function perform() { // set display requirements $result = array('renderer' => '', 'pageTitle' => SITE_NAME . ' : Add Date Criteria', 'content' => 'content/reportFormDate.php'); // don't lose the db! $db = $_REQUEST['db']; // where are we? $userFinder = new UserFinder($db); $user = $userFinder->findById($_SESSION['userId']); $library = $user['library_short_name']; $libraryID = $user['library_id']; $result['library_id'] = $libraryID; $result['library'] = $library; $result['user'] = $user; $report_id = grwd('report_id'); $result['report_id'] = $report_id; // get all the info on the reports $reportFinder = new ReportFinder($db); $reportCount = $reportFinder->getReportCount(); $result['reportCount'] = $reportCount; // get the information for the chosen report by requiring Reports.php and all the reports $report_class_handle = new Report(); $report_class_get = $report_class_handle->get(); // declare the report class by using it's ID $report_info = new $report_id(); $result['reportList'] = $report_info->info(); $libraryFinder = new LibraryFinder($db); $result['libraryList'] = $libraryFinder->getAllLibraries(); $locationFinder = new LocationFinder($db); $result['locationList'] = $locationFinder->getAllLocations(); return $result; }
function perform() { // set display requirements $result = array('renderer' => '', 'pageTitle' => SITE_NAME . ' : Advanced Search', 'content' => 'content/advancedSearchForm.php'); // don't lose the db! $db = $_REQUEST['db']; //var_dump($_REQUEST); // where are we? $userFinder = new UserFinder($db); $user = $userFinder->findById($_SESSION['userId']); $library = $user['library_short_name']; $libraryId = $user['library_id']; $result['library_id'] = $libraryId; $result['library'] = $library; $result['user'] = $user; // The library that got searched for last time, probably... $selLibId = grwd('search_library_id', $libraryId); $result['search_library_id'] = $selLibId; $libraryFinder = new LibraryFinder($db); $libraryList = $libraryFinder->getAllLibraries(); array_unshift($libraryList, array('library_id' => $libraryId, 'short_name' => $user['library_short_name'], 'full_name' => $user['library_full_name']), array('library_id' => '0', 'short_name' => 'All Libraries', 'full_name' => 'All Libraries'), array('library_id' => '', 'short_name' => '----------------------------', 'full_name' => '----------------------------')); $result['libraryList'] = $libraryList; $locationFinder = new LocationFinder($db); $result['locationList'] = $locationFinder->getAllLocations(); return $result; }