static function LoadPage($PageName, $Wrapper = true) { if (KERNEL::IsValidPage($PageName) == false) { KERNEL::OnError("Attempt to load invalid page '" . $PageName . "'"); } if (!is_null(KERNEL::$Pages[$PageName][2])) { $Result = call_user_func(KERNEL::$Pages[$PageName][2]); if ($Result !== true) { KERNEL::OnError("Access Denied - " . $Result); die(""); // Force cancel just incase } } if ($Wrapper) { global $GMDConfig; $OpenID = new LightOpenID($GMDConfig["Domain"]); if ($OpenID->validate()) { $ID = $OpenID->identity; $URL_Parts = explode("/", $ID); // Get their SteamID $CommunityID = $URL_Parts[sizeof($URL_Parts) - 1]; $SteamID = CommunityToSteam($CommunityID); // Try and authenticate them $User = User::GetByField("User", "SteamID", $SteamID); if ($User->IsReal()) { $User->AuthToUser(); } else { User::RegisterUser($SteamID, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])->AuthToUser(); } KERNEL::HardNavigate("home"); } elseif ($_GET["page"] == "login") { if (User::$ActiveUser != false) { if (isset($_GET["logout"])) { User::Logout(); } KERNEL::HardNavigate("home"); } else { $OpenID->identity = ''; header('Location: ' . $OpenID->authUrl()); } } LightOpenID::revalidate(); } global $OutputData; $OutputData = ""; if ($Wrapper) { require "includes/util/header.php"; } require "pages/" . $PageName . "/_process.php"; require "pages/" . $PageName . "/_display.php"; echo $OutputData; if ($Wrapper) { require "includes/util/footer.php"; } }