/** * Draws the layout-element */ function draw() { echo WUIObject::std_header(); LinkButton::draw(); echo WUIObject::std_footer(); return $this->columns; }
public function render() { $this->linkAttributes = "onclick=\"\$('#{$this->id}').toggle('fast')\""; $menu = "<ul class='toolbar-menu' id='{$this->id}'>"; foreach ($this->items as $item) { $menu .= "<li><a class=' toolbar-toolitem' href='{$item['link']}' onclick=\"{$item['onclick']}\">{$item['label']}</a></li>"; } $menu .= "</ul>"; return parent::render() . $menu; }
/** * Draw HTML output */ function draw() { global $c, $sid, $lang; echo '<form name="form1">'; echo '<td colspan="' . $this->cells . '"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"><tr>'; $widget = new Cell("clc", "", 2, $this->width, 20); $widget->draw(); echo "</tr><tr>\n"; $widget = new Label("lbl", $this->headline, "stats_headline", 2); $widget->draw(); echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=\"" . $this->cells . "\" class=\"bcopy\">" . $lang->get("pta", "Select page to analyze:") . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr>"; $this->sps->draw(); echo "<td> "; $lbi = new LinkButton("action", $lang->get("go", "Go"), "navelement", "submit"); $lbi->draw(); retain("action", ""); retain("sid", $sid); echo "</td></tr></table></td>"; echo "</form>"; return $this->cells; }
<? foreach (array(1,2,3,4,5,6,0) as $day) : ?> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="days[]" value="<?php echo $day; ?> " <?php echo in_array($day, $settings['glb_days']) !== false ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> > <?php echo getWeekDay($day, false); ?> </label><br> <? endforeach ?> <span class="invalid_message"><?php echo _("Bitte mindestens einen Wochentag auswählen."); ?> </span><br> </div> <div style="text-align: center; clear: both" data-dialog-button> <?php echo Button::createSuccess(_('Speichern'), array('onclick' => "return STUDIP.Calendar.validateNumberOfDays();")); ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule/#')); ?> </div> </form>
echo $audience ? htmlReady($audience->range_id) : ''; ?> " placeholder="<?php echo _('interne ID des Objekts'); ?> "/--> <div class="submit_wrapper"> <?php echo CSRFProtection::tokenTag(); ?> <?php echo Button::createAccept(_('Speichern'), 'save_tour_details'); ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('tour/admin_overview')); ?> </div> </fieldset> <? if (!$tour->isNew()) :?> <table class="default"> <caption> <div class="step_list_title"><?php echo _('Schritte'); ?> </div> </caption> <colgroup> <col width="2%"> <col width="25%"> <col>
<? endforeach; ?> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="all[rows][]" value="<?php echo $member['seminar_id']; ?> " <? if (isset($checked[$member['seminar_id']]) && count(array_filter($checked[$member['seminar_id']])) == count($modules) + 1) echo 'checked'; ?>> </td> </tr> <? endforeach; ?> <? endif; ?> </tbody> <? endforeach; ?> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="<?php echo count($modules) + 3; ?> "> <?php echo Button::create(_('Übernehmen'), 'store', array('title' => _('Änderungen übernehmen'))); ?> <?php echo LinkButton::create(_('Zurücksetzen'), $controller->url_for('settings/notification')); ?> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> </form>
<a href="<?php echo URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php?auswahl=' . $show_entry['id']); ?> "><?php echo _("Zur Veranstaltung"); ?> </a><br> <? endif ?> <br> <div style="text-align: center" data-dialog-button> <?php echo Button::createAccept(_('Speichern'), array('style' => 'margin-right: 20px')); ?> <? if (!$show_entry['visible']) : ?> <?php echo LinkButton::create(_('Einblenden'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule/bind/' . $show_entry['id'] . '/' . $show_entry['cycle_id'] . '/' . '?show_hidden=1'), array('style' => 'margin-right: 20px')); ?> <? else : ?> <?php echo LinkButton::create($show_entry['type'] == 'virtual' ? _('Löschen') : _('Ausblenden'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule/unbind/' . $show_entry['id'] . '/' . $show_entry['cycle_id']), array('style' => 'margin-right: 20px')); ?> <? endif ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule'), array('onclick' => "jQuery('#edit_sem_entry').fadeOut('fast'); STUDIP.Calendar.click_in_progress = false; return false")); ?> </div> </form>
