  * Returns a new LanguageQuery object.
  * @param     string $modelAlias The alias of a model in the query
  * @param     Criteria $criteria Optional Criteria to build the query from
  * @return    LanguageQuery
 public static function create($modelAlias = null, $criteria = null)
     if ($criteria instanceof LanguageQuery) {
         return $criteria;
     $query = new LanguageQuery();
     if (null !== $modelAlias) {
     if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) {
     return $query;
 private function checkStrings($sCheckLanguageId = null)
     $aAllStrings = array();
     foreach (TranslationQuery::create()->orderByStringKey()->find() as $oString) {
         if (!in_array($oString->getStringKey(), $aAllStrings)) {
             $aAllStrings[] = $oString->getStringKey();
     $aAllLanguages = array();
     foreach (LanguageQuery::create()->orderById()->find() as $oLanguage) {
         $aAllLanguages[$oLanguage->getId()] = $oLanguage->getLanguageName();
     foreach ($aAllStrings as $sStringKey) {
         foreach ($aAllLanguages as $sLanguageId => $sLanguageName) {
             if ($sCheckLanguageId && $sCheckLanguageId === $sLanguageId) {
             $oString = TranslationPeer::getString($sStringKey, $sLanguageId, self::$EMPTY_STRING_KEY);
             if ($oString === self::$EMPTY_STRING_KEY) {
                 $sText = TranslationPeer::getString('wns.check.check_string_message', null, null, array('string_key' => $sStringKey, 'language_id' => $sLanguageId));
                 $this->log($sText, $sLanguageId, self::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING);
     return $this->aLogMessages;
 public function deleteRow($aRowData, $oCriteria)
     $oLanguage = LanguagePeer::doSelectOne($oCriteria);
     if ($oLanguage->getIsDefault()) {
         throw new LocalizedException('wns.language.delete_default.denied');
     if ($oLanguage->getIsDefaultEdit()) {
         throw new LocalizedException('wns.language.delete_default.denied');
     if (LanguagePeer::doCount(new Criteria()) < 2) {
         throw new LocalizedException('wns.language.delete_last.denied');
     $sLanguageId = $oLanguage->getId();
     foreach (LanguageObjectQuery::create()->filterByLanguageId($sLanguageId)->find() as $oLanguageObject) {
         $oHistory = $oLanguageObject->newHistory();
     $iResult = $oLanguage->delete();
     $oReplacementLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->findOne();
     if (AdminManager::getContentLanguage() === $sLanguageId) {
         AdminManager::setContentLanguage(Settings::getSetting("session_default", AdminManager::CONTENT_LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY, $oReplacementLanguage->getId()));
     if (Session::language() === $sLanguageId) {
         Session::getSession()->setLanguage(Settings::getSetting("session_default", Session::SESSION_LANGUAGE_KEY, $oReplacementLanguage->getId()));
 public function listLanguages()
     $aResult = array();
     foreach (LanguageQuery::create()->orderBySort()->find() as $oLanguage) {
         $aResult[$oLanguage->getId()] = $oLanguage->getLanguageName();
     return $aResult;
Exemple #5
 /** {@inheritdoc} */
 public function showMain()
     $configFile = Curry_Core::$config->curry->configPath;
     if (!$configFile) {
         $this->addMessage("Configuration file not set.", self::MSG_ERROR);
     } else {
         if (!is_writable($configFile)) {
             $this->addMessage("Configuration file doesn't seem to be writable.", self::MSG_ERROR);
     $config = new Zend_Config($configFile ? require $configFile : array(), true);
     $defaultConfig = Curry_Core::getDefaultConfiguration();
     $form = new Curry_Form(array('action' => url('', array("module", "view")), 'method' => 'post'));
     $themes = array();
     $backendPath = Curry_Util::path(true, Curry_Core::$config->curry->wwwPath, 'shared', 'backend');
     if ($backendPath) {
         foreach (new DirectoryIterator($backendPath) as $entry) {
             $name = $entry->getFilename();
             if (!$entry->isDot() && $entry->isDir() && $name !== 'common') {
                 $themes[$name] = $name;
     $activeTheme = isset($config->curry->backend->theme) ? $config->curry->backend->theme : false;
     if ($activeTheme && !array_key_exists($activeTheme, $themes)) {
         $themes[$activeTheme] = $activeTheme;
     $pages = PagePeer::getSelect();
     // General
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'General', 'elements' => array('name' => array('text', array('label' => 'Name', 'required' => true, 'value' => isset($config->curry->name) ? $config->curry->name : '', 'description' => 'Name of site, shown in backend header and page title by default.', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->name)), 'baseUrl' => array('text', array('label' => 'Base URL', 'value' => isset($config->curry->baseUrl) ? $config->curry->baseUrl : '', 'description' => 'The URL to use when creating absolute URLs. This should end with a slash, and may include a path.', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->baseUrl)), 'adminEmail' => array('text', array('label' => 'Admin email', 'value' => isset($config->curry->adminEmail) ? $config->curry->adminEmail : '')), 'divertOutMailToAdmin' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Divert outgoing email to adminEmail', 'value' => isset($config->curry->divertOutMailToAdmin) ? $config->curry->divertOutMailToAdmin : '', 'description' => 'All outgoing Curry_Mail will be diverted to adminEmail.')), 'developmentMode' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Development mode', 'value' => isset($config->curry->developmentMode) ? $config->curry->developmentMode : '')), 'forceDomain' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Force domain', 'value' => isset($config->curry->forceDomain) ? $config->curry->forceDomain : '', 'description' => 'If the domain of the requested URL doesn\'t match the domain set by Base URL, the user will be redirected to the correct domain.')), 'fallbackLanguage' => array('select', array('label' => 'Fallback Language', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('PrimaryKey', 'Name'), 'value' => isset($config->curry->fallbackLanguage) ? $config->curry->fallbackLanguage : '', 'description' => 'The language used when no language has been specified for the rendered page. Also the language used in backend context.'))))), 'general');
