError("Lote solicitado no existe."); $db->dispose($res); return false; } $row = $db->getRow($res); $this->id = $lotid; $this->itemid = $row['itemid']; $this->boxes = $row['cajas']; $this->units = $row['unidades']; $this->active = $row['active']; $this->storeid = $row['idalmacen']; $this->cost = $row['costo']; $this->costMar = $row['tran_mar']; $this->costTer = $row['tran_ter']; $this->costAdu = $row['aduana']; $this->costBank = $row['trans_bank']; $this->price = $row['price_final']; $this->stock = $row['stock']; $this->gloss = $row['obs']; $db->dispose($res); return true; }
function user_edit() { $log = Log::getInstance(); $user = new User(); $storeid = isset($_POST['store']) ? $_POST['store'] : 0; $user->id = isset($_POST['user']) ? $_POST['user'] : ""; $user->firstname = isset($_POST['firstname']) ? $_POST['firstname'] : ""; $user->lastname = isset($_POST['lastname']) ? $_POST['lastname'] : ""; $user->username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ""; $user->password = isset($_POST['passwd']) ? $_POST['passwd'] : ""; $user->ci = isset($_POST['ci']) ? $_POST['ci'] : ""; $user->active = isset($_POST['active']); $user->level = isset($_POST['role']) ? $_POST['role'] : 0; $user->address = isset($_POST['address']) ? $_POST['address'] : ""; $user->phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : ""; $user->email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ""; if ($user->update()) { if ($_FILES['upload']['name']) { $imagepath = str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "img/user/\${$user->id}.jpg"; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $imagepath)) { $user->imagepath = $imagepath; $user->update(); } else { $log->addError("No fue posible subir imagen"); } } } else { $log->addError("No fue posible actualizar usuario, verifique que Usuario sea único."); } }
public function __construct($item) { if (empty($item)) { return $item; } $dbConf = Conf::getConf('/db/mysql/' . $item); $this->log = Log::getInstance('mysql'); $this->connect($dbConf["hostname"], $dbConf["username"], $dbConf["password"], $dbConf["database"], $dbConf["pconnect"]); }
public function executeDeleteContact() { $data = array("contacts_id" => $_REQUEST["cid"]); if ($this->model->delete($data)) { Log::getInstance()->insert(array("action" => "delete", "module" => "contacts", "title" => "Suppression d'un contact", "message" => "Un contact a été supprimé avec succès")); } else { echo json_encode(array("alert" => "Une erreur est survenue pendant la suppression d'un contact")); } }
/** * Does nativ query(MySQL) * Returns PDO result * @param string $query * @return queryResult */ public function nativQuery($query) { //Log::getInstance()->event($query,Log::INFO); try { return $this->pdo->query($query); } catch (PDOException $e) { Log::getInstance()->event($e->getMessage(), Log::ERROR); } }
public static function fire($event, $args = array()) { if (isset(self::$events[$event])) { foreach (self::$events[$event] as $func) { call_user_func($func, $args); } } $Log = Log::getInstance(); $Log->NewLog($event); }
public function getLogger($obj = null) { if (!self::$logger) { self::$logger = Log::getInstance(); } if ($obj instanceof DB_DataObject) { return self::returnStatus(self::$logger); } return self::$logger; }
public function __construct() { $this->session = Session::getInstance(); $this->log = Log::getInstance(); $this->user = User::getInstance(); $this->storage = Storage::getInstance(); $this->webDBUtils = WebDBUtils::getInstance(); $this->dpUtils = DataProviderUtils::getInstance(); $this->screen = false; $this->availableFeatures = false; }
/** * constructor * * @param string $type tipo de datamanager a ser incializado * * inicializa o objeto de log e de bd * inicializa o vetor de dados nulo de acordo com o tipo */ function __construct($type) { $this->db = MysqliDb::getInstance(); $this->log = Log::getInstance(); //tipo de dado valido pra iniciar if (array_key_exists($type, $this->_validFields)) { $this->type = $type; foreach ($this->_validFields[$this->type] as $key => $value) { $this->setField($key, null); } } }
/** * * Enter description here ... */ public function update() { $log = Log::getInstance(); $db = Database::getInstance(); $this->setupSafeInput(); $sql = "UPDATE " . TBL_CUSTOMER . " SET " . "name='{$this->name}'," . "address='{$this->address}'," . "phone='{$this->phone}'," . "cell='{$this->cell}'," . "nit='{$this->nit}'," . "active={$this->active}," . "email='{$this->email}'," . "date_modified=NOW() " . "WHERE id={$this->id}"; if (!$db->query($sql)) { $log->addError("No se pudo actualizar datos de Cliente."); return false; } return true; }