echo _("Beschreibung"); ?> :</b> <textarea name="entry_content" style="width: 98%" rows="7"><?php echo htmlReady($show_entry['content']); ?> </textarea> <br> <div style="text-align: center" data-dialog-button> <?php echo Button::createAccept(_('Speichern'), array('style' => 'margin-right: 20px')); ?> <? if ($show_entry['id']) : ?> <?php echo LinkButton::create(_('Löschen'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule/delete/' . $show_entry['id']), array('style' => 'margin-right: 20px')); ?> <? endif ?> <? if ($show_entry) : ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('calendar/schedule'), array('onclick' => 'STUDIP.Schedule.cancelNewEntry(); STUDIP.Calendar.click_in_progress = false;return false;')); ?> <? else: ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), 'javascript:STUDIP.Schedule.cancelNewEntry()'); ?> <? endif ?> </div> </form>
echo _('Hilfe-Text:'); ?> </label> <textarea cols="60" rows="5" name="help_content_content" placeholder="<?php echo _('Bitte geben Sie den Text ein'); ?> "><?php echo $help_content->content ? htmlReady($help_content->content) : ''; ?> </textarea> <div "data-dialog-button" = "1"> <?php echo CSRFProtection::tokenTag(); ?> <? if ($via_ajax): ?> <?php echo Button::create(_('Speichern'), 'save_help_content', array('data-dialog' => '1', 'data-dialog-button' => '1')); ?> <? else: ?> <?php echo Button::createAccept(_('Speichern'), 'save_help_content'); ?> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('help_content/admin_overview'), array()); ?> <? endif; ?> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div>
private function deleteContent($plugmodlist) { $name = Request::Get('name'); foreach ($plugmodlist as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($name, $val)) { if ($val[$name]['type'] == 'plugin') { $class = PluginEngine::getPlugin(get_class($val[$name]['object'])); $displayname = $class->getPluginName(); } elseif ($val[$name]['type'] == 'modul') { if ($this->sem_class) { $class = $this->sem_class->getModule($this->sem_class->getSlotModule($val[$name]['modulkey'])); $displayname = $val[$name]['object']['name']; } } } } if (Request::submitted('check')) { if (method_exists($class, 'deleteContent')) { $class->deleteContent(); } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_("Das Plugin/Modul enthält keine Funktion zum Löschen der Inhalte."))); } } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_("Sie beabsichtigen die Inhalte von %s zu löschen."), $displayname) . "<br>" . _("Wollen Sie die Inhalte wirklich löschen?") . "<br>" . LinkButton::createAccept(_('Ja'), URLHelper::getURL("?deleteContent=true&check=true&name=" . $name)) . LinkButton::createCancel(_('Nein')))); } }
<div> <div class="button-group" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <?php echo Button::create(_('Zurück'), 'back', $previous === false ? array('disabled' => '') : array('value' => $previous)); ?> <?php echo Button::create(_('Weiter'), 'forward', $next === false ? array('disabled' => '') : array('value' => $next)); ?> </div> <div style="float: right;vertical-align: middle;"> <div class="button-group" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <?php echo Button::create(_('Anzeigen'), 'action', array('value' => 'display')); ?> <?php echo Button::create(_('Herunterladen'), 'action', array('value' => 'download')); ?> <?php echo Button::create(_('Installieren'), 'action', array('value' => 'install')); ?> </div> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Zurücksetzen'), $controller->url_for('generator/reset')); ?> </div> </div> </form>
