// Get all brackets that need to be updated
$brackets = Api\Bracket::queryReturnAll(['state' => ['in' => [BS_NOMINATIONS, BS_ELIMINATIONS, BS_VOTING]]]);
$bot = new Api\Reddit(RB_BOT);
for ($i = 0, $count = count($brackets); $i < $count; $i++) {
    $bracket = $brackets[$i];
    $cacheKey = 'CRON::reddit-poster_' . $bracket->id;
    $title = Api\Round::getBracketTitleForActiveRound($bracket);
    $oldTitle = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
    if ($title != $oldTitle) {
        $fullTitle = $bracket->name . ' - ' . $title;
        $url = $bracket->state == BS_NOMINATIONS ? 'nominate' : 'vote';
        $message = '[Vote on today\'s round](http://animebracket.com/' . $url . '/' . $bracket->perma . ')' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '[View bracket results](http://animebracket.com/results/' . $bracket->perma . ')';
        $out = null;
        echo 'Creating post for "', $fullTitle, '"... ';
        if ($bot->Submit($fullTitle, $message, 'r/AnimeBracket', 'self', $out)) {
            $bracket->externalId = $out->data->id;
            echo $bracket->externalId;
        } else {
            if (isset($out->ratelimit)) {
                echo 'RATE LIMIT';
            } else {
                echo 'FAIL';
        echo PHP_EOL;
    Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $title, 3600);

require 'config.php';
require 'lib/aal.php';
// Disable caching
// Get all brackets that need to be updated
$brackets = Api\Bracket::queryReturnAll(['advanceHour' => gmdate('G'), 'state' => ['in' => [BS_ELIMINATIONS, BS_VOTING]]]);
if ($brackets && count($brackets)) {
    foreach ($brackets as $bracket) {
        echo 'Advancing ', $bracket->name, '...';
        echo 'DONE', PHP_EOL;
// Reorder the brackets based upon participation
Lib\Db::Query('CALL proc_UpdateBracketScores');
// Clean out old brackets
Lib\Db::Query('CALL proc_CleanBrackets');
// Refresh caches