public function actionIndex()
     $schs = Sch::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'modified_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $auds = Aud::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'updated_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $specs = Spec::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'updated_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $groups = Group::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'updated_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'updated_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $teachers = Teacher::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'updated_time DESC', 'limit' => 100));
     $entries = $this->addEntries(array($auds, $specs, $groups, $lessons, $teachers));
     foreach ($schs as $value) {
         $entries[] = array('id' => $value->group_id, 'module' => strtolower(get_class($value)), 'time' => $value->modified_time . rand(100000, 999999), 'time' => $value->modified_time, 'user' => $value->modified_by, 'action' => 'update');
     $entriesNew = array();
     foreach ($entries as $value) {
         $entriesNew[$value['time'] . rand(10000, 99999)] = $value;
     $this->render('index', array('entries' => $entriesNew));
  * 日历课程接口
 public function actionGetSubjectSchedule()
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['teacherId']) || !isset($_REQUEST['token']) || !isset($_REQUEST['date'])) {
     $user_id = trim(Yii::app()->request->getParam('teacherId', null));
     $token = trim(Yii::app()->request->getParam('token', null));
     $date = trim(Yii::app()->request->getParam('date', null));
     if (!ctype_digit($user_id)) {
     // 用户名不存在,返回错误
     if ($user_id < 1) {
     // 验证日期格式合法
     if (!$this->isDate($date)) {
     $year = mb_substr($date, 0, 4, 'utf8');
     $month = mb_substr($date, 5, 2, 'utf8');
     $day = mb_substr($date, 8, 2, 'utf8');
     if (empty($year) || empty($month) || empty($day)) {
     // 验证token
     if (Token::model()->verifyToken($user_id, $token)) {
         // 获取日历课程
         $data = Lesson::model()->getSubjectSchedule($user_id, $year, $month, $day, $date);
         $this->_return('MSG_SUCCESS', $data);
     } else {
Exemple #3
 public function beforeSave()
     if (!$this->weight || !$this->number) {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->condition = "courseId=" . intval($this->courseId);
         $criteria->select = "max(weight) as maxWeight,max(number) as maxNumber";
         $chapter = self::model()->find($criteria);
         $lesson = Lesson::model()->find($criteria);
     if (!$this->weight) {
         if (!$chapter && !$lesson) {
             $this->weight = 1;
         } else {
             if (!$lesson) {
                 $this->weight = $chapter->maxWeight + 1;
             } elseif (!$chapter) {
                 $this->weight = $lesson->maxWeight + 1;
             } else {
                 $this->weight = max(array($chapter->maxWeight, $lesson->maxWeight)) + 1;
     if (!$this->number) {
         if ($chapter) {
             $this->number = $chapter->maxNumber + 1;
         } else {
             $this->number = 1;
     return parent::beforeSave();
  * 主界面
 public function actionHome()
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll(array('select' => array('catalog_id', 'arrivals', 'price')));
     $studentAllCount = Student::model()->count();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->distinct = true;
     $criteria->params[':is_pay'] = 1;
     $studentActiveCount = StudentLesson::model()->countBySql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT student_id) FROM `seed_student_lesson` WHERE is_pay=:is_pay", array(':is_pay' => 1));
     $studentPercentage = round($studentActiveCount / $studentAllCount * 100) . '%';
     $catalogs = Catalog::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent_id' => 6));
     $allCountLesson = Lesson::model()->count();
     foreach ($catalogs as $catalog) {
         $lessonMoney[$catalog[id]] = 0;
         $allLesson[$catalog[id]] = 0;
         $catalogName[$catalog[catalog_name]] = $catalog[id];
         $allLesson[$catalog[id]] = Lesson::model()->count("catalog_id=:catalog_id", array(":catalog_id" => $catalog[id]));
         $applyLesson[$catalog[id]] = Lesson::model()->count("catalog_id=:catalog_id AND actual_students<>:actual_students", array(":catalog_id" => $catalog[id], ":actual_students" => 0));
     foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
         $lessonMoney[$lesson[catalog_id]] = (int) $lesson[arrivals] * (int) $lesson[price];
     $this->render('home', array('catalogName' => json_encode($catalogName), 'lessonMoney' => json_encode($lessonMoney), 'allLesson' => json_encode($allLesson), 'applyLesson' => json_encode($applyLesson), 'studentPercentage' => $studentPercentage));