public function add() { $db = Database::getInstance(); $log = Log::getInstance(); $this->setupSafeInput(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_DEPARTMENT . "(name," . "contact_name," . "phone," . "active," . "address," . "fax," . "email," . "description) " . " VALUES " . "('" . $db->escape($this->name) . "'," . "'" . $db->escape($this->contact) . "'," . "'" . $db->escape($this->phone) . "'," . "{$this->active}," . "'" . $db->escape($this->address) . "'," . "'" . $db->escape($this->fax) . "'," . "'" . $db->escape($this->email) . "'," . "'" . $db->escape($this->description) . "')"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $log->addError("No se pudo agregar datos."); } else { $this->id = $db->lastID(); } return $res; }
/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: André * Date: 01/04/2015 * Time: 13:57 */ function buildOutput($data, $debug = false) { $log = Log::getInstance(); $db = MysqliDb::getInstance(); $output = array(); if ($log->countErrors() > 0) { $errors = $log->getErrors(); } $output = $data; if (isset($errors) && sizeof($errors) > 0) { $output['_ERROR_'] = $errors; } if ($debug == 'true') { $output['_DEBUG_'] = $log->getLogs(); } echo json_encode($output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); }
public function query($keyword = '', $start = 0, $limit = 10) { if (!$this->search || empty($keyword)) { return array(); } $this->search->SetLimits($start, $limit, 1000); $list = $this->search->query($keyword, 'document_index'); $log = Log::getInstance('sphinx'); if ($list === false) { $log->warning("Sphinx Search Faild:" . $this->search->GetLastError()); return array(); } if (!isset($list['matches']) || empty($list['matches'])) { return array(); } $cms = new Data_CmsModel(); $articles = $cms->getArticle(array_keys($list['matches'])); $titles = array(); $contents = array(); $catids = array(); foreach ($articles as $k => $v) { $titles[$k] = strip_tags($v['title']); $contents[$k] = preg_replace("/[\\s\t\r\n( )]+/", "", strip_tags($v['introtext'])); $catids[$v['catid']] = true; } $catids = array_keys($catids); $categorys = $cms->getCategory($catids); $catMap = array(); foreach ($categorys as $k => $v) { $catMap[$v['id']] = $v['title']; } $redclass = array("before_match" => "<span style='color:#FF0000'>", "after_match" => "</span>"); $titles = $this->search->buildExcerpts($titles, "document_index", $keyword, $redclass); $contents = $this->search->buildExcerpts($contents, "document_index", $keyword, $redclass); foreach ($articles as $k => $v) { $articles[$k]['title'] = $titles[$k]; $articles[$k]['introtext'] = $contents[$k]; $articles[$k]['catTitle'] = $catMap[$v['catid']]; } $result = array(); $result['articles'] = $articles; $result['count'] = $list['total']; return $result; }
/** * * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $itemid * @param unknown_type $storeid */ public static function getLotsFromItem($itemid, $storeid) { $db = Database::getInstance(); $result = array(); $sql = "SELECT," . " store," . "l.stock," . "," . "l.price_final price " . "FROM " . TBL_LOT . " l INNER JOIN " . TBL_DEPARTMENT . " s ON " . "WHERE l.itemid={$itemid} AND l.stock>0 " . ($storeid ? "AND{$storeid}" : ""); $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->addError(ERROR_BD_QUERY . " No se pudo obtener datos de Lotes."); return $result; } $row = $db->getRow($res); while ($row) { $result[] = $row; $row = $db->getRow($res); } $db->dispose($res); return $result; }
/** * save new achievement via REST. * role: player */ public function unlock_achievement() { if (Authenticate::is_player()) { if (isset($_POST['token']) && Authenticate::is_valid_token($_POST['token'])) { $this->model_achievement = Achievement::getInstance(); /* * populate type of achievement. * invoke method to unlock the achievement. * log this event about achievement earning. */ $achievement = $_POST["achievement"]; $result = $this->model_achievement->unlock_achievement($achievement); $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->logging_game_earn_achievement("Achievement id {$achievement}"); $binding = array("result_var" => "session_ready", "unlock_status" => $result); binding_data($binding); } else { transport("error404"); } } else { $binding = array("result_var" => "no_session"); binding_data($binding); } }
