  * Create a team
  * @param $name
  * @param $tag
 public function CreateTeam()
     //Anonymous users cannot register.
     if (streq($this->owner, "0")) {
         return "Anonymous users cannot register teams!";
     //Validate against team name being in use.
     $test = new Lan_timetable_teams();
     $test->name = $this->name;
     $test->tag = $this->tag;
     $test->timetable_id = $this->timetable_id;
     if ($test->count() != 0) {
         return "A team with this name already exists!";
     //Validate against the captain already being in a team
     $tm = new Lan_timetable_team_members();
     $tm->user_id = $this->owner;
     $test = new Lan_timetable_teams();
     $test->joinAdd($tm, "CENTER");
     if ($test->count() != 0) {
         return "You cannot create a team whilst you are in a team!";
     //Check that teams are being used
     $tt = new Lan_timetable();
     $tt->id = $this->timetable_id;
     $tt->teambased = 1;
     if ($tt->find() != 1) {
         return "This event is not team based!";
     $test = new Lan_timetable_teams();
     $test->timetable_id = $this->timetable_id;
     if (!streq("0", $tt->maxplayers) && $tt->maxplayers < $test->count() + 1) {
         return "Max team count reached for this event.";
     //All is ok, so insert the team
     if (0 == $this->insert()) {
         return "Team creation failed!";
     //Add the captain as a member
     $tm = new Lan_timetable_team_members();
     $tm->team_id = $this->team_id;
     $tm->user_id = $this->owner;
     if (0 == $tm->insert()) {
         return "Error adding captain as team member!";
     //If the player is a PUG player then remove them from the list.
     $signup = new Lan_timetable_signups();
     $signup->timetable_id = $this->timetable_id;
     $signup->user_id = $this->owner;
     while ($signup->fetch()) {
     return false;
 public function JoinTeam($ttid)
     //Check not anonymous
     if ($this->user_id == 0) {
         return "Anonymous users cannot join teams!";
     if (null == $ttid) {
         return "Programming error: No timetable ID passed!";
     //Check allow signup
     $timetable = new Lan_timetable();
     $timetable->id = $ttid;
     //$timetable->allowsignups = 1;
     $timetable->teambased = 1;
     if (1 != $timetable->find()) {
         return "This event does not allow joining teams.";
     //Check not already in a team
     $team = new Lan_timetable_teams();
     $member = new Lan_timetable_team_members();
     $member->user_id = $this->user_id;
     $team->timetable_id = $ttid;
     if ($team->count() != 0) {
         return "This user cannot join a team twice!";
     //Check max team size
     $team->team_id = $this->team_id;
     $teamsize = count($team->members);
     if (!streq($teamsize, "0") && $timetable->teamsize < $teamsize + 1) {
         return "Max team size reached!";
     //Join team
     if ($this->insert() == 0) {
         return "This user is already in a team for this event!";
     //Remove pug if needed.
     $signup = new Lan_timetable_signups();
     $signup->timetable_id = $ttid;
     $signup->user_id = $this->user_id;
     while ($signup->fetch()) {
     return false;
Exemple #3

include 'foodrun.logic.php';
$biggame = new Lan_timetable();
$biggame->type = "food";
if (isset($_GET["tid"])) {
    $user = new Lan_users();
    $biggame->joinAdd($user, "LEFT");
    if ($biggame->get($biggame->escape($_GET["tid"]))) {
        //Find sign ups
        $tts = new Lan_timetable_signups();
        $user = new Lan_users();
        $tts->timetable_id = $biggame->id;
        $list = array();
        $currentUserSignedUp = false;
        $signups = 0;
        while ($tts->fetch()) {
            if (streq($tts->user_id, getCurrentUID())) {
                $currentUserSignedUp = true;
            $list[] = clone $tts;
        $biggame->signups = $signups;
        $game = new Lan_games();
        if (1 == $game->get($biggame->game)) {
            $master->Smarty->assign("image", "images/games/" . $game->picture);
            $master->Smarty->assign("gamename", $game->name);
Exemple #4
$success = $lan->get($lanid);
if ($success) {
    $start = new Lan_timetable();
    $start->when = date("D jS M H:i", strtotime($lan->start));
    $start->type = 'start';
    $start->diff = getDiffDateTime(strtotime($lan->start));
    $start->datetime = strtotime($lan->start);
    $events[] = $start;
    $event = new Lan_timetable();
    $event->lan_id = getCurrentLID();
    $event->orderBy('"when" ASC');
    $game = new Lan_games();
    $event->selectAs($game, "game_%s");
    $event->joinAdd($game, "LEFT");
    while ($event->fetch()) {
        $event->diff = getDiffDateTime(strtotime($event->occurs));
        //Remove old events
        if (strlen($event->diff) == 0) {
        $users = new Lan_timetable_signups();
        $users->timetable_id = $event->id;
        $event->signups = $users->count();
        $users->user_id = getCurrentUID();
        if (getCurrentUID() == 0) {
            $event->currentUserSignedUp = false;
        } else {
            $event->currentUserSignedUp = $users->count() != 0;
        if (streq("1", $event->teambased)) {