 private function loadModel($id)
     $model = Lesson::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public function actionSubject()
     $subject_id = "";
     if (isset($_GET["subject_id"])) {
         $subject_id = StringHelper::filterString($_GET["subject_id"]);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET["subject_code"])) {
             $subject_code = StringHelper::filterString($_GET["subject_code"]);
             $subject_by_code = Subject::model()->findByAttributes(array('subject_code' => $subject_code));
             $subject_id = $subject_by_code->subject_id;
     $subjectCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $subjectCriteria->select = "*";
     $subjectCriteria->condition = "subject_id = :subject_id";
     $subjectCriteria->params = array(":subject_id" => $subject_id);
     $subject = Subject::model()->findAll($subjectCriteria);
     $teachers = Teacher::model()->with(array("subject_teacher" => array("select" => false, "condition" => "subject_id = :subject_id", "params" => array(":subject_id" => $subject_id))))->findAll();
     //            $doc = Doc::model()->with(array("docs" => array(
     //                            "select" => "*",
     //                            "condition" => "subject_id = :subject_id and active = 1",
     //                            "params" => array(":subject_id" => $subject_id)
     //                )))->findAll(array("limit" => "3", "order" => "RAND()"));
     //            $reference = Doc::model()->with(array("docs" => array(
     //                            "select" => "*",
     //                            "condition" => "subject_id = :subject_id and active = 0",
     //                            "params" => array(":subject_id" => $subject_id)
     //                )))->findAll(array("limit" => "3", "order" => "RAND()"));
     $lesson = Lesson::model()->findAll(array("select" => "*", "condition" => "lesson_subject = :lesson_subject", "params" => array(":lesson_subject" => $subject_id), "order" => "lesson_weeks ASC"));
     //            $doc_related = Doc::model()->with(array("docs" => array(
     //                            "condition" => "subject_id = :subject_id",
     //                            "params" => array(":subject_id" => $subject_id)
     //                )))->findAll();
     //   $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_doc JOIN tbl_subject_doc ON tbl_doc.doc_id = tbl_subject_doc.doc_id WHERE tbl_subject_doc.subject_id = " . $subject_id;
     // $doc_related = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->query();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = 't.*';
     $criteria->join = 'JOIN tbl_subject_doc ON t.doc_id = tbl_subject_doc.doc_id';
     $criteria->condition = 'tbl_subject_doc.subject_id = :value';
     $criteria->params = array(":value" => $subject_id);
     $doc_related = Doc::model()->findAll($criteria);
     //            $doc_related = SubjectDoc::model()->findAll(array(
     //                'select' => '*',
     //                'condition' => 'subject_id = :subject_id',
     //                'params' => array(':subject_id' => $subject_id)));
     foreach ($subject as $subject_detail) {
         $title = $subject_detail->subject_name . " | Bluebee - UET";
         $des = $subject_detail->subject_target;
     $this->pageTitle = $title;
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerMetaTag($title, null, null, array('property' => 'og:title'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerMetaTag(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('listOfSubject/subject?subject_id=') . $subject_id, null, null, array('property' => 'og:url'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerMetaTag($des, null, null, array('property' => 'og:description'));
     $category_father = Faculty::model()->findAll();
     $subject_type = SubjectType::model()->findAll();
     $this->render('subject', array('subject' => $subject, 'category_father' => $category_father, 'subject_type' => $subject_type, 'teacher' => $teachers, 'lesson' => $lesson, 'doc_related' => $doc_related));
Exemple #7
 public function schData()
     $data = array();
     $data['auds'] = Aud::model()->getAll();
     $data['lessons'] = Lesson::model()->getAll();
     $data['teachers'] = Teacher::model()->getAll();
     return $data;
 public function actionIndex()
     $this->_seoTitle = '我要去上课 - 亲子成长';
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->addCondition("catalog_id = 24");
     $count = Lesson::model()->count($criteria);
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     $pager->pageSize = 5;
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll($criteria->addCondition("status = 1"));