     // Backend
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Backend', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('theme' => array('select', array('label' => 'Theme', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ Default ]') + $themes, 'value' => isset($config->curry->backend->theme) ? $config->curry->backend->theme : '', 'description' => 'Theme for the administrative back-end.')), 'logotype' => array('filebrowser', array('label' => 'Backend Logotype', 'value' => isset($config->curry->backend->logotype) ? $config->curry->backend->logotype : '', 'description' => 'Path to the backend logotype. The height of this image should be 100px.')), 'templatePage' => array('select', array('label' => 'Template page', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + $pages, 'value' => isset($config->curry->backend->templatePage) ? $config->curry->backend->templatePage : '', 'description' => 'The page containing page templates (i.e. pages to be used as base pages). When creating new pages or editing a page using the Content tab, only this page and pages below will be shown as base pages.')), 'defaultEditor' => array('text', array('label' => 'Default HTML editor', 'value' => isset($config->curry->defaultEditor) ? $config->curry->defaultEditor : '', 'description' => 'The default WYSIWYG editor to use with the article module.', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->defaultEditor)), 'autoBackup' => array('text', array('label' => 'Automatic database backup', 'value' => isset($config->curry->autoBackup) ? $config->curry->autoBackup : '', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->autoBackup, 'description' => 'Specifies the number of seconds since last backup to create automatic database backups when logged in to the backend.')), 'revisioning' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Revisioning', 'value' => isset($config->curry->revisioning) ? $config->curry->revisioning : '', 'description' => 'When enabled, a new working revision will automatically be created when you create a page. You will also be warned when editing a published page revision')), 'autoPublish' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Auto Publish', 'value' => isset($config->curry->autoPublish) ? $config->curry->autoPublish : '', 'description' => 'When enabled, a check will be made on every request to check if there are any pages that should be published (using publish date).')), 'noauth' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Disable Backend Authorization', 'value' => isset($config->curry->backend->noauth) ? $config->curry->backend->noauth : '', 'description' => 'This will completely disable authorization for the backend.')), 'autoUpdateIndex' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Auto Update Search Index', 'value' => isset($config->curry->autoUpdateIndex) ? $config->curry->autoUpdateIndex : '', 'description' => 'Automatically update (rebuild) search index when changing page content.'))))), 'backend');
     // Live edit
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Live edit', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('liveEdit' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Enable Live Edit', 'value' => isset($config->curry->liveEdit) ? $config->curry->liveEdit : $defaultConfig->curry->liveEdit, 'description' => 'Enables editing of content directly in the front-end.')), 'placeholderExclude' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Excluded placeholders', 'value' => isset($config->curry->backend->placeholderExclude) ? join(PHP_EOL, $config->curry->backend->placeholderExclude->toArray()) : '', 'description' => 'Prevent placeholders from showing up in live edit mode. Use newlines to separate placeholders.', 'rows' => 5))))), 'liveEdit');
     // Error pages
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Error pages', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('notFound' => array('select', array('label' => 'Page not found (404)', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + $pages, 'value' => isset($config->curry->errorPage->notFound) ? $config->curry->errorPage->notFound : '')), 'unauthorized' => array('select', array('label' => 'Unauthorized (401)', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + $pages, 'value' => isset($config->curry->errorPage->unauthorized) ? $config->curry->errorPage->unauthorized : '')), 'error' => array('select', array('label' => 'Internal server error (500)', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + $pages, 'value' => isset($config->curry->errorPage->error) ? $config->curry->errorPage->error : ''))))), 'errorPage');
     // Maintenance
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Maintenance', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('enabled' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Enabled', 'required' => true, 'value' => isset($config->curry->maintenance->enabled) ? $config->curry->maintenance->enabled : '', 'description' => 'When maintenance is enabled, users will not be able to access the pages. Only a page (specified below) will be shown. If no page is specified, the message will be shown.')), 'page' => array('select', array('label' => 'Page to show', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + $pages, 'value' => isset($config->curry->maintenance->page) ? $config->curry->maintenance->page : '')), 'message' => array('textarea', array('label' => 'Message', 'value' => isset($config->curry->maintenance->message) ? $config->curry->maintenance->message : '', 'rows' => 6, 'cols' => 40))))), 'maintenance');