/** * the main apiController function that outputs json_encoded results * @param $path * @param $request * @param $files */ function apiController($path, $request, $files = null) { global $dao; list($reqPath, $queryString) = explode('?', $path); $pathParts = explode('/', substr($reqPath, 1)); list($action) = $pathParts; if ($action != "addExpeditionPoint" && $action != "getDeviceByAuthKey") { $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->log("{$action}"); $log->log("{$path}, {$request}"); } $authKey = $request["authKey"]; if ($action != "registerDevice" && $action != "getPendingDeviceStatus" && !$authKey) { $response = array("errorCode" => ERR_AUTHKEY_MISSING, "errorMessage" => "You must provide an authentication key with each request."); echo json_encode($response); die; } $device = $dao->getDeviceByAuthKey($authKey); if ($action != "registerDevice" && $action != "getPendingDeviceStatus" && !$device) { $response = array("errorCode" => ERR_AUTHKEY_INVALID, "errorMessage" => "Invalid authentication key."); echo json_encode($response); die; } $deviceUserId = $device["user_id"]; $deviceIdentifier = $device["imei"]; switch ($action) { case 'getDeltaFindsIds': // echo $dao->getDeltaFindsIds($deviceIdentifier); echo $dao->getDeltaFindsIds($deviceIdentifier, $request["projectId"]); break; case 'recordSync': echo $dao->recordSync($deviceIdentifier); break; case 'registerDevice': $imei = $request["imei"]; $name = null; if (strstr($authKey, "sb_")) { $result = $dao->addSandboxDevice($authKey, $imei); } else { $result = $dao->confirmDevice($authKey, $imei, $name); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'addExpedition': echo $dao->addExpedition($request["projectId"]); break; case 'addExpeditionPoint': echo $request["expeditionId"] . ","; echo $dao->addExpeditionPoint($request["expeditionId"], $request["lat"], $request["lng"], $request["alt"], $request["swath"]); break; case 'getPendingDeviceStatus': $device = $dao->getDeviceByAuthKey($authKey); if ($device["status"] == "ok") { echo json_encode($device); } else { echo json_encode(false); } break; case 'listOpenProjects': $result = $dao->getProjects(PROJECTS_OPEN); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'listMyProjects': $result = $dao->getUserProjects($deviceUserId); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'listFinds': echo json_encode($dao->getFinds($request["project_id"])); break; case 'getFind': $result = $dao->getFind($request["guid"]); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'deleteFind': echo $dao->deleteFind($request["id"]); break; case 'deleteProject': $dao->deleteProject($request["projectId"]); break; case 'deleteAllFinds': $dao->deleteAllFinds($request["projectId"]); break; case 'createFind': echo $dao->createFind($request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["project_id"], $request["name"], $request["description"], $request["latitude"], $request["longitude"], $request["revision"]); break; case 'updateFind': echo $dao->updateFind($request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["project_id"], $request["name"], $request["description"], $request["revision"]); break; case 'attachPicture': $imagedata = base64_decode($request["data_full"]); $imagethumbdata = base64_decode($request["data_thumbnail"]); $result = $dao->addPictureToFind($request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["identifier"], $request["project_id"], $request["mime_type"], $request["timestamp"], $imagedata, $imagethumbdata); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'attachVideo': $video_data = $files['file']['tmp_name']; $video_type = $request["mimeType"]; $video_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $files["file"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($video_data, "uploads/{$video_name}"); $result = $dao->addVideoToFind($request['id'], $request["findId"], $video_type, $video_name); return $result; break; case 'attachAudio': $audio_data = $files['file']['tmp_name']; $audio_type = $request["mimeType"]; $audio_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $files["file"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($audio_data, "uploads/{$audio_name}"); $result = $dao->addAudioClipToFind($request['id'], $request["findId"], $audio_type, $audio_name); return $result; break; case 'removePicture': $dao->deletePictureFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'removeVideo': $dao->deleteVideoFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'removeAudioClip': $dao->deleteAudioClipFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'deleteAllPictures': $dao->deleteImages($request["findId"]); break; case 'deleteAllVideos': $dao->deleteVideos($request["findId"]); break; case 'deleteAllAudioClips': $dao->deleteAudioClips($request["findId"]); break; case 'getPicture': $picture = $dao->getPicture($request["id"]); $imageEncoded = base64_encode($picture["data_full"]); $imageThumbEncoded = base64_encode($picture["data_thumb"]); $pictureEncoded = $picture; if ($imageEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_full"] = $imageEncoded; } if ($imageThumbEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_thumb"] = $imageThumbEncoded; } if (count($pictureEncoded) > 0) { echo json_encode($pictureEncoded); } else { echo "false"; } break; case 'getPicturesByFind': $pictures = $dao->getPicturesByFind($request["guid"]); $result = array(); foreach ($pictures as $pic) { $imageEncoded = base64_encode($pic["data_full"]); $imageThumbEncoded = base64_encode($pic["data_thumb"]); $pictureEncoded = $pic; if ($imageEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_full"] = $imageEncoded; } if ($imageThumbEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_thumb"] = $imageThumbEncoded; } if (count($pictureEncoded) > 0) { $result[] = $pictureEncoded; } } if (count($result) > 0) { echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "false"; } break; case 'getVideo': $video = $dao->getVideo($request["id"]); $video_name = $video["data_path"]; $video_path = "uploads/{$video_name}"; $fp_v = fopen($video_path, 'r'); $video_data = fread($fp_v, filesize($video_path)); $videoEncoded = base64_encode($video_data); $clipEncoded = $video; $clipEncoded["data_full"] = $videoEncoded; echo json_encode($clipEncoded); break; case 'getAudio': $audio = $dao->getAudioClip($request["id"]); $audio_name = $audio["data_path"]; $audio_path = "uploads/{$audio_name}"; $fp_v = fopen($audio_path, 'r'); $audio_data = fread($fp_v, filesize($audio_path)); $audioEncoded = base64_encode($audio_data); $clipEncoded = $audio; $clipEncoded["data_full"] = $audioEncoded; echo json_encode($clipEncoded); break; case 'searchFinds': $search_value = $request['search_value']; $project_id = $request['project_id']; $result = $dao->searchFinds($search_value, $project_id); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'execCommand': $command = $request['command']; echo $dao->execCommand($command); break; default: break; } }
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.php'; // check if there is query string with book id. If not, redirect. if (Input::exists('get') === false || Input::found('id') === false) { Redirect::to('index.php'); } if (Token::check(Input::get('token'))) { //delete book from database $bookManager = new BookManage(); $bookManager->delete(Input::get('id')); /** * * The following block of code if responsible for deleting book cover * **/ $destination = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Config::get('upload_book_cover/default_folder'); // adding trailing slash if there isn't one if ($destination[strlen($destination) - 1] != '/') { $destination .= '/'; } // find the file by given name no mater what extension it has and delete it $pattern = $destination . Input::get('id') . '.*'; $file = glob($pattern)[0]; unlink($file); $logMessage = 'Книга удалена (' . Input::get('id') . ')'; Log::getInstance()->message($logMessage, 'book_manage'); Session::flash('home', 'Товар удален из каталога'); Redirect::to('manage.php'); } else { Session::flash('home', 'Неправильный токен'); Redirect::to('manage.php'); }
/** * confirm registration * @param unknown_type $authKey * @param unknown_type $imei * @param unknown_type $name */ function confirmDevice($authKey, $imei, $name) { Log::getInstance()->log("confirmDevice: {$authKey}, {$imei}, {$name}"); $stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT auth_key FROM device WHERE imei = :imei"); $stmt->bindValue(":imei", $imei); $stmt->execute(); if ($existingDevice = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $res = mysql_query("select user_id from device where auth_key = '{$authKey}'") or die(mysql_error()); list($userId) = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_NUM); mysql_query("DELETE FROM device WHERE auth_key = '{$authKey}'"); mysql_query("UPDATE device SET auth_key = '{$authKey}', status = 'ok', user_id = '{$userId}' WHERE imei = '{$imei}'"); return true; //$stmt->bindValue(":authKey", $authKey); //$stmt->bindValue(":imei", $imei); //return $stmt->execute(); /* $stmt = $this->db->prepare( "SELECT name FROM device WHERE imei = :imei" ); $stmt->bindValue(":imei", $imei); $stmt->execute(); list($name) = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); */ } $stmt = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE device SET\n\t\t\t imei = :imei,\n\t\t\t name = :name,\n\t\t\t status = 'ok'\n\t\t\t WHERE auth_key = :authKey"); $stmt->bindValue(":imei", $imei); $stmt->bindValue(":name", $name); $stmt->bindValue(":authKey", $authKey); $result = $stmt->execute(); return $result; }
/** * Update information about a find * @param unknown_type $guId -- globally unique ID * @param unknown_type $name * @param unknown_type $description * @param unknown_type $revision */ function updateFind($auth_key, $imei, $guId, $projectId, $name, $description, $revision, $data, $latitude, $longitude) { Log::getInstance()->log("updateFind: {$auth_key}, {$imei}, {$guId}, {$projectId}, {$name}, {$description}, {$revision}, {$data}, {$latitude}, {$longitude}"); $stmt = $this->db->prepare("update find set name = :name, description = :description, \n\t\t\trevision = :revision, modify_time = NOW(), latitude = :latitude, longitude = :longitude where guid = :guid AND project_id = :projectId"); $stmt->bindValue(":name", $name); $stmt->bindValue(":description", $description); $stmt->bindValue(":revision", $revision); $stmt->bindValue(":guid", $guId); $stmt->bindValue(":projectId", $projectId); $stmt->bindValue(":latitude", $latitude); $stmt->bindValue(":longitude", $longitude); $stmt->execute(); $this->createLog("I", "updateFind", "Updated Find= {$guId}"); Log::getInstance()->log("getFind: id = {$id}"); // Get this Find's id for query to extended data $stmt = $this->db->prepare("select id from find where guid = :guid"); $stmt->bindValue(":guid", $guId); $stmt->execute(); $idResult = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $id = $idResult[0]["id"]; Log::getInstance()->log("updateFind: id = {$id}"); // Update the extended data $stmt = $this->db->prepare("update find_extension set data = :data where find_id = :find_id"); $stmt->bindValue(":find_id", $id); $stmt->bindValue(":data", $data); $stmt->execute(); Log::getInstance()->log("updateFind: updated extended data for find_id = {$id}"); // Make an entry in find_history $stmt = $this->db->prepare("insert into find_history (find_guid, action, imei, auth_key) VALUES (:find_guid, :action, :imei, :auth_key)"); $stmt->bindValue(":find_guid", $guId); $stmt->bindValue(":action", "update"); $stmt->bindValue(":imei", $imei); $stmt->bindValue(":auth_key", $auth_key); $stmt->execute(); Log::getInstance()->log("Updated find_history, updated Find {$guId} {$imei}"); return "True Updated {$guId} on server"; }
<p class="form-title">Nuevo Cliente</p> <?php if (!Forms::checkPermission(FORM_CUSTOMER_NEW)) { return; } require 'inc/class.customer.php'; require_once 'inc/class.log.php'; $log = Log::getInstance(); $customer = new Customer(); $customer->name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ""; $customer->nit = isset($_POST['nit']) ? $_POST['nit'] : ""; $customer->phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : ""; $customer->cell = isset($_POST['cell']) ? $_POST['cell'] : ""; $customer->active = isset($_POST['active']) ? $_POST['active'] : 1; $customer->address = isset($_POST['address']) ? $_POST['address'] : ""; $customer->email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ""; include 'inc/widget/error.php'; ?> <form action="" method="post"> <table class="form"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="label">Nombre:</td> <td><input name="name" type="text" id="name" value="<?php echo $customer->name; ?> " size="60"> <span class="mandatory">*</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="label">NIT:</td> <td><input name="nit" type="text" id="nit" value="<?php
/** * the main apiController function that outputs json_encoded results * @param $path * @param $request * @param $files */ function apiController($path, $request, $files = null) { global $dao, $smarty; list($reqPath, $queryString) = explode('?', $path); $pathParts = explode('/', substr($reqPath, 1)); list($action) = $pathParts; Log::getInstance()->log("Reached server"); Log::getInstance()->log("{$path} , {$request}"); if ($action != "addExpeditionPoint" && $action != "getDeviceByAuthKey") { $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->log("{$action}"); $log->log("{$path}, {$request}"); } $authKey = $request["authKey"]; if ($action != "isreachable" && $action != "login" && $action != "registerUser" && $action != "registerDevice" && $action != "getPendingDeviceStatus" && !$authKey) { $response = array("errorCode" => ERR_AUTHKEY_MISSING, "errorMessage" => "You must provide an authentication key with each request."); echo json_encode($response); die; } if ($action != isreachable && $action != "login" && $action != "registerUser") { $device = $dao->getDeviceByAuthKey($authKey); if ($action != "registerDevice" && $action != "getPendingDeviceStatus" && !$device) { $response = errorResponseCode(ERR_AUTHKEY_INVALID, "Invalid authentication key."); echo json_encode($response); die; } $deviceUserId = $device["user_id"]; $deviceIdentifier = $device["imei"]; } switch ($action) { case 'isreachable': jsonMessage(AUTHN_OK, "The server is reachable"); break; case 'login': extract($request); Log::getInstance()->log("Login = {$request} email={$email} imei={$imei}"); if (!$email) { jsonError(ERR_EMAIL_MISSING, "Email Address is required"); } else { if (!validate_email_address($email)) { jsonError(ERR_EMAIL_INVALID, "Email Address is invalid"); } } if (!$password) { jsonError(ERR_PASSWORD_MISSING, "Password is required"); } // NOTE: Tablets don't have imei. So this will only work for phones. // if (!$imei){ // jsonError(ERR_IMEI_MISSING, "IMEI Code is required"); // } if ($login = $dao->checkLogin($email, $password)) { $authKey = genAuthKey(); $userId = $login["id"]; if ($dao->registerDevicePending($userId, $authKey)) { jsonMessage(AUTHN_OK, $authKey); } else { jsonError(ERR_SERVER, "Authentication Key cannot be generated"); } } else { jsonError(AUTHN_FAILED, "Authentication failed. Please Check email address or password."); } break; case 'registerUser': extract($request); if (!