     $this->render('index', array('lessons' => $lessons, 'count' => $count, 'pager' => $pager));
 public function actionLesson($courseId, $lessonid)
     $course = Course::model()->findByPk($courseId);
     $course->viewNum = $course->viewNum + 1;
     $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($lessonid);
     $lesson->viewNum = $lesson->viewNum + 1;
     if ($course->save() && $lesson->save()) {
         $lessonView = new LessonView();
         $lessonView->userId = Yii::app()->user->isGuest ? 0 : Yii::app()->user->id;
         $lessonView->ip = Yii::app()->request->getUserHostAddress();
         $lessonView->lessonid = $lessonid;
 public function refreshStat()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = "mediaId";
     $criteria->condition = "mediaType='quiz' and courseId=" . intval($this->courseId);
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $this->arrQuizIds = array();
     foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
         $this->arrQuizIds[] = $lesson->mediaId;
     $this->totalScore = $this->totalScoreCount;
     $this->quizNum = $this->quizCount;
     $this->avgScore = $this->quizNum == 0 ? 0 : $this->totalScore / $this->quizNum;
 public function name($module = null, $id = null)
     $item = '';
     switch ($module) {
         case 'aud':
             if ($aud = Aud::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = $aud->name . ' (' . Yii::app()->params['aud_types'][$aud->type] . ')';
         case 'group':
             if ($group = Group::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = $group->group_spec->code . '-' . $group->year . '-0' . $group->number . ' (' . $group->group_spec->name . ', ' . Yii::app()->sch->course($group->year) . ' курс)';
         case 'lesson':
             if ($lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = isset($lesson->fullname) ? $lesson->fullname : $lesson->name;
         case 'sch':
             if ($sch = Sch::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = $sch->group->groupName() . ' (' . $sch->group->group_spec->name . ', ' . Yii::app()->sch->course($sch->group->year) . ' курс)';
         case 'spec':
             if ($spec = Spec::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = $spec->name;
         case 'teacher':
             if ($teacher = Teacher::model()->findByPk($id)) {
                 $item = $teacher->surname . ' ' . $teacher->initials;
             $item = '';
     return $item;
Exemple #12
 public function actionReview()
     $message = false;
     $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']);
     $model = StudentTeacher::model()->findByAttributes(array('student_id' => $this->_user['studentId'], 'teacher_id' => $lesson['teacher_id']));
     if (!count($model)) {
         $model = new StudentTeacher();
     if (isset($_POST['StudentTeacher'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['StudentTeacher'];
         $model->student_id = $this->_user['studentId'];
         $model->teacher_id = $lesson['teacher_id'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $message = true;
     $this->render('review', array('lesson' => $lesson, 'message' => $message, 'model' => $model));
 public function actionView($id)
     $teacher = $this->loadModel($id);
     $this->_seoTitle = '名师 - ' . $teacher->name;
     $userId = $this->_cookiesGet('userId');
     $userType = $this->_cookiesGet('userType');
     $reviewModel = new Review();
     if ($userType === 'student' and isset($_POST['Review'])) {
         $reviewModel->attributes = $_POST['Review'];
         $reviewModel->teacher_id = $id;
         $reviewModel->student_id = $userId;
         $reviewModel->ctime = time();
         if ($reviewModel->validate() and $reviewModel->save()) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', '保存成功');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $books = Book::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('teacher_id' => $id));
     $lessons = array();
     $reviews = array();
     $list = yii::app()->request->getParam('list');
     if ($list === null or $list === 'lesson') {
         $model = Lesson::model();
         $count = $model->count($criteria->addCondition("teacher_id = {$id}"));
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pager->pageSize = 4;
         $lessons = $model->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $model = Review::model();
         $count = $model->count($criteria->addCondition("teacher_id = {$id}"));
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pager->pageSize = 4;
         $reviews = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('s.*, r.contents, r.ctime')->from('seed_review r')->leftjoin('seed_student s', '')->where('r.teacher_id=:teacher_id', array(':teacher_id' => $id))->order('ctime desc')->limit(4, $pager->currentPage * $pager->pageSize)->queryAll();