     // Mail
     $testEmailUrl = url('', array('module', 'view' => 'TestEmail'));
     $dlgOpts = array('width' => 600, 'minHeight' => 150);
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Mail', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('method' => array('select', array('label' => 'Transport', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ Default ]', 'smtp' => 'SMTP', 'sendmail' => 'PHP mail() function, ie sendmail.'), 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->method) ? $config->curry->mail->method : '')), 'host' => array('text', array('label' => 'Host', 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->host) ? $config->curry->mail->host : '')), 'port' => array('text', array('label' => 'Port', 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->options->port) ? $config->curry->mail->options->port : '')), 'auth' => array('select', array('label' => 'Auth', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ Default ]', 'plain' => 'plain', 'login' => 'login', 'cram-md5' => 'cram-md5'), 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->options->auth) ? $config->curry->mail->options->auth : '')), 'username' => array('text', array('label' => 'Username', 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->options->username) ? $config->curry->mail->options->username : '')), 'password' => array('password', array('label' => 'Password')), 'ssl' => array('select', array('label' => 'SSL', 'multiOptions' => array('' => 'Disabled', 'ssl' => 'SSL', 'tls' => 'TLS'), 'value' => isset($config->curry->mail->options->ssl) ? $config->curry->mail->options->ssl : '')), 'mailTest' => array('rawHtml', array('value' => '<a href="' . $testEmailUrl . '" class="btn dialog" data-dialog="' . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($dlgOpts)) . '">Test email</a>'))))), 'mail');
     // Paths
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Paths', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('basePath' => array('text', array('label' => 'Base path', 'value' => isset($config->curry->basePath) ? $config->curry->basePath : '', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->basePath)), 'projectPath' => array('text', array('label' => 'Project Path', 'value' => isset($config->curry->projectPath) ? $config->curry->projectPath : '', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->projectPath)), 'wwwPath' => array('text', array('label' => 'WWW path', 'value' => isset($config->curry->wwwPath) ? $config->curry->wwwPath : '', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->wwwPath)), 'vendorPath' => array('text', array('label' => 'Vendor path', 'value' => isset($config->curry->vendorPath) ? $config->curry->vendorPath : '', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->vendorPath))))), 'paths');
     // Encoding
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Encoding', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('internal' => array('text', array('label' => 'Internal Encoding', 'value' => isset($config->curry->internalEncoding) ? $config->curry->internalEncoding : '', 'description' => 'The internal encoding for PHP.', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->internalEncoding)), 'output' => array('text', array('label' => 'Output Encoding', 'value' => isset($config->curry->outputEncoding) ? $config->curry->outputEncoding : '', 'description' => 'The default output encoding for pages.', 'placeholder' => $defaultConfig->curry->outputEncoding))))), 'encoding');
     // Misc
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Misc', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('error_notification' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Error notification', 'value' => isset($config->curry->errorNotification) ? $config->curry->errorNotification : '', 'description' => 'If enabled, an attempt to send error-logs to the admin email will be performed when an error occur.')), 'log_propel' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Propel Logging', 'value' => isset($config->curry->propel->logging) ? $config->curry->propel->logging : '', 'description' => 'Database queries and other debug information will be logged to the selected logging facility.')), 'debug_propel' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Debug Propel', 'value' => isset($config->curry->propel->debug) ? $config->curry->propel->debug : '', 'description' => 'Enables query counting but doesn\'t log queries.')), 'log' => array('select', array('label' => 'Logging', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ Other ]', 'none' => 'Disable logging', 'firebug' => 'Firebug'), 'value' => isset($config->curry->log->method) ? $config->curry->log->method : '')), 'update_translations' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Update Language strings', 'value' => isset($config->curry->updateTranslationStrings) ? $config->curry->updateTranslationStrings : '', 'description' => 'Add strings as they are used and record last used timestamp'))))), 'misc');
     $form->addElement('submit', 'save', array('label' => 'Save', 'disabled' => $configFile ? null : 'disabled'));
     if (isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         $this->saveSettings($config, $form->getValues());
Exemple #6
 public function verifySessionContentEditLanguage()
     $sSessionDefaultLanguage = Settings::getSetting("session_default", AdminManager::CONTENT_LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY, null);
     if (LanguageQuery::create()->filterById($sSessionDefaultLanguage)->count() < 1) {
         $oLanguage = new Language();
  * Get flexigrid for specified model.
