  * Function sends the mail to all the ids in the $to_mail array using the Lib_Mail  
  * @param array $to_mail
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $mail_content
  * @return void
 function sendingMail($to_mail, $title, $mail_content)
     $sql = "SELECT admin_email,set_id FROM `admin_settings_table` where set_id ='1'";
     $query = new Bin_Query();
     if ($query->executeQuery($sql)) {
         $fromemail = $query->records[0]['admin_email'];
     $mail = new Lib_Mail();
Exemple #2
     * This function is used to send wishlist 
     * .
     * @return string
    function sendWishlist()
        include_once 'classes/Core/CHome.php';
        include_once 'classes/Display/DUserAccount.php';
        $skin = Core_CHome::skinName();
        $userid = $_SESSION['user_id'];
        $sqlselect = "SELECT a.product_id,image,title,msrp,date_format(date_added,'%e/%c/%Y') as adate FROM `wishlist_table` a, products_table b where a.product_id=b.product_id and a.user_id=" . $userid . " order by date_added desc";
        $obj = new Bin_Query();
        $content = Display_DUserAccount::getWishList($obj->records);
        $fileName = "css/" . $skin . "/styles.css";
        $data = '<style type="text/css">' . implode('', file($fileName)) . "</style>";
        $result = $data . $content;
        //Get User Mail Address
        $sqlselect = "SELECT b.email FROM `users_table` a,newsletter_subscription_table b where  a.user_status=1 and a.user_id=" . $_SESSION['user_id'];
        $from = $obj->records[0]['email'];
        $to_addr = $_POST['txtEmail'];
        $title = $_SESSION['user'] . "Wishlsit";
        $mail_content = $result;
        include 'classes/Lib/Mail.php';
        $mail = new Lib_Mail();
        return '<div class="alert alert-success">
		<button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button">×</button>
		' . Core_CLanguage::_(MAIL_HAS_BEEN_SENT) . '
  * This function is used to send  the  user password recovery
  * @param string  $to_mail
  * @param string  $title
  * @param string  $mail_content
  * @return string
 function sendingMail($to_mail, $title, $mail_content)
     $sql = "select set_id,admin_email from admin_settings_table where set_id='1'";
     $obj = new Bin_Query();
     if ($obj->executeQuery($sql)) {
         $from = $obj->records[0]['admin_email'];
         include 'classes/Lib/Mail.php';
         $mail = new Lib_Mail();
     } else {
         return Core_CLanguage::_(NO_MAIL_ID_PROVIDED);
Exemple #4
  * This function is used to send the mail for  contact us 
  * @param string  $from_mail
  * @param string  $to_mail
  * @param string  $mail_content
  * @return string
 function sendingMail($from_mail, $to_mail, $mail_content)
     include 'classes/Lib/Mail.php';
     $mail = new Lib_Mail();
Exemple #5
  * Function is used to email the order
  * @return string
 function emailOrders()
     $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
     if (!intval($id)) {
         $output = "<div class='error_msgbox'>Please Select a Valid Order for Emailing</div>";
         $_SESSION['errmsg'] = $output;
     $sql = 'select a.orders_id,b.user_display_name as Name,b.user_email,a.date_purchased,a.order_ship,a.billing_name,a.billing_company,a.billing_street_address,a.billing_suburb,a.billing_city,a.billing_postcode,a.billing_state,d.cou_name as billing_country,a.shipping_name,a.shipping_company,a.shipping_street_address,a.shipping_suburb,a.shipping_city,a.shipping_postcode,a.shipping_state,e.cou_name as shipping_country,c.orders_status_name,c.orders_status_id,a.order_total,f.gateway_name,g.shipment_name,a.coupon_code,h.transaction_id,a.currency_id,q.id,q.currency_tocken from orders_table a inner join users_table b on a.customers_id=b.user_id inner join orders_status_table c on c.orders_status_id=a.orders_status inner join country_table d on d.cou_code=a.billing_country inner join country_table e on e.cou_code=a.shipping_country inner join paymentgateways_table f on f.gateway_id=a.payment_method inner join payment_transactions_table h on h.order_id=a.orders_id left join shipments_master_table g on g.shipment_id=a.shipment_id_selected  left join currency_master_table q on q.id=a.currency_id where  a.orders_id="' . $id . '" group by a.orders_id';
     $orderdetails = new Bin_Query();
     $sqlOrderProduct = "select a.order_id,a.product_id,c.title,c.brand,a.product_qty,a.product_unit_price,a.product_qty*a.product_unit_price as amt,a.shipping_cost from order_products_table a,orders_table b,products_table c where a.order_id=b.orders_id and a.product_id=c.product_id and a.order_id='" . $id . "'";
     $objOrderProduct = new Bin_Query();
     $mail_id_query = "select * from admin_settings_table where  set_id='1'";
     $getmailid = new Bin_Query();
     $to_mail = $getmailid->records[0]['admin_email'];
     $from = $getmailid->records[0]['admin_email'];
     $subject = 'Order Details for the Order #' . $orderdetails->records[0]['orders_id'];
     $mailcontent = Display_DOrderManagement::emailOrders($orderdetails->records, $objOrderProduct->records);
     include '../classes/Lib/Mail.php';
     $mail = new Lib_Mail();
     $output = "<div class='alert alert-success'>\n\t\t\t<button data-dismiss='alert' class='close' type='button'>×</button>\n\t\t\tOrder Details was mailed to your E-Mail address ('.{$to_mail}.'). The Mail will reach your inbox in a few minutes</div>";
     $_SESSION['errmsg'] = $output;
  * Function sends a mail to the mail id supplied using the Lib_Mail()
  * @param array $to_mail
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $mail_content	 
  * @return string
 function sendingMail($to_mail, $title, $mail_content)
     $sql = "select set_value from admin_settings_table where set_name='Admin Email'";
     $obj = new Bin_Query();
     if ($obj->executeQuery($sql)) {
         $from = $obj->records[0]['set_value'];
         $mail = new Lib_Mail();
     } else {
         return 'No mail id provided In Admin';