     if ($userType === 'student') {
         $is_focus = StudentTeacher::model()->findByAttributes(array('student_id' => $userId, 'teacher_id' => $id));
     $this->render('view', array('is_focus' => $is_focus, 'teacher' => $teacher, 'lessons' => $lessons, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'books' => $books, 'userType' => $userType, 'reviewModel' => $reviewModel, 'count' => $count, 'pager' => $pager, 'list' => $_GET['list']));
  * 主界面
 public function actionHome()
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll(array('select' => array('catalog_id', 'arrivals', 'price')));
     $studentAllCount = Student::model()->count();
     $studentActiveCount = StudentLesson::model()->countBySql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT student_id) FROM `seed_student_lesson` WHERE is_pay=:is_pay", array(':is_pay' => 1));
     $studentPercentage = @round($studentActiveCount / $studentAllCount * 100) . '%';
     $time = date('Y-m', time());
     for ($i = -1; $i < 8; $i++) {
         $m = date('m', time());
         $m = $m - $i - 1;
         $ii = $i + 1;
         $startTime[$m] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("{$time} -{$ii} month"));
         $endTime[$m] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("{$time} -{$i} month"));
         $sMoAcCount[$m] = StudentLesson::model()->countBySql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT student_id) FROM `seed_student_lesson` WHERE is_pay=:is_pay AND pay_time>=:start_time AND pay_time<:end_time", array(':is_pay' => 1, ':start_time' => $startTime[$m], ':end_time' => $endTime[$m]));
         $sAllMoAcCount[$m] = Student::model()->countBySql('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `seed_student` WHERE register_time>=:start_time AND register_time<:end_time', array(':start_time' => $startTime[$m], ':end_time' => $endTime[$m]));
         if ($sAllMoAcCount[$m] == 0) {
             $sMoPercentage[$m] = "0%";
         } else {
             $sMoPercentage[$m] = round($sMoAcCount[$m] / $sAllMoAcCount[$m] * 100) . '%';
     $catalogs = Catalog::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent_id' => 6));
     $allCountLesson = Lesson::model()->count();
     foreach ($catalogs as $catalog) {
         $lessonMoney[$catalog[id]] = 0;
         $allLesson[$catalog[id]] = 0;
         $catalogName[$catalog[catalog_name]] = $catalog[id];
         $allLesson[$catalog[id]] = Lesson::model()->count("catalog_id=:catalog_id", array(":catalog_id" => $catalog[id]));
         $applyLesson[$catalog[id]] = Lesson::model()->count("catalog_id=:catalog_id AND actual_students<>:actual_students", array(":catalog_id" => $catalog[id], ":actual_students" => 0));
     foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
         $lessonMoney[$lesson[catalog_id]] = (int) $lesson[arrivals] * (int) $lesson[price];
     $this->render('home', array('catalogName' => json_encode($catalogName), 'lessonMoney' => json_encode($lessonMoney), 'allLesson' => json_encode($allLesson), 'applyLesson' => json_encode($applyLesson), 'studentPercentage' => $studentPercentage, 'sMoPercentage' => $sMoPercentage));
Exemple #15
 public function actionIndex()
     $this->_seoTitle = '中国传统文化教育|东方美学|中式精致生活|我要去上课';
     $placeCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $teacherCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $picCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $placeCriteria->limit = '3';
     $placeCriteria->order = 'id DESC';
     $placeCriteria->addCondition('status = :status');
     $placeCriteria->params[':status'] = 1;
     $teacherCriteria->limit = '8';
     $teacherCriteria->order = 'id DESC';
     $teacherCriteria->addCondition('status = :status');
     $teacherCriteria->params[':status'] = 1;
     $picCriteria->limit = '4';
     $picCriteria->order = 'id DESC';
     $picCriteria->addCondition('check_status = :check_status');
     $picCriteria->params[':check_status'] = 1;
     $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => '5'));
     $place = Place::model()->findAll($placeCriteria);
     $teacher = Teacher::model()->findAll($teacherCriteria);
     $pic = Lesson::model()->findAll($picCriteria);
     $this->render('index', array('place' => $place, 'teacher' => $teacher, 'lesson' => $lesson, 'pic' => $pic));
 public function actionBuy()
     $result = array();
     $lessonId = (int) $_POST['lessonId'];
     if ($lessonId) {
         $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($lessonId);
         $accountId = Yii::app()->user->getId();
         $account = Account::model()->findByPk($accountId);
         if ($lesson && $account) {
             if ($lesson->price > $account->asset) {
                 $result['status'] = 0;
                 $result['reason'] = Yii::t('flexiblearn', 'You do not have enough money to buy this lesson. Please add some money to it !');