  * @param string $modelClass
  * @param array $options
  * @return \Curry_Flexigrid
 public function getGrid($modelClass, $options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('title' => $modelClass . 's', 'rp' => 100, 'rpOptions' => array(25, 50, 100, 200, 500)), $options);
     $flexigrid = new \Curry_Flexigrid_Propel($modelClass, url('', $_GET)->add(array('view' => $modelClass . 'Json')), $options);
     $editUrl = url('', $_GET)->add(array('module', 'view' => $modelClass));
     if (in_array('translatable', array_keys(\PropelQuery::from($modelClass)->getTableMap()->getBehaviors()))) {
         $langcode = \LanguageQuery::create()->findOne()->getLangcode();
         $flexigrid->addLinkButton('View Translations', 'icon-flag', url('', $_GET)->add(array('translate' => true, 'langcode' => $langcode)));
     return $flexigrid;
Exemple #8
 protected function initLanguage()
     $this->sOldSessionLanguage = Session::language();
     if (isset($_REQUEST[AdminManager::CONTENT_LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY]) && LanguageQuery::languageExists($_REQUEST[AdminManager::CONTENT_LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY])) {
         LinkUtil::redirect(LinkUtil::link(Manager::getRequestedPath(), get_class()));
     } else {
         if (!LanguageQuery::languageExists(AdminManager::getContentLanguage())) {
         if (!LanguageQuery::languageExists(AdminManager::getContentLanguage())) {
             LinkUtil::redirectToManager('', "AdminManager");
Exemple #9
  * @param string $sLanguageId
  * use cases:
  * 1. at first users' creation
  * 2. fallback method, creates language if it does not exist, but not at first users' login time, i.e. when languages have been truncated
  * @return void
 public static function createLanguageIfNoneExist($sLanguage, $oUser = null)
     if (LanguageQuery::create()->count() > 0) {
     $oLanguage = new Language();
     if ($oUser) {
 private function validate($aDocumentationData, $oDocumentation)
     $oFlash = Flash::getFlash();
     $oFlash->checkForValue('name', 'name_required');
     $oFlash->checkForValue('key', 'key_required');
     if (!LanguageInputWidgetModule::isMonolingual()) {
         $oFlash->checkForValue('language_id', 'language_required');
     } else {
         $oLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->findOne();
     $oCheckDocumentation = DocumentationQuery::create()->filterByLanguageId($oDocumentation->getLanguageId())->filterByKey($aDocumentationData['key'])->findOne();
     if ($oCheckDocumentation && !Util::equals($oDocumentation, $oCheckDocumentation)) {
 public function saveData($aLanguageData)
     // string key is changed if a existing Language string_key is changed
     if ($aLanguageData['language_id'] !== $this->sLanguageId) {
         $this->sLanguageId = $aLanguageData['language_id'];
     $oLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->findPk($this->sLanguageId);
     if ($oLanguage === null) {
         $oLanguage = new Language();
     $this->validate($aLanguageData, $oLanguage);
     if (!Flash::noErrors()) {
         throw new ValidationException();
     return $oLanguage->save();
Exemple #12
  * @deprecated use query methods directly in context
 public static function getLanguagesAssoc($bActiveOnly = false, $oSortBySort = false)
     $aResult = array();
     $oQuery = LanguageQuery::create();
     if ($bActiveOnly) {
     if ($oSortBySort) {
     } else {
     foreach ($oQuery->find() as $oLanguage) {
         $aResult[$oLanguage->getId()] = $oLanguage->getLanguageName();
     if (!$oSortBySort) {
     return $aResult;
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../base/lib/inc.php';
try {
    set_error_handler(array('ErrorHandler', "handleError"));
    foreach (LanguageQuery::create()->filterByIsActive(true)->find() as $oLanguage) {
        $sLanguageId = $oLanguage->getId();
        $oModule = new UpdateSearchIndexFileModule(array(), $sLanguageId, true);
} catch (Exception $oException) {
Exemple #14
  * Returns the number of related Language objects.
  * @param Criteria $criteria
  * @param boolean $distinct
  * @param PropelPDO $con
  * @return int             Count of related Language objects.
  * @throws PropelException
 public function countLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedBy(Criteria $criteria = null, $distinct = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
     $partial = $this->collLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedByPartial && !$this->isNew();
     if (null === $this->collLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedBy || null !== $criteria || $partial) {
         if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedBy) {
             return 0;
         if ($partial && !$criteria) {
             return count($this->getLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedBy());
         $query = LanguageQuery::create(null, $criteria);
         if ($distinct) {
         return $query->filterByUserRelatedByUpdatedBy($this)->count($con);
     return count($this->collLanguagesRelatedByUpdatedBy);
  * Get the associated Language object
  * @param PropelPDO $con Optional Connection object.
  * @param $doQuery Executes a query to get the object if required
  * @return Language The associated Language object.
  * @throws PropelException
 public function getLanguage(PropelPDO $con = null, $doQuery = true)
     if ($this->aLanguage === null && ($this->language_id !== "" && $this->language_id !== null) && $doQuery) {
         $this->aLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->findPk($this->language_id, $con);
         /* The following can be used additionally to
               guarantee the related object contains a reference
               to this object.  This level of coupling may, however, be
               undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection
               in the referenced object.
     return $this->aLanguage;
Exemple #16
  * Get user form.
