<?php Libraries::Req("World"); CharacterOnlyFeature(); class Worlds { public $Handle; public function View($WorldID) { global $Template, $Database, $BaseURL, $World; if (intval($WorldID) <= 0) { MessageHandler::HandleUserError("There was a problem with the URL."); $this->Handle = 'index'; return; } if ($Monsters = $World->getMonsters(intval($WorldID))) { $Content = '<div style="text-align:center;" class="harabara_bold">Monsters in world ' . $World->getWorldName(intval($WorldID)) . '</div>'; foreach ($Monsters as $Monster) { $Content .= "-Level {$Monster['Level']} {$Monster['Name']} <br/>"; } $Template->assign_var('content', $Content); $this->Handle = 'basepage'; return; } else { trigger_error("Invalid monsters query. Please, contact the administrator."); } } public function Enter() { global $Template, $Database, $BaseURL; $Arguments = func_get_args();
<?php /* @file pages/Pockets.php @author Robert Derrien @description inventory page */ CharacterOnlyFeature(); Libraries::Req('Pockets', $_SESSION['CharacterInfo']['CharacterID']); Libraries::Req('Items'); class Inventory { public $Handle; public function Render() { global $Pockets, $Template, $Items, $BaseURL; $Vars = array(); if ($Slots = $Pockets->getSlots()) { for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) { if (isset($Slots[$i])) { $ItemInfo = $Items->getAll($Slots[$i]->ID); $Template->assign_var("slot{$i}name", str_replace("'", """, $ItemInfo['Name'])); $Template->assign_var("slot{$i}description", $ItemInfo['Description']); $Template->assign_var("slot{$i}type", $ItemInfo['Type']); $Template->assign_var("slot{$i}minlevel", $ItemInfo['MinLevel']); $Template->assign_var("slot{$i}stats", str_replace('"', '"', $ItemInfo['Stats'])); $Template->assign_var("slow{$i}icon", "{$BaseURL}/images/" . $ItemInfo['Icon']); $Vars["slot{$i}"] = "<span><span style='float:right;'>{$Slots[$i]->Amount}</span><img src='{$BaseURL}/images/icons/{$ItemInfo['Icon']}' title='{$ItemInfo['Description']}'/></span>"; } else { $Vars["slot{$i}"] = " "; }
<?php Libraries::Req("Character"); unset($_SESSION['CharacterInfo']); //Once you enter the character manager you leave your character... class CharacterManager { public $Handle; public function delete_do($CharacterID) { global $Character; LoggedInOnlyFeature(); $CharacterName = $Character->getName(intval($CharacterID)); if (intval($CharacterID) > 0 && !empty($_POST['CharacterName'])) { if ($_POST['CharacterName'] == $CharacterName) { if ($_SESSION['USERINFO']['id'] == $Character->getOwner(intval($CharacterID))) { if ($Character->delete(intval($CharacterID))) { MessageHandler::HandleAnnouncement("Your character {$CharacterName} fought well, but in the end, he was forced to leave. Farewell, hero."); } else { trigger_error("Problem with the query"); } } else { MessageHandler::HandleUserError("You do not own this character."); } } else { MessageHandler::HandleUserError("The character's name you typed does not match the character you are trying to delete."); } } else { MessageHandler::HandleUserError("Either you did not fill all fields or there was a problem with the URL."); } $this->Render();