public function insert(Label $O_label) { if (!is_null($O_label->getLabel() && $O_label->getModel() && $O_label->getReference() && $O_label->getDescription() && $O_label->getLifeTime() && $O_label->getControlCycle() && $O_label->getNotice() && $O_label->getProcedure() && $O_label->getImage() && $O_label->getSize() && $O_label->getColor() && $O_label->getCategoryEpiId())) { var_dump($O_label); $S_label = $O_label->getLabel(); $S_model = $O_label->getModel(); $S_reference = $O_label->getReference(); $S_description = $O_label->getDescription(); $I_lifeTime = $O_label->getLifeTime(); $I_controleCycle = $O_label->getControlCycle(); $S_notice = $O_label->getNotice(); $S_procedure = $O_label->getProcedure(); $S_image = $O_label->getImage(); $S_size = $O_label->getSize(); $S_color = $O_label->getColor(); $I_categoryEpiId = $O_label->getCategoryEpiId(); $S_sql = 'INSERT INTO `label_epi` (`label`, `model`, `reference`, `description`, `lifetime`, `control_cycle`, `notice`, `procedure`, `image`, `size`, `color`, `category_epi_id`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $A_params = array($S_label, $S_model, $S_reference, $S_description, $I_lifeTime, $I_controleCycle, $S_notice, $S_procedure, $S_image, $S_size, $S_color, $I_categoryEpiId); $O_connection = new Connection(); if ($I_labelId = $O_connection->requestDb($S_sql, $A_params)) { return $I_labelId; } else { throw new Exception("Des informations obligatoires sont manquantes, nous ne pouvons pas créer le modèle"); } } }
public function updateActual($aData) { if (isset($aData['id'])) { $this->id = $aData['id']; $this->edited = new Doctrine_Expression('NOW()'); } else { $this->created = new Doctrine_Expression('NOW()'); $this->edited = new Doctrine_Expression('NOW()'); } $aTags = Tag::checkTags(Tag::makeTags($aData['tags'])); $this->title = $aData['title']; $this->shortcontent = trim(stripslashes($aData['shortcontent'])); $this->fullcontent = trim(stripslashes($aData['fullcontent'])); $this->tags = $aData['tags']; $this->active = $aData['active']; $this->link = Webbers_Normalize::Link($aData['title']); $this->AktualsTags->delete(); $this->AktualsLabels->delete(); $this->save(); if (sizeof($aTags) > 0) { foreach ($aTags as $tag) { $aktualTags = new AktualsTag(); $aktualTags->Aktuals_id = $this->id; $aktualTags->Tags_id = $tag->id; $aktualTags->save(); } } $labels = array(); if (isset($aData['newlabel']) and $aData['newlabel'] != '') { $newLabel = Webbers_Normalize::Name($aData['newlabel']); $label = Label::getLabel($newLabel); if ($label != false) { $labelID = $label->id; } else { $label = new Label(); $label->Gname = $newLabel; $label->save(); $labelID = $label->getIncremented(); } $labels = array($labelID); } if (isset($aData['labels']) and sizeof($aData['labels']) > 0) { $labels = array_unique(array_merge($aData['labels'], $labels)); foreach ($labels as $lab) { $al = new AktualsLabel(); $al->Labels_id = $lab; $al->Aktuals_id = $this->id; $al->save(); } } return $this->id; }