  * @param User $user
  * @return Curry_Form_ModelForm
 protected function getUserForm(User $user)
     $createHomeFolder = $user->isNew() || self::getUserHome($user) !== null;
     $validRoles = $this->getValidRoles();
     $invalidRoles = UserRoleQuery::create()->filterByUserRoleId(array_keys($validRoles), Criteria::NOT_IN)->select('UserRoleId')->find()->getArrayCopy();
     $validLanguages = UserLanguageQuery::create()->_if(!$user->hasAccess('*'))->filterByUser(User::getUser())->_endif()->select('langcode')->find()->getArrayCopy();
     $invalidLanguages = LanguageQuery::create()->filterByLangcode($validLanguages, Criteria::NOT_IN)->select('langcode')->find()->getArrayCopy();
     $form = new Curry_Form_ModelForm('User', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => url('', $_GET), 'columnElements' => array('password' => array('password', array('required' => $user->isNew())), 'relation__userrole' => array('select', array('label' => 'Role', 'disable' => $invalidRoles, 'validators' => array(array('InArray', true, array(array_keys($validRoles)))))), 'relation__language' => array('multiselect', array('class' => 'chosen', 'disable' => $invalidLanguages, 'validators' => array(array('InArray', true, array($validLanguages))))))));
     $form->addElements(array('verify_password' => array('password', array('label' => 'Verify password', 'required' => $user->isNew(), 'validators' => array(array('identical', false, array('token' => 'password'))))), 'create_home_folder' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Create home folder', 'description' => 'Creates a folder in /user-content/ for the user and adds file permission for it.', 'value' => $createHomeFolder, 'order' => 5))));
     $form->addElement('submit', 'save', array('label' => 'Save'));
     return $form;
Exemple #17
  * Get page properties form.
  * @param Page $page
  * @return Curry_Form
 public static function getPagePropertiesForm(Page $page)
     $form = new Curry_Form(array('action' => url('', array("module", "view", "page_id")), 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('pid_properties' => array('hidden'), 'name' => array('text', array('label' => 'Name', 'required' => true, 'value' => $page->getName(), 'description' => 'The name of the page is shown in menus. It\'s also used to generate the default title and URL for the page.')), 'url' => array('text', array('label' => 'URL', 'value' => $page->getUrl(), 'description' => 'The URL of the page. Subpages will be based on this URL.')), 'enabled' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Active', 'value' => $page->getEnabled(), 'description' => 'Only active pages can be accessed.')), 'visible' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Show in menu', 'value' => $page->getVisible(), 'description' => 'Enable this if you want the page to show up in menus.')), 'index' => array('checkbox', array('label' => 'Include in search index', 'value' => $page->getIncludeInIndex(), 'description' => 'Disable this if you dont want the page to be included in search results.')))));
     $redirectValue = null;
     if ($page->getRedirectUrl()) {
         $redirectValue = "external";
     } else {
         if ($page->getRedirectPageId()) {
             $redirectValue = $page->getRedirectPageId();
         } else {
             $redirectValue = "";
     // first-subpage
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Redirect', 'class' => $page->getRedirectMethod() ? '' : 'advanced', 'elements' => array('method' => array('select', array('label' => 'Method', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]', PagePeer::REDIRECT_METHOD_CLONE => 'Clone', PagePeer::REDIRECT_METHOD_PERMANENT => 'Permanent redirect (301)', PagePeer::REDIRECT_METHOD_TEMPORARY => 'Temporary redirect (302)'), 'value' => $page->getRedirectMethod(), 'onchange' => '$("#redirect-page_id").attr("disabled", this.value == "").change();')), 'page_id' => array('select', array('label' => 'Page', 'multiOptions' => array("" => '[ First subpage ]', 'external' => '[ External ]') + PagePeer::getSelect(), 'value' => $redirectValue, 'onchange' => '$("#redirect-url").attr("disabled", $(this).attr("disabled") || this.value != "external");', 'disabled' => !$page->getRedirectMethod() ? 'disabled' : null)), 'url' => array('text', array('label' => 'External URL', 'value' => $page->getRedirectUrl() ? $page->getRedirectUrl() : 'http://', 'disabled' => !$page->getRedirectMethod() || $redirectValue != 'external' ? 'disabled' : null))))), 'redirect');
     // Base page
     $advanced = Curry_Backend_Page::getPagePermission($page, PageAccessPeer::PERM_MODULES);
     $pageRevision = $page->getPageRevision();
     list($basePageElement, $basePreviewElement) = self::getBasePageSelect($page, $pageRevision->getBasePageId(), $advanced);
     // Template
     $templates = Curry_Backend_Template::getTemplateSelect();
     if ($pageRevision->getInheritRevision()) {
         $template = $pageRevision->getInheritRevision()->getInheritedProperty('Template', 'Undefined', false);
         $templates = array('' => '[ Inherited: ' . $template . ' ]') + $templates;
     } else {
         $templates = array('' => '[ None ]') + $templates;
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Base page', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('base_page_id' => $basePageElement, 'base_page_preview' => $basePreviewElement))), 'base_page');
     $form->addSubForm(new Curry_Form_SubForm(array('legend' => 'Advanced', 'class' => 'advanced', 'elements' => array('image' => array('previewImage', array('label' => 'Image', 'value' => $page->getImage(), 'description' => 'Select an image to represent the page. This will show up when selecting base page.')), 'template' => array('select', array('label' => 'Page template', 'multiOptions' => $templates, 'value' => (string) $pageRevision->getTemplate(), 'description' => 'Override page template inherited from base page.')), 'langcode' => array('select', array('label' => 'Language', 'value' => $page->getLangcode(), 'multiOptions' => array('' => 'None (Inherit from parent)') + LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('Langcode', 'Name'), 'description' => 'Language of page. Inherited from closest parent if not set.')), 'model_route' => array('text', array('label' => 'Model route', 'value' => $page->getModelRoute(), 'description' => 'The model class used for routing.')), 'cache_lifetime' => array('text', array('label' => 'Cache lifetime', 'value' => $page->getCacheLifetime(), 'description' => 'Full page caching, specified in seconds (0 to disable, -1 for infinity).')), 'generator' => array('text', array('label' => 'Generator', 'value' => $page->getGenerator(), 'placeholder' => \Curry\App::getInstance()['defaultGeneratorClass']))))), 'advanced');
