  * Sends the OTP writen by the user in the form to the Latch server to check it
  * if OK stores the appId and secret in the Latch server.
  * Receives the accountId from the Latch server and stores it in the Mediwiki DB.
  * @param OTP sent to the mobile phone of the user and writen by user in the Mediawiki pairing form
  * @ret 1: pairing OK, -1: pairing error
 public static function doPair($otp)
     $toRet = -1;
     //return value=-1, error during unpairing process
     $api = new Latch(LatchConfig::appId, LatchConfig::secret);
     //creation of a Latch API object
     $response = $api->pair($otp);
     //send the OTP writen by the user in the textbox
     $data = $response->getData();
     //echo( $data->accountId );
     if (!is_null($data) && property_exists($data, "accountId")) {
         $accountId = $data->accountId;
         $toRet = 1;
         //return value=1, pairing process successful
     return $toRet;
Exemple #2
  * Invoke Latch library for pair an admin account with Latch app
  * @param string $token
  * @param Mage_Admin_Model_User $user Administrator user object
  * @return array with status and message of the api response
 public function pairAdmin($token, $user = null)
     $appId = $this->getApplicationId();
     $appSecret = $this->getSecretKey();
     $apiUrl = $this->getApiUrl();
     if (!empty($appId) && !empty($appSecret) && !empty($token)) {
         require_once Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . '/Latch/latch.php';
         if ($apiUrl) {
             $api = new Latch($appId, $appSecret, $apiUrl);
         } else {
             $api = new Latch($appId, $appSecret);
         $apiResponse = $api->pair($token);
         $responseData = $apiResponse->getData();
         if (!empty($responseData)) {
             $accountId = $responseData->{"accountId"};
         if (!empty($accountId)) {
             if ($user) {
                 /* @var $user Mage_Admin_Model_User */
                 $user->setData('latch_id', $accountId);
                 $mustSave = Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getAdminMustSave();
                 if ($mustSave) {
                 return array("status" => 1, "message" => $this->__("The account was linked with Latch successfully."));
             } else {
                 return array("status" => 0, "message" => $this->__("Can't link non admin user with Latch."));
         } elseif ($apiResponse->getError() == NULL) {
             return array("status" => 0, "message" => $this->__("Latch pairing error: Cannot connect to the server. Please, try again later."));
         } else {
             return array("status" => 0, "message" => $this->__("Couldn't link the given token with Latch: ") . $this->__($apiResponse->getError()->getMessage()));
     } else {
         return array("status" => 0, "message" => $this->__("Latch pairing error: Invalid parameters."));
 static function wfPrefHook($user, &$preferences)
     global $wgUser, $wgRequest, $wgOut;
     $user_id = "";
     $acc_id = "";
     $app_id = "";
     $secret = "";
     $error_msg = "";
     $pairResponse = null;
     # If app_id, secret, user_id and the account_id are already in the DB, we take them
     SpecialLatch::accDB_appsecret($app_id, $secret);
     SpecialLatch::accDB_useraccid($wgUser->getId(), $user_id, $acc_id);
     # We create a new Latch object from the Latch SDK
     $api = new Latch($app_id, $secret);
     # We print the Latch preferences
     SpecialLatch::drawUserPreferences($acc_id, $wgUser, $preferences);
     # If the Pair button is pressed, we try to pair the account
     if ($wgRequest->getCheck('latchTokBot')) {
         # CSRF protection
         if (!$wgUser->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getVal('hiddToken'))) {
         } else {
             $pair_token = $wgRequest->getText('latchTok');
             # Not empty or extrange characters
             if (empty($pair_token) || preg_match('/\\.([^\\.]*$)/', $pair_token)) {
                 throw new DBExpectedError(null, wfMsg('latch-error-pair'));
             } else {
                 $pairResponse = $api->pair($pair_token);
                 $responseData = $pairResponse->getData();
                 if (!empty($responseData)) {
                     $accountId = $responseData->{"accountId"};
                 # If everything is OK, we insert the data in the DB
                 if (!empty($accountId)) {
                     SpecialLatch::insDB_useraccid($wgUser, $accountId);
                 } elseif ($pairResponse->getError() == NULL) {
                     throw new DBExpectedError(null, wfMsg('default-error-pair'));
                 } else {
                     switch ($pairResponse->getError()->getCode()) {
                         case 205:
                             $error_msg = wfMsg('205-pair');
                         case 206:
                             $error_msg = wfMsg('206-pair');
                         case 401:
                             $error_msg = wfMsg('error-401');
                             $error_msg = wfMsg('default-error-pair');
                     throw new DBExpectedError(null, $pairResponse->getError()->getCode() . " - " . $error_msg);
     # If the Unpair button is pressed, we try to unpair the account
     if ($wgRequest->getCheck('latchUnpair')) {
         SpecialLatch::accDB_useraccid($wgUser->getId(), $user_id, $acc_id);
         # CSRF protection
         if (!$wgUser->matchEditToken($wgRequest->getVal('hiddToken'))) {
         } else {
             $pairResponse = $api->unpair($acc_id);
             # If Account ID is empty and no error fields are found, there are problems with the connection to the server
             if ($pairResponse->getError() == NULL) {
             } else {
                 switch ($pairResponse->getError()->getCode()) {
                     case 201:
                         $error_msg = wfMsg('201-unpair');
                     case 401:
                         $error_msg = wfMsg('error-401');
                         $error_msg = wfMsg('error-unpair');
                 throw new DBExpectedError(null, $pairResponse->getError()->getCode() . " - " . $error_msg);
     # We print the Latch preferences again to make sure that nothing strange happens
     SpecialLatch::drawUserPreferences($acc_id, $wgUser, $preferences);
     # Required return value of a hook function.
     return true;