$email) { jsonError(ERR_EMAIL_MISSING, "Email Address is required"); } else { if (!validate_email_address($email)) { jsonError(ERR_EMAIL_INVALID, "Email Address is invalid"); } } if (!$firstname) { jsonError(ERR_FIRSTNAME_MISSING, "Firstname is required"); } if (!$lastname) { jsonError(ERR_LASTNAME_MISSING, "LastName is required"); } if (strlen($password1) < 6) { jsonError(ERR_PASSWORD1_INVALID, "Password must be 6 characters or longer"); } if ($password1 != $password2) { jsonError(ERR_PASSWORD_UNMATCHED, "Passwords must match"); } $newUser = array($email, $firstname, $lastname, $password1); $result = $dao->registerUser($newUser); if ($result === REGISTRATION_EMAILEXISTS) { jsonError(ERR_EMAIL_INVALID, "Email already exists"); } $smarty->assign('link', SERVER_BASE_URI . "/web/verifyEmail?email={$email}"); sendEmail($email, "email verification", $smarty->fetch("emails/new_user.tpl")); jsonMessage(AUTHN_OK, "Registration Successful"); break; case 'getDeltaFindsIds': echo $dao->getDeltaFindsIds($authKey, $request["projectId"]); break; case 'recordSync': $projectId = -1; if ($request["projectId"]) { $projectId = (int) $request["projectId"]; } echo $dao->recordSync($request["imei"], $authKey, $projectId); //echo $dao->recordSync($deviceIdentifier, $authKey); break; case 'registerDevice': $imei = $request["imei"]; $name = null; if (strstr($authKey, "sb_")) { $result = $dao->addSandboxDevice($authKey, $imei); } else { $result = $dao->confirmDevice($authKey, $imei, $name); } echo json_encode($result); break; case 'addExpedition': echo $dao->addExpedition($request["projectId"]); break; case 'addExpeditionPoint': echo $request["expedition"] . ","; echo $dao->addExpeditionPoint($request["expedition"], $request["latitude"], $request["longitude"], $request["altitude"], $request["swath"], $request["time"]); break; case 'getPendingDeviceStatus': $device = $dao->getDeviceByAuthKey($authKey); if ($device["status"] == "ok") { echo json_encode($device); } else { echo json_encode(false); } break; case 'listOpenProjects': $result = $dao->getProjects(PROJECTS_OPEN); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'listMyProjects': $result = $dao->getUserProjects($deviceUserId); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'newProject': extract($request); if (!$name) { jsonError(ERR_NAME_INVALID, "Project name is invalid."); } $result = $dao->newProject($name, $description, $deviceUserId); if (is_string($result)) { jsonMessage(PROJ_CREATE_SUCCESS, "Project created successfully."); } else { jsonError(PROJ_CREATE_FAIL, "Project creation failed."); } break; case 'projectExists': if ($request["projectId"]) { echo $dao->projectExists($request["projectId"]); } break; case 'listFinds': echo json_encode($dao->getFinds($request["project_id"])); break; case 'getFind': $result = $dao->getFind($request["guid"]); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'deleteFind': echo $dao->deleteFind($request["id"]); break; case 'deleteProject': $dao->deleteProject($request["projectId"]); break; case 'deleteAllFinds': $dao->deleteAllFinds($request["projectId"]); break; case 'createFind': echo $dao->createFind($authKey, $request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["project_id"], $request["name"], $request["description"], $request["latitude"], $request["longitude"], $request["revision"], $request["data"]); break; case 'updateFind': echo $dao->updateFind($authKey, $request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["project_id"], $request["name"], $request["description"], $request["revision"], $request["data"], $request["latitude"], $request["longitude"]); break; case 'attachPicture': $imagedata = base64_decode($request["data_full"]); $imagethumbdata = base64_decode($request["data_thumbnail"]); $result = $dao->addPictureToFind($request["imei"], $request["guid"], $request["identifier"], $request["project_id"], $request["mime_type"], $request["timestamp"], $imagedata, $imagethumbdata, $authKey); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'attachVideo': $video_data = $files['file']['tmp_name']; $video_type = $request["mimeType"]; $video_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $files["file"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($video_data, "uploads/{$video_name}"); $result = $dao->addVideoToFind($request['id'], $request["findId"], $video_type, $video_name); return $result; break; case 'attachAudio': $audio_data = $files['file']['tmp_name']; $audio_type = $request["mimeType"]; $audio_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $files["file"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($audio_data, "uploads/{$audio_name}"); $result = $dao->addAudioClipToFind($request['id'], $request["findId"], $audio_type, $audio_name); return $result; break; case 'removePicture': $dao->deletePictureFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'removeVideo': $dao->deleteVideoFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'removeAudioClip': $dao->deleteAudioClipFromFind($request["id"]); break; case 'deleteAllPictures': $dao->deleteImages($request["findId"]); break; case 'deleteAllVideos': $dao->deleteVideos($request["findId"]); break; case 'deleteAllAudioClips': $dao->deleteAudioClips($request["findId"]); break; case 'getPicture': $picture = $dao->getPicture($request["id"]); $imageEncoded = base64_encode($picture["data_full"]); $imageThumbEncoded = base64_encode($picture["data_thumb"]); $pictureEncoded = $picture; if ($imageEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_full"] = $imageEncoded; } if ($imageThumbEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_thumb"] = $imageThumbEncoded; } if (count($pictureEncoded) > 0) { echo json_encode($pictureEncoded); } else { echo "false"; } break; case 'getPicturesByFind': $pictures = $dao->getPicturesByFind($request["guid"]); $result = array(); foreach ($pictures as $pic) { $imageEncoded = base64_encode($pic["data_full"]); $imageThumbEncoded = base64_encode($pic["data_thumb"]); $pictureEncoded = $pic; if ($imageEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_full"] = $imageEncoded; } if ($imageThumbEncoded != "") { $pictureEncoded["data_thumb"] = $imageThumbEncoded; } if (count($pictureEncoded) > 0) { $result[] = $pictureEncoded; } } if (count($result) > 0) { echo json_encode($result); } else { echo "false"; } break; case 'getVideo': $video = $dao->getVideo($request["id"]); $video_name = $video["data_path"]; $video_path = "uploads/{$video_name}"; $fp_v = fopen($video_path, 'r'); $video_data = fread($fp_v, filesize($video_path)); $videoEncoded = base64_encode($video_data); $clipEncoded = $video; $clipEncoded["data_full"] = $videoEncoded; echo json_encode($clipEncoded); break; case 'getAudio': $audio = $dao->getAudioClip($request["id"]); $audio_name = $audio["data_path"]; $audio_path = "uploads/{$audio_name}"; $fp_v = fopen($audio_path, 'r'); $audio_data = fread($fp_v, filesize($audio_path)); $audioEncoded = base64_encode($audio_data); $clipEncoded = $audio; $clipEncoded["data_full"] = $audioEncoded; echo json_encode($clipEncoded); break; case 'searchFinds': $search_value = $request['search_value']; $project_id = $request['project_id']; $result = $dao->searchFinds($search_value, $project_id); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'execCommand': $command = $request['command']; echo $dao->execCommand($command); break; default: break; } }
/** * invoked by: Controller.Player.logout() * Controller.Administrator.logout() * @param $user * @return bool */ public function logout($user) { session_start(); /* * check what type of user that will logout. * unset all active session */ if ($user == "SUPERUSER") { // check if bc_username exist in session if (isset($_SESSION["web_username"]) && !empty($_SESSION["web_username"])) { // destroy session unset($_SESSION['web_id']); unset($_SESSION['web_username']); unset($_SESSION['web_name']); unset($_SESSION['web_avatar']); unset($_SESSION['web_state']); unset($_SESSION['web_total_player']); unset($_SESSION['web_new_player']); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // check if ply_username exist in session if (isset($_SESSION["ply_username"]) && !empty($_SESSION["ply_username"])) { // create destroy log $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->logging_web_destroy(); // destroy session unset($_SESSION['ply_id']); unset($_SESSION['ply_username']); unset($_SESSION['ply_name']); unset($_SESSION['ply_avatar']); unset($_SESSION['ply_state']); } else { return false; } } return false; }
public function add() { $db = Database::getInstance(); $session = Session::getInstance(); $log = Log::getInstance(); $amount = 0; $res = false; $user = $db->escape($session->userinfo['firstname'] . " " . $session->userinfo['lastname']); foreach ($this->detail as $detail) { $amount += $detail->price * $detail->quantity; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_SELL . " " . "(`date`,date_created,date_modified," . "customer,amount,prepayment,payment_type," . "gloss,status,nit," . "storeid,created_by,updated_by)" . " VALUES " . "('{$this->date}',NOW(),NOW()," . "'" . $db->escape($this->customer) . "',{$amount},{$this->prepayment},{$this->paymentType}," . "'" . $db->escape($this->gloss) . "'," . PURCHASE_STATUS_PENDING . ",'" . $db->escape($this->nit) . "'," . "{$this->storeid},'{$user}','{$user}')"; $db->startTransaction(); $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("No se puedo agregar Venta, verifique los datos ingresados."); return false; } $sellid = $db->lastID(); if ($this->paymentType == PAYMENT_TYPE_CASH) { $this->prepayment = $amount; } if ($this->prepayment > 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_SELL_PAYMENT . " (sellid,line,`date`,amount,created_by,updated_by)" . " VALUES " . "({$sellid},1,NOW(),{$this->prepayment},'{$user}','{$user}')"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Problemas para agregar el anticipo de Venta especificado."); return false; } } foreach ($this->detail as $detail) { //if (!