     $form->addElement('submit', 'Save');
     return $form;
Exemple #18
 protected function initLanguage()
     $bIsMultilingual = Settings::getSetting('general', 'multilingual', true);
     if ($bIsMultilingual && self::hasNextPathItem() && LanguageQuery::languageIsActive(self::peekNextPathItem(), true)) {
         $oLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->filterByPathPrefix(self::usePath())->findOne();
     } else {
         // If site is monolingual, try setting the session default as a shortcut
         if ($bIsMultilingual) {
             // If we’ve got a valid session language set (and it’s not just from the default), use that
             if (Session::getSession()->hasAttribute(Session::SESSION_LANGUAGE_KEY) && LanguageQuery::languageIsActive(Session::language())) {
             // Otherwise, use the first of the user’s accept languages that is valid
             foreach (LocaleUtil::acceptLocales() as $oAcceptLocale) {
                 if (LanguageQuery::languageIsActive($oAcceptLocale->language_id)) {
             // As a last resort, try, the default session language
             if (LanguageQuery::languageIsActive(Session::language())) {
         } else {
             if (LanguageQuery::languageIsActive(Session::language())) {
             } else {
                 if (LanguageQuery::languageIsActive(Session::language())) {
         // If all fails, redirect to the admin manager, where new languages can be created/activated
         LinkUtil::redirectToManager(array('languages'), "AdminManager");
 public function saveData($aStringData)
     if (!Flash::noErrors()) {
         throw new ValidationException();
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection();
     foreach (LanguageQuery::create()->orderById()->find() as $oLanguage) {
         $oUpdateCriteria = new Criteria();
         $oUpdateCriteria->add(TranslationPeer::LANGUAGE_ID, $oLanguage->getId());
         $oUpdateCriteria->add(TranslationPeer::STRING_KEY, $this->sStringId);
         if (isset($aStringData['text_' . $oLanguage->getId()])) {
             $sText = trim($aStringData['text_' . $oLanguage->getId()]);
             $oString = TranslationQuery::create()->findPk(array($oLanguage->getId(), $this->sStringId));
             if ($sText === '') {
                 if ($oString !== null) {
             if ($oString === null) {
                 $oString = new Translation();
             } else {
                 if ($this->sStringId !== null && $this->sStringId !== $aStringData['string_key']) {
                     BasePeer::doUpdate($oUpdateCriteria, $oString->buildCriteria(), $oConnection);
         } else {
             $oString = TranslationQuery::create()->findPk(array($oLanguage->getId(), $this->sStringId));
             if ($oString === null) {
             if ($this->sStringId !== null && $this->sStringId !== $aStringData['string_key']) {
                 BasePeer::doUpdate($oUpdateCriteria, $oString->buildCriteria(), $oConnection);
     // check sidebar reload criteria
     $sNameSpaceOld = TranslationPeer::getNameSpaceFromStringKey($this->sStringId);
     $sNameSpaceNew = TranslationPeer::getNameSpaceFromStringKey($aStringData['string_key']);
     // if both are the same the sidebar is not effected
     $bSidebarHasChanged = false;
     if ($sNameSpaceOld !== $sNameSpaceNew) {
         // if there was an old name space then we have to check whether it was the last string with this namespace
         if ($sNameSpaceOld !== null && !TranslationPeer::nameSpaceExists($sNameSpaceOld)) {
             $bSidebarHasChanged = true;
         // if the new exits only once it has been created and the sidebar needs to be relaoded
         if ($sNameSpaceNew !== null && TranslationPeer::countNameSpaceByName($sNameSpaceNew) === 1) {
             $bSidebarHasChanged = true;
     $this->sStringId = $aStringData['string_key'];
     return array('id' => $this->sStringId, self::SIDEBAR_CHANGED => $bSidebarHasChanged);
Exemple #20
 public static function link($mPath = false, $mManager = null, $aParameters = array(), $mLanguage = null, $bIncludeLanguage = null)
     if ($mPath === null) {
         // Respect null-links
         return null;
     if (!$mPath) {
         $mPath = array();
     if (!is_array($mPath)) {
         $mPath = explode("/", $mPath);
     $mManager = Manager::getManagerClassNormalized($mManager);
     $sPrefix = Manager::getPrefixForManager($mManager);
     if ($mLanguage === true || $mLanguage === false) {
         $bIncludeLanguage = $mLanguage;
         $mLanguage = null;
     if ($bIncludeLanguage === null) {
         $bIncludeLanguage = $mManager::shouldIncludeLanguageInLink();
     if ($bIncludeLanguage) {
         if ($mLanguage === null) {
             $mLanguage = Session::language(true);
         if ($mLanguage instanceof Language) {
             array_unshift($mPath, $mLanguage->getPathPrefix());
         } else {
             if (is_string($mLanguage)) {
                 $mLanguage = LanguageQuery::create()->findPk($mLanguage)->getPathPrefix();
                 array_unshift($mPath, $mLanguage);
     foreach ($mPath as $iKey => $sValue) {
         if ($sValue === null || $sValue === "") {
         } else {
             $mPath[$iKey] = rawurlencode($sValue);
     if ($sPrefix !== null && $sPrefix !== "") {
         $sPrefix .= "/";
     } else {
         $sPrefix = '';
     return MAIN_DIR_FE_PHP . $sPrefix . implode('/', $mPath) . self::prepareLinkParameters($aParameters);
Exemple #21
  * Get language selection form.
