Exemple #1
  * @param string $op
 public function operate($op, $other)
     $value = Less_Functions::operate($op, $this->value, $other->value);
     $unit = clone $this->unit;
     if ($op === '+' || $op === '-') {
         if (!$unit->numerator && !$unit->denominator) {
             $unit->numerator = $other->unit->numerator;
             $unit->denominator = $other->unit->denominator;
         } elseif (!$other->unit->numerator && !$other->unit->denominator) {
             // do nothing
         } else {
             $other = $other->convertTo($this->unit->usedUnits());
             if (Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $other->unit->toString() !== $unit->toCSS()) {
                 throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Incompatible units. Change the units or use the unit function. Bad units: '" . $unit->toString() . "' and " . $other->unit->toString() + "'.");
             $value = Less_Functions::operate($op, $this->value, $other->value);
     } elseif ($op === '*') {
         $unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->numerator);
         $unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->denominator);
     } elseif ($op === '/') {
         $unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->denominator);
         $unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->numerator);
     return new Less_Tree_Dimension($value, $unit);
 public function contrast($color, $dark = null, $light = null, $threshold = null)
     // filter: contrast(3.2);
     // should be kept as is, so check for color
     if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) {
         return null;
     if (!$light) {
         $light = $this->rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
     if (!$dark) {
         $dark = $this->rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0);
     if (!$dark instanceof Less_Tree_Color) {
         throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to contrast must be a color' . ($dark instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : ''));
     if (!$light instanceof Less_Tree_Color) {
         throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The third argument to contrast must be a color' . ($light instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : ''));
     //Figure out which is actually light and dark!
     if ($dark->luma() > $light->luma()) {
         $t = $light;
         $light = $dark;
         $dark = $t;
     if (!$threshold) {
         $threshold = 0.43;
     } else {
         $threshold = Less_Functions::number($threshold);
     if ($color->luma() < $threshold) {
         return $light;
     } else {
         return $dark;
Exemple #3
 function toHex($v)
     $ret = '#';
     foreach ($v as $c) {
         $c = Less_Functions::clamp(Less_Parser::round($c), 255);
         if ($c < 16) {
             $ret .= '0';
         $ret .= dechex($c);
     return $ret;
  * Generates the CSS
  * @return string
 public function generateCSS()
     $output = new Less_Output_Mapped($this->contentsMap, $this);
     // catch the output
     $sourceMapUrl = $this->getOption('sourceMapURL');
     $sourceMapFilename = $this->getOption('sourceMapFilename');
     $sourceMapContent = $this->generateJson();
     $sourceMapWriteTo = $this->getOption('sourceMapWriteTo');
     if (!$sourceMapUrl && $sourceMapFilename) {
         $sourceMapUrl = $this->normalizeFilename($sourceMapFilename);
     // write map to a file
     if ($sourceMapWriteTo) {
         $this->saveMap($sourceMapWriteTo, $sourceMapContent);
     // inline the map
     if (!$sourceMapUrl) {
         $sourceMapUrl = sprintf('data:application/json,%s', Less_Functions::encodeURIComponent($sourceMapContent));
     if ($sourceMapUrl) {
         $output->add(sprintf('/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */', $sourceMapUrl));
     return $output->toString();
Exemple #5
 public function contrast($color, $dark = null, $light = null, $threshold = null)
     // filter: contrast(3.2);
     // should be kept as is, so check for color
     if (!property_exists($color, 'rgb')) {
         return null;
     if (!$light) {
         $light = $this->rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0);
     if (!$dark) {
         $dark = $this->rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0);
     //Figure out which is actually light and dark!
     if ($dark->luma() > $light->luma()) {
         $t = $light;
         $light = $dark;
         $dark = $t;
     if (!$threshold) {
         $threshold = 0.43;
     } else {
         $threshold = Less_Functions::number($threshold);
     if ($color->luma() < $threshold) {
         return $light;
     } else {
         return $dark;
Exemple #6
  * The PHP LESS parser dies trying to dynamically generate 
  * the tab SVG CSS, so process it manually instead.