$detail->quantity || !$detail->price) // continue; // Check available stock $sql = "SELECT stock,unidades units_per_box FROM " . TBL_LOT . " WHERE id={$detail->lotid}"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("No se puede verificar stock disponible de lote {$detail->lotid}."); return false; } if ($db->rows($res) != 1) { $db->dispose($res); $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Lote {$detail->lotid} no está disponible."); return false; } $row = $db->getRow($res); $quantity = $detail->quantity; $units = 1; if ($detail->unit == UNIT_TYPE_BOX) { $units = $row['units_per_box']; $quantity = $detail->quantity * $units; } else { if ($detail->unit == UNIT_TYPE_PACKAGE) { // TODO } } if ($row['stock'] < $quantity) { $db->dispose($res); $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Stock insuficiente en lote {$detail->lotid}."); return false; } // Update stock for lot $sql = "UPDATE " . TBL_LOT . " SET stock=stock-{$quantity} WHERE id={$detail->lotid}"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("No se puede no se puede actualizar stock de lote {$detail->lotid}."); return false; } // Insert detail $item = Item::getFromLot($detail->lotid); $detail->description = $item->name; $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_SELL_DETAIL . " (sellid,line,description,quantity,price,unit_type,units)" . " VALUES " . "({$sellid},{$detail->line},'{$detail->description}',{$detail->quantity},{$detail->price},'{$detail->unit}',{$units})"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Problemas para agregar el detalle de Venta especificado."); return false; } } if (!$db->commit()) { return false; } $this->id = $sellid; return true; }
public function __construct() { $this->log = Log::getInstance(); $this->proc = Settings::procPath; $this->user = User::getInstance(); }
/** * @desc supprime un fichier du serveur * @return <boolean> */ public function executeDeleteFile() { if (unlink($_REQUEST["path"] . "/" . $_REQUEST["filename"])) { Log::getInstance()->insert(array("action" => "delete", "module" => "projects", "title" => "Suppression de fichier(s)", "message" => "Un fichier a été supprimé pour le projet #" . $_REQUEST["pid"])); echo $this->viewHelper->fetch(PROJECTS_VIEWS . "files.tpl", array("files" => Files::getFileContent($_REQUEST["path"] . "/"), "folder" => $_REQUEST["path"])); } else { echo json_encode(array("alert" => "Une erreur est survenue pendant la suppression du fichier.")); } }
/** * */ public function Add() { $db = Database::getInstance(); $session = Session::getInstance(); $log = Log::getInstance(); $amount = 0; $res = false; $purchased_by = $db->escape($session->userinfo['firstname'] . " " . $session->userinfo['lastname']); foreach ($this->detail as $detail) { $amount += $detail->price * $detail->quantity; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_PURCHASE . " " . "(code,`date`,date_created,date_modified," . "provider,amount,prepayment," . "gloss,status," . "created_by,updated_by)" . " VALUES " . "('{$this->code}','{$this->date}',NOW(),NOW()," . "'" . $db->escape($this->provider) . "',{$amount},{$this->prepayment}," . "'" . $db->escape($this->gloss) . "'," . PURCHASE_STATUS_PENDING . "," . "'{$purchased_by}','{$purchased_by}')"; $db->startTransaction(); $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("No se puedo agregar Compra, verifique los datos ingresados, el código no debe repetirse."); return false; } $purchaseid = $db->lastID(); if ($this->prepayment > 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_PURCHASE_PAYMENT . " (purchaseid,line,`date`,amount,created_by,updated_by)" . " VALUES " . "({$purchaseid},1,NOW(),{$this->prepayment},'{$purchased_by}','{$purchased_by}')"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Problemas para agregar el anticipo de Compra especificado."); return false; } } foreach ($this->detail as $detail) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_PURCHASE_DETAIL . " (purchaseid,line,description,quantity,price)" . " VALUES " . "({$purchaseid},{$detail->line},'{$detail->description}',{$detail->quantity},{$detail->price})"; $res = $db->query($sql); if (!$res) { $db->rollback(); $log->addError("Problemas para agregar el detalle de Compra especificado."); return false; } } if (!$db->commit()) { return false; } $this->id = $purchaseid; return true; }