  * @param string $langcode
  * @return Curry_Form
 private function getLanguageForm($langcode)
     $form = new Curry_Form(array('method' => 'get', 'action' => url(''), 'id' => 'language-selector', 'elements' => array('langcode' => array('select', array('label' => 'Language', 'multiOptions' => array('' => 'None') + LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('Langcode', 'Name'), 'onchange' => 'this.form.submit();', 'value' => $langcode, 'description' => 'Change this if you want to set language specific content.')))));
     $preserve = array('module', 'view', 'page_module_id', 'page_id');
     foreach ($preserve as $var) {
         if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
             $form->addElement('hidden', $var, array('value' => $_GET[$var]));
     return $form;
Exemple #22
 public static function languageExists($sLanguageId, $bByPath = false)
     return LanguageQuery::language($sLanguageId, $bByPath)->count() > 0;
Exemple #23
 public function getLanguage($bObject = false)
     $sResult = $this->getAttribute(self::SESSION_LANGUAGE_KEY);
     if ($bObject) {
         $sResult = LanguageQuery::create()->findPk($sResult);
         if (!$sResult) {
             //If an object was explicitly requested, most likely, it’s supposed to be a content language
             $sResult = LanguageQuery::create()->findPk(AdminManager::getContentLanguage());
     return $sResult;
Exemple #24
  * Show edit language.
 public function showLanguages()
     $langcodes = array();
     foreach (Zend_Locale::getLocaleList() as $langcode => $ignore) {
         list($l, $t) = explode('_', $langcode);
         $language = Zend_Locale::getTranslation($l, 'language', 'en_US');
         if (!$language) {
             $language = $langcode;
         $territory = $t ? Zend_Locale::getTranslation($t, 'territory', 'en_US') : '';
         $langcodes[$langcode] = $language . ($territory ? " ({$territory})" : ' (Generic)');
     $existing = LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('Langcode', 'Name');
     foreach ($existing as $langcode => $name) {
         if (!array_key_exists($langcode, $langcodes)) {
             $langcodes[$langcode] = $name . ' (Custom)';
     $form = new Curry_ModelView_Form('Language', array('ignorePks' => false, 'columnElements' => array('langcode' => array('select', array('multiOptions' => $langcodes, 'disable' => array_keys($existing), 'onchange' => "\$('[name=\"name\"]', this.form).val(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text);"))), 'onFillForm' => function ($item, $form) {
         if ($item->isNew()) {
             $form->addElement('select', 'copy', array('label' => 'Copy translations from', 'multiOptions' => array('' => '[ None ]') + LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('PrimaryKey', 'Name'), 'order' => 2));
         } else {
             // Prevent changing langcode (propel cant change primary keys anyway)
     }, 'onFillModel' => function (Language $item, $form, $values) {
         $user = User::getUser();
         if ($item->isNew()) {
             if (isset($values['copy']) && $values['copy']) {
                 $translations = LanguageStringTranslationQuery::create()->findByLangcode($values['copy']);
                 foreach ($translations as $translation) {
     $list = new Curry_ModelView_List('Language', array('modelForm' => $form, 'maxPerPage' => 0));
Exemple #25
  * @param main template
  * description:
  * - @see config.yml section language_chooser
  * - use parameter replaced in method
  * @return Template The rendered language chooser
 public static function getLanguageChooser($oMainTemplate)
     $oTemplate = new Template(TemplateIdentifier::constructIdentifier('languages'), null, true);
     $oLanguageTemplate = new Template(Settings::getSetting("language_chooser", 'template', 'language'), array(DIRNAME_TEMPLATES, DIRNAME_NAVIGATION));
     $sLinkSeparator = Settings::getSetting("language_chooser", 'link_separator', ' | ');
     $oLanguageActiveTemplate = null;
     $bShowActiveLanguage = Settings::getSetting("language_chooser", 'show_active_language', false);
     $bIsPreview = Manager::getCurrentManager() instanceof PreviewManager;
     if ($bShowActiveLanguage) {
         if (Settings::getSetting("language_chooser", 'template_active', false) !== false) {
             $oLanguageActiveTemplate = new Template(Settings::getSetting("language_chooser", 'template_active', 'language_active'), array(DIRNAME_TEMPLATES, DIRNAME_NAVIGATION));
         } else {
             $oLanguageActiveTemplate = clone $oLanguageTemplate;
     // Find request variables
     $aParameters = array_diff_assoc($_REQUEST, $_COOKIE);
     // Check whether manager needs language to be included
     $bCurrentPathIncludesLanguage = call_user_func(array(Manager::getManagerClassNormalized(null), 'shouldIncludeLanguageInLink'));
     $aRequestPath = explode("/", Manager::getRequestedPath());
     $aLanguages = LanguageQuery::create()->filterByIsActive(true)->exclude($bShowActiveLanguage ? false : ($bIsPreview ? 'edit' : 'current'))->orderBySort()->find();
     foreach ($aLanguages as $i => $oLanguage) {
         $oLangTemplate = null;
         $oPageString = null;
         if ($oLanguage->getId() === Session::language()) {