  * @param string $light
  * @param string $dark
  * @return string
 protected static function makeTabSvg($light, $dark)
      * Desaturate and darken the dark color
     $dark = substr($dark, 1);
     // Remove the #
     $func = new \Less_Functions(null);
     $value = new \Less_Tree_Dimension('14.5', '%');
     $color = new \Less_Tree_Color($dark);
     $color = $func->desaturate($color, $value);
     $value = new \Less_Tree_Dimension('5', '%');
     $black = new \Less_Tree_Color('000000');
     $color = $func->mix($black, $color, $value);
     $dark = $color->toRGB();
      * SVG Definition
     $svg = '';
     $svg .= '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" width="100px" height="110px" viewBox="0 0 100 110" enable-background="new 0 0 100 110" xml:space="preserve">';
     $svg .= '<path d="M0,30C5,30,10,0,20,0c5,0,60,0,65,0c10,0,10,30,15,30"/>';
     $svg .= '<path fill="' . $light . '" d="M0,70c5,0,10-30,20-30c0,10,0,15,0,15v15"/>';
     $svg .= '<path fill="' . $light . '" d="M100,70c-5,0-10-30-20-30c0,10,0,15,0,15v15"/>';
     $svg .= '<path fill="' . $dark . '" d="M0,110c5,0,10-30,20-30c0,10,0,15,0,15v15"/>';
     $svg .= '<path fill="' . $dark . '" d="M100,110c-5,0-10-30-20-30c0,10,0,15,0,15v15"/>';
     $svg .= '</svg>';
      * Escape CSS
     $revert = ['%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'", '%3F' => '?', '%26' => '&', '%2C' => ',', '%2F' => '/', '%40' => '@', '%2B' => '+', '%24' => '$'];
     $svg = strtr(rawurlencode($svg), $revert);
      * Add header
     $svg = 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' . $svg;
      * Compile CSS
     $css = '';
     $css .= '.fancy-layout .control-tabs.master-tabs > div > div.tabs-container > ul.nav-tabs > li a > span.title:before,';
     $css .= '.fancy-layout.control-tabs.master-tabs > div > div.tabs-container > ul.nav-tabs > li a > span.title:before,';
     $css .= '.fancy-layout .control-tabs.master-tabs > div > div.tabs-container > ul.nav-tabs > li a > span.title:after,';
     $css .= '.fancy-layout.control-tabs.master-tabs > div > div.tabs-container > ul.nav-tabs > li a > span.title:after {';
     $css .= "background-image: url('" . $svg . "')}";
     return $css;
Exemple #7
 public function jmdarken($color, $amount)
     if ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) {
         $hsl = $color->toHSL();
         $hsl['l'] -= $hsl['l'] * $amount->value / 100;
         $hsl['l'] = self::clamp($hsl['l']);
         return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']);
     Less_Functions::Expected('color', $color);
 public function ConfigurableEmailTheme()
     $env = new Less_Environment($this->lessEnvOptions());
     $less = new Less_Functions($env);
     $panelColor = trim((string) $this->owner->PrimaryColor, '#');
     if (!$panelColor) {
         $panelColor = '666';
     $btnColor = trim((string) $this->owner->CtaColor, '#');
     if (!$btnColor) {
         $btnColor = $panelColor;
     $headerColor = trim((string) $this->owner->SecondaryColor, '#');
     if (!$headerColor) {
         $headerColor = $panelColor;
     return array('header_color' => '#' . $headerColor, 'header_font_color' => $less->contrast(new Less_Tree_Color($headerColor), new Less_Tree_Color('000000'), new Less_Tree_Color('ffffff'), new Less_Tree_Dimension(0.6))->toRGB(), 'footer_color' => '#' . $panelColor, 'footer_font_color' => $less->contrast(new Less_Tree_Color($panelColor), new Less_Tree_Color('000000'), new Less_Tree_Color('ffffff'), new Less_Tree_Dimension(0.6))->toRGB(), 'panel_color' => '#' . $panelColor, 'panel_border_color' => $less->darken(new Less_Tree_Color($panelColor), new Less_Tree_Dimension(15))->toRGB(), 'panel_font_color' => $less->contrast(new Less_Tree_Color($panelColor), new Less_Tree_Color('000000'), new Less_Tree_Color('ffffff'), new Less_Tree_Dimension(0.6))->toRGB(), 'btn_color' => '#' . $btnColor, 'btn_border_color' => $less->darken(new Less_Tree_Color($btnColor), new Less_Tree_Dimension(15))->toRGB(), 'btn_font_color' => $less->contrast(new Less_Tree_Color($btnColor), new Less_Tree_Color('000000'), new Less_Tree_Color('ffffff'), new Less_Tree_Dimension(0.6))->toRGB());
  * @param string $op
 public function operate($op, $other)
     $rgb = array();
     $alpha = $this->alpha * (1 - $other->alpha) + $other->alpha;
     for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) {
         $rgb[$c] = Less_Functions::operate($op, $this->rgb[$c], $other->rgb[$c]);
     return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $alpha);