/** * internal. Draw filter input. */ function draw_form() { global $lang; echo '<table width="170"><tr>'; echo "<td>" . $lang->get("filter_rule", "Search for..."). "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $lang->get("filter_column", "...in"). "</td></tr><tr>"; $txtb = new Input("filter_rule", $this->filter_rule, "embedded", "16", "", $width = "90", "TEXT", "", 1); $txtb->draw(); $select = new Dropdown("filter_column", $this->columns, "embedded", $this->filter_column, 80); $select->draw(); echo "</tr><tr>"; echo '<td colspan="2">'; echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="filter" value="">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="clearsearch" value="">'; $submitbutton = new Button("filter", $lang->get("search", "Search"), "navelement", "submit", "", "filter"); $submitbutton->draw(); echo " "; $clearbutton = new LinkButton("clearsearch", $lang->get("search_clear", "Reset Filter"), "navelement", "submit", "document.filter.filter_rule.value='';", "filter"); $clearbutton->draw(); br(); br(); echo "</td><tr></table></td></tr></table>"; }
?> </a> <? else: ?> <?php echo htmlReady($consumer->title); ?> <? endif; ?> <? if ($type = $types[$consumer->type]): ?> <small>(<?php echo htmlReady($type); ?> )</small> <? endif; ?> </h3> <? if ($consumer->description): ?> <p><?php echo htmlReady($consumer->description); ?> </p> <? endif; ?> </td> <td class="actions"> <?php echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('App entfernen'), $controller->url_for('api/authorizations/revoke', $consumer->id), array('data-behaviour' => 'confirm')); ?> </td> </tr> <? endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> <? endif; ?>
<thead> <tr> <th colspan="2"><?php echo sprintf(_('%s suchen'), htmlReady($decoratedStatusGroups['dozent'])); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <?php echo QuickSearch::get('new_dozent', $search)->withButton(array('reset_button_name' => 'reset_dozent', 'search_button_name' => 'search_dozent'))->render(); ?> <input type="hidden" name="seminar_id" value="<?php echo $course_id; ?> "> </td> <td> <?php echo Button::createAccept(_('Eintragen'), 'add_dozent', array('title' => sprintf(_("als %s eintragen"), htmlReady($decoratedStatusGroups['dozent'])))); echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('course/members/index')); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form>
/** * Displays page to add new or edit existing literature element */ public function edit_element_action() { if (Request::option('reload')) { $this->reload = true; } if (Request::option('cmd') == "new_entry") { $_catalog_id = "new_entry"; } else { $_catalog_id = Request::option('_catalog_id', "new_entry"); } if (Request::option('return_range')) { $this->return_range = Request::option('return_range'); URLHelper::addLinkParam('return_range', $this->return_range); } if ($_catalog_id == "new_entry") { $title = _("Literatureintrag anlegen"); } else { $title = _("Literatureintrag bearbeiten"); } PageLayout::setTitle($title); Navigation::activateItem('/tools/literature'); //dump data into db if $_catalog_id points to a search result if ($_catalog_id[0] == "_") { $parts = explode("__", $_catalog_id); if ($fields = $_SESSION[$parts[0]][$parts[1]]) { $cat_element = new StudipLitCatElement(); $cat_element->setValues($fields); $cat_element->setValue("catalog_id", "new_entry"); $cat_element->setValue("user_id", "studip"); if ($existing_element = $cat_element->checkElement()) { $cat_element->setValue('catalog_id', $existing_element); } $cat_element->insertData(); $_catalog_id = $cat_element->getValue("catalog_id"); $_SESSION[$parts[0]][$parts[1]]['catalog_id'] = $_catalog_id; unset($cat_element); } } if (Request::option('cmd') == 'clone_entry') { $_the_element = StudipLitCatElement::GetClonedElement($_catalog_id); if ($_the_element->isNewEntry()) { $_msg = "msg§" . _("Der Eintrag wurde kopiert, Sie können die Daten jetzt ändern.") . "§"; $_msg .