             $oLangTemplate = $oLanguageActiveTemplate;
             $oLangTemplate->replaceIdentifier('class', 'active');
         } else {
             $oPageString = PageStringQuery::create()->filterByPage(FrontendManager::$CURRENT_PAGE)->filterByLanguageId($oLanguage->getId())->filterByIsInactive(false)->findOne();
             if ($oPageString === null) {
             $oLangTemplate = clone $oLanguageTemplate;
         // If language is included, replace it by language id and set include_language param to false
         if ($bCurrentPathIncludesLanguage) {
             $aRequestPath[0] = $oLanguage->getPathPrefix();
             $sLink = LinkUtil::link($aRequestPath, null, $aParameters, false);
         } else {
             $sLink = LinkUtil::link($aRequestPath, null, array_merge($aParameters, array('content_language' => $oLanguage->getId())));
         $oLangTemplate->replaceIdentifier('link', $sLink);
         // Add alternate language links
         if ($oPageString) {
             ResourceIncluder::metaIncluder()->addCustomResource(array('template' => 'link', 'rel' => 'alternate', 'lang' => $oLanguage->getId(), 'location' => $sLink, 'title' => $oPageString->getPageTitle()));
         $oLangTemplate->replaceIdentifier('id', $oLanguage->getId());
         $oLangTemplate->replaceIdentifier('name', $oLanguage->getLanguageName($oLanguage->getId()));
         $oLangTemplate->replaceIdentifier('name_in_current_lang', $oLanguage->getLanguageName());
         $oTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('languages', $oLangTemplate, null, Template::NO_NEWLINE);
         if ($i + 1 < count($aLanguages)) {
             $oTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('languages', $sLinkSeparator, null, Template::NO_HTML_ESCAPE | Template::NO_NEWLINE);
     return $oTemplate;
Exemple #26
  * Get a list of all languages.
  * @return string[]	An associative array, with langcode as key and name as value.
 public static function getLanguages()
     return LanguageQuery::create()->find()->toKeyValue('Langcode', 'Name');
 public static function isMonolingual()
     return LanguageQuery::create()->count() <= 1;
Exemple #28
  * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.
  * @param PropelPDO $con
  * @return void
  * @throws PropelException
  * @throws Exception
  * @see        BaseObject::setDeleted()
  * @see        BaseObject::isDeleted()
 public function delete(PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($this->isDeleted()) {
         throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(LanguagePeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE);
     try {
         $deleteQuery = LanguageQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKey($this->getPrimaryKey());
         $ret = $this->preDelete($con);
         // denyable behavior
         if (!(LanguagePeer::isIgnoringRights() || $this->mayOperate("delete"))) {
             throw new PropelException(new NotPermittedException("delete.by_role", array("role_key" => "languages")));
         if ($ret) {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Exemple #29
  * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.
  * @param      PropelPDO $con
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
  * @see        BaseObject::setDeleted()
  * @see        BaseObject::isDeleted()
 public function delete(PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($this->isDeleted()) {
         throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(LanguagePeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE);
     try {
         $ret = $this->preDelete($con);
         if ($ret) {
         } else {
     } catch (PropelException $e) {
         throw $e;
 private function paramsForObject($oObject)
     $aObject = array('id' => $oObject->getId());
     $aObject['language_objects'] = array();
     foreach (LanguageQuery::create()->orderById()->find() as $oLanguage) {
         $aLanguageInfo = array();
         $oLanguageObject = $oObject->getLanguageObject($oLanguage->getId());
         $aLanguageInfo['exists_in_language'] = $oLanguageObject !== null;
         if ($oLanguageObject === null) {
             $oLanguageObject = LanguageObjectHistoryQuery::create()->filterByLanguageId($oLanguage->getId())->filterByObjectId($oObject->getId())->sort()->findOne();
             $aLanguageInfo['is_draft'] = $oLanguageObject !== null;
         } else {
             $aLanguageInfo['is_draft'] = $oLanguageObject->getHasDraft();
         if ($oLanguageObject !== null) {
             $sFrontendModuleClass = FrontendModule::getClassNameByName($oObject->getObjectType());
             if (class_exists($sFrontendModuleClass, true)) {
                 $mContentInfo = $sFrontendModuleClass::getContentInfo($oLanguageObject);
             } else {
                 $mContentInfo = null;
             $aLanguageInfo['content_info'] = $mContentInfo;
         } else {
             $aLanguageInfo['content_info'] = null;
         $aObject['language_objects'][$oLanguage->getId()] = $aLanguageInfo;
     $aObject['object_type'] = $oObject->getObjectType();
     $aObject['has_condition'] = $oObject->getConditionSerialized() !== null;
     $aObject['object_type_display_name'] = FrontendModule::getDisplayNameByName($oObject->getObjectType());
     return $aObject;