             } else {
                 $account->asset = $account->asset - $lesson->price;
                 $idBoughtLessons = array();
                 foreach ($account->boughtLessons as $lesson) {
                     array_push($idBoughtLessons, $lesson->getPrimaryKey());
                 array_push($idBoughtLessons, $lessonId);
                 $account->boughtLessons = $idBoughtLessons;
                 if ($account->save()) {
                     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('buy-message', Yii::app()->t('zii', 'You bought this lesson successfully !'));
                     $this->redirect($this->createUrl('lesson/view', array('id' => $model->getPrimaryKey(), 'success' => 1)));
                 } else {
                     Yii::app()->user->setFlash('buy-message', Yii::app()->t('zii', 'You bought this lesson unsuccessfully !'));
                     $this->redirect($this->createUrl('lesson/view', array('id' => $model->getPrimaryKey(), 'success' => 0, 'account' => $account)));
     } else {
         $result['status'] = 0;
Exemple #17
if (!($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=login' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=register' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=register&userType=master' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=register&userType=student' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=register&userType=host' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=login&userType=student' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=login&userType=host' or $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] === '/index.php?r=login&userType=master')) {
			<footer class="cp-thumbnail cp-subject cp-picture-effect">
				<h4><i class="fa fa-fire"></i>&nbsp;热门课程</h4>
				<div class="row">

    $lessonRecommendCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
    $lessonRecommendCriteria->limit = '3';
    $lessonRecommendCriteria->order = 'id DESC';
    $lessonRecommendCriteria->addCondition('recommendation = :recommendation');
    $lessonRecommendCriteria->params[':recommendation'] = 1;
    $lessonRecommend = Lesson::model()->findAll($lessonRecommendCriteria);
    foreach ($lessonRecommend as $lRecommend) {
								<div class="col-xs-4">
									<div class="thumbnail">
										<a href="<?php 
        echo Yii::app()->createUrl('lesson/view', array('id' => $lRecommend->id));
											<img class="img-responsive" src="<?php 
        echo $lRecommend->pic;
										<div class="caption">
											<a href="<?php 
 public function actionChangelesson($idDis, $idLess = null)
     if ($idLess == null) {
         $model = new Lesson();
         $model->id_discipline = $idDis;
         $this->pageTitle = 'Создать урок';
     } else {
         $discipline = $this->loadModel('DisciplineToTeacher', $idDis);
         if ($discipline->id_teacher != Yii::app()->user->id) {
             throw new CHttpException(403, 'У вас недостаточно прав для выполнения указанного действия.');
         $model = Lesson::model()->findByPk($idLess);
         $this->pageTitle = 'Изменить урок';
     if (isset($_POST['Lesson'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Lesson'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id_discipline));
     $this->render('changeLesson', array('model' => $model));
 public function actionUpdateLesson()
     $this->_seoTitle = '名师 - 编辑课程';
     $model = Lesson::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']);
     if (isset($_POST['Lesson'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Lesson'];
         $file = XUpload::upload($_FILES['attach']);
         if (is_array($file)) {
             $model->pic = $file['pathname'];
         if ($model->validate() and $model->save()) {
     $this->render('addlesson', array('model' => $model));
 public function actionPublishAll($courseId)
     $course = $this->loadCourse($courseId);
     $result = true;
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'published=0'));
     foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
         if (!$lesson->saveAttributes(array('published' => 1))) {
             $result = false;
     if ($result) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('app', '操作成功!'));
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('app', '操作失败!'));
     $this->redirect(array('index', 'courseId' => $course->id));
 public function nextLesson($courseId, $userId)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->join = "inner join {{lesson}} l";
     $criteria->condition = 'l.courseId=:courseId and finishTime=0 and t.userId=:userId';
     $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $courseId, ':userId' => $userId);