= "info§" . _("Der kopierte Eintrag wurde noch nicht gespeichert.") . "§"; //$old_cat_id = $_catalog_id; $_catalog_id = $_the_element->getValue('catalog_id'); } else { $_msg = "error§" . _("Der Eintrag konnte nicht kopiert werden!.") . "§"; } } if (!is_object($_the_element)) { $_the_element = new StudipLitCatElement($_catalog_id, true); } $_the_form = $_the_element->getFormObject(); $_the_clipboard = StudipLitClipBoard::GetInstance(); $_the_clip_form = $_the_clipboard->getFormObject(); if (isset($old_cat_id) && $_the_clipboard->isInClipboard($old_cat_id)) { $_the_clipboard->deleteElement($old_cat_id); $_the_clipboard->insertElement($_catalog_id); } $_the_clip_form->form_fields['clip_cmd']['options'][] = array('name' => _("In Merkliste eintragen"), 'value' => 'ins'); $_the_clip_form->form_fields['clip_cmd']['options'][] = array('name' => _("Markierten Eintrag bearbeiten"), 'value' => 'edit'); if ($_the_form->IsClicked("reset") || Request::option('cmd') == "new_entry") { $_the_form->doFormReset(); } if ($_the_form->IsClicked("delete") && $_catalog_id != "new_entry" && $_the_element->isChangeable()) { if ($_the_element->reference_count) { $_msg = "info§" . sprintf(_("Sie können diesen Eintrag nicht löschen, da er noch in %s Literaturlisten referenziert wird."), $_the_element->reference_count) . "§"; } else { $_msg = "info§" . _("Wollen Sie diesen Eintrag wirklich löschen?") . "<br>" . LinkButton::createAccept(_('Ja'), URLHelper::getURL('?cmd=delete_element&_catalog_id=' . $_catalog_id), array('title' => _('löschen'))) . " " . LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), URLHelper::getURL('?_catalog_id=' . $_catalog_id), array('title' => _('abbrechen'))) . "§"; } } if (Request::option('cmd') == "delete_element" && $_the_element->isChangeable() && !$_the_element->reference_count) { $_the_element->deleteElement(); $this->reload = true; } if (Request::option('cmd') == "in_clipboard" && $_catalog_id != "new_entry") { $_the_clipboard->insertElement($_catalog_id); $this->reload = true; } if (Request::option('cmd') == "check_entry") { $lit_plugin_value = $_the_element->getValue('lit_plugin'); $check_result = StudipLitSearch::CheckZ3950($_the_element->getValue('accession_number')); $content = "<div style=\"font-size:70%\"<b>" . _("Verfügbarkeit in externen Katalogen:") . "</b><br>"; if (is_array($check_result)) { foreach ($check_result as $plugin_name => $ret) { $content .= "<b> " . htmlReady(StudipLitSearch::GetPluginDisplayName($plugin_name)) . " </b>"; if ($ret['found']) { $content .= _("gefunden") . " "; $_the_element->setValue('lit_plugin', $plugin_name); if ($link = $_the_element->getValue("external_link")) { $content .= formatReady(" [" . $_the_element->getValue("lit_plugin_display_name") . "]" . $link); } else { $content .= _("(Kein Link zum Katalog vorhanden.)"); } } elseif (count($ret['error'])) { $content .= '<span style="color:red;">' . htmlReady($ret['error'][0]['msg']) . '</span>'; } else { $content .= _("<u>nicht</u> gefunden") . " "; } $content .= "<br>"; } } $content .= "</div>"; $_the_element->setValue('lit_plugin', $lit_plugin_value); $_msg = "info§" . $content . "§"; } if ($_the_form->IsClicked("send")) { $_the_element->setValuesFromForm(); if ($_the_element->checkValues()) { $_the_element->insertData(); $this->reload = true; } } if ($_the_clip_form->isClicked("clip_ok")) { if ($_the_clip_form->getFormFieldValue("clip_cmd") == "ins" && $_catalog_id != "new_entry") { $_the_clipboard->insertElement($_catalog_id); } if ($_the_clip_form->getFormFieldValue("clip_cmd") == "edit") { $marked = $_the_clip_form->getFormFieldValue("clip_content"); if (count($marked) && $marked[0]) { $_the_element->getElementData($marked[0]); } } $_the_clipboard->doClipCmd(); } $_catalog_id = $_the_element->getValue("catalog_id"); if (!$_the_element->isChangeable()) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_('Sie haben diesen Eintrag nicht selbst vorgenommen, und dürfen ihn daher nicht verändern! Wenn Sie mit diesem Eintrag arbeiten wollen, können Sie sich eine persönliche Kopie erstellen.'))); } $_msg .= $_the_element->msg; $_msg .= $_the_clipboard->msg; $this->msg = $_msg; $this->catalog_id = $_catalog_id; $this->element = $_the_element; $this->treeview = $_the_treeview; $this->tree = $_the_tree; $this->clipboard = $_the_clipboard; $this->clip_form = $_the_clip_form; $this->form = $_the_form; }