     $criteria->order = "weight asc";
     $learn = self::model()->find($criteria);
     if ($learn && $learn->lesson) {
         return $learn->lesson;
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->select = "lessonId";
     $criteria->join = "inner join {{lesson}} l";
     $criteria->condition = 'l.courseId=:courseId and t.userId=:userId';
     $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $courseId, 'userId' => $userId);
     $learns = self::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $lessonIds = array();
     foreach ($learns as $learn) {
         $lessonIds[] = $learn->lessonId;
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $courseId);
     $criteria->addNotInCondition('id', $lessonIds);
     $criteria->order = "weight asc";
     $lesson = Lesson::model()->find($criteria);
     return $lesson;
Exemple #22
    <tr >
		<td >
echo $form->textField($model, 'end_date_time');

		<td class="tb_title">所属导师:</td>
    <tr >
		<td >
$lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($model->id);
$teachers = $lesson->teachers;
echo $teachers->name;

		<td class="tb_title">性别限制:</td>
    <tr >
		<td >
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'sex', array('0' => '男', '1' => '女', '2' => '不限', '3' => '儿童'));
Exemple #23
 public function actionProgress($id, $userId = 0)
     $course = $this->loadModel($id);
     if (!$userId) {
         $userId = Yii::app()->user->id;
     $user = UserInfo::model()->findByPk($userId);
     if (!$user) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId and status=:status and chapterId=0";
     $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $course->id, ':status' => Lesson::STATUS_PUBLIC);
     $criteria->order = "weight asc";
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId";
     $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $course->id);
     $chapters = Chapter::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $lessonsAndChapters = array_merge($lessons, $chapters);
     usort($lessonsAndChapters, array(new LessonSorter(), 'sortByWeight'));
     if ($userId) {
         $member = CourseMember::model()->findByAttributes(array('courseId' => $course->id, 'userId' => $userId));
     } else {
         $member = new CourseMember();
     $lessonTotalCount = $course->lessonCount;
     $lessonLearnedCount = LessonLearn::model()->lessonCount($userId, $course->id);
     $nextLesson = LessonLearn::model()->nextLesson($course->id, $userId);
     $this->render('progress', array('lessonsAndChapters' => $lessonsAndChapters, 'course' => $course, 'member' => $member, 'lessonTotalCount' => $lessonTotalCount, 'lessonLearnedCount' => $lessonLearnedCount, 'user' => $user, 'percent' => $lessonTotalCount > 0 ? 100 * $lessonLearnedCount / $lessonTotalCount : 0, 'nextLesson' => $nextLesson));
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate($idLesson)
     $this->layout = 'site';
     $model = new Video();
     $model->id_lesson = (int) $idLesson;
     $arrayModels = array();
     if (isset($_POST['Video'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Video'];
         $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($idLesson);
         if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('adminOwnLesson', array('lesson' => $lesson))) {
             $model->is_active = $lesson->is_active;
         $model->id_lesson = $idLesson;
         $model->path_video_thumbnail = Yii::app()->params['defaultLessonThumbnail'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('adminLesson')) {
                 $model->is_active = 0;
                 $adminUserIds = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('userid')->from('authassignment')->where('itemname=:itemname', array(':itemname' => 'admin'))->queryColumn();
                 foreach ($adminUserIds as $id) {
                     $message = new Message();
                     $message->id_from = Yii::app()->user->getId();
                     $message->id_user = $id;
                     $message->subject = 'A new video is created';
                     $message->message = "User " . CHtml::link($this->viewer->username, $this->viewer->href) . " have just created the lesson " . CHtml::link($model->name, $model->href);
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));
         //            $model->file = $file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');
         //            if ($model->validate(array('file'))) {
         //                $fileName = Yii::app()->params['video'] . '/' . $file->getName();
         //                if (file_exists($fileName)) {
         //                    $fileName = Yii::app()->params['lessonThumbnails'] . '/' . time() . '_' . $file->getName();
         //                }
         //                if ($file->saveAs(strtolower($fileName))) {
         ////                    $videoHelper = new CVideo();
         ////                    $videoThumbnailName = $videoHelper->create_thumbnail($fileName,
         ////                            Yii::app()->params['videoWidth'],
         ////                            Yii::app()->params['videoHeight'],
         ////                            Yii::app()->params['videoThumbnail']
         ////                    );
         ////                    $convertVideoFileName = $videoHelper->convertVideo($fileName);
         ////                    $model->path = $convertVideoFileName;
         ////                    $model->path_video_thumbnail = $videoThumbnailName;
         //                    $model->path = $fileName;
         //                    $model->path_video_thumbnail = Yii::app()->params['defaultLessonThumbnail'];
         //                    if ($model->save()) {
         //                        $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->getPrimaryKey()));
         //                    }
         //                }
         //            }
     if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('adminVideo')) {
         $model->is_active = 1;
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
Exemple #25
 public function refreshAllChapterIds($courseId)
     $lessons = Lesson::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('courseId' => intval($courseId)), array('order' => 'weight asc'));
     foreach ($lessons as $lesson) {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->select = "id";
         $criteria->condition = "courseId=:courseId and weight<:weight";
         $criteria->params = array(':courseId' => $courseId, ':weight' => $lesson->weight);
         $criteria->order = "weight desc";
         $criteria->limit = 1;
         $chapter = Chapter::model()->find($criteria);
         if ($chapter) {
             $lesson->chapterId = $chapter->id;
         } else {
             $lesson->chapterId = 0;
Exemple #26

/* @var $this LessonPrivateNoteController */
/* @var $data LessonPrivateNote */

<div style="margin-bottom:10px">
$lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($data->lessonId);
echo CHtml::link($lesson->title, array('lesson/view', 'id' => $data->lessonId));
echo $data->content;
echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('app', "修改"), array('lesson/view', 'id' => $lesson->id), array('class' => 'pull-right muted'));
<div class="clearfix"></div>
Exemple #27
  * 课程总课时数据
 public function getLessonNum()
     $num = Lesson::model()->countByAttributes(array('courseId' => $this->id));
     return $num ? (int) $num : 0;
Exemple #28
    echo $row->price;
    echo $row->start_date_time;
    echo $row->end_date_time;
    $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($row->id);
    $teachers = $lesson->teachers;
    echo $teachers->name;
    $areas = Area::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('grade' => 2));
    $area = CHtml::listData($areas, "area_id", "name");
    echo $row->max_students;
  * 检查权限
 public function allowOnlyAdmin()
     if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('admin')) {
         return true;
     if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $lessonDoc = $this->loadModel($_GET['id']);
         $lesson = $lessonDoc->lesson;
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['lessonId'])) {
             $lesson = Lesson::model()->findByPk($_GET['lessonId']);
     if (isset($lesson) && $lesson->course) {
         $member = $lesson->course->findMember(array('userId' => Yii::app()->user->id));
         if ($member && $member->inRoles(array('admin', 'superAdmin'))) {
             return true;
     return false;

return array("fields" => array("id" => array("label" => "ID"), "lesson_id" => array("label" => "Lesson Name", "type" => "_dropdown", "_list" => array("primary" => "lesson_id", "displayAttr" => "lesson_name", "src" => function () {
    $rows = Lesson::model()->findAll();
    return $rows;
})), "video_link" => array("label" => "Video Link (Youtube or Vimeo)")), "columns" => array("id", "lesson_id", "video_link"), "actions" => array("_view" => true, "_edit" => array("lesson_id", "video_link"), "_delete" => true, "_new" => array("type" => "popup", "attr" => array("lesson_id", "video_link")), "_search" => array("lesson_id", "video_link"), "_search_advanced" => array("lesson_id", "video_link"), "_customButtons" => array()), "default" => array("orderBy" => "id", "orderType" => "asc", "page" => 1, "per_page" => 10, "search" => "", "search_advanced" => ""), "tableAlias" => "lessonvideo", "title" => "Lesson - Video Manager", "condition" => false, "limit_values" => array(10, 20, 30, 40), "model" => "LessonVideo", "primary" => "id", "itemLabel" => "lessonvideo", "additionalFiles" => array());